2022 Indiana Code
Title 5. State and Local Administration
Article 15. Preservation of Public Records
Chapter 2. Reinstatement of Destroyed Records
5-15-2-3. Notice of Hearings
Sec. 3. The defendants, their legal representatives, or the necessary parties in all cases mentioned in the preceding sections, shall have ten (10) days' notice of the time set for the hearing thereof, by summons issued by the clerk of such court; or if such defendants are nonresidents of the state of Indiana, or their residence be unknown, or the names of any necessary party defendants be unknown, such notice may be given by three (3) successive weeks' publication in some weekly newspaper of general circulation published in said county to be named by the person making the application, his agent or attorney; or if none be published in such county, then such notice shall be given by publication in the weekly newspaper published in this state nearest the county seat of such county, such published notice to be given by the clerk of such court on affidavit filed by plaintiff, his agent, attorney or some competent person; the last of which notices shall be published ten (10) days before the first day of the term of court in which said claim may be pending, or ten (10) days before a day in said term for which said cause may be set for hearing, which day shall be named in the summons or notice.
Formerly: Acts 1881, c.30, s.3.