There is a newer version
the Kentucky Revised Statutes
2022 Kentucky Revised Statutes
- Chapter 1 - Boundaries
- Chapter 2 - Citizenship, emblems, holidays, and time
- Chapter 3 - Grants to united states of lands and rights to acquire
- Chapter 4 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 5 - Legislative districts
- Chapter 6 - The general assembly
- Chapter 6A - Organizational sessions of the general assembly
- Chapter 7 - Legislative research commission
- Chapter 7A - Planning and oversight of governmental finance
- Chapter 7B - Long-term policy research
- Chapter 8 - Intergovernmental cooperation
- Chapter 9 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 10 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 11 - The governor
- Chapter 11A - Executive branch code of ethics
- Chapter 12 - Administrative organization
- Chapter 13 - Administrative regulations (superseded)
- Chapter 13A - Administrative regulations
- Chapter 13B - Administrative hearings
- Chapter 14 - Department of state
Chapter 14A - Kentucky business entity filing act
- Subchapter 14A.1 - General Provisions
- Subchapter 14A.2 - Filing Requirements
- Subchapter 14A.3 - Business Entity Names
- Subchapter 14A.4 - Registered Office and Agent
- Subchapter 14A.5 - Principal Office Address
- Subchapter 14A.6 - Annual Reports
- Subchapter 14A.7 - Administrative Dissolution
- Subchapter 14A.8 - End of Duration
- Subchapter 14A.9 - Foreign Business Entities
- Chapter 15 - Department of law
- Chapter 15A - Justice and public safety cabinet
- Chapter 16 - State police
- Chapter 17 - Public safety
- Chapter 18 - State personnel (superseded)
- Chapter 18A - State personnel
- Chapter 19 - Human rights commission (superseded)
- Chapter 20 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 21 - Judicial retirement
- Chapter 21A - Supreme court of kentucky
- Chapter 22 - Judicial council and judicial conference (superseded)
- Chapter 22A - Court of appeals
- Chapter 23 - Circuit courts generally (superseded)
- Chapter 23A - Circuit court
- Chapter 24 - Circuit courts having continuous session (superseded)
- Chapter 24A - District court
- Chapter 25 - County (probate), quarterly and justices' courts (superseded)
- Chapter 26 - Police courts (superseded)
- Chapter 26A - Court of justice
- Chapter 27 - Master commissioners and receivers (superseded)
- Chapter 27A - Judicial support agencies and personnel
- Chapter 28 - Clerks, stenographic reporters, interpreters and examiners (superseded)
- Chapter 29 - Juries (superseded)
- Chapter 29A - Juries
- Chapter 30 - Attorneys at law (superseded)
- Chapter 30A - Court personnel
- Chapter 31 - Department of public advocacy
- Chapter 31A - Master commissioners and receivers
- Chapter 32 - Financing of unified state court system
- Chapter 33 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 34 - Judicial commissions
- Chapter 35 - Military justice
- Chapter 36 - Department of military affairs
- Chapter 37 - Active militia
- Chapter 38 - National guard
- Chapter 39 - Disaster and emergency services management
- Chapter 39A - Statewide emergency management programs
- Chapter 39B - Local emergency management programs
- Chapter 39C - State aid to local emergency management programs
- Chapter 39D - Continuity of government
- Chapter 39E - Implementation of federal hazardous materials programs
- Chapter 39F - Local rescue programs - state and local search and rescue programs
- Chapter 39G - Kentucky office of homeland security
- Chapter 40 - Veterans
- Chapter 41 - Department of the treasury
- Chapter 42 - Finance and administration cabinet
- Chapter 43 - Auditor of public accounts
- Chapter 44 - Claims upon the treasury
- Chapter 45 - Budget and financial administration
- Chapter 45A - Kentucky model procurement code
- Chapter 46 - Report and accounting of state funds by local officers
- Chapter 47 - Appropriations
- Chapter 48 - Budget
- Chapter 49 - Office of claims and appeals
- Chapters 50 TO 55 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 56 - State lands and buildings
- Chapter 57 - Public printing and distribution of public documents
- Chapter 58 - Acquisition and development of public projects through revenue bonds
- Chapter 59 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 60 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 61 - General provisions as to offices and officers -- social security for public employees -- employees retirement system
- Chapter 62 - Oaths and bonds
- Chapter 63 - Resignations, removals, and vacancies
- Chapter 64 - Fees and compensation of public officers and employees
- Chapter 65 - General provisions applicable to counties, cities, and other local units
- Chapter 65A - Special purpose governmental entities
- Chapter 66 - Issuance of bonds and control of funds
- Chapter 67 - County government (fiscal courts and county commissioners)
- Chapter 67A - Urban-county government
- Chapter 67B - Metropolitan correctional services department
- Chapter 67C - Restructure of local government in county containing city of first class
