2023 Iowa Code
Section 905.5 - Functions of administrative agents.
905.5 Functions of administrative agents.
1. The county designated under section 905.4, subsection 3, as administrative agent for each district department, or the district department itself, if designated as administrative agent by the district board, shall submit that district department’s budget and supporting information to the Iowa department of corrections in accordance with the provisions of chapter 8. The state department shall incorporate the budgets of each of the district departments into its own budget request, to be processed as prescribed by the uniform budget, accounting and administrative procedures established by the department of management. Funds appropriated pursuant to the budget requests of the respective district departments shall be allocated on a quarterly basis, and the department of management shall authorize advancement of the funds so allocated to each district department’s administrative agent, or to the district department itself if the district department acts as administrative agent, at the beginning of each fiscal quarter.
2. For all administrative purposes, all employees of each district department shall be considered employees of the district department.
3. A county designated as the administrative agent shall perform only those administrative functions assigned to it by the district board and shall not perform any activity unless directed to do so by the district board.
[C79, 81, §905.5; 81 Acts, ch 207, §3]
83 Acts, ch 96, §136, 159