2017 Louisiana Laws
Revised Statutes
TITLE 40 - Public Health and Safety
RS 40:2108 - Hospital Licensing Council
§2108. Hospital Licensing Council
A. There is hereby established a Hospital Licensing Council composed of twelve members, eight of whom shall be appointed by the Governor as hereinafter provided, and four of whom shall be ex-officio members as hereinafter designated.
B. One member of the Hospital Licensing Council shall be chosen from the medical profession and be appointed by the Governor from a list of three names submitted by the Louisiana State Medical Society; one member shall be chosen from the dental profession and be appointed by the Governor from a list of three names submitted by the Louisiana State Dental Association; six of the members shall be actively engaged in hospital administration and shall be appointed by the Governor from a list of eighteen names submitted by the Louisiana Hospital Association, at least three of whom shall be members of governing boards or administrators of hospitals in rural areas of 50-bed capacity or less. Ex-officio members of the Hospital Licensing Council shall be the Director of the State Department of Hospitals, or his designate, the Commissioner of the State Department of Public Welfare, or his designate, the President of the State Board of Health, or his designate, and the President of the State Board of Medical Examiners, or his designate. The original members appointed from the medical and dental professions shall serve for 4 years. Three of the other original appointees shall serve staggered terms of 1, 2 and 3 years each; the other three original appointees shall serve terms of 4 years each. All subsequent appointments shall be for 4 years, except that in the case of a vacancy the appointees shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term; any vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment and from the same group as was represented by the outgoing member. The representative of the State Department of Hospitals shall serve as Chairman. Members of the Hospital Licensing Council shall meet upon call of the Chairman. Meetings shall be held at least twice each calendar year. Six members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting. Other meetings may be held on call of the Chairman or upon written request of a majority of the appointed members.
C. The appointed members of the Hospital Licensing Council shall serve without salary, but shall be allowed a per diem of $20.00 while attending meetings of the Council or while performing services for the Council under direction of the Chairman of the Council, and their actual and necessary expenses in attending meetings and carrying out their duties as members of said Council. Ex-officio members employed by the State shall be allowed only expenses for travel, payable respectively by the Department employing them, except that the President of the State Board of Medical Examiners may be paid the usual per diem in lieu of salary paid him by his Board, plus travel expenses.
D. It shall be the duty of the department to study the needs of the state in relation to the establishment of minimum standards of maintenance and operation of hospitals and to adopt and promulgate rules, regulations and minimum standards governing operation and maintenance of hospitals.
Added by Acts 1961, No. 90, §1. Amended by Acts 1977, No. 680, §58.