- Chapter 68 - County finance and county treasurer
- Chapter 69 - Commonwealth's and county attorneys
- Chapter 70 - Sheriffs, constables, and county police force
- Chapter 71 - Jailer
- Chapter 72 - Coroners, inquests, and medical examinations
- Chapter 73 - Surveyor and processioners
- Chapter 74 - Water districts
- Chapter 75 - Fire protection districts
- Chapter 75A - Consolidated emergency services districts
- Chapter 76 - City-county metropolitan sewer, sewer construction, and sanitation districts
- Chapter 77 - Air pollution control
- Chapter 78 - County employees' civil service and retirement
- Chapter 79 - Intercity, intercounty, and city-county compacts for purchasing and merit systems -- retirement and disability plans for employees of counties and cities
- Chapter 80 - Low-cost housing
- Chapter 81 - City classification, boundaries, and alternative method of consolidating governmental services
- Chapter 81A - Annexation
- Chapter 82 - General provisions applicable to cities
- Chapter 83 - Organization and government of cities of the first class
- Chapter 83A - Organization of government in cities
- Chapter 84 - Organization and government of cities of the second class (superseded)
- Chapter 85 - Organization and government of cities of the third class (superseded)
- Chapter 86 - Organization and government of cities of the fourth class (superseded)
- Chapter 87 - Organization and government of cities of the fifth class (superseded)
- Chapter 88 - Organization and government of cities of the sixth class (superseded)
- Chapter 89 - Commission and city manager forms of government (superseded)
- Chapter 90 - City civil service
- Chapter 91 - Finance and revenue of cities of the first class
- Chapter 91A - Finance and revenue of cities
- Chapter 92 - Finance and revenue of cities other than the first class
- Chapter 93 - Public works in cities of the first class (superseded)
- Chapter 93A - Pedestrian mall projects
- Chapter 94 - Public works in cities other than the first class
- Chapter 95 - City police and fire departments
- Chapter 95A - Fire protection personnel
- Chapter 96 - Utilities in cities
- Chapter 96A - Mass transit authorities
- Chapter 97 - Parks, playgrounds, and recreation
- Chapter 98 - Health and welfare in cities of the first class and in counties containing such cities
- Chapter 99 - Urban renewal and redevelopment
- Chapter 99A - Neighborhood redevelopment
- Chapter 100 - Planning and zoning
- Chapter 101 - Tenement and apartment houses in cities of the first class (superseded)
- Chapter 102 - Chambers of commerce
- Chapter 103 - Revenue bonds for miscellaneous city or county projects
- Chapter 104 - Flood control and water usage
- Chapter 105 - War memorials (superseded)
- Chapter 106 - Acquisition of waterworks by cities and water districts
- Chapter 107 - Municipal improvements -- alternate methods
- Chapter 108 - Urban services districts -- ambulance service districts
- Chapter 108A - New community districts (superseded)
- Chapter 109 - Local solid waste management
- Chapters 110 TO 115 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 116 - Voter registration
- Chapter 117 - Regulation of elections
- Chapter 117A - Uniform military and overseas voters act
- Chapter 118 - Conduct of elections
- Chapter 118A - Election of judges
- Chapter 118B - Districts for united states house of representatives
- Chapter 119 - Election offenses and prosecutions
- Chapter 120 - Election contests
- Chapter 121 - Campaign finance regulation
- Chapter 121A - Public financing campaign act
- Chapter 122 - Contest of elections (superseded)
- Chapter 123 - Corrupt practices (superseded)
- Chapter 124 - Election offenses and prosecutions (superseded)
- Chapter 125 - Voting machines (superseded)
- Chapter 126 - Absentee voting (superseded)
- Chapter 127 - Boards of elections (superseded)
- Chapter 128 - Voter registration (superseded)
- Chapter 129 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 130 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 131 - Department of revenue
- Chapter 132 - Levy and assessment of property taxes
- Chapter 133 - Supervision, equalization, and review of assessments
- Chapter 134 - Payment, collection, and refund of taxes
- Chapter 135 - Collection of public claims by action
- Chapter 136 - Corporation and utility taxes
- Chapter 137 - License taxes
- Chapter 138 - Excise taxes
- Chapter 139 - Sales and use taxes
- Chapter 140 - Inheritance and estate taxes
- Chapter 141 - Income taxes
- Chapter 142 - Miscellaneous taxes
- Chapter 143 - Coal tax
- Chapter 143A - Natural resources severance and processing taxes
- Chapter 144 - Tax incentives for economic development
- Chapter 145 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 146 - Natural resources
- Chapter 147 - State and area planning -- regional development
- Chapter 147A - Program development
- Chapter 147B - Financial policy
- Chapter 148 - Parks and tourism
- Chapter 149 - Forestry
- Chapter 150 - Fish and wildlife resources
