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2017 Indiana Code
TITLE 35. Criminal Law and Procedure
CHAPTER 2. Definitions
- 35-31.5-2-1. "Abandon"
- 35-31.5-2-2. "Access"
- 35-31.5-2-2.5. "Accrued time"
- 35-31.5-2-3. "Accused"
- 35-31.5-2-4. "Administer"
- 35-31.5-2-5. "Adoption services"
- 35-31.5-2-6. "Adoptive grandparent"
- 35-31.5-2-7. "Adoptive parent"
- 35-31.5-2-8. "Adult"
- 35-31.5-2-9. "Adult employee"
- 35-31.5-2-9.5. "Adulterant"
- 35-31.5-2-10. "Advisory sentence"
- 35-31.5-2-11. "Agency"
- 35-31.5-2-12. "Agent"
- 35-31.5-2-13. Repealed
- 35-31.5-2-14. "Alcohol abuser"
- 35-31.5-2-15. "Alien"
- 35-31.5-2-16. "Ammunition"
- 35-31.5-2-16.5. "Analog"
- 35-31.5-2-17. "Animal"
- 35-31.5-2-18. "Animal fighting contest"
- 35-31.5-2-19. "Animal fighting paraphernalia"
- 35-31.5-2-20. "Apartment complex"
- 35-31.5-2-21. "Armor-piercing ammunition"
- 35-31.5-2-22. "Attorney"
- 35-31.5-2-23. "Audiovisual recording device"
- 35-31.5-2-24. "Authorized operator"
- 35-31.5-2-24.5. "Authorized person"
- 35-31.5-2-25. "Bail bond"
- 35-31.5-2-26. "Beat"
- 35-31.5-2-26.5. "Benefit"
- 35-31.5-2-27. "Benefit identification card"
- 35-31.5-2-27.4. "Benefit, promote, or further the interests of a criminal organization"
- 35-31.5-2-27.5. "Benefit provider"
- 35-31.5-2-28. "Body armor"
- 35-31.5-2-28.5. "Body fluid"
- 35-31.5-2-29. "Bodily injury"
- 35-31.5-2-30. "Body piercing"
- 35-31.5-2-31. "Bomb"
- 35-31.5-2-32. "Booby trap"
- 35-31.5-2-32.5. "Burn"
- 35-31.5-2-33. "Camera"
- 35-31.5-2-33.5. "Cannabidiol"
- 35-31.5-2-34. "Card skimming device"
- 35-31.5-2-35. "Cave"
- 35-31.5-2-35.5. "Certification"
- 35-31.5-2-36. "Certified copy of a certificate of title"
- 35-31.5-2-37. "Charter school"
- 35-31.5-2-37.5. "Chemical test"
- 35-31.5-2-37.7. "Chief law enforcement officer"
- 35-31.5-2-38. "Child"
- 35-31.5-2-39. "Child care provider"
- 35-31.5-2-40. "Child care worker"
- 35-31.5-2-41. "Chinese throwing star"
- 35-31.5-2-42. "Claim statement"
- 35-31.5-2-43. Repealed
- 35-31.5-2-44. "Cloning"
- 35-31.5-2-44.8. "Cocaine"
- 35-31.5-2-45. "Code grabbing device"
- 35-31.5-2-46. "Coin machine"
- 35-31.5-2-47. "Combative fighting"
- 35-31.5-2-47.5. "Communicates"
- 35-31.5-2-48. "Community corrections program"
- 35-31.5-2-49. "Community policing volunteer"
- 35-31.5-2-50. "Community restitution or service"
- 35-31.5-2-51. "Community transition program"
- 35-31.5-2-51.5. "Completed request"
- 35-31.5-2-52. "Component"
- 35-31.5-2-52.7. "Computer contaminant"
- 35-31.5-2-53. "Computer network"
- 35-31.5-2-54. "Computer program"
- 35-31.5-2-55. "Computer system"
- 35-31.5-2-55.2. "Computer system services"
- 35-31.5-2-56. "Confidential communication"
- 35-31.5-2-56.3. "Confidential information"
