There Is a Newer Version of the Louisiana Laws
2013 Louisiana Laws
Revised Statutes
TITLE 17 - Education
- RS 17:1.1 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 6, 3, EFF. MAY 13, 1992.
- RS 17:2 - State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education; membership; term
- RS 17:2.1 - Districts for election of members of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
- RS 17:2.2 - Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 2, §3, eff. noon on Jan. 9, 2012.
- RS 17:3 - Domicile; organization and meetings of board
- RS 17:3.1 - Internet broadcast of board and committee meetings; archives
- RS 17:4 - Transfer of obligations, etc. of state board of education
- RS 17:4.1 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 441, §3.
- RS 17:5 - Compensation of board members
- RS 17:6 - General powers of board
- RS 17:7 - Duties, functions, and responsibilities of board
- RS 17:7.1 - Certification of teachers; certification of principals and superintendents; certification of school psychologists
- RS 17:7.2 - Approved teacher education programs
- RS 17:7.3 - Continuing education programs for teachers; reimbursement to public and nonpublic colleges and universities for tuition costs; rules and regulations; reporting; repayment for noncompletion of courses; services rendered
- RS 17:7.4 - Continuing education program for paraprofessionals; tuition exemptions; rules and regulations; eligibility; reporting; repayment for noncompletion of courses
- RS 17:7.5 - Alternative educational programs of instruction; submission of plans; board approval; program monitoring
- RS 17:7.6 - Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 10, eff. July 1, 2002.
- RS 17:7.7 - Continuing education pilot program for school support personnel in schools; reimbursement to public and nonpublic colleges and universities for tuition costs; rules and regulations; reporting; repayment for noncompletion of courses
- RS 17:8 - School books prescribed by board; contracts with publishers
- RS 17:8.1 - Disposition of school books no longer in use
- RS 17:8.2 - Electronic textbooks and instructional materials
- RS 17: 8.3 - Task Force on Textbooks and Instructional Materials
- RS 17:9 - Authority to execute mineral leases; approval by mineral board
- RS 17:10 - Approval of public schools; standards; enforcement of standards; effect of failure of a public school to meet and maintain standards
- RS 17:10.1 - School and district accountability system; purpose; responsibilities of state board
- RS 17:10.2 - School and district accountability system; trend data profiles; employee incentive awards
- RS 17:10.3 - School and district accountability; prohibited testing; exceptions
- RS 17:10.4 - Distinguished Educators Program
- RS 17:10.5 - School and district accountability; failing schools; transfer to Recovery School District; parent petitions
- RS 17:10.6 - School and district accountability; school systems academically in crisis; definitions; audit and accounting requirements
- RS 17:10.7 - School and district accountability; schools in districts in academic crisis; transfer to Recovery School District
- RS 17:10.8 - School and district accountability system; early intervention program; purpos; reponsibilities of state board
- RS 17:11 - Approval of private schools by board
- RS 17:12 - Census of educables; use of federal census
- RS 17:13 - Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 171, 3.
- RS 17:13.1 - Crime Prevention in Schools Act
- RS 17:14 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 132, §3, eff. July 1, 2010; Acts 2010, No. 732, §3, eff. July 1, 2010.
- RS 17:14.1 - Family literacy demonstration program
- RS 17:15 - Criminal history review
- RS 17:16 - Reporting of certain arrests; school employees; requirements; failure to report
- RS 17:17 - Physical fitness; students; findings; purpose
- RS 17:17.1 - Required physical activity in schools
- RS 17:17.2 - Physical activity; awards for model programs
- RS 17:17.3 - Physical fitness; pilot program
- RS 17:17.4 - Health and physical education coordinator; duties; qualifications
- RS 17:17.5 - Physical fitness assessment; statewide expansion program
- RS 17:17.6 - Targeted coordinated school health program
- RS 17:21 - Superintendent of education for public elementary and secondary education; general functions; appointment qualifications; vacancies; compensation
- RS 17:22 - Superintendent; functions and duties
- RS 17:22.1 - Repealed by Acts 1983, No. 665, 2.
- RS 17:22.2 - Repealed by Acts 1977, No. 748, 1, eff. July 21, 1977
- RS 17:23 - Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 302, §2, eff. June 28, 2011.
- RS 17:24 - State Department of Education; creation; divisions; reorganization
- RS 17:24.1 - State Department of Education; in-service training programs
- RS 17:24.2 - Department of Education; teacher selection; technical assistance
- RS 17:24.3 - Cecil J. Picard Educational and Recreational Center; rates and fees
- RS 17:24.4 - Louisiana Competency-Based Education Program; statewide standards for required subjects; Louisiana Educational Assessment Program; parish or city school board comprehensive pupil progression plan; waivers
- RS 17:24.5 - Review of elementary and secondary school facilities
- RS 17:24.6 - Writing courses for students in grades seven through twelve; pilot projects
- RS 17:24.7 - Extended kindergarten; pilot project
- RS 17:24.8 - Prekindergarten programs
- RS 17:24.9 - Quality early reading initiative; legislative findings; development; criteria; implementation; evaluation
- RS 17:24.10 - The Cecil J. Picard LA 4 Early Childhood Program; early childhood development and enrichment activity classes; establishment; eligibility; requirements; funding; study
- RS 17:24.11 - Universal dyslexia screening and intervention; early elementary grades; pilot project
- RS 17:25 - Funds for parish and city school boards; warrants
- RS 17:25.1 - Minimum foundation program; date for payments
- RS 17:26 - Expenses of superintendent and employees
- RS 17:27 - Superintendent's records; use of certified copies as evidence
- RS 17:28 - Certified school nurses; city and parish school systems; plan development, adoption, and implementation
- RS 17:29 - Social workers; failing schools; applicability
- RS 17:31 - State Advisory Commission on Teacher Education and Certification
- RS 17:32 - Domicile; organization and meetings of commission; terms; quorum; compensation
- RS 17:33 - Powers, duties, and functions
- RS 17:41 - Attorney general and superintendent; opinions and advice
- RS 17:42 - References in laws to board and superintendent
- RS 17:43 - Special schools defined; benefits for certificated teachers; legislative policy
- RS 17:44 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:45 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:46 - Sabbatical leave program
- RS 17:47 - Sick and personal leave
- RS 17:48 - Maternity leave
- RS 17:49 - Military leave
- RS 17:51 - Parish boards as bodies corporate; power to sue and be sued; service of citation
- RS 17:52 - Election and qualification of members; term of office
- RS 17:52.1 - Appointment of new members upon increase in membership
- RS 17:52.2 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:53 - School board members; training required
- RS 17:54 - Officers of boards, election; superintendents, qualifications, appointment and removal
- RS 17:55 - Executive committees; appointment
- RS 17:56 - Compensation of board members and executive committee members
- RS 17:56.1 - St. Tammany Parish School Board; compensation of members
- RS 17:57 - Representation of municipalities on parish boards
- RS 17:58 - East Baton Rouge Parish School Board; membership
- RS 17:58.1 - East Baton Rouge Parish School Board; interim successors; terms
- RS 17:58.2 - East Baton Rouge Parish School Board; reapportionment; election districts; terms
- RS 17:58.3 - East Baton Rouge Parish School Board; compensation of members
- RS 17:59 - General fund of parish school boards
- RS 17:60 - Repealed by Acts 1964, No. 310, 2; Acts 1965, No. 36, 2, both eff. Jan. 1, 1971
- RS 17:60.1 - Jefferson Parish School Board
- RS 17:60.2 - Jefferson Parish School Board; reapportionment
- RS 17:60.3 - Jefferson Parish School Board; term limits
- RS 17:60.4 - School board members; term limits; local election
- RS 17:61 - Caddo Parish School Board; number of members; election; determination of membership; districts; terms; remuneration; qualifications; vacancies
- RS 17:61.1 - Repealed by Acts 1980, No. 285, 9, eff. July 17, 1980
- RS 17:62 - Lafayette Parish School Board; term limits; voter approval
- RS 17:62.1 - Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 812, 1, eff. Nov. 25, 1999.
- RS 17:63 - Iberville Parish School Board; number of members; districts
- RS 17:64 - Zachary Community School Board and school system; creation; membership; qualifications; apportionment; election; powers, duties, and functions; system operation
- RS 17:64.1 - Zachary community school system; interim school board
- RS 17:65 - Repealed by Acts 2011, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 41, §2, eff. June 12, 2011.
- RS 17:66 - Central Community School Board and school system; creation; membership; qualifications; apportionment; election; powers, duties, and functions; system operation
- RS 17:66.1 - Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 438, §3.
- RS 17:67 - Southeast Baton Rouge Community School Board and school system; creation; membership; qualifications; apportionment; election; powers, duties, and functions; system operation
- RS 17:67.1 - Southeast Baton Rouge Community School System; interim school board
- RS 17:67.2 - Redistribution of minimum foundation program to other school systems
- RS 17:67.2.1 - Unfunded accrued liability; payment
- RS 17:67.3 - Benefits of reemployed retirees and Legacy Benefit Trust Fund for Retirees of East Baton Rouge Parish School System
- RS 17:67.4 - Payments to East Baton Rouge Parish Educational Facilities Improvement District
- RS 17:71.2 - Maximum and minimum size of boards; four-year concurrent terms
- RS 17:71.3 - Procedure for accomplishing reapportionment, special election districts; effective date of same
- RS 17:71.4 - Effective date of such reapportionment
- RS 17:71.5 - Reapportionment; reorganization
- RS 17:71.6 - Purpose and intent of Subpart
- RS 17:71.7 - School boards affected by federal court ordered reapportionment plans
- RS 17:72 - Baker School Board; election districts; compensation of members; exercise of powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities; operation of city of Baker municipal school system
- RS 17:72.1 - City of Baker interim school board
- RS 17:73 - Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 812, 1, eff. Nov. 25, 1999.
- RS 17:81 - General powers of local public school boards
- RS 17:81.1 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:81.2 - Acceptance of nonlocal funds without prior approval prohibited
- RS 17:81.3 - School bands; expenses
- RS 17:81.4 - Reductions in force; dismissal of teachers and other school employees
- RS 17:81.5 - School employees; procedure for dismissal
- RS 17:81.6 - Investigation of employees; reporting of certain irregularities or improprieties; prohibited actions; penalties; remedies
- RS 17:81.7 - Employee reports of criminal activity; law enforcement response
- RS 17:81.8 - Employee demotion; investigation
- RS 17:81.9 - School board policies; hiring procedures; statements; requirements
- RS 17:82 - Lunch departments, authority to operate
- RS 17:83 - Presidents of boards; duties; contracts with teachers, superintendents' duty to sign
- RS 17:84 - Deputy parish superintendents, assistant superintendents, supervisors, and other employees; boards' authority to appoint
- RS 17:84.1 - School janitors, school custodians, school maintenance employees; board's authority to employ; age limitation
- RS 17:84.01 - Assistant superintendents in certain districts; term of appointment; discharge for cause; other permanent status
- RS 17:84.2 - School boards; requirement to employ a business manager or chief financial officer; minimum standards
- RS 17:85 - Naming of athletic facility by school boards
- RS 17:85.1 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 841, §2, eff. July 9, 2008.
- RS 17:85.2 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 841, §2, eff. July 9, 2008.
- RS 17:85.3 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 841, §2, eff. July 9, 2008.
- RS 17:85.4 - Naming of curriculum center; St. Tammany Parish School Board
- RS 17:85.5 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 841, §2, eff. July 9, 2008.
- RS 17:85.6 - Naming of a headstart and community center; Jefferson Davis Parish School Board
- RS 17:85.7 - Naming of Reserve Officers' Training Corps building at West Monroe High School
- RS 17:85.8 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 841, §2, eff. July 9, 2008.
- RS 17:85.9 - Terminated on Dec. 31, 2004, by Acts 2004, No. 563, §3, eff. July 6, 2004.
- RS 17:85.10 - Terminated on Dec. 31, 2004, by Acts 2004, No. 718, §3, eff. July 6, 2004.
- RS 17:85.11 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 841, §2, eff. July 9, 2008.
- RS 17:85.12 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 841, §2, eff. July 9, 2008.
- RS 17:85.13 - Naming of stadium by certain school boards
- RS 17:85.14 - Naming of a performing arts center by certain school boards
- RS 17:86 - Expenses of special sessions for teachers, boards' authority to pay
- RS 17:87 - Lease or sale of school lands or of timber thereon; disposition of revenues
- RS 17:87.1 - Rights-of-way across and through sixteenth section lands
- RS 17:87.2 - Application for right-of-way over school lands; notice; advertisement; objections; terms and conditions of grant
- RS 17:87.3 - Disposition of revenues received from grants
- RS 17:87.4 - Rights-of-way across sixteenth section lands
- RS 17:87.5 - Surveys by state; approval by parish school board; agreements with landowners
- RS 17:87.6 - School property; alienation by school boards
- RS 17:87.7 - School property; school board may require liability insurance for use
- RS 17:87.8 - Leasing of sixteenth section lands for hunting and trapping; procedure
- RS 17:88 - Budget of expected revenues and expenditures; boards' duty to adopt; submission to state superintendent of education with a copy to the legislative auditor
- RS 17:89 - Financial operation of boards on fiscal year basis; restrictions on expenditures; penalty for excessive borrowing
- RS 17:89.1 - Pledge and deposit of Minimum Foundation Equalization Distribution Funds
- RS 17:90 - Office of parish superintendents, location
- RS 17:91 - City, parish, and other local public school superintendents; supervisory duties
- RS 17:92 - Financial reports of parish superintendents to the state Department of Education
- RS 17:93 - Superintendents to keep records and furnish requested information
- RS 17:94 - Oaths of office; superintendents' duty to administer
- RS 17:95 - Superintendents as treasurers of school funds
- RS 17:96 - Treasurer's duty to demand funds from predecessor
- RS 17:97 - Disbursement of parish and city school funds; use of facsimile signatures on checks; bond required
- RS 17:97.1 - Formula for minimum foundation program; certain local funds not to be used
- RS 17:97.2 - Formula for minimum foundation program; additional funds not to be used in formula
- RS 17:98 - Special schoolhouse tax; certificates of indebtedness; anticipation of revenues
- RS 17:99 - Investment of funds
- RS 17:100 - Parishes authorized to aid in construction of schools
- RS 17:100.1 - Alternative educational programs; certain adjudicated students; students in the custody of the office of juvenile justice; funding; authority of the local school board to contract; inclusion in minimum foundation program; funding formula
- RS 17:100.2 - Multiparish compacts
- RS 17:100.3 - Exception to multiparish compacts
- RS 17:100.4 - Grievance procedures for teachers and other school employees
- RS 17:100.5 - Alternative schools; establishment by local boards
- RS 17:100.6 - School property; jurisdiction
- RS 17:100.7 - Policies; governing authorities of public elementary and secondary schools; Internet and online sites; access by students and employees; exceptions
- RS 17:100.8 - Student biometric information; collection and use
- RS 17:100.10 - Public School Facilities Financing Act
- RS 17:101 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 502, §1.
