2020 Indiana Code
Title 10. Public Safety
Article 21. School Safety
Chapter 1. School Safety
10-21-1-2-c. Indiana Secured School Fund
Note: This version of section amended by P.L.153-2019, SEC.1, effective 7-1-2019. See also preceding versions of this section amended by P.L.197-2019, SEC.3, effective 5-2-2019, and amended by P.L.50-2019, SEC.2, effective 7-1-2019, and following version of this section amended by P.L.272-2019, SEC.3, effective 7-1-2019.
Sec. 2. (a) The Indiana secured school fund is established to provide matching grants to enable school corporations and charter schools to establish programs under which a school corporation or charter school (or a coalition of schools) may:
(1) employ a school resource officer or enter into a contract or a memorandum of understanding with a:
(A) local law enforcement agency;
(B) private entity; or
(C) nonprofit corporation;
to employ a school resource officer;
(2) conduct a threat assessment of the buildings within a school corporation or operated by a charter school;
(3) purchase equipment and technology to:
(A) restrict access to school property; or
(B) expedite notification of first responders; or
(4) implement a student and parent support services plan as described in section 4(a)(5) of this chapter.
(b) The fund shall be administered by the department of homeland security.
(c) The fund consists of:
(1) appropriations from the general assembly;
(2) grants from the Indiana safe schools fund established by IC 5-2-10.1-2;
(3) federal grants; and
(4) amounts deposited from any other public or private source.
(d) The expenses of administering the fund shall be paid from money in the fund.
(e) The treasurer of state shall invest the money in the fund not currently needed to meet the obligations of the fund in the same manner as other public money may be invested. Interest that accrues from these investments shall be deposited in the fund.
(f) Money in the fund at the end of a state fiscal year does not revert to the state general fund.
As added by P.L.172-2013, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.153-2019, SEC.1.