2020 Indiana Code
Title 10. Public Safety
Article 21. School Safety
Chapter 1. School Safety
10-21-1-5.5. Grant Application for Active Event Warning System; Procedure
Sec. 5.5. (a) A school corporation, charter school, or accredited nonpublic school and the sheriff for the county in which the school corporation, charter school, or accredited nonpublic school is located may jointly apply to the board for a one (1) time grant from the fund to provide for the initial set up costs for an active event warning system.
(b) The application must include the following:
(1) A concise description of the school corporation's, charter school's, or accredited nonpublic school's security needs.
(2) Any other information required by the board.
(3) A statement whether the school corporation or charter school has completed a local plan and has filed the plan with the county school safety commission for the county in which the school corporation or charter school is located.
(4) A statement from the school corporation, charter school, or accredited nonpublic school verifying that the active event warning system meets the specifications listed under section 4.5(a) of this chapter.
As added by P.L.50-2019, SEC.7.