- RS 17:102 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 502, §1.
- RS 17:103 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 502, §1.
- RS 17:104 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 502, §1.
- RS 17:104.1 - Local boards; authority; effect of provisional custody by mandate
- RS 17:105 - Admission to schools in adjoining parishes
- RS 17:105.1 - Transfer to schools in an adjoining school system; conditions; exceptions; funding
- RS 17:106 - Objections and requests; hearings and investigations
- RS 17:107 - Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 638, 3
- RS 17:108 - Findings and actions of board as final; appeals
- RS 17:109 - Appearance of attorney general; costs
- RS 17:110 - Immunity of school boards and agents
- RS 17:111 - Discrimination in public schools prohibited; pupil assignment; religious educational institutions
- RS 17:112 - Student academic records; transfer; parental rights
- RS 17:121 - Orleans Parish; election and terms of members; apportionment; qualifications; compensation; vacancies; prohibited acts
- RS 17:122 - Application of general laws and regulations of state board of education
- RS 17:123 - Superintendent of schools as treasurer of board; bond
- RS 17:124 - Appropriations, authority to make
- RS 17:125 - Normal schools; authority to maintain; salary schedules
- RS 17:126 - Courses of study and text books; authority to adopt
- RS 17:127 - Revenues of parish school board; duty to secure
- RS 17:128 - Contracts; bids
- RS 17:151 - Public schools; establishment by parish boards; pupil-classroom-teacher ratios
- RS 17:151.1 - Additional grades in secondary schools; establishment by local boards; approval of degrees, diplomas, and certificates
- RS 17:151.2 - Consolidated multiparish vocational-technical school districts; St. John the Baptist, St. Charles and St. James Parish
- RS 17:151.3 - Kindergarten; establishment; entrance age; first grade enrollment, prerequisites
- RS 17:152 - Minimum average attendance required for maintenance of schools
- RS 17:153 - Agreements for combination of public and parochial schools prohibited
- RS 17:154 - Curriculum; length of school periods
- RS 17:154.1 - Length of school day and year; requirements
- RS 17:154.2 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:154.3 - School schedules; minimum work days; instructional days
- RS 17:154.4 - School schedules; additional instructional days; employee work stoppages
- RS 17:155 - Attendance of pupils in schools of adjoining parishes or cities; per capita cost of instruction
- RS 17:156 - Physical examination for students
- RS 17:157 - Ferries and toll bridges, etc.; free passage to students
- RS 17:158 - School buses for transportation of students; employment of bus operators; alternative means of transportation; improvement of school bus turnarounds
- RS 17:158.1 - Purchase of school buses; athletic departments of high schools
- RS 17:158.2 - Purchase of school buses; resale to bus operators
- RS 17:158.3 - Purchase of school buses; pooling of purchases by school boards
- RS 17:158.4 - Purchase of school buses; ninety passenger capacity
- RS 17:158.5 - Purchase of school buses; specifications required
- RS 17:158.6 - School Bus Purchase Program; creation; purpose; administration
- RS 17:158.7 - Lease of school buses from school bus operators
- RS 17:159 - Insurance against injury to pupils transported to school
- RS 17:159.1 - Insurance on privately owned school busses; withholding amounts to pay premiums; governmental immunity no defense
- RS 17:159.2 - Insurance premiums as obligation of boards; privately owned buses
- RS 17:160 - School bus drivers under eighteen years of age prohibited; penalty
- RS 17:161 - School bus chrome requirements; options
- RS 17:162 - School busses purchased for private use
- RS 17:163 - Penalties
- RS 17:164 - Regulations relating to construction, design, equipment, and operation of school busses
- RS 17:164.1 - Additional regulations; crossing control device required; compliance
- RS 17:164.2 - Additional regulations; occupant restraint systems required; compliance
- RS 17:165 - Penalty for violation of regulations
- RS 17:166 - Promulgation of rules and regulations
- RS 17:167 - Certification of child's age upon entering a parish or city school system or private school for the first time; proof of age to qualify for athletic event participation
- RS 17:168 - Cities or parishes with 300,000 or more population; extra duties of school bus operators
- RS 17:169 - Insurance covering students participating in athletics and sports
- RS 17:170 - Immunization of persons entering schools, kindergartens, colleges, proprietary or vocational schools, and day care centers for the first time; immunization of person entering sixth grade; electronic transmission of immunization compliance reports
- RS 17:170.1 - Immunizations of persons registering for courses at postsecondary education institutions requirements; exceptions; electronic transmission of immunization compliance reports
- RS 17:170.2 - Immunization information; meningococcal disease
- RS 17:170.3 - Immunization information; human papillomavirus
- RS 17:170.4 - Immunizations of certain persons against meningococcal disease; exceptions
- RS 17:171 - Health insurance eligibility status of students attending certain schools
- RS 17:172 - Procedures for making complaints or requesting information from schools; parental notification; rules and regulations
- RS 17:173 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:174 - Class size; maximum
- RS 17:175 - Course registration in any public secondary school; course registration information; school boards; parents
- RS 17:176 - Extracurricular activities; interscholastic athletics; participation; standards; prohibitions; filming or videotaping; definitions
- RS 17:176.1 - Field trips and extracurricular activities; rules and procedures
- RS 17:177 - Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 329, §2.
- RS 17:178 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:179 - Student identification badges; authorization and display; Rapides Parish School Board; rules and regulations
- RS 17:180 - Pilot program; decisionmaking skills; participating school systems; implementation; funding
- RS 17:181 - Vocational agricultural, agribusiness, and agriscience programs; funding
- RS 17:182 - Student reading skills; requirements; reports
- RS 17:183 - Hazing; public elementary and secondary students; intent and findings; definitions; policies
- RS 17:183.1 - Purpose
- RS 17:183.2 - Career option description
- RS 17:183.3 - Career major; description; curriculum and graduation requirements
- RS 17:183.4 - Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 246, §2, eff. July 1, 2009; Acts 2009, No. 257, §3, eff. July 1, 2009; Acts 2009, No. 298, §2, eff. July 1, 2009.
- RS 17:183.5 - Methods of program development; options to aid in curriculum design; career major teachers
- RS 17:183.6 - Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 246, §2, eff. July 1, 2009; Acts 2009, No. 257, §3, eff. July 1, 2009; Acts 2009, No. 298, §2, eff. July 1, 2009.
- RS 17:183.7 - Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 246, §2, eff. July 1, 2009; Acts 2009, No. 257, §3, eff. July 1, 2009; Acts 2009, No. 298, §2, eff. July 1, 2009.
- RS 17:183.8 - Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 246, §2, eff. July 1, 2009; Acts 2009, No. 257, §3, eff. July 1, 2009; Acts 2009, No. 298, §2, eff. July 1, 2009.
- RS 17:183.9 - Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 246, §2, eff. July 1, 2009; Acts 2009, No. 257, §3, eff. July 1, 2009; Acts 2009, No. 298, §2, eff. July 1, 2009.
- RS 17:185.2 - Agricultural education; legislative findings; intent
- RS 17:185.3 - Agricultural education; state action plan
- RS 17:185.4 - Effectiveness
- RS 17:187.1 - Legislative findings; purpose
- RS 17:187.2 - Definitions
- RS 17:187.3 - Dual enrollment; state and local board requirements; community or technical college and board of supervisors requirements
- RS 17:187.4 - Dual enrollment; funding
- RS 17:187.5 - State board; board of supervisors; guidelines; powers and duties
- RS 17:191 - Terms defined
- RS 17:192 - Lunches and breakfasts; duty to furnish
- RS 17:192.1 - Meals; denial to students; procedures
- RS 17:193 - Federal funds for nutrition programs; state Department of Education's authority to receive
- RS 17:194 - Administration of nutrition program; general powers of governing authorities of nutrition program providers; funds for privately supplied programs for profit prohibited; exceptions
- RS 17:195 - Operation of nutrition program; general powers of governing authorities of nutrition program providers; forbidden acts; penalties
- RS 17:195.1 - Repealed by Acts 1960, No. 288, 1
- RS 17:196 - Rules and regulations; state Department of Education's duty to prescribe
- RS 17:197 - Studies regarding improvement and expansion of nutrition program; state Department of Education's duty to conduct
- RS 17:197.1 - Foods and beverages other than school breakfast or lunch in public elementary and secondary schools; legislative findings; restrictions
- RS 17:198 - Additional funds
- RS 17:199 - Retention of reimbursement funds by governing authorities of nutrition program providers
- RS 17:201 - Terminated June 30, 2001. See Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 35, §1, eff. July 6, 1994; Acts 1996, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 37, §1, eff. May 7, 1996; Acts 1997, No. 831, §1, eff. July 10, 1997; Acts 1999, No. 727, §1, eff. July 1, 1999.
- RS 17:202 - Terminated June 30, 2001. See Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 35, §1, eff. July 6, 1994; Acts 1996, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 37, §1, eff. May 7, 1996; Acts 1997, No. 831, §1, eff. July 10, 1997; Acts 1999, No. 727, §1, eff. July 1, 1999.
- RS 17:203 - Terminated June 30, 2001. See Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 35, §1, eff. July 6, 1994; Acts 1996, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 37, §1, eff. May 7, 1996; Acts 1997, No. 831, §1, eff. July 10, 1997; Acts 1999, No. 727, §1, eff. July 1, 1999.
- RS 17:204 - Terminated June 30, 2001. See Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 35, §1, eff. July 6, 1994; Acts 1996, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 37, §1, eff. May 7, 1996; Acts 1997, No. 831, §1, eff. July 10, 1997; Acts 1999, No. 727, §1, eff. July 1, 1999.
- RS 17:205 - Terminated June 30, 2001. See Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 35, §1, eff. July 6, 1994; Acts 1996, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 37, §1, eff. May 7, 1996; Acts 1997, No. 831, §1, eff. July 10, 1997; Acts 1999, No. 727, §1, eff. July 1, 1999.
- RS 17:221 - School attendance; compulsory ages; duty of parents; excessive absences; condition for driving privileges
- RS 17:221.1 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:221.2 - Assignment of pupils; parental request
- RS 17:221.3 - Student enrollment notification; required schools and programs; content
- RS 17:221.4 - Dropout prevention and recovery program
- RS 17:221.5 - Placement in classrooms of children born at the same birth event; parental request; limitations
- RS 17:222 - Age of school entrance; proof of age, race, and parentage required; exceptions
- RS 17:223 - Discipline of pupils; suspension from school, corporal punishment
- RS 17:223.1 - In-school suspension pilot projects
- RS 17:224 - Unadjustable or incorrigible children; reports to juvenile courts; expulsion, assignments, and transfers
- RS 17:225 - Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 160, 3, eff. July 1, 1998.
- RS 17:225.1 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:226 - Exemptions from compulsory attendance
- RS 17:226.1 - Compulsory attendance; exemption for minors engaged in artistic or creative services
- RS 17:227 - State directors of child welfare and attendance; duties
- RS 17:228 - Visiting teachers, or supervisors of child welfare and attendance
- RS 17:229 - Appointment of visiting teachers, or supervisors of child welfare and attendance
- RS 17:230 - Powers and duties of visiting teachers, or supervisors of child welfare and attendance
- RS 17:231 - Retirement, tenure, and other welfare benefits of visiting teachers, or supervisors of child welfare and attendance
- RS 17:232 - Attendance records, principals' and teachers' duty to furnish; penalty for violation; pupil absence upon own authority prohibited; notice
- RS 17:233 - Cases of habitual absence or tardiness referred to juvenile or family court; denial or suspension of driving priviliges
- RS 17:234 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:235 - Cooperation of other state agencies and institutions with visiting teachers, or supervisors of child welfare and attendance
- RS 17:235.1 - Parent orientation; mandatory for school entrance; city and parish school boards; guidelines; employer responsibilities
- RS 17:235.2 - Statements of compliance; students and parents; required
- RS 17:236 - Definition of a school
- RS 17:236.1 - Approval of home study programs
- RS 17:236.2 - Home study program participants; admission to public schools
- RS 17:236.3 - Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 294, §2.
- RS 17:237 - Authority to suspend
- RS 17:238 - Education of children having no permanent address, certain abandoned children, and children in foster care
- RS 17:239 - Prohibition against unauthorized use of electronic telecommunication devices; exceptions; penalties
- RS 17:240 - Prohibition against use of tobacco in schools; prohibition against smoking on school bus; rules and regulations
- RS 17:251 - Short title; legislative intent
- RS 17:252 - School master plans for supporting student behavior and discipline
- RS 17:253 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 413, 1.
- RS 17:254 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 413, 1.
- RS 17:255 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:256 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:257 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:258 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:259 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:260 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:261 - Constitution of the United States
- RS 17:262 - Flag of the United States; required instruction
- RS 17:263 - Adoption awareness; required instruction
- RS 17:264 - Community service; high school diploma endorsement program
- RS 17:265 - The Founding Principles of the United States of America; required instruction
- RS 17:266 - Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 329, §2.
- RS 17:267 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:268 - Declaration of Independence and Federalist Papers
- RS 17:269 - Selective service obligation orientation program
- RS 17:270 - Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 294, §5.
- RS 17:271 - Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 294, §5.
- RS 17:271.1 - Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 294, §5.
- RS 17:272 - French language and culture; teaching in public schools
- RS 17:273 - Second languages; teaching in public schools
- RS 17:273.1 - Critical languages; teaching in public schools
- RS 17:273.2 - Foreign language immersion programs; certification process; criteria
- RS 17:273.3 - Foreign language immersion programs; creation by local school boards; parent petition
- RS 17:274 - Free enterprise; elective course
- RS 17:274.1 - Civics and Free Enterprise; required
- RS 17:275 - Curriculum; breast self-examination and cervical cancer tests
- RS 17:276 - Physical education programs; secondary schools
- RS 17:277 - Black history and the historical contributions of all nationalities; required study
- RS 17:278 - Braille; required instruction
- RS 17:279 - Parenthood education; required course
- RS 17:280 - Internet and cell phone safety education; required instruction
- RS 17:282 - Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 138, §3.
