2022 Indiana Code
Title 32. Property
Article 24. Eminent Domain
Chapter 4.5. Procedures for Transferring Ownership or Control of Real Property Between Private Persons
32-24-4.5-7. Acquisition of Property; Conditions
Sec. 7. A condemnor may acquire a parcel of real property by the exercise of eminent domain under this chapter only if all the following conditions are met:
(1) At least one (1) of the following conditions exists on the parcel of real property:
(A) The parcel contains a structure that, because of:
(i) physical condition;
(ii) use; or
(iii) occupancy;
constitutes a public nuisance.
(B) The parcel contains a structure that is unfit for human habitation or use because the structure:
(i) is dilapidated;
(ii) is unsanitary;
(iii) is unsafe;
(iv) is vermin infested; or
(v) does not contain the facilities or equipment required by applicable building codes or housing codes.
(C) The parcel contains a structure that is:
(i) a fire hazard; or
(ii) otherwise dangerous to the safety of persons or property.
(D) The parcel contains a structure that is not fit for its intended use because:
(i) the utilities;
(ii) the sewerage;
(iii) the plumbing;
(iv) the heating; or
(v) any other similar services or facilities;
have been disconnected, destroyed, removed, or rendered ineffective.
(E) The parcel:
(i) is located in a substantially developed neighborhood;
(ii) is vacant or unimproved; and
(iii) because of neglect or lack of maintenance, has become a place for the accumulation of trash, garbage, or other debris or become infested by rodents or other vermin, and the neglect or lack of maintenance has not been corrected by the owner of the parcel within a reasonable time after the owner receives notice of the accumulation or infestation.
(F) The parcel and any improvements on the parcel are the subject of tax delinquencies that exceed the assessed value of the parcel and its improvements.
(G) The parcel poses a threat to public health or safety because the parcel contains environmental contamination.
(H) The parcel has been abandoned.
(2) The acquisition of the parcel of real property through the exercise of eminent domain is expected to accomplish more than only increasing the property tax base of a government entity.
(3) If the owner files a request for mediation at the time the owner files an objection or exception to an eminent domain proceeding, the mediation occurs as follows:
(A) The court shall appoint a mediator not later than ten (10) days after the request for mediation is filed.
(B) The condemnor shall engage in good faith mediation with the owner, including the consideration of a reasonable alternative to the exercise of eminent domain.
(C) The mediation must be concluded not later than ninety (90) days after the appointment of the mediator.
(D) The condemnor shall pay the costs of the mediator.
A determination concerning whether a condition described in this section has been met is subject to judicial review in an eminent domain proceeding concerning the parcel of real property. If a court determines that an eminent domain proceeding brought under this chapter is unauthorized because the condemnor did not meet the conditions described in this section, the court shall order the condemnor to reimburse the owner for the owner's reasonable attorney's fees that the court finds were necessary to defend the action.
As added by P.L.163-2006, SEC.17.