- Chapter 151 - Geology and water resources
- Chapter 151A - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 151B - Workforce education
- Chapter 152 - Energy development
- Chapter 152A - Energy
- Chapter 153 - The arts -- state zoo
Chapter 154 - Development
- Subchapter 154.01 - Generalities
- Subchapter 154.1 - Generalities
- Subchapter 154.10 - Kentucky Economic Development Partnership
- Subchapter 154.12 - Cabinet for Economic Development
- Subchapter 154.15 - Kentucky Communications Network Authority
- Subchapter 154.20 - Financing of Development Generally
- Subchapter 154.21 - Kentucky Product Development Initiative
- Subchapter 154.22 - Financing of Rural Economic Development
- Subchapter 154.23 - Economic Development Projects in Qualified Zones
- Subchapter 154.24 - Financing of Jobs Development
- Subchapter 154.25 - Kentucky Jobs Retention Act Program
- Subchapter 154.26 - Financing of Existing Industry Development
- Subchapter 154.27 - Incentives for Energy-related Business Act
- Subchapter 154.28 - Financing of New Industry Development
- Subchapter 154.29 - Financing of Tourism Development
- Subchapter 154.30 - Tax Increment Financing
- Subchapter 154.31 - The Kentucky Investment Act
- Subchapter 154.32 - The Kentucky Business Investment Program
- Subchapter 154.33 - Appalachian Development
- Subchapter 154.34 - Reinvestment of Manufacturing Facilities
- Subchapter 154.35 - Applied and Basic Research Development
- Subchapter 154.40 - Eastern Kentucky Exposition Center Corporation
- Subchapter 154.45 - Enterprise Zone Development
- Subchapter 154.47 - Forest Resources Development
- Subchapter 154.48 - Environmental Stewardship
- Subchapter 154.50 - Industrial Development
- Subchapter 154.54 - International Trade Development (Superseded)
- Subchapter 154.60 - Small Business Tax Credit Program
- Subchapter 154.61 - Motion Pictures and Entertainment Productions
- Subchapter 154.80 - Water Resources Development
- Subchapter 154.85 - West Kentucky Development
- Subchapter 154.90 - Additional Types of Development
- Subchapter 154.99 - Penalties
- Chapter 154A - State lottery
- Chapter 154B - Economic and jobs development
- Chapter 155 - Business development corporations
- Chapter 156 - Department of education
- Chapter 157 - State support of education
- Chapter 157A - Foundation program (superseded)
- Chapter 158 - Conduct of schools -- special programs
- Chapter 159 - Compulsory attendance
- Chapter 160 - School districts
- Chapter 161 - School employees -- teachers' retirement and tenure
- Chapter 162 - School property and buildings
- Chapter 163 - Vocational education and rehabilitation
- Chapter 164 - State universities and colleges -- regional education -- archaeology
- Chapter 164A - Higher education finance
- Chapter 165 - City universities and colleges
- Chapter 165A - Proprietary education
- Chapter 166 - Institutions for vocational and secondary education (superseded)
- Chapter 167 - Education of the physically handicapped
- Chapter 168 - Educational television
- Chapter 169 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 170 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 171 - State libraries -- librarians -- state archives and records
- Chapter 172 - County law libraries
- Chapter 173 - City, county, and regional libraries
- Chapter 174 - Transportation cabinet
- Chapter 175 - Turnpike authority
- Chapter 175A - County turnpike authority (superseded)
- Chapter 175B - Kentucky public transportation infrastructure authority
- Chapter 176 - Department of highways
- Chapter 177 - State and federal highways -- limited access facilities -- turnpikes -- road bonds -- billboards -- recyclers
- Chapter 178 - County roads -- grade crossing elimination
- Chapter 179 - County road engineer and maintenance of public roads
- Chapter 180 - State bridges, tunnels, and ferries
- Chapter 181 - County and city bridges, tunnels, and ferries
- Chapter 182 - Waterways and milldams
- Chapter 183 - Aviation
- Chapter 184 - Public road districts
- Chapter 185 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 186 - Licensing of motor vehicles, operators, and trailers
- Chapter 186A - Automated motor vehicle registration system
- Chapter 187 - Financial responsibility law
- Chapter 188 - Service of process on nonresident motorists
- Chapter 189 - Traffic regulations -- vehicle equipment and storage
- Chapter 189A - Driving under the influence
- Chapter 190 - Motor vehicle sales
- Chapter 190A - Recreational vehicle sales
- Chapters 191 TO 193 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 194 - Human resources
- Chapter 194A - Cabinet for health and family services
- Chapter 194B - Cabinet for families and children (superseded)
- Chapter 195 - Manpower services
- Chapter 196 - Corrections
- Chapter 197 - Penitentiaries
- Chapter 198 - Houses of reform
- Chapter 198A - Low-cost housing
- Chapter 198B - Housing, buildings, and construction - building code
- Chapter 199 - Protective services for children - adoption