- 35-31.5-2-57. "Confine"
- 35-31.5-2-57.8. "Consent of the original manufacturer"
- 35-31.5-2-58. "Constant supervision"
- 35-31.5-2-59. "Consumer"
- 35-31.5-2-60. "Consumer product"
- 35-31.5-2-61. "Constant video monitoring"
- 35-31.5-2-62. "Contraband"
- 35-31.5-2-63. "Contract agency"
- 35-31.5-2-64. "Controlled substance"
- 35-31.5-2-65. "Controlled substance analog"
- 35-31.5-2-66. "Convenience package"
- 35-31.5-2-67. Repealed
- 35-31.5-2-67.2. Repealed
- 35-31.5-2-68. "Counterfeit substance"
- 35-31.5-2-68.5. "Court appointed forensic advocate"
- 35-31.5-2-69. "Credit card"
- 35-31.5-2-70. "Credit card holder"
- 35-31.5-2-71. "Credit institution"
- 35-31.5-2-72. "Credit restricted felon"
- 35-31.5-2-72.5. "Credit time"
- 35-31.5-2-73. "Criminal activity"
- 35-31.5-2-74. "Criminal organization"
- 35-31.5-2-75. "Crime"
- 35-31.5-2-76. "Crimes involving domestic or family violence"
- 35-31.5-2-77. "Crime of deception"
- 35-31.5-2-78. "Crime of domestic violence"
- 35-31.5-2-79. "Crime of violence"
- 35-31.5-2-80. "Custodian"
- 35-31.5-2-81. "Customer"
- 35-31.5-2-82. "Dangerous device"
- 35-31.5-2-83. "Dangerous gas"
- 35-31.5-2-83.3. "Dangerous sexually transmitted disease"
- 35-31.5-2-84. "Data"
- 35-31.5-2-85. "Deadly force"
- 35-31.5-2-86. "Deadly weapon"
- 35-31.5-2-87. "Dealer"
- 35-31.5-2-87.5. "Defense counsel"
- 35-31.5-2-88. "Delinquent act"
- 35-31.5-2-89. "Delivery"
- 35-31.5-2-90. "Dependent"
- 35-31.5-2-91. "Designated offense"
- 35-31.5-2-92. "Destructive device"
- 35-31.5-2-93. "Detonator"
- 35-31.5-2-94. Repealed
- 35-31.5-2-95. "Dispatched firefighter"
- 35-31.5-2-96. "Dispense"
- 35-31.5-2-97. "Dispenser"
- 35-31.5-2-98. "Disseminate"
- 35-31.5-2-99. "Dissolvable tobacco product"
- 35-31.5-2-100. "Distribute"
- 35-31.5-2-101. "Distributor"
- 35-31.5-2-102. "Documentary material"
- 35-31.5-2-103. "Domestic animal"
- 35-31.5-2-104. "Drug"
- 35-31.5-2-105. "Drug abuser"
- 35-31.5-2-106. "Drug or alcohol screening test"
- 35-31.5-2-107. "Dwelling"
- 35-31.5-2-108. "Earliest possible release date"
- 35-31.5-2-108.5. "Educational credit"
- 35-31.5-2-109. "Effects of battery"
- 35-31.5-2-110. "Electronic communications"
- 35-31.5-2-110.5. "Electronic communication services"
- 35-31.5-2-111. "Electronic gaming device"
- 35-31.5-2-111.5. "Electronic storage"
- 35-31.5-2-112. "Electronic stun weapon"
- 35-31.5-2-112.5. "Electronic user data"
- 35-31.5-2-113. "Emergency call"
- 35-31.5-2-114. "Emergency incident area"
- 35-31.5-2-115. "Emergency medical person"
- 35-31.5-2-115.2. Repealed
- 35-31.5-2-115.5. "Emergency medical services provider"
- 35-31.5-2-116. "Endangered adult"
- 35-31.5-2-117. Repealed
- 35-31.5-2-117.5. "Enhancing circumstance"
