2018 Indiana Code
TITLE 20. Education
CHAPTER 7. Consolidation of County School Corporations and Metropolitan School Districts
20-23-7-5. Metropolitan board of education; membership powers and duties
Sec. 5. (a) The rights, powers, and duties of the metropolitan school district shall be vested in the governing body that must be composed of:
(1) three (3);
(2) five (5); or
(3) seven (7) members;
who have resided in the district for at least two (2) years before taking office. The resolution or petition provided by section 2(a) or 2(b) of this chapter may designate the number of members of the governing body. If a designation is not made concerning the number of members of a governing body, the governing body is composed of five (5) members.
(b) If section 4(a) of this chapter applies to a metropolitan school district, the following rules apply:
(1) If the governing body consists of three (3) members, one (1) member shall reside in each residence district.
(2) If the governing body consists of five (5) members, not more than two (2) shall reside in any one (1) residence district.
(3) If the governing body consists of seven (7) members, at least two (2) shall reside in any one (1) residence district.
(c) If a governing body member moves the member's residence within the metropolitan school district from one (1) governing body member district to another or when governing body member district boundaries are moved so that the member's place of residence changes from one (1) governing body member district to another, the member does not on this account become disqualified as a governing body member but may continue to hold office as a member of the governing body.
[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-4-8-15.]
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.