- RS 17:282.1 - Watercraft safety course; establishment; implementation; purpose; student participation; rules and regulations; assistance from Department of Wildlife and Fisheries; definitions
- RS 17:282.2 - Character education programs; legislative findings; clearinghouse for information; permissive curriculum; dissemination of information; progress reports; rules and regulations
- RS 17:282.3 - Personal financial education; instruction
- RS 17:282.4 - Youth suicide prevention programs; intent; rules; services; funding
- RS 17:283 - Interdisciplinary courses; dropout prevention
- RS 17:284 - American Sign Language; secondary schools
- RS 17:285 - African language; public elementary and secondary schools
- RS 17:285.1 - Science education; development of critical thinking skills
- RS 17:286 - Violence prevention, self-esteem, and peer mediation
- RS 17:286.1 - Short title
- RS 17:286.2 - Purpose
- RS 17:286.3 - Definitions
- RS 17:286.4 - Authorization for balanced treatment; requirement for nondiscrimination
- RS 17:286.5 - Clarifications
- RS 17:286.6 - Funding of inservice training and materials acquisition
- RS 17:286.7 - Curriculum development
- RS 17:291 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:292 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:293 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:294 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:295 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:321 - Repealed by Acts 1956, No. 319, 8; Acts 1960, No. 496, IX
- RS 17:322 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:323 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:324 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:325 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:326 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:331 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 544, §1.
- RS 17:332 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 544, §1.
- RS 17:333 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 544, §1.
- RS 17:334 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 544, §1.
- RS 17:334.1 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 544, §1.
- RS 17:335 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 135, §1, and Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:336 - Repealed by Acts 1960, 1st Ex.Sess., No. 7, 1, eff. Nov. 8, 1960
- RS 17:337 - Repealed by Acts 1960, 1st Ex.Sess., No. 8, eff. Nov. 8, 1960
- RS 17:341 - Purpose
- RS 17:342 - Year-round operation
- RS 17:343 - Feasibility study; proposed plan of operation
- RS 17:344 - Approval required prior to implementation
- RS 17:345 - Rules and regulations
- RS 17:346 - Rules and regulations; conflict with other laws
- RS 17:346.1 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:347 - Funding
- RS 17:348 - Louisiana Schools for the Deaf and Visually Impaired; Louisiana Special Education Center; year-round operation; continuing service
- RS 17:348.1 - To 348.7 Repealed by Acts 1960, 1st Ex.Sess., No. 6, 1, eff. Nov. 8, 1960
- RS 17:349.1 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:349.2 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 135, §1, and Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:349.3 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:349.4 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:349.5 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:350.1 - Repealed by Acts 1985, No. 831, 1.
- RS 17:350.2 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:350.3 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:350.4 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:350.5 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:350.6 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:350.7 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:350.8 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:350.9 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:350.10 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:350.11 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:350.12 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:350.13 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:350.14 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:350.21 - University laboratory schools operated by Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College and by Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College; funding formula
- RS 17:351 - Free school books and other materials of instruction
- RS 17:352 - Books, films, other school materials; screening required
- RS 17:353 - Costs of administration; textbooks and instructional material distribution to nonpublic school students
- RS 17:354 - Academic Improvement Fund; creation; purpose; uses
- RS 17:361 - Required reports and records; cost reimbursement to approved nonpublic schools
- RS 17:362 - Applications for reimbursement
- RS 17:363 - Maintenance of records
- RS 17:364 - Payment
- RS 17:365 - Audit
- RS 17:371 - Purpose
- RS 17:372 - Definitions
- RS 17:373 - Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 10, eff. July 1, 2002.
- RS 17:374 - Quality Science and Mathematics Council; creation; membership; terms; vacancies; domicile; meetings; compensation
- RS 17:375 - Duties and responsibilities of the council
- RS 17:376 - Quality Science and Mathematics Program; establishment; participation; phase-in
- RS 17:377 - Quality Science and Mathematics Program; oversight
- RS 17:381 - Acceptance of donations by state and parish school boards
- RS 17:382 - Administration of property in conformity with act of donation
- RS 17:383 - Mode of administration; donor's right to prescribe
- RS 17:384 - Restrictions on alienability of property donated
- RS 17:385 - Laws relative to fidei commissa, etc., inapplicable
- RS 17:386 - Remuneration for administering donations
- RS 17:391.1 - Repealed by Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 1, 3, eff. June 22, 1994.
- RS 17:391.2 - Definitions
- RS 17:391.3 - Program for educational accountability
- RS 17:391.4 - Pupil proficiency
- RS 17:391.5 - Repealed by Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 1, 3, eff. June 22, 1994.
- RS 17:391.6 - Content course evaluation
- RS 17:391.7 - Testing
- RS 17:391.8 - Reports
- RS 17:391.9 - Public school accreditation
- RS 17:391.10 - Monitoring of programs by Department of Education
- RS 17:391.11 - School readiness assessment; kindergarten instrument selection; administration; reporting
- RS 17:391.12 - Repealed by Acts 1986, No. 146, 3, eff. July 2, 1986.
- RS 17:391.13 - Talent Search Program
- RS 17:392 - Repealed by Acts 1988, No. 659, 2, eff. July 15, 1988.
- RS 17:392.1 - Screening and intervention; purpose; applicability; city and parish school system, duties
- RS 17:392.2 - Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 581, 2, eff. July 1, 1999.
- RS 17:392.3 - Implementation
- RS 17:393 - Opportunity classes; first grade high-risk students; pilot program
- RS 17:394 - Short title
- RS 17:395 - Statement of purpose
- RS 17:396 - Definitions
- RS 17:397 - Student eligibility
- RS 17:398 - Allocation of funds; pilot programs; inclusion within the minimum foundation program
- RS 17:399 - Program for remedial education; distribution of funds to local city and parish school boards; regulations
- RS 17:400 - Administration; technical assistance and monitoring; rules and regulations by the state board; annual reporting; effectiveness
- RS 17:401 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 652, §1.
- RS 17:401.11 - Purpose
- RS 17:401.12 - Summer enrichment programs; mandate; content; student eligibility
- RS 17:401.13 - Applicability
- RS 17:402 - Findings and purpose
- RS 17:403 - Section on drug free schools and communities; program; section administrator; counselors
- RS 17:404 - Establishment of programs of substance abuse
- RS 17:405 - Drug free zone; notice; signs
- RS 17:406 - Short title
- RS 17:406.1 - Findings, declaration of necessity, and purpose
- RS 17:406.2 - Coordination of policies
- RS 17:406.3 - Parental advocacy
- RS 17:406.4 - Clearinghouse of parental involvement
- RS 17:406.5 - Demonstration grants and other assistance
- RS 17:406.6 - Parental involvement school policies; demonstration program
- RS 17:406.7 - Parent-teacher conferences; required attendance; consequences
- RS 17:406.8 - Parental involvement; parenting classes; recognition for participation
- RS 17:407 - Legislative intent
- RS 17:407.1 - Definitions
- RS 17:407.2 - Louisiana Early Childhood Opportunity Program
- RS 17:407.3 - Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 438, §4(B).
- RS 17:407.4 - Louisiana HIPPY Coordinator; appointment; duties and responsibilities
- RS 17:407.5 - Early childhood programs; qualifications; funding
- RS 17:407.6 - Criteria for determining need
- RS 17:407.7 - Notification
- RS 17:407.8 - Participation requirements; implementation
- RS 17:407.21 - Short title
- RS 17:407.22 - Legislative findings and intent
- RS 17:407.23 - Early Childhood Care and Education Network; creation; components; duties and responsibilities
- RS 17:407.24 - Rules
- RS 17:407.25 - Applicability; limitation
- RS 17:408.1 - Caddo Educational Excellence Fund; creation; investment
- RS 17:408.2 - Bossier Education Excellence Fund; purpose; creation; investment; restrictions on use of principal; withdrawal of earnings; expenditures from earnings limited to educational enhancement
- RS 17:412 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 501, §1.
- RS 17:413 - Prerequisites for employment
- RS 17:414 - Qualification of teacher as prerequisite to payment
- RS 17:414.1 - Public elementary and secondary school principals; duties
- RS 17:414.2 - Influence by superintendent, principals, and others on student grades; board's duty; limitations on grade changes
- RS 17:414.3 - School fund; management, expenditure, and accounting; duties of school principal; accounts for certain closed schools; committees; creation and authority; policies
- RS 17:415 - School records; duty to keep reports by school principal
- RS 17:415.1 - Materials; adoption procedures; definition
- RS 17:416 - Discipline of pupils; suspension; expulsion
- RS 17:416.1 - Discipline of pupils; additional disciplinary authority
- RS 17:416.2 - Supervision of suspended or expelled students; alternative education programs
- RS 17:416.3 - Search of students' persons, desks, lockers, other areas; defense of suits against school personnel; indemnification; reporting of implements seized
- RS 17:416.4 - Civil liability; legal defense and indemnification of all public school employees
- RS 17:416.5 - Same; attorney fees
- RS 17:416.6 - Search of persons entering public school buildings or grounds
- RS 17:416.7 - Dress codes; authorization; notification requirement
- RS 17:416.8 - Discipline policy review committees; school option
- RS 17:416.9 - Schools' duty as to safety; imminent danger to teachers; inspection; restraining order; other relief
- RS 17:416.10 - Visitor authorization; public elementary or secondary school grounds, buildings, and other facilities
- RS 17:416.11 - Discipline of pupils; limitation of liability
- RS 17:416.12 - Students; appropriate conduct; compliance
- RS 17:416.13 - Student code of conduct; requirement; bullying; prohibition; notice; reporting; accountability
- RS 17:416.14 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 861, §6, eff. June 14, 2012.
- RS 17:416.15 - Zero tolerance policies; authorization; conflict resolution classes; fees; compliance
- RS 17:416.16 - School crisis management and response plans
- RS 17:416.17 - Youth development and assistance programs; legislative findings and purpose; school authority for programs for elementary students
- RS 17:416.18 - Teacher Bill of Rights
- RS 17:416.19 - School resource officers
- RS 17:416.20 - Student conduct standards; awareness and understanding by students; required orientation; guidelines
- RS 17:416.21 - Behavior of students with exceptionalities; use of seclusion and physical restraint
- RS 17:417 - Courses of study and school regulations; enforcement by teachers
- RS 17:418 - Salaries; teachers and other school employees
- RS 17:419 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:419.1 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:419.2 - Extra compensation for school support personnel
- RS 17:420 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:420.1 - Inclusion of employers' contributions for budget purposes
- RS 17:421 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:421.1 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:421.2 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:421.3 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:421.4 - Salary increases, noninstructional school personnel
- RS 17:421.5 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:421.6 - Adjustments in salaries of teachers having certificates issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
- RS 17:421.7 - Support Education in Louisiana First Fund
- RS 17:421.8 - Supplements to salaries of school counselors having certain certificates issued by the National Board for Certified Counselors
- RS 17:421.9 - Supplements to salaries of school psychologists having certain credentials issued by the National School Psychology Certification Board
- RS 17:421.10 - Supplements to salaries of school social workers having certain certificates issued by the National Association of Social Workers
- RS 17:421.11 - Supplements to salaries of school speech-language pathologists and audiologists having certain certificates issued by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association
- RS 17:421.12 - Supplements to salaries of school educational diagnosticians having certain credentials issued by the National Certification of Educational Diagnosticians Board
- RS 17:422 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012
- RS 17:422.1 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:422.2 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:422.3 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:422.4 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:422.5 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:422.6 - Hourly wages and salaries for school employees; reduction limitations; definition
- RS 17:423 - Persons entering military service; right to prior service credit
- RS 17:424 - Credit for years of service to teachers transferring
- RS 17:424.1 - Credit for teaching service in the United States armed forces institute school system
- RS 17:424.2 - Credit for teaching in state-approved private elementary and secondary school under state minimum salary schedule
- RS 17:424.3 - Credit for teaching in out-of-state public elementary and secondary schools under state minimum salary schedule
- RS 17:425 - Payment of accrued sick leave upon retirement or death
- RS 17:425.1 - Payment of severance pay; DROP participants
- RS 17:425.2 - Payment for unused sick and annual leave; certain unclassified employees
- RS 17:426 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 501, §1.
- RS 17:427 - Teachers of exceptional children; compensation
- RS 17:427.1 - Legislative findings; intent
- RS 17:427.2 - Critical Teacher Shortage Incentive Program; creation; purpose; definitions; contracts; administration; implementation; reporting; funding
- RS 17:427.3 - Teach Louisiana First Program; purpose; eligibility criteria; incentive payments; reports; administration; funding
- RS 17:427.4 - Intent; purpose; teachers' homebuyer program; authorization
- RS 17:427.5 - Qualified teachers' incentive program; authorization
- RS 17:428 - Supervisors, principals, teachers and other employees prohibited from serving on employing school board; service on neighboring or other school board
- RS 17:429 - Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 449, §1.