- 35-31.5-2-118. "Enterprise"
- 35-31.5-2-119. "Entrusted"
- 35-31.5-2-120. "Ephedrine"
- 35-31.5-2-121. "Episode of criminal conduct"
- 35-31.5-2-121.5. "Evidence based risk assessment"
- 35-31.5-2-122. "Evidence of previous battery"
- 35-31.5-2-123. "Exception report"
- 35-31.5-2-123.5. "Executive authority"
- 35-31.5-2-124. "Exert control over property"
- 35-31.5-2-125. "Explosives"
- 35-31.5-2-126. "Extension"
- 35-31.5-2-127. Repealed
- 35-31.5-2-128. "Family or household member"
- 35-31.5-2-129. "Federal enforcement officer"
- 35-31.5-2-130. "Felony conviction"
- 35-31.5-2-131. "Fetal tissue"
- 35-31.5-2-132. "Fetus"
- 35-31.5-2-133. "Firearm"
- 35-31.5-2-134. "Firearm accessory"
- 35-31.5-2-135. "Firefighter"
- 35-31.5-2-135.2. "Fire protective clothing and fire protective gear"
- 35-31.5-2-136. Repealed
- 35-31.5-2-137. "Food processing facility"
- 35-31.5-2-138. "Forcible felony"
- 35-31.5-2-139. "Forensic DNA analysis"
- 35-31.5-2-139.3. "Foster family home"
- 35-31.5-2-139.5. "Funds"
- 35-31.5-2-140. "Gain"
- 35-31.5-2-141. "Gambling"
- 35-31.5-2-142. "Gambling device"
- 35-31.5-2-143. "Gambling information"
- 35-31.5-2-143.3. "Geolocation information"
- 35-31.5-2-143.5. "Geolocation information service"
- 35-31.5-2-143.7. "Good time credit"
- 35-31.5-2-144. "Governmental entity"
- 35-31.5-2-145. "Governmental entity served by the public servant"
- 35-31.5-2-145.3. "Governor"
- 35-31.5-2-146. "Graffiti"
- 35-31.5-2-147. "Gun show"
- 35-31.5-2-148. "Handgun"
- 35-31.5-2-149. "Harm"
- 35-31.5-2-150. "Harassment"
- 35-31.5-2-151. "Hazing"
- 35-31.5-2-152. "Health care provider"
- 35-31.5-2-152.5. "HIV"
- 35-31.5-2-153. "Hoarding program"
- 35-31.5-2-154. "Hoax device"
- 35-31.5-2-155. "Home"
- 35-31.5-2-156. "Home improvement"
- 35-31.5-2-157. "Home improvement contract"
- 35-31.5-2-158. "Home improvement contract price"
- 35-31.5-2-159. "Home improvement supplier"
- 35-31.5-2-160. "Human being"
- 35-31.5-2-160.5. Repealed
- 35-31.5-2-161. "Human organ"
- 35-31.5-2-162. "Identification number"
- 35-31.5-2-163. "Identity theft"
- 35-31.5-2-164. "Identifying information"
- 35-31.5-2-165. "Immediate precursor"
- 35-31.5-2-165.8. "Impermissible contact"
- 35-31.5-2-166. "Imprison"
- 35-31.5-2-167. "Incendiary"
- 35-31.5-2-168. "Included offense"
- 35-31.5-2-168.8. "Indiana"
- 35-31.5-2-168.9. "Indiana pretrial risk assessment system"
- 35-31.5-2-169. "Individual with an intellectual disability"
- 35-31.5-2-169.5. "Infectious hepatitis"
- 35-31.5-2-170. "Inmate"
- 35-31.5-2-171. "Inmate outside a facility"
- 35-31.5-2-172. "INSPECT"
- 35-31.5-2-173. "Instant messaging or chat room program"
- 35-31.5-2-173.8. "Insurance policy"
- 35-31.5-2-174. "Insurer"
- 35-31.5-2-175. "Interactive computer service"
