2022 Indiana Code
Title 15. Agriculture and Animals
Article 14. Agricultural Fairs, Associations, and Societies
Chapter 3. County and District Agricultural Societies
15-14-3-3. Publishing List of Awards; Reports
Sec. 3. A society organized under section 1 of this chapter shall:
(1) annually publish a list of the awards made by the society under section 2 of this chapter and a summary of the treasurer's account in a newspaper of the county or district; and
(2) make a:
(A) report of its proceedings during the year;
(B) synopsis of the awards made by the society under section 2 of this chapter for improvements in agriculture and household manufactures, along with summary descriptions of the improvements; and
(C) report of the conditions of agriculture in the county or district of the society, which must:
(i) comply with the rules of the state fair commission; and
(ii) be forwarded to the state fair commission at its annual meeting in January of each year.
A subsequent payment may not be made from the county treasury unless a certificate is presented to the auditor from the state fair commission showing that the report has been made.
[Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-1-3-3.]
As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.5.