- RS 17:430 - Applicants for public school employment; disclosure requirements; penalties; definitions
- RS 17:431 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:432 - Outstanding teachers; superintendents' awards; other merit awards
- RS 17:432.1 - Outstanding school support employee award; definition; selection; recognition
- RS 17:433 - Outstanding state teacher award
- RS 17:433.1 - Outstanding state principal awards
- RS 17:434 - Planning time and lunch periods for teachers; required
- RS 17:435 - Administering catheters; conditions; restrictions
- RS 17:436 - Performing noncomplex health procedures; definitions; conditions; restrictions; safety equipment, materials, and supplies
- RS 17:436.1 - Administration of medication; definition; conditions; restrictions
- RS 17:436.2 - Psychotropic drugs; school board and charter school policies; prohibition; teacher recommendations; definitions
- RS 17:436.3 - Students with diabetes; management and treatment plans; provision of care; unlicensed diabetes care assistants; student self-monitoring and treatment
- RS 17:437 - Communicable disease prevention and control; in-service educational training; materials and supplies
- RS 17:437.1 - Suicide prevention; in-service training; materials and supplies; limitation on liability
- RS 17:438 - Permitted withholdings; exceptions
- RS 17:439 - Limitation of liability; statements or actions; exceptions
- RS 17:440 - School employees; prohibition on use of social security numbers as personal identifiers
- RS 17:440.1 - School employees; first aid training; policies
- RS 17:441 - Definitions
- RS 17:442 - Tenure
- RS 17:443 - Removal of teachers; procedure; right to appeal
- RS 17:444 - Promotions to and employment into positions of higher salary and tenure
- RS 17:445 - Rules and regulations impairing provisions prohibited
- RS 17:446 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:461 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:462 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:463 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:464 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:491 - Definitions
- RS 17:491.1 - Preemployment driving record examination
- RS 17:491.2 - Limitations on driving privileges
- RS 17:491.3 - Reporting of certain arrests; requirements; failure to report
- RS 17:492 - Probation and tenure of bus operators
- RS 17:493 - Removal of bus operators; procedures; right to appeal
- RS 17:493.1 - Filling route vacancies
- RS 17:494 - Rules and regulations impairing provisions prohibited
- RS 17:495 - Establishment of minimum salary schedules
- RS 17:496 - Minimum salaries
- RS 17:496.1 - Minimum salaries
- RS 17:497 - School bus drivers; operational schedules
- RS 17:497.1 - Operation compensation for certain school bus operators
- RS 17:497.2 - Remuneration for participation in in-service training programs
- RS 17:497.3 - In-service training; schedule
- RS 17:497.4 - Training and certification; school bus operators; training sessions
- RS 17:498 - Ownership of bus; determination of salary
- RS 17:499 - Insufficiency of appropriation; effect
- RS 17:499.1 - Minimum salaries; exceptions
- RS 17:500 - Sick leave for school bus operators; minimum pay for substitute
- RS 17:500.1 - School bus operators; sick leave
- RS 17:500.2 - School bus operators; extended sick leave
- RS 17:521 - Definitions
- RS 17:522 - Probationary term and tenure; employees other than teachers
- RS 17:523 - Permanent employees; causes for removal; procedure
- RS 17:524 - Rules and regulations impairing provisions prohibited
- RS 17:525 - Promotion of employees other than teachers
- RS 17:531 - Definitions
- RS 17:532 - Probationary term and tenure
- RS 17:533 - Permanent employees; causes for removal; procedure
- RS 17:534 - Promotions; probationary periods and tenure
- RS 17:535 - Rules and regulations impairing provisions prohibited
- RS 17:540 - Definitions
- RS 17:541 - Probation and tenure of employees
- RS 17:542 - Permanent employees; causes for removal; procedure
- RS 17:543 - Promotions; protection of tenure
- RS 17:544 - Rules and regulations impairing provisions prohibited
- RS 17:711 - Redesignated as R.S. 11:901.1-901.17 pursuant to R.S. 24:253.
- RS 17:721 - Redesignated as R.S. 11:901.18-901.27 pursuant to R.S. 24:253.
- RS 17:741 - Redesignated as R.S. 11:901.28-901.34 pursuant to R.S. 24:253.
- RS 17:761 - Redesignated R.S. 11:901.35-901.38 pursuant to R.S. 24:253.
- RS 17:771 - To 781 redesignated as R.S. 11:921 to 931 by Acts 1991, No. 74, 3.
- RS 17:881 - To 994 redesignated as R.S. 11:1001 to 1204 by Acts 1991, No. 74, 3.
- RS 17:1011 - Redesignated as R.S. 11:951.1-951.88 pursuant to R.S. 24:253.
- RS 17:1170 - Definitions
- RS 17:1171 - Eligibility for sabbatical leaves
- RS 17:1172 - Applications for leave; time for filing; notification of approval or denial
- RS 17:1173 - Method of selecting and order of preference among applicants
- RS 17:1174 - Notification of grant or rejection of application
- RS 17:1175 - Information required in application
- RS 17:1176 - Grounds for rejection of application
- RS 17:1177 - Manner in which leave may be spent
- RS 17:1178 - Reports on manner of spending leave
- RS 17:1179 - Termination of leave
- RS 17:1180 - Sabbatical leave not to preclude salary increase
- RS 17:1181 - Service on sabbatical leave as active service for retirement purposes
- RS 17:1182 - Return to same position
- RS 17:1183 - Rights of person on leave
- RS 17:1184 - Compensation while on leave
- RS 17:1185 - Payment of compensation to persons on leave
- RS 17:1186 - Leave without pay; preservation of tenure rights
- RS 17:1187 - Persons granted sabbatical leave; return to service
- RS 17:1200 - Definitions
- RS 17:1201 - Amount of sick leave; reimbursement; injury on the job
- RS 17:1202 - Teachers; extended sick leave
- RS 17:1203 - Pay deduction for tardiness
- RS 17:1204 - Penalty for violations
- RS 17:1205 - Employee" defined
- RS 17:1206 - Ten days sick leave for employees; cumulation of unused sick leave
- RS 17:1206.1 - School employees; sick leave
- RS 17:1206.2 - Employees; extended sick leave
- RS 17:1207 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 1, §4, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:1208.1 - School employees; amount and use of personal leave
- RS 17:1211 - Maternity leave for teachers; tenure status unaffected; definition
- RS 17:1212 - Substitute teachers to fill vacancies; appointment
- RS 17:1213 - Tenure rights of substitute teachers
- RS 17:1215 - Military leave for teachers; tenure status unaffected
- RS 17:1216 - Substitute teachers to fill vacancies; appointment
- RS 17:1217 - Tenure rights of substitute teachers
- RS 17:1221 - Authority to contract for group life insurance; former employees
- RS 17:1222 - Premiums
- RS 17:1223 - Authority to contract for group hospital insurance; payment of premiums; coverage; voluntary nature of participation
- RS 17:1224 - Alternative means of providing for benefits
- RS 17:1231 - Short title
- RS 17:1232 - Statement of purpose
- RS 17:1233 - Definitions
- RS 17:1234 - Requisite signature of school employee on all documents placed in personnel file
- RS 17:1235 - Rebuttal and response
- RS 17:1236 - Procedure for filing of rebuttal and response
- RS 17:1237 - Access to files
- RS 17:1238 - Public records; effect of this Part
- RS 17:1239 - To 1250 Repealed by Acts 1982, No. 718, 11; Acts 1982, No. 769, 3.
- RS 17:1251 - Purpose
- RS 17:1252 - Establishment of clearinghouse
- RS 17:1253 - Clearinghouse; database
- RS 17:1254 - To 1302 Repealed by Acts 1982, No. 718, 11; Acts 1982, No. 769, 3.
- RS 17:1315 - Purchase of annuities by school boards for teachers and other school employees; income taxation thereof
- RS 17:1321 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:1322 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:1323 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:1324 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:1325 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:1371 - Creation of school districts by parish school boards
- RS 17:1371.1 - School districts formed under R.S. 17:1371; confirmation
- RS 17:1371.2 - Proceedings for creation of school districts, incurring of indebtedness, special taxes; confirmation
- RS 17:1372 - Establishment of sub-districts; restrictions; special taxes and bond issues
- RS 17:1373 - Parish school board as governing body of school districts; authority to hold special school tax elections
- RS 17:1374 - To 1376 Repealed by Acts 1958, No. 123, 2.
- RS 17:1377 - Validation of existing consolidated districts; proceedings for bond issues
- RS 17:1378 - Assumption by consolidated districts of indebtedness of included districts; election required
- RS 17:1379 - Consolidation of school systems; call of election
- RS 17:1380 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:1381 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:1382 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:1441 - Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 313, 3, eff. July 17, 1975.
- RS 17:1451 - Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 313, 3, eff. July 17, 1975.
- RS 17:1453 - Terms and appointment of members of board
- RS 17:1454 - Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 313, 3, eff. July 17, 1975
- RS 17:1455 - Meetings of board; quorum and vote for official action
- RS 17:1456 - Officers and employees of the board
- RS 17:1457 - To 1462 Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 313, 3, eff. July 17, 1975.
- RS 17:1471 - To 1474 Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 313, 3, eff. July 17, 1975.
- RS 17:1491 - Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 313, 3, eff. July 17, 1975
- RS 17:1492 - Louisiana Geological Survey
- RS 17:1501 - Louisiana State University at Alexandria; governance; location
- RS 17:1501.1 - Louisiana State University at Alexandria; baccalaureate degrees authorized
- RS 17:1501.2 - Tuition and attendance fee amounts; Louisiana State University at Alexandria
- RS 17:1503 - Funds
- RS 17:1511 - College established; four-year college curriculum
- RS 17:1512 - Location; land acquisition and construction
- RS 17:1513 - Administration
- RS 17:1516 - Creation; administration
- RS 17:1517 - Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College Medical School at Shreveport; Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at Shreveport; composition
- RS 17:1517.1 - Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at Shreveport; utilization of hospital revenues
- RS 17:1518 - E.A. Conway Medical Center; merger with Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at Shreveport
- RS 17:1518.1 - Huey P. Long Medical Center; merger with Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at Shreveport
- RS 17:1518.2 - Huey P. Long Medical Center; administration
- RS 17:1519 - Title
- RS 17:1519.1 - Definitions
- RS 17:1519.2 - State hospitals operated by the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College as part of the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
- RS 17:1519.3 - Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-New Orleans; health care services division organization
- RS 17:1519.4 - Objects of the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in operating the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-New Orleans hospitals
- RS 17:1519.5 - Powers of board
- RS 17:1519.6 - Funding and budget
- RS 17:1519.7 - Hospital advisory committees
- RS 17:1519.8 - Audit and reporting requirements
- RS 17:1519.9 - Medical Center of Louisiana at New Orleans; administration
- RS 17:1519.10 - Repealed by Acts 2007, No. 220, §2, eff. July 2, 2007.
- RS 17:1519.11 - E.A. Conway Medical Center; Advisory Council
- RS 17:1519.12 - Medical Education Commission
- RS 17:1519.13 - Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 184, §1.
- RS 17:1519.14 - Southern University Planning Council
- RS 17:1519.15 - Lallie Kemp Regional Medical Center Advisory Council
- RS 17:1519.16 - Employees of Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center medical centers; health care professional employee pools
- RS 17:1519.17 - Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center medical centers' physicians; authority to render certain opinions
- RS 17:1519.18 - University Medical Center in Lafayette; coordinated school health and wellness centers pilot program
- RS 17:1521 - Establishment
- RS 17:1522 - Land acquisition; construction
- RS 17:1523 - Administration
- RS 17:1531 - Establishment
- RS 17:1532 - Land acquisition; construction
- RS 17:1533 - Administration
- RS 17:1541 - Collection and publication of historical records
- RS 17:1542 - Public officers to turn over documents to department of archives; copies, certification and fees charged
- RS 17:1543 - Copies of documents in custody of department of archives receivable in evidence
- RS 17:1551 - Establishment and location
- RS 17:1552 - Acquisition of land and buildings
- RS 17:1553 - Multipurpose assembly center; operational authority; advisory committee
- RS 17:1554 - Senator Nat G. Kiefer University of New Orleans Lakefront Arena
- RS 17:1555 - Establishment authorized; administration
- RS 17:1571 - To 1575 Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 313, 3, eff. July 17, 1975
- RS 17:1581 - To 1586 Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 313, 3, eff. July 17, 1975.
- RS 17:1591 - Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 313, 3, eff. July 17, 1975
- RS 17:1601.1 - Pete Maravich Assembly Center
- RS 17:1601.2 - The Louisiana Museum of Natural History
- RS 17:1601.3 - Chester Creighton Owen Building; Leesville/Fort Polk campus; Northwestern State University
- RS 17:1601.4 - Dr. Leonard C. Barnes Administration Building
- RS 17:1601.5 - Isaac Greggs Band Hall
- RS 17:1601.6 - The Dean Millie M. Charles School of Social Work
- RS 17:1601.7 - Dr. Dolores Richard Spikes Honors College Building
- RS 17:1606 - Medical scholarship; recipient to serve as physician at institution under jurisdiction of department of corrections
- RS 17:1607 - Medical scholarship; recipient to serve as physician at the forensic unit of East Louisiana State Hospital
- RS 17:1608 - Scholarship awarded by members of public postsecondary education management boards; report
- RS 17:1611 - Redesignated as R.S. 11:952.1-952.71 pursuant to R.S. 24:253.
- RS 17:1671 - Declaration of public need for scholarship assistance; establishment of scholarship program
- RS 17:1672 - Definitions
- RS 17:1673 - Scholarship program to be administered by state department of education
- RS 17:1674 - Powers and duties of department
- RS 17:1675 - Eligibility for a scholarship
- RS 17:1676 - Recipients and awards of scholarships
- RS 17:1681.1 - Scholarships for children of police officers, deputy sheriffs, or certain probation and parole officers killed or permanently disabled in performance of duty; certain other investigative employees
- RS 17:1682 - Children and spouses of firefighters; definitions
- RS 17:1682.1 - Scholarships for children of firefighters killed or disabled in performance of duty
- RS 17:1682.2 - Scholarships for spouses of firefighters killed or disabled in performance of duty; scholarships for disabled firefighters
- RS 17:1683 - Children of sanitation workers; definitions
- RS 17:1683.1 - Scholarships for children of sanitation workers injured or killed in performance of duty
- RS 17:1684 - Children of school teachers and other school employees; definitions; scholarships for children of teachers and school employees killed or permanently and totally disabled as a consequence of physical assault and battery in performance of duty
- RS 17:1685 - Children of correctional officers; definitions
- RS 17:1685.1 - Scholarships for children of correctional officers injured or killed in performance of duty
- RS 17:1686 - Scholarship for a child of a military person killed in performance of duty
- RS 17:1687 - Tuition and fee exemption; persons in foster care; eligibility; duration; foster care status; verification; funding; definitions
- RS 17:1691 - To 1694 Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 313, 3, eff. July 17, 1975.
- RS 17:1711 - Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 313, 3, eff. July 17, 1975
- RS 17:1731 - To 1733 Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 313, 3, eff. July 17, 1975.
