2024 Indiana Code
Title 14. Natural and Cultural Resources
Article 22. Fish and Wildlife
Chapter 10. Wildlife Regulation
14-22-10-9. Interstate Agreements on Boundary Waters
Sec. 9. (a) If necessary for the better protection of wild animals in or on the boundary waters of the state, the director may enter into an interstate agreement or compact for and in behalf of the state with any other state bordering the waters through the administrative or executive officer granted similar power by the other state's legislature.
(b) An agreement or a compact may establish the following:
(1) Uniform open seasons on the animals in or on the water.
(2) Uniform restrictions on the type and amount of gear and the method of use.
(3) Uniform restrictions for weights or size of wild animals taken.
(4) Uniform method of measurement of mesh.
(5) Any other restriction on gear used or the possession or sale of wild animals taken from the water, if the restrictions are for the better protection of the wild animals in the water.
[Pre-1995 Recodification Citation: 14-2-6-10.]
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.15.