- 35-31.5-2-175.5. "Intercept"
- 35-31.5-2-176. "Interception"
- 35-31.5-2-177. "Item of value"
- 35-31.5-2-177.5. "Intoxicated"
- 35-31.5-2-177.7. "Judicial officer"
- 35-31.5-2-178. "Juvenile facility"
- 35-31.5-2-178.5. "Juvenile prostitution"
- 35-31.5-2-179. "Key facility"
- 35-31.5-2-180. "Knife"
- 35-31.5-2-181. "Labeling"
- 35-31.5-2-182. "Laser pointer"
- 35-31.5-2-183. "Law enforcement agency"
- 35-31.5-2-184. "Law enforcement animal"
- 35-31.5-2-185. "Law enforcement officer"
- 35-31.5-2-185.4. "Law enforcement recording device"
- 35-31.5-2-186. "Lawful detention"
- 35-31.5-2-186.2. "Lawful supervision"
- 35-31.5-2-186.5. "Level 6 felony conviction"
- 35-31.5-2-187. Repealed
- 35-31.5-2-188. "Loaded"
- 35-31.5-2-189. "Loan"
- 35-31.5-2-190. "Machine gun"
- 35-31.5-2-191. "Make"
- 35-31.5-2-192. "Manufacture"
- 35-31.5-2-193. "Manufacture of an unlawful telecommunications device"
- 35-31.5-2-194. "Manufacturer"
- 35-31.5-2-195. "Marijuana"
- 35-31.5-2-196. "Matter"
- 35-31.5-2-196.5. "Medication assisted treatment"
- 35-31.5-2-197. "Mental disease or defect"
- 35-31.5-2-197.5. "Mental health professional"
- 35-31.5-2-198. "Mentally ill"
- 35-31.5-2-199. "Metering device"
- 35-31.5-2-200. "Military recruiter"
- 35-31.5-2-201. "Minimum sentence"
- 35-31.5-2-202. "Minor"
- 35-31.5-2-203. "Misconduct"
- 35-31.5-2-204. "Model glue"
- 35-31.5-2-204.5. "Moderate bodily injury"
- 35-31.5-2-205. "Monitoring device"
- 35-31.5-2-206. "Motion picture exhibition facility"
- 35-31.5-2-206.5. "Motorboat"
- 35-31.5-2-207. "Motor vehicle"
- 35-31.5-2-208. "Mutilate"
- 35-31.5-2-209. "Narcotic drug"
- 35-31.5-2-210. "Neglect"
- 35-31.5-2-210.5. "NFA firearm"
- 35-31.5-2-210.7. "NICS"
- 35-31.5-2-211. "Nonpublic school"
- 35-31.5-2-212. "Nudity"
- 35-31.5-2-213. "Offender"
- 35-31.5-2-214. "Offender against children"
- 35-31.5-2-215. "Offense"
- 35-31.5-2-216. "Offense relating to a criminal sexual act"
- 35-31.5-2-217. "Offense relating to controlled substances"
- 35-31.5-2-217.5. "Officer"
- 35-31.5-2-218. "Official proceeding"
- 35-31.5-2-218.5. "Omnibus date"
- 35-31.5-2-219. "Operator"
- 35-31.5-2-220. "Opiate"
- 35-31.5-2-221. "Opium poppy"
- 35-31.5-2-221.5. "Other sexual conduct"
- 35-31.5-2-222. "Overpass"
- 35-31.5-2-223. "Overpressure device"
- 35-31.5-2-224. "Owner"
- 35-31.5-2-225. "Panhandling"
- 35-31.5-2-226. "Party"
- 35-31.5-2-227. "Pattern of racketeering activity"
- 35-31.5-2-228. "Party line"
- 35-31.5-2-229. "Patient"
- 35-31.5-2-230. "Pecuniary interest"
- 35-31.5-2-231. "Peep"
- 35-31.5-2-232. "Penal facility"
- 35-31.5-2-233. "Performance"
- 35-31.5-2-234. "Person"
- 35-31.5-2-235. "Personally identifying information"
- 35-31.5-2-235.3. "Pharmacist"