- RS 17:1751 - Creation of parish school loan funds; purpose
- RS 17:1752 - Parish school loan fund committee
- RS 17:1753 - Loan fund committees to be bodies corporate
- RS 17:1754 - Treasurer of committee to give bond
- RS 17:1755 - Auditing accounts of loan fund
- RS 17:1756 - Local governing authority; contribution to loan fund; scholarships
- RS 17:1757 - Donations to loan fund from private sources
- RS 17:1758 - Co-operation of school boards with parish school loan fund committees
- RS 17:1759 - Applications for loans; interest; maximum loan
- RS 17:1760 - Intention to replace beneficiary scholarships
- RS 17:1761 - Dissolution of parish school loan funds and committees
- RS 17:1781 - To 1785 Repealed by Acts 1978, No. 135, 4
- RS 17:1791 - Higher tuition or fees not to be charged
- RS 17:1793.1 - To 1793.4 Repealed by Acts 1981, No. 873, 4, eff. Oct. 1, 1981.
- RS 17:1801 - Hazing prohibited; penalties
- RS 17:1802 - Cordell Hull Foundation
- RS 17:1803 - Parking violations on campuses of state owned colleges and universities; maximum fine
- RS 17:1804 - Retention and use of permit funds
- RS 17:1805 - Authority of university or college police officer
- RS 17:1806 - Student membership on management boards
- RS 17:1807 - Persons over fifty-five; exemption from tuition; fifty percent reduction in cost of textbooks
- RS 17:1808 - Registration and licensure of postsecondary, academic degree-granting institutions
- RS 17:1809 - Small business development center; University of Louisiana at Monroe; authority to operate
- RS 17:1810 - Small business development and management institute; Southern University at New Orleans; authority to operate
- RS 17:1811 - Awards for Louisiana livestock
- RS 17:1812 - Small business development and management institute; Northwestern State University at Natchitoches; authority to operate
- RS 17:1813 - Computer literacy center; Northwestern State University at Natchitoches; authority to operate
- RS 17:1814 - Nonpublic postsecondary educational institutions; submission of required data; limitation of liability
- RS 17:1815 - Louisiana Hall of Fame for the Arts; Northwestern State University; creation
- RS 17:1816 - Sickle cell anemia research center; Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College at Baton Rouge; authority to operate
- RS 17:1817 - Offices of minority health; Southern University Board of Supervisors; authority to create; purposes
- RS 17:1818 - Disclosure of gifts made to higher education institutions by foreign governments, persons, and entities
- RS 17:1821 - Creation; administration
- RS 17:1822 - Elaine P. Nunez Vocational-Technical Institute and the St. Bernard Parish Community College; merger
- RS 17:1825 - Bossier Parish Community College
- RS 17:1831 - Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System; creation; membership; terms of office; vacancies
- RS 17:1832 - Initial members of board; selection; term of office
- RS 17:1833 - Domicile; organization; meetings of board
- RS 17:1834 - Transitional provisions
- RS 17:1835 - Bossier Parish Community College; tuition, fees, and charges
- RS 17:1851 - Board of Supervisors of Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College; creation; membership; terms of office; vacancies
- RS 17:1852 - Initial members of board; term of office
- RS 17:1853 - Domicile, organization and meetings of board
- RS 17:1854 - Transitional provisions
- RS 17:1855 - Student tuition and attendance fees; program fees; authority to impose
- RS 17:1855.1 - Academic excellence fee; amount; waivers; Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
- RS 17:1855.2 - Southern University Laboratory School; tuition; increase; amounts
- RS 17:1871 - Board of Supervisors of Community and Technical Colleges; establishment; members; qualifications and terms; vacancies; duties
- RS 17:1872 - Meetings of board; quorum and vote for official action
- RS 17:1873 - Officers and employees of the board
- RS 17:1874 - Workforce Training Rapid Response Fund
- RS 17:1875 - Centers of Excellence Program; creation; operation; funding
- RS 17:1902 - Reciprocal contracts for educational facilities with other states or institutions; authority to make
- RS 17:1903 - Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
- RS 17:1904 - Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1137, 1.
- RS 17:1911 - Ratification; text of compact
- RS 17:1912 - Repealed by Acts 1972, No. 680, 2
- RS 17:1913 - Bylaws; state not bound
- RS 17:1915 - Ratification; text of compact
- RS 17:1921 - Findings and purpose
- RS 17:1922 - Louisiana Cancer Research Center of L.S.U. Health Sciences Center in New Orleans/Tulane Health Sciences Center; creation; domicile; fiscal year
- RS 17:1923 - Governing board; membership
- RS 17:1924 - Purposes and powers of the center
- RS 17:1925 - Executive director; appointment; functions
- RS 17:1926 - Reports
- RS 17:1927 - Audits
- RS 17:1941 - Statement of policy
- RS 17:1942 - Definitions
- RS 17:1942.1 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 376, §2.
- RS 17:1943 - Administration and supervision
- RS 17:1944 - Local education agency; responsibilities
- RS 17:1945 - Special schools and school districts
- RS 17:1946 - Procedural safeguards
- RS 17:1947 - Funding
- RS 17:1947.1 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 376, §2.
- RS 17:1948 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 376, §2.
- RS 17:1949 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 376, §2.
- RS 17:1950 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 376, §2.
- RS 17:1951 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 376, §2.
- RS 17:1952 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 376, §2.
- RS 17:1953 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 376, §2.
- RS 17:1954 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 376, §2.
- RS 17:1955 - Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 109, 2, eff. May 5, 1998.
- RS 17:1956 - Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 109, 2, eff. May 5, 1998.
- RS 17:1957 - Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 109, 2, eff. May 5, 1998.
- RS 17:1958 - Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 376, §2.
- RS 17:1959 - Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 109, 2, eff. May 5, 1998.
- RS 17:1960 - The Deaf Child's Bill of Rights; legislative recognition
- RS 17:1961 - Legislative intent
- RS 17:1962 - Definitions
- RS 17:1963 - Louisiana School of Math, Science, and the Arts; creation; location; governance; relationship with educational boards and state superintendent
- RS 17:1964 - Board of directors; creation; membership; terms; powers, duties, and functions; voting; compensation
- RS 17:1965 - Programs and operation
- RS 17:1966 - Extracurricular activities
- RS 17:1967 - Eligibility limited to high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
- RS 17:1968 - Funding; acceptance of other funds
- RS 17:1968.1 - Funding; inclusion in the minimum foundation program formula; other appropriated state funds
- RS 17:1969 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 656, §2, eff. June 29, 2010.
- RS 17:1970.1 - Legislative intent
- RS 17:1970.2 - Definitions
- RS 17:1970.3 - Louis Armstrong High School for the Arts; creation; location; governance; relationship with the University of Southwestern Louisiana
- RS 17:1970.4 - School board; creation; membership; terms; powers and duties; voting; compensation
- RS 17:1970.5 - Programs and operation
- RS 17:1970.6 - Extracurricular activities
- RS 17:1970.7 - Eligibility of students; auditions
- RS 17:1970.8 - Funding; acceptance of other funds
- RS 17:1970.9 - Funding formula
- RS 17:1970.21 - Legislative intent
- RS 17:1970.22 - Definitions
- RS 17:1970.23 - New Orleans Center for Creative Arts; creation; purpose; governance
- RS 17:1970.24 - Board of directors; creation; membership; terms; powers and duties; voting; compensation
- RS 17:1970.25 - Eligibility of students; auditions
- RS 17:1970.26 - Administration, faculty, staff; classification status; benefits
- RS 17:1970.27 - Funding; acceptance of other funds
- RS 17:1970.31 - Legislative intent
- RS 17:1970.32 - International school in Lafayette; exploratory committee; creation; membership; terms; duties and functions; voting; compensation
- RS 17:1970.33 - Report
- RS 17:1971 - Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 417, §3, eff. June 21, 2013.
- RS 17:1972 - Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 417, §3, eff. June 21, 2013.
- RS 17:1973 - Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 417, §3, eff. June 21, 2013.
- RS 17:1974 - Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 417, §3, eff. June 21, 2013.
- RS 17:1975 - Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 417, §3, eff. June 21, 2013.
- RS 17:1976 - Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 417, §3, eff. June 21, 2013.
- RS 17:1977 - Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 417, §3, eff. June 21, 2013.
- RS 17:1978 - Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 417, §3, eff. June 21, 2013.
- RS 17:1979 - Repealed by Acts 2013, No. 417, §3, eff. June 21, 2013.
- RS 17:1981 - Short title
- RS 17:1982 - Definitions
- RS 17:1983 - Individualized planning and assessment
- RS 17:1984 - Standards of competency and instruction
- RS 17:1985 - Instructional materials
- RS 17:1986 - Teacher certification
- RS 17:1987 - School district for certain correctional centers for youth
- RS 17:1989.1 - Legislative intent
- RS 17:1989.2 - Definitions
- RS 17:1989.3 - Governor's Program for Gifted Children; legislative establishment; location; governance; relationship with educational boards and state superintendent
- RS 17:1989.4 - Director of the program; appointment; term; powers; duties; compensation
- RS 17:1989.5 - Appropriations; other sources of revenue
- RS 17:1989.6 - Location of the program; relocation; authority to own and construct facilities
- RS 17:1989.7 - Registry of prospective students
- RS 17:1989.8 - Miscellaneous powers of program
- RS 17:1990 - Recovery School District; creation; governance; operation
- RS 17:1992 - Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 151, 3, eff. July 1, 1999.
- RS 17:1993 - Implementation of career education by board and department
- RS 17:1994 - Regional coordination and planning of postsecondary vocational-technical education; establishment and composition of regions
- RS 17:1994.1 - Jumonville-Memorial Technical Institute
- RS 17:1994.2 - Margaret Surles Branch of Louisiana Technical College - Tallulah Campus
- RS 17:1995 - Regional administration
- RS 17:1996 - Racial segregation prohibited; personnel
- RS 17:1997 - Open door policy; statewide service
- RS 17:1997.1 - Residency requirements; tuition fees
- RS 17:1997.2 - Nonresident student tuition and other fees
- RS 17:1997.3 - Vocational-technical opportunity program; dropouts
- RS 17:1998 - Advisory councils
- RS 17:1999 - Regional institutes; area schools; branch schools
- RS 17:2000 - Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 753, 2, eff. July 8, 1989.
- RS 17:2001 - Continuation of existing schools
- RS 17:2002 - Extension programs
- RS 17:2003 - Bus transportation
- RS 17:2004 - Vocational Curriculum Development and Research Center; separation from Natchitoches Trades School
- RS 17:2005 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 446, §1.
- RS 17:2005.1 - Repealed by Acts 1988, No. 572, 1.
- RS 17:2005.2 - Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 151, 3, eff. July 1, 1999.
- RS 17:2006 - Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 151, 3, eff. July 1, 1999.
- RS 17:2006.1 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 447, 2, eff. July 1, 1997.
- RS 17:2007 - Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 151, 3, eff. July 1, 1999.
- RS 17:2008 - Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 179, §8, eff. June 28, 2005.
- RS 17:2009 - Vocational-technical portable building program
- RS 17:2010 - Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 151, 3, eff. July 1, 1999.
- RS 17:2011 - Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 151, 3, eff. July 1, 1999.
- RS 17:2012 - Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 151, 3, eff. July 1, 1999.
- RS 17:2013 - Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 151, 3 eff. July 1, 1999.
- RS 17:2014 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
- RS 17:2015 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
- RS 17:2016 - Worksite-based training
- RS 17:2031 - Acceptance of federal act to promote vocational education
- RS 17:2032 - State treasurer as custodian of federal funds
- RS 17:2033 - Board of Supervisors of Community and Technical Colleges as administrative agency
- RS 17:2034 - Disbursements of federal funds
- RS 17:2035 - Necessary expenditures; board's authority to make
- RS 17:2036 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 834, §13, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:2041 - To 2045 Repealed by Acts 1977, No. 679, 3, eff. July 25, 1977.
- RS 17:2046 - Public lands for vocational-technical school sites
- RS 17:2047 - Nurse training programs; student demand; documentation; report; authorization to obtain criminal history record information
- RS 17:2048 - Nurse training programs; establishment
- RS 17:2048.31 - Allied health professionals training programs; student admittance; documentation; records; authorization to obtain criminal history record information
- RS 17:2048.32 - Allied health professionals training programs; expansion or establishment; salary of faculty members
- RS 17:2048.51 - Louisiana Health Works Commission; creation; membership; compensation; staff and facilities; powers and duties; data collection and reporting
- RS 17:2048.61 - Simulation Medical Training and Education Council for Louisiana; creation; membership
- RS 17:2049 - Applicability
- RS 17:2049.1 - Employment standards; evaluation
- RS 17:2049.2 - Evaluation program; professional development and enhancement; certification
- RS 17:2049.3 - Salary schedule
- RS 17:2049.4 - Enhancement
- RS 17:2051 - Authority to confer degree of bachelor of arts or science
- RS 17:2052 - Continuation of right to confer degrees
- RS 17:2053 - Payments to independent institutions of higher learning for educating Louisiana residents
- RS 17:2054 - College and university athletics; NCAA and NAIA infractions, sanctions
- RS 17:2071 - Academy of the Holy Angels
- RS 17:2072 - St. Paul's College
- RS 17:2073 - St. Mary's Academy
- RS 17:2074 - Academy of the Immaculate Conception
- RS 17:2075 - Loyola University
- RS 17:2076 - Recognition to be given degrees of Loyola University
- RS 17:2077 - Notre Dame Seminary
- RS 17:2078 - Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 313, 3, eff. July 17, 1975
- RS 17:2079 - St. Joseph's Abbey
- RS 17:2080 - Repealed by Acts 1975, No. 313, 3, eff. July 1, 1975
- RS 17:2081 - South Central College
- RS 17:2082 - De Lisle College of New Orleans
- RS 17:2083 - Mt. Carmel Junior College
- RS 17:2084 - Xavier University of Louisiana
- RS 17:2085 - New Covenant College
- RS 17:2091 - Definitions
- RS 17:2092 - Prohibition against fraternities; enforcement
- RS 17:2093 - Person not pupil soliciting membership; penalty
- RS 17:2111 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:2112 - Testing pupils' sight and hearing; testing for dyslexia; notice to parent or tutor; report to state superintendent
- RS 17:2113 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:2114 - Furnishing protective glasses or goggles
- RS 17:2115 - Silent prayer or meditation; pledge of allegiance
- RS 17:2115.1 - Official prayer; prohibition
- RS 17:2115.2 - Student participation
- RS 17:2115.3 - Student-initiated, student-led prayer; participation
- RS 17:2115.4 - Student meetings
- RS 17:2115.5 - School grounds
- RS 17:2115.6 - Student organizations
- RS 17:2115.7 - Commencement address
- RS 17:2115.8 - Athletic teams
- RS 17:2115.9 - Nondiscrimination in selection of student volunteers
- RS 17:2115.10 - Classroom time
- RS 17:2115.11 - Prayer; student-initiated; conditions
- RS 17:2116 - Employment availability information; duty to provide
- RS 17:2117 - Reading and posting of certain writings, documents, and records; prohibition; limitations; dissemination to local school systems
- RS 17:2131 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:2132 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:2133 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:2134 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:2135 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:2136 - Tuition fees for residents of other states
- RS 17:2137 - Tuition fees for members of the armed forces and dependents and for certain individuals who have served in the armed forces; resident classification
- RS 17:2138 - Required ACT score for residents of other states
- RS 17:2148 - Sick leave for unclassified, nonteaching, academic leave
- RS 17:2149 - Use of sick leave, non-teaching personnel
- RS 17:2150 - Applicability
- RS 17:2151.1 - Revolving funds; retention of surpluses
- RS 17:2152 - Board's authority to borrow money and issue bonds for construction, etc., of educational facilities
- RS 17:2153 - Acceptance of federal grants
- RS 17:2154 - Repealed by Acts 1950, No. 254, 1
- RS 17:2155 - Limitations on annual principal and interest requirements
- RS 17:2156 - Interest, etc., of bonds as part of cost for which bonds authorized; bonds not obligations of state
- RS 17:2157 - Issuance, form and requisites of bonds or obligations
- RS 17:2158 - Source of payment
- RS 17:2159 - Provision for payment of bonds to be adequate
- RS 17:2160 - Portion of corporation franchise tax dedicated to payment of bonds
- RS 17:2161 - Loan or grant from federal agencies
- RS 17:2162 - Corporate existence of board of education not to be discontinued
- RS 17:2163 - Contractual nature of agreement
- RS 17:2181 - Board of supervisors authorized to borrow money
- RS 17:2182 - Authority to issue bonds, etc.