- Chapter 200 - Assistance to children
- Chapter 201 - Jefferson county children's home
- Chapter 202 - Hospitalization of mental patients (superseded)
- Chapter 202A - Hospitalization of the mentally ill
- Chapter 202B - Admission of an individual with an intellectual disability
- Chapter 202C - Involuntary commitment proceedings
- Chapter 203 - Incompetency proceedings (superseded)
- Chapter 204 - Poor persons and poorhouses (superseded)
- Chapter 205 - Public assistance and medical assistance
- Chapter 206 - Confederate pensions
- Chapter 207 - Aid to the needy blind -- equal opportunities
- Chapter 208 - Juvenile proceedings -- commitment and care of children
- Chapter 208A - Juvenile code general provisions (superseded)
- Chapter 208B - Protective services for children (superseded)
- Chapter 208C - Termination of parental rights (superseded)
- Chapter 208D - Status offenders (superseded)
- Chapter 208E - Juvenile public offenders (superseded)
- Chapter 208F - Youthful offenders (superseded)
- Chapter 208G - Treatment of children with mental disorders (superseded)
- Chapter 209 - Protection of adults
- Chapter 209A - Spousal abuse or neglect
- Chapter 210 - State and regional mental health programs
- Chapter 211 - State health programs
- Chapter 212 - Local health programs
- Chapter 213 - Vital statistics
- Chapter 214 - Diseases
- Chapter 215 - Tuberculosis
- Chapter 216 - Health facilities and services
- Chapter 216A - Licensing of nursing home administrators
- Chapter 216B - Licensure and regulation of health facilities and services
- Chapter 216C - Medical review panels (declared void in its entirety by the kentucky supreme court)
- Chapter 217 - Foods, drugs, and poisons
- Chapter 217A - Poultry and rabbit inspection (superseded)
- Chapter 217B - Fertilizer and pesticide use and application
- Chapter 217C - Milk and milk products
- Chapter 218 - Uniform narcotic drug act (superseded)
- Chapter 218A - Controlled substances
- Chapter 219 - Hotel, food service, and mobile home and recreational vehicle park regulations
- Chapter 220 - Sanitation districts
- Chapter 221 - Frozen food locker plants
- Chapter 222 - Kentucky alcohol and other drug abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment law
- Chapter 223 - Sanitarians, water plant operators, and water well construction practices
Chapter 224 - Environmental protection
- Subchapter 224.01 - Generalities
- Subchapter 224.1 - Generalities
- Subchapter 224.10 - Energy and Environment Cabinet
- Subchapter 224.16 - State-Federal Relations
- Subchapter 224.18 - Interstate Relations
- Subchapter 224.20 - Air Quality
- Subchapter 224.30 - Noise Control
- Subchapter 224.40 - Waste -- Generalities
- Subchapter 224.43 - Solid Waste
- Subchapter 224.46 - Hazardous Waste
- Subchapter 224.50 - Other Specific Types of Waste
- Subchapter 224.60 - Underground Storage Facilities
- Subchapter 224.70 - Water Quality
- Subchapter 224.71 - Agriculture Water Quality
- Subchapter 224.73 - Sewage Treatment
- Subchapter 224.80 - Environmental Covenants
- Subchapter 224.99 - Penalties
- Chapter 224A - Kentucky infrastructure authority
- Chapter 225 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 226 - Pawnbrokers
- Chapter 227 - Fire prevention and protection -- electricians
- Chapter 227A - Electricians and electrical contractors
- Chapter 228 - Dry cleaning and dyeing
- Chapter 229 - Boxing and wrestling
- Chapter 230 - Horse racing and showing
- Chapter 231 - Places of entertainment
- Chapter 232 - Nudist societies
- Chapter 233 - Abatement of houses of prostitution
- Chapter 234 - Liquefied petroleum gas and other flammable liquids
- Chapter 235 - Boats and boating
- Chapter 236 - Boiler and pressure vessel safety
- Chapter 237 - Firearms and destructive devices
- Chapter 238 - Charitable gaming
- Chapter 239 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 240 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 241 - Alcoholic beverages -- administration and control
- Chapter 242 - Alcoholic beverages -- local option
- Chapter 243 - Alcoholic beverages -- licenses and taxes
- Chapter 244 - Alcoholic beverages -- prohibitions, restrictions, and regulations
- Chapter 245 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 246 - Department of agriculture
- Chapter 247 - Promotion of agriculture and horticulture
- Chapter 248 - Tobacco
- Chapter 249 - Trees, plants, weeds, and pests
- Chapter 250 - Agricultural seeds, feeding stuffs, and fertilizers
- Chapter 251 - Grain warehouses
- Chapter 252 - Apiaries
- Chapter 253 - Marks and brands of livestock
- Chapter 254 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 255 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 256 - Fences
- Chapter 257 - Livestock and poultry disease control
- Chapter 258 - Animal control and protection
- Chapter 259 - Strays and animals running at large
- Chapter 260 - Marketing of agricultural products
- Chapter 261 - Stockyards
- Chapter 262 - Soil and water conservation
- Chapter 263 - Disposal of dead animals
