2023 Iowa Code
Chapter 557A - TIME-SHARES
Section 557A.17 - Blanket mortgage or other liens affecting a time-share interval at time of first conveyance.
557A.17 Blanket mortgage or other liens affecting a time-share interval at time of first conveyance.
The developer whose project is subject to an underlying blanket lien or encumbrance shall protect nondefaulting purchasers from foreclosure by the lienholder by obtaining from the lienholder written assurances that the lienholder will not foreclose on nondefaulting purchasers. These written assurances may be in the form of a nondisturbance clause, subordination agreement, or partial release of the lien as the time-share intervals are sold, or the developer may obtain the agreement of the lienholder to take the project, in the event of default by the developer, subject to the rights of the nondefaulting purchasers by entering into a financing plan or escrow agreement sufficient to protect the lienholder’s interest.
85 Acts, ch 155, §17
Referred to in §557A.3