- RS 17:2183 - Issuance of bonds, etc.; maturity; interest rate; registration
- RS 17:2184 - Sale of bonds, etc.
- RS 17:2185 - Use of loan or bond proceeds
- RS 17:2186 - Pledge of revenues; use of other funds to pay principal and interest
- RS 17:2187 - Funds to be used exclusively for principal and interest
- RS 17:2188 - Incontestability; contract
- RS 17:2189 - Privilege on funds and revenues dedicated for payment of obligation
- RS 17:2190 - Agreement to maintain maximum use of revenue producing facilities
- RS 17:2191 - Continuance of corporate existence of board of supervisors; agreement not to dispose of income producing facilities
- RS 17:2192 - Tax exemption and eligibility for investment and use as security
- RS 17:2193 - Mandamus to compel performance of obligation
- RS 17:2196.1 - Findings and declaration of policy
- RS 17:2196.2 - Definitions
- RS 17:2196.3 - Corporation franchise tax; dedications
- RS 17:2196.4 - Pledge
- RS 17:2196.5 - Bonds
- RS 17:2196.6 - Limitation on bond issues
- RS 17:2196.7 - Refunding bonds, state treasurer approval; prescription
- RS 17:2196.8 - Interest rate on bonds
- RS 17:2196.9 - Issuance of bonds under annual interest grants with U.S. Commissioner of Education
- RS 17:2201 - Ad valorem tax for university
- RS 17:2207 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 984, 18.
- RS 17:2208 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 984, 18.
- RS 17:2209 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 984, 18.
- RS 17:2210 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 984, 18.
- RS 17:2231 - Deposits in state treasury by educational institutions
- RS 17:2232 - Investment by state of endowment deposit
- RS 17:2233 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 729, 1, EFF. JULY 6, 1992.
- RS 17:2234 - Prohibition on appropriating or allocating of funds for paying public school funds
- RS 17:2235 - Prohibition on receipt or expenditure of funds where school system exceeded minimum salary schedule
- RS 17:2236 - Prohibition on use of state funds by institutions of higher learning to support communistic or atheistic activities; return of funds
- RS 17:2251 - Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 428, §3, eff. July 1, 2005.
- RS 17:2252 - Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 428, §3, eff. July 1, 2005.
- RS 17:2253 - Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 428, §3, eff. July 1, 2005.
- RS 17:2254 - Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 428, §3, eff. July 1, 2005.
- RS 17:2255 - Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 428, §3, eff. July 1, 2005.
- RS 17:2256 - Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 428, §3, eff. July 1, 2005.
- RS 17:2257 - Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 428, §3, eff. July 1, 2005.
- RS 17:2258 - Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 428, §3, eff. July 1, 2005.
- RS 17:2259 - Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 428, §3, eff. July 1, 2005.
- RS 17:2260 - Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 428, §3, eff. July 1, 2005.
- RS 17:2261 - Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 428, §3, eff. July 1, 2005.
- RS 17:2262 - Repealed by Acts 2005, No. 428, §3, eff. July 1, 2005.
- RS 17:2263 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 984, 18.
- RS 17:2264 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 984, 18.
- RS 17:2272 - Purposes for which created
- RS 17:2273 - Meetings of the board
- RS 17:2274 - Bodies of persons required to be buried at public expense; notice to board; receipt of bodies by board
- RS 17:2275 - Distribution of bodies among schools
- RS 17:2276 - Records showing receipt and disposition of bodies
- RS 17:2277 - Bond to be furnished by schools
- RS 17:2278 - Financial contributions of schools
- RS 17:2279 - Transportation of bodies
- RS 17:2280 - Penal provisions
- RS 17:2351 - Definitions
- RS 17:2352 - Applicability; persons who may make an anatomical gift prior to the death of the donor
- RS 17:2352.1 - Coordination of procurement and use
- RS 17:2353 - Persons who may receive anatomical gifts; purpose of anatomical gifts
- RS 17:2354 - Manner of executing anatomical gift prior to death of donor
- RS 17:2354.1 - Coroner's consent for eye enucleation
- RS 17:2354.2 - Coroner's consent for kidney removal
- RS 17:2354.3 - Authority to make an anatomical gift of a body or part
- RS 17:2354.4 - Sale or purchase of parts prohibited
- RS 17:2354.5 - Other prohibited acts
- RS 17:2354.6 - Immunity
- RS 17:2354.7 - Law governing validity; choice of law; presumption
- RS 17:2354.8 - Donor registry
- RS 17:2354.9 - Effect of anatomical gift on advance health care directives
- RS 17:2355 - Delivery of document of gift; right to examine
- RS 17:2355.1 - Search for document of anatomical gift; notification
- RS 17:2356 - Revocation or amendment of the gift before death
- RS 17:2357 - Rights and duties of procurement organizations; others
- RS 17:2358 - Uniformity of application and construction
- RS 17:2358.1 - Relation to electronic signatures in global and national commerce
- RS 17:2359 - Short title
- RS 17:2502 - Definitions
- RS 17:2503 - Louisiana Educational Television Authority; creation; domicile; membership; term; vacancies; quorum; staff
- RS 17:2504 - Meetings; rules; officers; compensation
- RS 17:2505 - Powers, duties and functions
- RS 17:2506 - Political prohibitions; Federal Communications Commission Regulations
- RS 17:2507 - Distribution of funds
- RS 17:2508 - Repealed by Acts 1968, No. 533, 2
- RS 17:2752 - Definitions
- RS 17:2753 - Louisiana Systemic Initiatives Program
- RS 17:2754 - Funding; appropriation and allocation
- RS 17:2757 - Louisiana Systemic Initiatives Program Council; creation; domicile; membership; expenses; terms; vacancies
- RS 17:2758 - Powers and duties
- RS 17:2759 - LaSIP staff
- RS 17:2802 - Purpose for organization of cooperatives
- RS 17:2803 - Definitions
- RS 17:2804 - Powers of cooperative
- RS 17:2805 - Name of cooperative
- RS 17:2806 - Organizers
- RS 17:2807 - Articles
- RS 17:2808 - By-laws
- RS 17:2809 - Membership; annual meeting; special meetings; place of meeting; notice; quorum; voting
- RS 17:2810 - Board of directors
- RS 17:2811 - Division and redivision of territory into districts
- RS 17:2812 - Officers, agents and employees
- RS 17:2813 - Amendment of articles; change of location
- RS 17:2814 - Consolidation of cooperatives
- RS 17:2815 - Merger of cooperatives
- RS 17:2816 - Effect of consolidation or merger
- RS 17:2817 - Conversion of corporations providing educational services into cooperatives
- RS 17:2818 - Propositions submitted to members
- RS 17:2819 - Dissolution
- RS 17:2820 - Filing of documents
- RS 17:2821 - Use of revenues
- RS 17:2822 - Sale, mortgage or lease of property
- RS 17:2823 - Immunity of members
- RS 17:2824 - Liens
- RS 17:2825 - Notice; waiver
- RS 17:2826 - Fees
- RS 17:2827 - Blue sky law inapplicable
- RS 17:2828 - Construction
- RS 17:2829 - Fidelity bonds; audits
- RS 17:2830 - Employment of teachers
- RS 17:2831 - Salaries and wages
- RS 17:2851 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:2852 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:2853 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1, eff. July 1, 2010.
- RS 17:2901 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2010.
- RS 17:2902 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2010.
- RS 17:2906 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2010.
- RS 17:2907 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2010.
- RS 17:2911 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2010.
- RS 17:2912 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2010.
- RS 17:2913 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 743, §5, eff. July 1, 2010.
- RS 17:2921 - Short title
- RS 17:2922 - Purpose and goal
- RS 17:2923 - Applied and hybrid courses; local course development
- RS 17:2924 - Applied and hybrid courses; local course development
- RS 17:2925 - Individual graduation plans
- RS 17:2926 - Student guidance and counseling; training and professional development
- RS 17:2927 - Early identification of underprepared students; support and assistance
- RS 17:2928 - Graduation goals; responsibility; recognition for graduation rates and student academic achievement
- RS 17:2929 - Articulation and transfer of credit
- RS 17:2930 - Collaboration with business and industry; coordination with workforce needs
- RS 17:2931 - Rules and regulations
- RS 17:2932 - Implementation; funding
- RS 17:2971 - To 2981 Repealed by Acts 1972, No. 402, 1.
- RS 17:2990.1 - Legislative policy
- RS 17:2990.2 - Definitions
- RS 17:2990.3 - Assistance; tuition and income
- RS 17:2990.4 - Administration; receipts and income tax returns
- RS 17:2990.5 - Reimbursement
- RS 17:2990.6 - Short title
- RS 17:3002 - Definition of terms
- RS 17:3003 - Authorization for employment
- RS 17:3004 - Selection and responsibility
- RS 17:3005 - Elementary school guidance counselors; availability; guidelines; requirements; guidance services; work time; exceptions; reporting; funding
- RS 17:3006 - School guidance counselors; academic profiles; public high schools; required
- RS 17:3021 - Louisiana Student Financial Assistance Commission
- RS 17:3022 - Membership and organization
- RS 17:3023 - Powers and duties
- RS 17:3023.1 - Credit unions, savings and loan associations, schools and insurance companies as lending agencies
- RS 17:3023.2 - Repealed by Acts 1980, No. 790, 5, eff. Aug. 1, 1980; Acts 1980, No. 815, 7
- RS 17:3023.3 - Loan of reserve funds
- RS 17:3023.4 - Student loan guarantees
- RS 17:3023.4.1 - Additional loans to assist students; The Louisiana PLUS Program
- RS 17:3023.5 - Repealed by Acts 1982, No. 835, 3, eff. Aug. 4, 1982
- RS 17:3023.6 - Age does not bar loan
- RS 17:3023.7 - Tax exemption
- RS 17:3023.8 - Examination by commissioner of financial institutions
- RS 17:3023.8.1 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3023.9 - Dissolution
- RS 17:3024 - Acceptance and use of funds
- RS 17:3024.1 - Student loans as security for deposit of public funds
- RS 17:3024.2 - Appropriation for guaranteed student loan program
- RS 17:3025 - Legal services; in-house counsel
- RS 17:3026 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3027 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3028 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3029 - Blank
- RS 17:3030 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3031 - State student incentive grant; federal participation
- RS 17:3032 - To 3034 Blank
- RS 17:3035 - State scholarship program for needy students; administration
- RS 17:3036 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3036.1 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3041 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3041.1 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3041.2 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3041.3 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3041.4 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3041.5 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3041.6 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3041.7 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3041.10 - Tuition payment program for medical students; Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; eligibility; applications; definition
- RS 17:3041.11 - Contracts
- RS 17:3041.12 - Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; contracts
- RS 17:3041.13 - Cancellation
- RS 17:3041.14 - Funding
- RS 17:3041.15 - Rules and regulations
- RS 17:3041.21 - Tuition payment program for medical students; Tulane University School of Medicine; eligibility; applications; definition
- RS 17:3041.22 - Contracts
- RS 17:3041.23 - Tulane University School of Medicine; contracts
- RS 17:3041.24 - Cancellation
- RS 17:3041.25 - Funding
- RS 17:3041.26 - Rules and regulations
- RS 17:3042 - Legislative findings; purpose
- RS 17:3042.1 - Loans for students enrolled in colleges or universities to prepare to teach
- RS 17:3042.2 - Amount; requirements
- RS 17:3042.3 - Contract required; cancellation
- RS 17:3042.4 - Colleges and universities; contracts; cancellation
- RS 17:3042.5 - Funding
- RS 17:3042.6 - Reports
- RS 17:3042.7 - Louisiana Teacher Corps
- RS 17:3042.8 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 560, §4, eff. June 27, 2003, and Acts 2003, No. 1195, §5, eff. July 3, 2003.
- RS 17:3042.11 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 834, §13, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:3042.12 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3042.13 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3042.14 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3042.21 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
- RS 17:3042.22 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
- RS 17:3042.23 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
- RS 17:3042.24 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
- RS 17:3042.25 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
- RS 17:3042.26 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
- RS 17:3042.27 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1116, 2.