- Chapter 264 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 265 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 266 - Levees
- Chapter 267 - Drainage and reclamation act of 1912
- Chapter 268 - Drainage and reclamation act of 1918
- Chapter 269 - Miscellaneous provisions as to ditches, drainage, and reclamation
- Chapter 270 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 271 - General provisions concerning private corporations (superseded)
- Chapter 271A - Private corporations (superseded)
Chapter 271B - Business corporations
- Subtitle 271B.1 - General Provisions
- Subtitle 271B.2 - Incorporation
- Subtitle 271B.3 - Purposes and Powers
- Subtitle 271B.4 - Name
- Subtitle 271B.5 - Office and Agent
- Subtitle 271B.6 - Shares and Distributions
- Subtitle 271B.7 - Shareholders
- Subtitle 271B.8 - Directors and Officers
- Subtitle 271B.10 - Amendment of Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws
- Subtitle 271B.11 - Merger and Share Exchange
- Subtitle 271B.12 - Sale of Assets; Business Combinations
- Subtitle 271B.13 - Dissenters' Rights
- Subtitle 271B.14 - Dissolution
- Subtitle 271B.15 - Foreign Corporations
- Subtitle 271B.16 - Records and Reports
- Subtitle 271B.17 - Transition Provisions
- Subtitle 271B.18 - Miscellaneous Provisions
- Chapter 272 - Cooperative corporations and associations
Chapter 272A - Kentucky uniform limited cooperative association act
- Subchapter 272A.1 - General Provisions
- Subchapter 272A.2 - Filings with the Secretary of State
- Subchapter 272A.3 - Organization
- Subchapter 272A.4 - Amendment of Organic Rules
- Subchapter 272A.5 - Members
- Subchapter 272A.6 - Member's Interest in Limited Cooperative Association
- Subchapter 272A.7 - Marketing Contracts
- Subchapter 272A.8 - Board of Directors -- Officers
- Subchapter 272A.9 - Indemnification
- Subchapter 272A.10 - Contributions, Allocations, and Distributions
- Subchapter 272A.11 - Member Dissociation
- Subchapter 272A.12 - Dissolution of a Limited Cooperative Association
- Subchapter 272A.13 - Actions by a Member Against a Limited Cooperative Association
- Subchapter 272A.14 - Foreign Limited Cooperative Associations
- Subchapter 272A.15 - Disposition of Assets
- Subchapter 272A.16 - Mergers and Conversions
- Subchapter 272A.17 - Miscellaneous Provisions
- Chapter 273 - Religious, charitable, and educational societies -- nonstock, nonprofit corporations
- Chapter 273A - Kentucky uniform unincorporated nonprofit association act
- Chapter 274 - Professional service corporations
- Chapter 275 - Limited liability companies
- Chapter 276 - Railroad commission -- rates and service of common carriers
- Chapter 277 - Railroads -- organization and operating regulations
- Chapter 278 - Public service commission
- Chapter 279 - Rural electric and rural telephone cooperative corporations
- Chapter 280 - Private toll bridges and ferries
- Chapter 281 - Motor carriers
- Chapter 281A - Commercial driver's licenses
- Chapters 282 TO 285 - (not yet utilized.)
Chapter 286 - Kentucky financial services code
- Subtitle 286.1 - Office of Financial Institutions
- Subtitle 286.2 - Financial Institutions Generally
- Subtitle 286.3 - Banks and Trust Companies
- Subtitle 286.4 - Consumer Loan Companies
- Subtitle 286.5 - Savings and Loan Associations
- Subtitle 286.6 - Credit Unions
- Subtitle 286.7 - Industrial Loan Corporations
- Subtitle 286.8 - Mortgage Loan Companies and Brokers
- Subtitle 286.9 - Deferred Deposit Service Business and Check Cashing
- Subtitle 286.10 - Title Pledge Lending
- Subtitle 286.11 - Money Transmitters
- Subtitle 286.12 - Student Education Loan Servicing, Licensing, and Protection
- Chapter 287 - Banks and trust companies
- Chapter 288 - Consumer loans
- Chapter 289 - Savings and loan associations
- Chapter 290 - Credit unions
- Chapter 291 - Investment companies -- industrial loan corporations
- Chapter 292 - Securities (blue sky law)
- Chapter 293 - Kentucky savings bond authority
- Chapter 294 - Mortgage loan companies and loan brokers
- Chapter 295 - Mortgage guaranty insurance
- Chapter 296 - Division of insurance and insurance generally (superseded)
- Chapter 297 - Stock and mutual life insurance companies (superseded)
- Chapter 298 - Stock insurance companies -- other than life (superseded)
- Chapter 299 - Assessment or cooperative insurance
- Chapter 300 - Fraternal benefit societies (superseded)
- Chapter 301 - Mutual insurance companies -- other than life (superseded)
- Chapter 302 - Reinsurance, reciprocal and lloyd's plan insurance (superseded)
- Chapter 303 - Burial associations
Chapter 304 - Insurance code
- Subtitle 304.1 - Scope -- General Definitions and Provisions
- Subtitle 304.2 - Insurance Commissioner
- Subtitle 304.3 - Authorization of Insurers and General Requirements
- Subtitle 304.4 - Fees and Taxes
- Subtitle 304.5 - Kinds of Insurance -- Limits of Risk -- Reinsurance
- Subtitle 304.6 - Assets and Liabilities
- Subtitle 304.7 - Investments
- Subtitle 304.8 - Administration of Deposits