- 35-31.5-2-235.4. "Pharmacy"
- 35-31.5-2-235.7. "Place"
- 35-31.5-2-236. "Plea agreement"
- 35-31.5-2-236.8. "Police officer"
- 35-31.5-2-237. "Police radio"
- 35-31.5-2-238. "Polygraph"
- 35-31.5-2-239. "Poppy straw"
- 35-31.5-2-240. "Postarrest release"
- 35-31.5-2-241. "Postconviction release"
- 35-31.5-2-242. "Practitioner"
- 35-31.5-2-243. "Prescription"
- 35-31.5-2-244. "Prescription drug"
- 35-31.5-2-244.5. "Prima facie evidence of intoxication"
- 35-31.5-2-245. "Principal"
- 35-31.5-2-246. "Private area"
- 35-31.5-2-247. "Proceeds"
- 35-31.5-2-248. "Product"
- 35-31.5-2-248.2. "Production"
- 35-31.5-2-248.5. "Professional relationship"
- 35-31.5-2-249. Repealed
- 35-31.5-2-250. "Profit"
- 35-31.5-2-251. "Proper person"
- 35-31.5-2-252. "Proper reason"
- 35-31.5-2-253. "Property"
- 35-31.5-2-254. "Prosecuting attorney"
- 35-31.5-2-255. "Protected person"
- 35-31.5-2-256. "Pseudoephedrine"
- 35-31.5-2-257. "Public court proceeding"
- 35-31.5-2-258. "Public park"
- 35-31.5-2-259. "Public relief or assistance"
- 35-31.5-2-260. "Public safety officer"
- 35-31.5-2-260.2. "Public safety official"
- 35-31.5-2-261. "Public servant"
- 35-31.5-2-262. "Publicly paid costs of representation"
- 35-31.5-2-263. "Public safety officer"
- 35-31.5-2-264. "Publish"
- 35-31.5-2-264.5. "Purpose of increasing a person's own standing or position within a criminal organization"
- 35-31.5-2-265. "Racketeering activity"
- 35-31.5-2-266. "Rate"
- 35-31.5-2-267. "Rated capacity"
- 35-31.5-2-268. "Receiving"
- 35-31.5-2-269. "Receiving authority"
- 35-31.5-2-270. "Recipient"
- 35-31.5-2-271. "Recipient representative"
- 35-31.5-2-272. "Recommendation"
- 35-31.5-2-273. "Recording"
- 35-31.5-2-273.2. "Refuse"
- 35-31.5-2-273.3. "Regulated explosive"
- 35-31.5-2-273.5. "Relevant evidence"
- 35-31.5-2-273.8. "Remote computing service"
- 35-31.5-2-274. "Replica"
- 35-31.5-2-275. "Reside"
- 35-31.5-2-276. "Residential property"
- 35-31.5-2-277. "Residential real property transaction"
- 35-31.5-2-278. "Retail"
- 35-31.5-2-279. "Retailer"
- 35-31.5-2-279.5. "Rolling paper"
- 35-31.5-2-280. "Sado-masochistic abuse"
- 35-31.5-2-280.5. "Sale to a minor"
- 35-31.5-2-281. "Salvia"
- 35-31.5-2-282. "Sawed-off shotgun"
- 35-31.5-2-283. "School bus"
- 35-31.5-2-284. "School corporation"
- 35-31.5-2-285. "School property"
- 35-31.5-2-286. "Scientific purposes"
- 35-31.5-2-287. "Scientific research facility"
- 35-31.5-2-288. "Search and rescue dog"
- 35-31.5-2-289. "Security agent"
- 35-31.5-2-290. "Security risk"
- 35-31.5-2-291. "Self-service display"
- 35-31.5-2-292. "Serious bodily injury"
- 35-31.5-2-292.8. "Serious sex offender"
- 35-31.5-2-293. "Serious violent felon"
- 35-31.5-2-294. "Serious violent felony"
