2024 Indiana Code
Title 3. Elections
Article 6. Political Party and Election Officers
Chapter 4.1. Indiana Election Commission
3-6-4.1-5. Vacancies
Sec. 5. (a) If a member of the commission resigns, dies, or becomes unable to serve on the commission, the governor shall notify the state chairman of the major political party of the state represented by the member.
(b) The state chairman may nominate in writing, within ten (10) days after notice of the vacancy, two (2) individuals of the state chairman's own political party to succeed the member. If the state chairman makes the nominations within ten (10) days, the governor shall appoint one (1) of the nominees to the commission.
(c) If the state chairman fails to make the nominations within ten (10) days, the governor shall, within another ten (10) days, appoint a member of the same political party as the state chairman. The state chairman may disapprove the selection by notifying the governor within seven (7) days after receiving notice of the governor's appointment.
(d) If the state chairman disapproves the selection within the seven (7) day period under subsection (c), the governor shall make another appointment under subsection (c) that is also subject to the disapproval of the state chairman under subsection (c).
(e) If the state chairman does not disapprove an appointment under subsection (c) within the seven (7) day period, the individual appointed by the governor is a member of the commission.
As added by P.L.8-1995, SEC.18.