- Subtitle 304.9 - Agents, Consultants, Solicitors and Adjusters
- Subtitle 304.10 - Surplus Lines
- Subtitle 304.11 - Unauthorized Insurers -- Prohibitions and Process
- Subtitle 304.12 - Trade Practices and Frauds
- Subtitle 304.13 - Rates and Rating Organizations
- Subtitle 304.14 - The Insurance Contract
- Subtitle 304.15 - Life Insurance and Annuity Contracts
- Subtitle 304.16 - Group Life Insurance
- Subtitle 304.17 - Health Insurance Contracts
- Subtitle 304.17A - Health Benefit Plans
- Subtitle 304.17B - Kentucky Access
- Subtitle 304.17C - Limited Health Service Benefit Plans
- Subtitle 304.18 - Group and Blanket Health Insurance
- Subtitle 304.19 - Credit Life Insurance and Credit Health Insurance
- Subtitle 304.20 - Casualty Insurance Contracts
- Subtitle 304.21 - Surety Insurance Contracts
- Subtitle 304.22 - Title Insurance Contracts
- Subtitle 304.23 - Mortgage Guaranty Insurance
- Subtitle 304.24 - Domestic Stock and Mutual Insurers
- Subtitle 304.25 - Continuity of Management
- Subtitle 304.26 - Insider Trading of Equity Securities
- Subtitle 304.27 - Reciprocal Insurers
- Subtitle 304.28 - Lloyd's Plan Insurers
- Subtitle 304.29 - Fraternal Benefit Societies
- Subtitle 304.30 - Insurance Premium Finance Companies
- Subtitle 304.31 - Burial Insurance
- Subtitle 304.32 - Nonprofit Hospital, Medical-Surgical, Dental and Health Service Corporations
- Subtitle 304.33 - Insurers Rehabilitation and Liquidation
- Subtitle 304.34 - Bail Bondsmen
- Subtitle 304.35 - FAIR Plan and Reinsurance Association
- Subtitle 304.36 - Kentucky Insurance Guaranty Association
- Subtitle 304.37 - Insurance Holding Company Systems
- Subtitle 304.38 - Health Maintenance Organizations
- Subtitle 304.38A - Limited Health Service Organizations
- Subtitle 304.39 - Motor Vehicle Reparations Act
- Subtitle 304.40 - Health Care Malpractice Insurance
- Subtitle 304.41 - Legal Professional Liability Joint Underwriting Association
- Subtitle 304.42 - Kentucky Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association
- Subtitle 304.43 - Prepaid Dental Plan Organization
- Subtitle 304.44 - Mine Subsidence Insurance
- Subtitle 304.45 - Product Liability Risk Retention Groups
- Subtitle 304.46 - Commercial Insurance (Expired)
- Subtitle 304.47 - Insurance Fraud
- Subtitle 304.48 - Liability Self-Insurance Groups
- Subtitle 304.49 - Captive Insurers
- Subtitle 304.50 - Workers' Compensation Self-Insured Groups
- Subtitle 304.51 - Interstate Insurance Products.
- Subtitle 304.52 - Travel Insurance Act
- Subtitle 304.99 - Penalties
- Chapter 305 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 306 - Hotels
- Chapter 307 - Cemeteries
- Chapter 308 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 309 - Miscellaneous occupations and professions
- Chapter 310 - Dietitians and nutritionists
- Chapter 311 - Physicians, osteopaths, podiatrists, and related medical practitioners
- Chapter 311A - Emergency medical services
- Chapter 311B - Medical imaging, radiation therapy, and related occupations
- Chapter 312 - Chiropractors
- Chapter 313 - Dentists and dental specialists
- Chapter 314 - Registered nurses -- practical nurses
- Chapter 314A - Respiratory care practitioners
- Chapter 315 - Pharmacists and pharmacies
- Chapter 316 - Embalmers and funeral directors
- Chapter 317 - Barbers
- Chapter 317A - Cosmetologists
- Chapter 317B - Estheticians
- Chapter 318 - Plumbers and plumbing
- Chapter 319 - Psychologists
- Chapter 319A - Occupational therapists
- Chapter 319B - Prosthetists, orthotists, and pedorthists
- Chapter 319C - Applied behavior analysts
- Chapter 320 - Optometrists
- Chapter 321 - Veterinarians
- Chapter 322 - Professional engineers and land surveyors
- Chapter 322A - Professional geologists
- Chapter 323 - Architects
- Chapter 323A - Landscape architecture
- Chapter 324 - Real estate brokers and salesmen
- Chapter 324A - Real estate appraisers
- Chapter 324B - Department of professional licensing -- kentucky real estate authority
- Chapter 325 - Public accountants
- Chapter 326 - Ophthalmic dispensers
- Chapter 327 - Physical therapists
- Chapter 328 - Watchmakers (superseded)
- Chapter 329 - Detection of deception examiners
- Chapter 329A - Private investigators
- Chapter 330 - Auctioneers and auction house operators
- Chapter 331 - Business schools (superseded)
- Chapter 332 - Driver training schools and instructors
- Chapter 333 - Medical laboratories
- Chapter 334 - Specialists in hearing instruments
- Chapter 334A - Speech-language pathologists and audiologists
- Chapter 335 - Social workers and professional counselors
- Chapter 335A - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 335B - Licensing and public employment qualifications
- Chapter 336 - Labor and employment
- Chapter 337 - Wages and hours
- Chapter 338 - Occupational safety and health of employees
- Chapter 339 - Child labor
- Chapter 340 - Employment agencies
- Chapter 341 - Unemployment compensation
- Chapter 342 - Workers' compensation
- Chapter 343 - Apprenticeship
- Chapter 344 - Civil rights