- RS 17:3042.31 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3042.32 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3042.33 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3042.34 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3042.35 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3042.36 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3042.42 - Loans for students enrolled in colleges or universities to prepare to teach; Bienville Parish School Board; authority
- RS 17:3042.43 - Amount; requirements
- RS 17:3042.44 - Contract required; cancellation
- RS 17:3042.45 - Colleges and universities; contracts; cancellation
- RS 17:3042.46 - Funding
- RS 17:3042.47 - Board resolution; public hearing
- RS 17:3042.51 - Legislative findings; purpose
- RS 17:3042.52 - Loans for certain nursing students; Louisiana Student Financial Assistance Commission; authority
- RS 17:3042.53 - Amount; requirements
- RS 17:3042.54 - Contract required; cancellation
- RS 17:3042.55 - Colleges, universities, and nursing schools; contracts; cancellation
- RS 17:3042.56 - Funding
- RS 17:3042.61 - Legislative findings; purpose; definitions
- RS 17:3042.62 - Loans for certain veterinary students; Louisiana Student Financial Assistance Commission; authority
- RS 17:3042.63 - Amount; requirements
- RS 17:3042.64 - Contract required; cancellation
- RS 17:3042.65 - Schools of veterinary medicine; contracts; cancellation
- RS 17:3042.66 - Funding
- RS 17:3043 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3043.1 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3043.2 - Repealed by Acts 2003, No. 393, §3, eff. June 18, 2003.
- RS 17:3044.1 - Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 8, eff. July 1, 2001.
- RS 17:3044.2 - Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 8, eff. July 1, 2001.
- RS 17:3044.3 - Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 8, eff. July 1, 2001.
- RS 17:3044.4 - Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 8, eff. July 1, 2001.
- RS 17:3044.5 - Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 8, eff. July 1, 2001.
- RS 17:3045 - Purpose
- RS 17:3045.1 - Louisiana Opportunity Loan Program; creation; management
- RS 17:3045.2 - Louisiana Opportunity Loan Fund, creation
- RS 17:3045.3 - Appropriation; procedure
- RS 17:3045.4 - Louisiana Financial Assistance Commission; duties
- RS 17:3045.5 - Loan amounts
- RS 17:3045.6 - Eligibility requirements
- RS 17:3045.7 - Repayment of loans
- RS 17:3045.8 - Loan funds; availability
- RS 17:3046 - Louisiana GO Grant program; legislative findings
- RS 17:3046.1 - Eligibility
- RS 17:3046.2 - Administration; rulemaking authority
- RS 17:3046.3 - Terminated July 9, 1998. See Acts 1992, No. 938, §1, and Acts 1995, No. 1296, §1.
- RS 17:3048.1 - Program awards; eligibility; amounts; limitations; funding; administration
- RS 17:3048.2 - Effectiveness of Chapter; continuance of certain tuition payments
- RS 17:3048.3 - Program information reporting system; implementation; requirements; applicability; participation by eligible institutions and others
- RS 17:3048.4 - Notice to students and parents
- RS 17:3048.5 - TOPS-Tech Early Start Award; purpose; eligibility; award amounts limitations; administration; implementation; reports
- RS 17:3048.6 - Initial eligibility for program awards; students displaced by certain natural disasters; waivers and exceptions; limitations
- RS 17:3048.7 - Continuing eligibility for program awards; students displaced by certain natural disasters; waivers and exceptions; limitations
- RS 17:3050.1 - Purpose
- RS 17:3050.2 - Tuition grants; eligibility; continuation; limits
- RS 17:3050.3 - Administration
- RS 17:3050.4 - Funding
- RS 17:3052 - Definitions
- RS 17:3053 - Health Education Authority of Louisiana; creation; domicile; membership; terms; vacancies; quorum; staff
- RS 17:3054 - Meetings; rules; officers; compensation
- RS 17:3055 - Powers; duties; functions
- RS 17:3055.1 - Leases
- RS 17:3056 - Bonds of the authority
- RS 17:3057 - Limitation on exercise of power
- RS 17:3058 - Professional advisory committees
- RS 17:3059 - Hearings
- RS 17:3060 - R.S. 40:2113 and 40:2113.1 unaffected
- RS 17:3082 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 547, 2, eff. June 18, 1995.
- RS 17:3083 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 547, 2, eff. June 18, 1995.
- RS 17:3084 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 547, 2, eff. June 18, 1995.
- RS 17:3085 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 547, 2, eff. June 18, 1995.
- RS 17:3086 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 547, 2, eff. June 18, 1995.
- RS 17:3087 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 547, 2, eff. June 18, 1995.
- RS 17:3088 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 547, 2, eff. June 18, 1995.
- RS 17:3089 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 547, 2, eff. June 18, 1995.
- RS 17:3091 - Louisiana Student Tuition Assistance and Revenue Trust Program; creation; purpose; legislative intent
- RS 17:3092 - Definitions
- RS 17:3093 - Louisiana Tuition Trust Authority; creation; powers
- RS 17:3094 - Cooperation of state agencies
- RS 17:3095 - Education savings accounts; types, use, limitations, and disclosures
- RS 17:3096 - Education savings accounts; creation, terms, and conditions
- RS 17:3097 - Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 332, 3, eff. June 6, 2001.
- RS 17:3098 - Termination of depositor's agreements; refund; conversion of the account to money
- RS 17:3099 - Louisiana Education and Tuition Savings Fund; use
- RS 17:3099.1 - Annual financial report; audits
- RS 17:3099.2 - Effectiveness
- RS 17:3102 - Definitions
- RS 17:3103 - Disruptive acts defined; dismissal and notification thereof
- RS 17:3104 - Content of notification of dismissal
- RS 17:3105 - Rules and regulations; tenure laws
- RS 17:3106 - Recording the fact of dismissal
- RS 17:3107 - Prohibition against enrolling or employing dismissed student, faculty or employee
- RS 17:3108 - Exemptions; peaceful and lawful assembly; labor disputes
- RS 17:3109 - State of emergency; request by president of institution of higher learning for proclamation
- RS 17:3121 - Board of Regents; creation; membership; terms of office; vacancies; responsibilities
- RS 17:3121.1 - Student membership on the board
- RS 17:3122 - Initial members of board; term of office
- RS 17:3123 - Domicile; organization and meetings of board; rules
- RS 17:3123.1 - Commissioner of higher education; appointment; qualifications; powers, duties and functions; compensation
- RS 17:3123.2 - Internet broadcast of board and committee meetings; archives
- RS 17:3124 - Transitional provisions
- RS 17:3125 - Power to revise or eliminate programs
- RS 17:3126 - Power to disapprove; approve; or modify; service regions, establishment
- RS 17:3127 - Power with respect to new institutions
- RS 17:3128 - Power to formulate master plan; mission establishment
- RS 17:3128.1 - Power to survey, evaluate, and implement incubator facilities on state college and university campuses
- RS 17:3129 - Power to recommend budget
- RS 17:3129.1 - Power to provide for articulation
- RS 17:3129.2 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 251, §7B.
- RS 17:3129.3 - Louisiana classroom teacher and vocational-technical school instructor enrollment program; creation; regulations; limitations
- RS 17:3129.4 - Louisiana Education Tuition and Savings Plan and Fund
- RS 17:3129.5 - State tuition and fee policy; Board of Regents; study and formulate; legislative approval of authority to increase tuition or fees; implementation; reports
- RS 17:3129.6 - Higher Education Initiatives Fund
- RS 17:3129.7 - Development of state student financial aid plan; master plan
- RS 17:3129.8 - Articulation of credits earned in secondary and postsecondary institutions
- RS 17:3130 - Other powers
- RS 17:3131 - Orders
- RS 17:3132 - Channels of communication
- RS 17:3133 - Public hearings; due process
- RS 17:3134 - Accountability in higher education; legislative intent; definitions; reporting forms
- RS 17:3135 - Requirement to notify campus community of availability of registered sex offender information
- RS 17:3136 - Disclosure of postsecondary student education records; access to parents of dependent children
- RS 17:3137 - Dual enrollment program; legislative findings; eligible participants
- RS 17:3138 - Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 251, §11; Acts 2012, No. 811, §17, eff. July 1, 2012.
- RS 17:3138.1 - Remedial Education Commission; creation; purpose; membership; duties; reporting; termination
- RS 17:3139 - Title
- RS 17:3139.1 - Purpose
- RS 17:3139.2 - Performance agreements; objectives
- RS 17:3139.3 - Annual review; revocation; modifications
- RS 17:3139.4 - Legislative auditor; performance analysis
- RS 17:3139.5 - Autonomies granted
- RS 17:3139.6 - Monitoring; reporting; renewal
- RS 17:3139.7 - Certification of agreement by management board
- RS 17:3141.1 - Legislative intent
- RS 17:3141.2 - Definitions
- RS 17:3141.3 - Advisory Commission on Proprietary Schools; creation of; membership; terms; rules and regulations
- RS 17:3141.4 - Licenses
- RS 17:3141.5 - License; minimum standards; temporary licenses; duration of license; bond
- RS 17:3141.6 - Denial of license; hearing
- RS 17:3141.7 - Court appeal
- RS 17:3141.8 - Revocation of license; causes; appeal; injunction; subpoena power
- RS 17:3141.9 - Solicitor; permit required; fee; bond
- RS 17:3141.10 - Permits; denial of; procedure
- RS 17:3141.11 - Revocation of permit; causes; procedure
- RS 17:3141.12 - Recovery on contracts
- RS 17:3141.13 - Advertising
- RS 17:3141.14 - Prohibited acts; penalty; injunctive relief
- RS 17:3141.15 - Degree granting status
- RS 17:3141.16 - Proprietary school student protection fund and program
- RS 17:3141.17 - Administration
- RS 17:3141.18 - Investigation of complaints; hearings; administrative enforcement; judicial review
- RS 17:3141.19 - Transition from the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to the Board of Regents
- RS 17:3152 - To 3154 Repealed by Acts 1981, No. 873, 4, eff. Oct. 1, 1981
- RS 17:3161 - Articulation and transfer of credit; secondary and postsecondary institutions
- RS 17:3162 - Statewide Articulation and Transfer Council; creation; purpose; membership; duties and responsibilities
- RS 17:3163 - Statewide Articulation and Transfer Agreement
- RS 17:3164 - Common Course Numbering System
- RS 17:3165 - Common core curriculum; general education courses; common prerequisites; other degree requirements
- RS 17:3165.1 - Academic transfer modules; career and technical education and industry-based certification courses
- RS 17:3166 - Student guidance and counseling
- RS 17:3167 - Implementation and funding
- RS 17:3168 - Reporting
- RS 17:3169 - Rules
- RS 17:3201 - Application of Chapter
- RS 17:3202 - Definitions
- RS 17:3205 - Qualifications of members of boards
- RS 17:3206 - Compensation of board members
- RS 17:3207 - Executive committee of boards; powers and duties
- RS 17:3215 - Louisiana State University system
- RS 17:3216 - Southern University system
- RS 17:3217 - University of Louisiana System
- RS 17:3217.1 - Louisiana Community and Technical College System
- RS 17:3217.2 - Orleans Regional Technical Institute, merger with Delgado Community College
- RS 17:3217.3 - Louisiana Technical College; merger of certain campuses with Louisiana Delta Community College
- RS 17:3217.4 - Louisiana Technical College; merger of certain campuses with South Louisiana Community College
- RS 17:3217.5 - Louisiana Technical College; merger of certain campuses with Baton Rouge Community College
- RS 17:3218 - Authority of system boards
- RS 17:3219 - Domicile of boards
- RS 17:3220 - Purposes
- RS 17:3221 - Designation of universities as land grant colleges of state
- RS 17:3222 - Community college; East Baton Rouge Parish; management and operation
- RS 17:3223 - South Louisiana Community College; creation, management, and operation
- RS 17:3223.1 - Louisiana Technical College--Teche Area Campus; transfer to Board of Trustees for State Colleges and Universities; merger with South Louisiana Community College
- RS 17:3223.2 - Louisiana Technical College--Teche Area Campus; transfer to Board of Supervisors of Community and Technical Colleges; conditions
- RS 17:3224 - River Parishes Community College; creation; administration and operation
- RS 17:3225 - Louisiana Delta Community College; creation
- RS 17:3226 - Learning centers; Jefferson Parish; Rapides Parish; Northeast Delta Learning Center; authorization
- RS 17:3227 - Learning centers; duplicate courses or programs
- RS 17:3228 - Learning centers; authorization
- RS 17:3229 - Northeast Delta Learning Center
- RS 17:3229.1 - Northeast Louisiana Delta Learning Center Advisory Board
- RS 17:3230 - The University of New Orleans; transfer to the University of Louisiana System
- RS 17:3231 - Northshore Technical Community College; creation, management, and operation
- RS 17:3232 - Central Louisiana Technical Community College; creation, management, and operation
- RS 17:3241 - Legislative intent; goals
- RS 17:3301 - Organization of postsecondary systems
- RS 17:3302 - President of a public postsecondary education system; appointment; salary
- RS 17:3303 - Heads of colleges and universities
- RS 17:3304 - Faculty
- RS 17:3305 - Employment and compensation of faculty; administrative and professional staff; and classified employees
- RS 17:3306 - Salary increases; restrictions
- RS 17:3311 - Sick leave for unclassified; academic personnel
- RS 17:3312 - Use of sick leave
- RS 17:3313 - Applicability
- RS 17:3321 - Eligibility for sabbatical leaves
- RS 17:3322 - Application procedures
- RS 17:3323 - Manner in which leave may be spent
- RS 17:3324 - Reports on manner of spending leave
- RS 17:3325 - Penalties for noncompliance
- RS 17:3326 - Compensation while on leave
- RS 17:3327 - Payment of compensation to persons on leave
- RS 17:3328 - Person granted sabbatical leave; return to service
- RS 17:3351 - General powers, duties, and functions of college and university boards
- RS 17:3351.1 - Technology fee; authority to assess; use of proceeds
- RS 17:3351.2 - Dissemination of certain information by public postsecondary education institutions
- RS 17:3351.3 - Academic excellence fee; Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
- RS 17:3351.4 - Voluntary deferred salary agreements
- RS 17:3351.5 - Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College; tuition and attendance fee amounts
- RS 17:3351.6 - Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College; tuition and nonresident fee amounts for the Paul M. Hebert Law Center
- RS 17:3351.7 - Facilities use and maintenance fee increase; amount; waivers; limitations; University of New Orleans
- RS 17:3351.8 - Facilities use and maintenance fee increase; amount; waivers; limitations; Southern University at New Orleans
- RS 17:3351.9 - Academic excellence fee; amount; waivers; University of Louisiana System
- RS 17:3351.10 - Academic excellence fee; amount; waivers; Louisiana Community and Technical College System
- RS 17:3351.11 - Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College; tuition and attendance fee amounts; Health Sciences Centers; waivers
- RS 17:3351.12 - Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College; Professional Program Fee; masters degree in business administration; Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
- RS 17:3351.13 - Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College; tuition and attendance fee amounts; graduate students; masters degree in business administration; School of Veterinary Medicine
- RS 17:3351.14 - Board of Supervisors of Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College; tuition and attendance fee amounts; graduate students; masters degree in business administration
- RS 17:3351.15 - Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System; tuition and attendance fee amounts; graduate students; masters degree in business administration
- RS 17:3351.16 - Louisiana Community and Technical College System; electronic and digital textbooks and instructional materials; student charges
- RS 17:3351.17 - Distance education; tuition and attendance fees; waivers; public postsecondary education management boards
- RS 17:3351.18 - Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College; digital media program fee; amount; waivers
- RS 17:3351.19 - Building use fee; amount; waivers; public postsecondary education management boards
- RS 17:3352 - Degrees; conditions
- RS 17:3353 - Cooperation with public agencies
- RS 17:3354 - Independent audit of financial transactions of a university system, college or university
- RS 17:3355 - Contracts and purchases; livestock shows and rodeos; food services
- RS 17:3356 - Official action of boards; vote required
- RS 17:3361 - Authority of boards to execute leases
- RS 17:3362 - Rules and regulations governing construction and maintenance of structures
- RS 17:3363 - Amendment of rules and regulations
- RS 17:3364 - Rules governing conduct and social activities of people in structures
- RS 17:3365 - Transfer of lease; sublease; mortgage on structure and lease
- RS 17:3366 - Assistance to college or university sponsored organizations in construction or maintenance of house
- RS 17:3367 - Authority to execute mineral leases on college and university lands; term; use of revenues
- RS 17:3371 - Student loan funds
- RS 17:3381 - Transportation for college students; transportation for other students subject to restrictions; authority to establish and collect bus transportation fees
- RS 17:3382 - Teacher certification programs in instruction of elementary school French
- RS 17:3383 - Repealed by Acts 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 116, 2.
