2020 Indiana Code
Title 31. Family Law and Juvenile Law
Article 30. Juvenile Law: Juvenile Court Jurisdiction
Chapter 1. Jurisdiction Generally
31-30-1-1. Exclusive Original Jurisdiction
Sec. 1. A juvenile court has exclusive original jurisdiction, except as provided in sections 9, 10, 12, and 13 of this chapter, in the following:
(1) Proceedings in which a child, including a child of divorced parents, is alleged to be a delinquent child under IC 31-37.
(2) Proceedings in which a child, including a child of divorced parents, is alleged to be a child in need of services under IC 31-34.
(3) Proceedings concerning the paternity of a child under IC 31-14.
(4) Proceedings under the interstate compact on juveniles under IC 31-37-23.
(5) Proceedings governing the participation of a parent, guardian, or custodian in a program of care, treatment, or rehabilitation for a child under IC 31-34-16 or IC 31-37-15.
(6) Proceedings under IC 31-34-4, IC 31-34-5, IC 31-37-5, and IC 31-37-6 governing the detention of a child before a petition has been filed.
(7) Proceedings to issue a protective order under IC 31-32-13.
(8) Proceedings in which a child less than sixteen (16) years of age is alleged to have committed an act that would be a misdemeanor traffic offense if committed by an adult.
(9) Proceedings in which a child is alleged to have committed an act that would be an offense under IC 9-30-5 if committed by an adult.
(10) Guardianship of the person proceedings for a child:
(A) who has been adjudicated as a child in need of services;
(B) for whom a juvenile court has approved a permanency plan under IC 31-34-21-7 that provides for the appointment of a guardian of the person; and
(C) who is the subject of a pending child in need of services proceeding under IC 31-34.
(11) Proceedings concerning involuntary drug and alcohol treatment under IC 31-32-16.
(12) Proceedings under the interstate compact for juveniles under IC 11-13-4.5-1.5.
(13) Proceedings under IC 31-28-5.8.
(14) Other proceedings specified by law.
[Pre-1997 Recodification Citation: 31-6-2-1.1(a).]
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.13. Amended by P.L.164-1999, SEC.1; P.L.217-2001, SEC.3; P.L.196-2003, SEC.1; P.L.137-2011, SEC.6; P.L.48-2012, SEC.35.