- Chapter 345 - Collective bargaining for firefighters
- Chapter 346 - Compensation of crime victims
- Chapter 347 - Persons with developmental disabilities
- Chapter 348 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 349 - Coalbed methane development
- Chapter 350 - Surface coal mining
- Chapter 351 - Department for natural resources
- Chapter 352 - Mining regulations
- Chapter 353 - Mineral conservation and development
- Chapter 354 - Clay mining (superseded)
Chapter 355 - Uniform commercial code
- Article 355.1 - General Provisions
- Article 355.2 - Sales
- Article 355.2A - Leases
- Article 355.3 - Negotiable Instruments
- Article 355.4 - Bank Deposits and Collections
- Article 355.4A - Funds Transfers
- Article 355.5 - Letters of Credit
- Article 355.6 - Bulk Transfers
- Article 355.7 - Warehouse Receipts, Bills of Lading, and Other Documents of Title
- Article 355.8 - Investment Securities
- Article 355.9 - Secured Transactions -- Sales of Accounts, Contract Rights, and Chattel Paper
- Article 355.10 - Other Provisions
- Article 355.11 - Transition
- Chapter 356 - Negotiable instruments (superseded)
- Chapter 357 - Bank collection code (superseded)
- Chapter 358 - Uniform warehouse receipts act (superseded)
- Chapter 359 - Self-service storage facilities
- Chapter 360 - Interest and usury
- Chapter 361 - Uniform sales act (superseded)
- Chapter 362 - Partnerships
- Chapter 363 - Weights, measures, and millers' tolls
- Chapter 364 - Drifts, logs, and timber
- Chapter 365 - Trade practices
- Chapter 366 - Sale of checks law
- Chapter 367 - Consumer protection
- Chapter 368 - Check cashing
- Chapter 369 - Information technology
- Chapter 370 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 371 - Formality and assignability of contracts -- installment sales contracts
- Chapter 372 - Contracts against public policy
- Chapters 373 TO 375 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 376 - Statutory liens
- Chapter 377 - Bulk sales (superseded)
- Chapter 378 - Fraudulent and preferential conveyances
- Chapter 378A - Kentucky uniform voidable transactions act
- Chapter 379 - Voluntary assignments
- Chapter 380 - Debt adjusting
- Chapter 381 - Title to property and restrictions on use, ownership, and alienation
- Chapter 382 - Conveyances and encumbrances
- Chapter 383 - Rental of property -- forcible entry and detainer -- uniform residential landlord and tenant act
- Chapter 384 - Control of property and exercise of rights of persons in armed forces -- contracts of infant war veterans
- Chapter 385 - Uniform transfers to minors act
- Chapter 386 - Administration of trusts -- legal investments -- uniform principal and income act
Chapter 386A - Kentucky uniform statutory trust act (2012)
- Subchapter 386A.1 - General Provisions
- Subchapter 386A.2 - Formation -- Certificate of Trust and other Filings
- Subchapter 386A.3 - Governing Law -- Authorizations -- Duration -- Powers
- Subchapter 386A.4 - Series
- Subchapter 386A.5 - Trustees and Trust Management
- Subchapter 386A.6 - Beneficiaries and Beneficial Rights
- Subchapter 386A.7 - Mergers and Conversions
- Subchapter 386A.8 - Dissolution and Winding Up
- Subchapter 386A.9 - Foreign Statutory Trusts
- Subchapter 386A.10 - Miscellaneous Provisions
Chapter 386B - Uniform trust code
- Subchapter 386B.1 - General Provisions and Definitions
- Subchapter 386B.2 - Judicial Proceedings
- Subchapter 386B.3 - Representation
- Subchapter 386B.4 - Creation, Validity, Modification, and Termination of Trust
- Subchapter 386B.5 - Creditor's Claims -- Spendthrift and Discretionary Trusts
- Subchapter 386B.6 - Revocable Trusts
- Subchapter 386B.7 - Office of Trustee
- Subchapter 386B.8 - Duties and Powers of Trustee
- Subchapter 386B.9 - Uniform Prudent Investor Act
- Subchapter 386B.10 - Liability of Trustees and Rights of Persons Dealing with Trustees
- Subchapter 386B.11 - Miscellaneous Provisions
- Chapter 387 - Guardians -- conservators -- curators of convicts
- Chapter 388 - Uniform veterans' guardianship act
- Chapter 389 - Sales of realty of persons under disability (superseded)
- Chapter 389A - Fiducial and judicial sales of real estate
- Chapter 390 - Uniform powers of appointment act
- Chapter 391 - Descent and distribution
- Chapter 392 - Dower and curtesy
- Chapter 393 - Escheats
- Chapter 393A - Revised uniform unclaimed property act
- Chapter 394 - Wills
- Chapter 395 - Personal representatives
- Chapter 395A - Revised uniform fiduciary access to digital assets act (2015)
- Chapter 396 - Claims against decedents' estates
- Chapter 397 - Uniform simultaneous death act
- Chapters 398 TO 400 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 401 - Change of name
- Chapter 402 - Marriage
- Chapter 403 - Dissolution of marriage -- child custody
- Chapter 403A - Uniform deployed parents custody and visitation act
- Chapter 404 - Contracts and separate estate of married women
- Chapter 405 - Parent and child
- Chapter 406 - Uniform act on paternity
- Chapter 407 - Interstate support enforcement