- RS 17:3384 - Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 8, eff. July 1, 2001.
- RS 17:3385 - Cessation of regionally accredited institutions of higher education; notification; preservation of student records
- RS 17:3386 - Surplus funds; retention; use; exceptions
- RS 17:3387 - Bus transportation to and from postsecondary institutions; authority of postsecondary institutions including vocational-technical schools to contract; payment of costs
- RS 17:3388 - Fluency in the English language; faculty; evaluation; certification; penalties
- RS 17:3389 - University research and development parks; tax exemptions
- RS 17:3390 - Private nonprofit corporations which support public higher education institutions; findings; status; private funds
- RS 17:3394.1 - Community and technical colleges facilities improvement and enhancement; intent
- RS 17:3394.2 - Definitions
- RS 17:3394.3 - Authority of board to execute agreements related to the finance of capital improvements and enhancements
- RS 17:3396 - Purpose
- RS 17:3396.1 - Construction of part; supplemental and additional nature
- RS 17:3396.2 - Definition of corporation
- RS 17:3396.3 - Functions of corporation
- RS 17:3396.4 - Membership of board of directors; vacancies; compensation; expenses; executive committee
- RS 17:3396.5 - Powers
- RS 17:3396.6 - Liability of board members
- RS 17:3396.7 - Debt or liability
- RS 17:3396.8 - Applicability of other laws
- RS 17:3396.9 - Dissolution of corporation
- RS 17:3397.1 - Purpose of Subpart
- RS 17:3397.2 - Construction of Subpart
- RS 17:3397.3 - Corporation defined; status
- RS 17:3397.4 - Regional research and development parks; purposes
- RS 17:3397.5 - Powers
- RS 17:3397.6 - Debt or liability
- RS 17:3397.11 - UNO Slidell Technology Park Fund
- RS 17:3398.1 - Partnerships with business and industry; applied research
- RS 17:3398.2 - Business and industry advisory boards
- RS 17:3398.3 - Faculty assistance to business
- RS 17:3398.4 - Consortia
- RS 17:3399.5 - Standing committees of the Board of Regents and the higher education management boards; cross membership; functions
- RS 17:3402 - Minimum requirements for school certification; admission policies; environment; program
- RS 17:3403 - Minimum requirements for teacher certification; authorization for supplemental compensation
- RS 17:3451 - Purpose
- RS 17:3452 - Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium for Research and Education; creation; membership
- RS 17:3453 - Executive Board of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium for Research and Education; creation; membership; terms of office; vacancies; compensation; organization; duties
- RS 17:3453.1 - Science and Education Advisory Council; creation; membership; duties
- RS 17:3454 - Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium for Research and Education; governance, funding
- RS 17:3455 - Executive director; appointment; functions
- RS 17:3456 - Annual report; master plan
- RS 17:3602 - Definitions
- RS 17:3603 - Applicability and participation
- RS 17:3609 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1990, NO. 4, 2, EFF. SEPT. 30, 1990.
- RS 17:3610 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1990, NO. 4, 2, EFF. SEPT. 30, 1990.
- RS 17:3611 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1990, NO. 4, 2, EFF. SEPT. 30, 1990.
- RS 17:3612 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1990, NO. 4, 2, EFF. SEPT. 30, 1990.
- RS 17:3613 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1990, NO. 4, 2, EFF. SEPT. 30, 1990.
- RS 17:3614 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1990, NO. 4, 2, EFF. SEPT. 30, 1990.
- RS 17:3615 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1990, NO. 4, 2, EFF. SEPT. 30, 1990.
- RS 17:3616 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1990, NO. 4, 2, EFF. SEPT. 30, 1990.
- RS 17:3617 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1990, NO. 4, 2, EFF. SEPT. 30, 1990.
- RS 17:3621 - Compensation
- RS 17:3621.1 - Reimbursement of compensation
- RS 17:3621.2 - Continuation of compensation
- RS 17:3621.3 - Hearing officer; debt collection; state district court
- RS 17:3622 - Program components
- RS 17:3623 - Program development
- RS 17:3624 - Program evaluation
- RS 17:3625 - Professional improvement points
- RS 17:3631 - Appeal to local committee
- RS 17:3632 - Appeal to the state committee
- RS 17:3652 - Teaching certificates
- RS 17:3653 - Failure by participants to successfully complete program
- RS 17:3654 - Costs of program
- RS 17:3661 - Funding of program
- RS 17:3667 - Reporting deadlines
- RS 17:3701 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:3702 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:3707 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:3708 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:3709 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:3710 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:3711 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:3713 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 500, §1.
- RS 17:3722 - Repealed by Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 1, 3, eff. June 22, 1994.
- RS 17:3723 - Repealed by Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 1, 3, eff. June 22, 1994.
- RS 17:3727 - Repealed by Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 1, 3, eff. June 22, 1994.
- RS 17:3728 - Repealed by Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 1, 3, eff. June 22, 1994.
- RS 17:3729 - Repealed by Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 1, 3, eff. June 22, 1994.
- RS 17:3730 - Repealed by Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 1, 3, eff. June 22, 1994.
- RS 17:3737 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1991, NO. 326, 2, EFF. JULY 6, 1991.
- RS 17:3738 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1991, NO. 326, 2, EFF. JULY 6, 1991.
- RS 17:3739 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1991, NO. 326, 2, EFF. JULY 6, 1991.
- RS 17:3740 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1991, NO. 326, 2, EFF. JULY 6, 1991.
- RS 17:3741 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1991, NO. 326, 2, EFF. JULY 6, 1991.
- RS 17:3751 - To 3755 Repealed by Acts 1987, No. 198, 1., eff. June 19, 1987; Acts 1987, No. 934, 1, eff. July 20, 1987.
- RS 17:3762 - Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 406, 2.
- RS 17:3763 - Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 406, 2.
- RS 17:3764 - Repealed by Acts 1999, No. 406, 2.
- RS 17:3765 - Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1185, 10, eff. July 1, 2002.
- RS 17:3772 - Definitions
- RS 17:3773 - Pilot program; administration; procedure
- RS 17:3774 - Mentors; qualifications; selection
- RS 17:3775 - Program evaluation
- RS 17:3776 - Effectiveness
- RS 17:3777 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1990, NO. 985, 2.
- RS 17:3781 - Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 418, §1, eff. June 28, 2011.
- RS 17:3782 - Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 302, §2, eff. June 28, 2011.
- RS 17:3783 - Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 302, §2, eff. June 28, 2011.
- RS 17:3784 - Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 302, §2, eff. June 28, 2011.
- RS 17:3801 - Louisiana Education Quality Trust Fund, hereinafter referred to in this Part as the "Kevin P. Reilly, Sr. Louisiana Education Quality Trust Fund"
- RS 17:3801.1 - Kevin P. Reilly, Sr. Louisiana Education Quality Trust Fund
- RS 17:3802 - Appropriations; procedure; limitation; administration
- RS 17:3803 - Investment authority; treasurer
- RS 17:3804 - Legislative oversight
- RS 17:3805 - Education Excellence Fund; prioritized plan for expenditure; legislative approval; fund amounts and investment earnings credited to ineligible entities
- RS 17:3822 - Definitions
- RS 17:3825 - Teacher Incentive Pay Models Program; establishment
- RS 17:3826 - Requirements; proposals; pilot program plans; final reports
- RS 17:3827 - State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education; duties; powers
- RS 17:3832 - Teacher incentive programs; establishment
- RS 17:3833 - Reports
- RS 17:3834 - REPEALED BY ACTS 1992, NO. 317, 1.
- RS 17:3872 - Purpose
- RS 17:3873 - Definitions
- RS 17:3881 - Purpose
- RS 17:3882 - Definitions
- RS 17:3883 - State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education; powers and duties
- RS 17:3884 - Evaluation records; response; access
- RS 17:3885 - Beginning and continuing teacher assistance
- RS 17:3886 - Teaching credentials; regular certification, permanent certification; effect of evaluation
- RS 17:3891 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 54, §4, eff. May 27, 2010.
- RS 17:3892 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 54, §4, eff. May 27, 2010.
- RS 17:3893 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 54, §4, eff. May 27, 2010.
- RS 17:3894 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 54, §4, eff. May 27, 2010.
- RS 17:3895 - Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 54, §4, eff. May 27, 2010.
- RS 17:3896 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 838, 1.
- RS 17:3901 - Applicability
- RS 17:3902 - Evaluation program; process
- RS 17:3903 - Evaluators; selection and training
- RS 17:3904 - Local boards; power and duties
- RS 17:3905 - Reports to the department
- RS 17:3911 - Data collection system; establishment
- RS 17:3912 - Progress profiles; preparation; distribution
- RS 17:3917 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 478, 3, eff. June 30, 1997.
- RS 17:3918 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 478, 3, eff. June 30, 1997.
- RS 17:3919 - Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 478, 3, eff. June 30, 1997.
- RS 17:3921 - Purpose
- RS 17:3921.1 - Office of instructional technology; functions and duties
- RS 17:3921.2 - Repealed by Acts 2001, No. 1182, 9, eff. July 1, 2001.
- RS 17:3921.3 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1262, 1.
- RS 17:3921.4 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1262, 1.
- RS 17:3932 - Powers and duties
- RS 17:3951 - College and Career Readiness Commission; creation; purpose; duties and responsibilities; membership; vacancies; compensation; reporting
- RS 17:3952 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1262.
- RS 17:3953 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1262, 1.
- RS 17:3954 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1262.
- RS 17:3955 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1262, 1.
- RS 17:3956 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1262, 1.
- RS 17:3957 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1262, 1.
- RS 17:3958 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1262, 1.
- RS 17:3959 - Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 1262, 1.
- RS 17:3972 - Intent and purpose
- RS 17:3973 - Definitions
- RS 17:3974 - Prohibitions; persons convicted of felony offenses
- RS 17:3981 - State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education; powers and duties relative to charter schools
- RS 17:3981.1 - State board; powers and duties relative to local charter authorizers
- RS 17:3981.2 - Local charter authorizers; powers and duties
- RS 17:3982 - Local school boards; duties
- RS 17:3983 - Chartering process by type; eligibility; limitations; faculty approval; parental approval
- RS 17:3991 - Charter schools; requirements; limitations; renewal; amendment; revocation
- RS 17:3991.1 - Corporate partners; enrollment preferences and board membership
- RS 17:3992 - Charter revision and renewal
- RS 17:3993 - Liability
- RS 17:3994 - Litigation costs
- RS 17:3995 - Charter school funding
- RS 17:3996 - Charter schools; exemptions; requirements
- RS 17:3997 - Charter school employees
- RS 17:3998 - Reports; review
- RS 17:3999 - Application of Chapter
- RS 17:4001 - Louisiana Charter School Start-Up Loan Fund; creation; purpose; distribution
- RS 17:4002.1 - Course providers; short title
- RS 17:4002.2 - Legislative findings
- RS 17:4002.3 - Definitions
- RS 17:4002.4 - State board; powers and duties relative to course providers
- RS 17:4002.5 - Local school systems; per course providers
- RS 17:4002.6 - Course providers; funding
- RS 17:4011 - Short title
- RS 17:4012 - Legislative findings
- RS 17:4013 - Definitions
- RS 17:4014 - Student Scholarships for Educational Excellence Program; creation
- RS 17:4015 - Program administration
- RS 17:4016 - Scholarship amounts; funding
- RS 17:4017 - Payment of scholarships
- RS 17:4018 - Student eligibility
- RS 17:4019 - [Blank]
- RS 17:4020 - School participation; application
- RS 17:4021 - School eligibility
- RS 17:4022 - Participating schools; requirements
- RS 17:4023 - Testing
- RS 17:4024 - Reports
- RS 17:4025 - Rules; severability
- RS 17:4031 - School choice; students with exceptionalities; pilot program; establishment; purpose; student eligibility; nonpublic school eligibility; administration; implementation; reporting
- RS 17:4041 - Definitions
- RS 17:4042 - Authority of the board to grant waivers
- RS 17:4043 - Requests for waivers
- RS 17:4044 - Terms and conditions of waivers for low-performing schools
- RS 17:4045 - Grant, denial, or extension of waivers
- RS 17:4046 - Reporting requirements
- RS 17:4047 - Termination of waivers
- RS 17:4048 - Rules
- RS 17:4049 - Other waiver provisions
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