- Chapters 408 TO 410 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 411 - Rights of action and survival of actions
- Chapter 412 - Suretyship, joint obligations, and contribution
- Chapter 413 - Limitation of actions
- Chapter 414 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 415 - Repeal or vacation of charters -- usurpation
- Chapter 416 - Eminent domain
- Chapter 417 - Arbitration and award
- Chapter 418 - Summary proceedings -- declaratory judgments
- Chapter 419 - Habeas corpus
- Chapter 420 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 421 - Witnesses
- Chapter 422 - Evidence and lost records
- Chapter 422A - Kentucky rules of evidence
- Chapter 423 - Notaries public and commissioners of foreign deeds
- Chapter 424 - Legal notices
- Chapter 425 - Provisional remedies
- Chapter 426 - Enforcement of judgments
- Chapter 427 - Exemptions
- Chapters 428 TO 430 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 431 - General provisions concerning crimes and punishments
- Chapter 432 - Offenses against the state and public justice
- Chapter 433 - Offenses against property by force
- Chapter 434 - Offenses against property by fraud
- Chapter 435 - Offenses against persons (superseded)
- Chapter 436 - Offenses against morality
- Chapter 437 - Offenses against public peace -- conspiracies
- Chapter 438 - Offenses against public health and safety
- Chapter 439 - Probation and parole
- Chapter 440 - Escapes, fugitives from justice, and extradition
- Chapter 441 - Jails and county prisoners
- Chapters 442 TO 445 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 446 - Construction of statutes
- Chapter 447 - Public laws in force -- court rules
- Chapters 448 TO 450 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 451 - Practice in circuit courts
- Chapter 452 - Venue and change of venue
- Chapter 453 - Costs
- Chapter 454 - Miscellaneous civil practice provisions
- Chapter 455 - Miscellaneous criminal practice provisions
- Chapter 456 - Civil orders of protection
- Chapter 457 - Uniform power of attorney act (2006)
- Chapters 458 TO 499 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 500 - General provisions
- Chapter 501 - General principles of liability
- Chapter 502 - Parties to offenses: accountability
- Chapter 503 - General principles of justification
- Chapter 504 - Responsibility
- Chapter 505 - Protection against unfair or oppressive prosecution
- Chapter 506 - Inchoate offenses
- Chapter 507 - Criminal homicide
- Chapter 507A - Fetal homicide
- Chapter 508 - Assault and related offenses
- Chapter 509 - Kidnapping and related offenses
- Chapter 510 - Sexual offenses
- Chapter 511 - Burglary and related offenses
- Chapter 512 - Criminal damage to property
- Chapter 513 - Arson and related offenses
- Chapter 514 - Theft and related offenses
- Chapter 515 - Robbery
- Chapter 516 - Forgery and related offenses
- Chapter 517 - Business and commercial frauds
- Chapter 518 - Miscellaneous crimes affecting businesses, occupations, and professions
- Chapter 519 - Obstruction of public administration
- Chapter 520 - Escape and other offenses relating to custody
- Chapter 521 - Bribery and corrupt influences
- Chapter 522 - Abuse of public office
- Chapter 523 - Perjury and related offenses
- Chapter 524 - Interference with judicial administration
- Chapter 525 - Riot, disorderly conduct, and related offenses
- Chapter 526 - Eavesdropping and related offenses
- Chapter 527 - Offenses relating to firearms and weapons
- Chapter 528 - Gambling
- Chapter 529 - Prostitution offenses
- Chapter 530 - Family offenses
- Chapter 531 - Pornography
- Chapter 532 - Classification and designation of offenses -- authorized disposition
- Chapter 533 - Probation and conditional discharge
- Chapter 534 - Fines
- Chapters 535 TO 599 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 600 - Introductory matters
- Chapters 601 TO 604 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 605 - Administrative matters
- Chapters 606 TO 609 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 610 - Procedural matters
- Chapters 611 TO 614 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 615 - Interstate compacts
- Chapters 616 TO 619 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 620 - Dependency, neglect, and abuse
- Chapters 621 TO 624 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 625 - Termination of parental rights
- Chapters 626 TO 629 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 630 - Status offenders
- Chapters 631 TO 634 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 635 - Public offenders
- Chapters 636 TO 639 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 640 - Youthful offenders
- Chapters 641 TO 644 - (not yet utilized.)
- Chapter 645 - Mental health act
Disclaimer: These codes may not be the most recent version. Kentucky may have more current or accurate information. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Please check official sources.
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