- 35-31.5-2-295. "Service animal"
- 35-31.5-2-296. "Service provider"
- 35-31.5-2-297. "Sex offense"
- 35-31.5-2-298. "Sex offense against children"
- 35-31.5-2-299. "Sexual activity"
- 35-31.5-2-300. "Sexual conduct"
- 35-31.5-2-301. "Sexual excitement"
- 35-31.5-2-302. "Sexual intercourse"
- 35-31.5-2-303. "Sexually violent predator"
- 35-31.5-2-304. "Sexually violent predator defendant"
- 35-31.5-2-305. "Shotgun"
- 35-31.5-2-306. "Slug"
- 35-31.5-2-307. "Social networking web site"
- 35-31.5-2-308. "Solicit"
- 35-31.5-2-309. "Special education cooperative"
- 35-31.5-2-310. "Stalk"
- 35-31.5-2-311. "State"
- 35-31.5-2-312. "State or federally chartered or federally insured institution"
- 35-31.5-2-313. "Stepparent"
- 35-31.5-2-314. "Store"
- 35-31.5-2-315. Repealed
- 35-31.5-2-316. "Stun gun"
- 35-31.5-2-316.8. "Subpoena"
- 35-31.5-2-316.9. "Substance containing cannabidiol"
- 35-31.5-2-317. Repealed
- 35-31.5-2-318. "Superintendent"
- 35-31.5-2-319. "Support"
- 35-31.5-2-320. "Suspicious order"
- 35-31.5-2-321. "Synthetic drug"
- 35-31.5-2-321.5. "Synthetic drug lookalike substance"
- 35-31.5-2-322. "Synthetic identifying information"
- 35-31.5-2-322.5. "Synthetic urine"
- 35-31.5-2-323. "Target"
- 35-31.5-2-324. "Taser"
- 35-31.5-2-325. "Tattoo"
- 35-31.5-2-326. "Telecommunications device"
- 35-31.5-2-327. "Telecommunications service"
- 35-31.5-2-328. "Telecommunications service provider"
- 35-31.5-2-329. "Terrorism"
- 35-31.5-2-330. "Threat"
- 35-31.5-2-330.3. "Threatens"
- 35-31.5-2-330.7. "Timber"
- 35-31.5-2-331. "Title insurance agent"
- 35-31.5-2-332. "Title insurance escrow account"
- 35-31.5-2-333. "Title insurer"
- 35-31.5-2-333.9. "Tobacco"
- 35-31.5-2-334. "Tobacco business"
- 35-31.5-2-335. "Torture"
- 35-31.5-2-336. "Tournament"
- 35-31.5-2-337. "Toy crane machine"
- 35-31.5-2-337.5. "Tracking device"
- 35-31.5-2-338. "Tumultuous conduct"
- 35-31.5-2-339. "Ultimate user"
- 35-31.5-2-340. "Unit"
- 35-31.5-2-341. "Unlawful assembly"
- 35-31.5-2-342. "Unlawful telecommunications device"
- 35-31.5-2-342.3. "Unmanned aerial vehicle"
- 35-31.5-2-343. "Unusual theft"
- 35-31.5-2-343.5. "Use of a tracking device"
- 35-31.5-2-343.7. "Use of an unmanned aerial vehicle"
- 35-31.5-2-343.8. "User"
- 35-31.5-2-344. "Utility"
- 35-31.5-2-345. "Utter"
- 35-31.5-2-346. "Vehicle"
- 35-31.5-2-347. "Vending machine"
- 35-31.5-2-348. "Victim"
- 35-31.5-2-349. "Victim advocate"
- 35-31.5-2-350. "Victim representative"
- 35-31.5-2-351. "Victim service provider"
- 35-31.5-2-351.5. "Violent criminal"
- 35-31.5-2-352. "Violent offender"
- 35-31.5-2-353. "Warrant"
- 35-31.5-2-354. "Weapon of mass destruction"
- 35-31.5-2-355. "Wholesale"
- 35-31.5-2-356. "Written instrument"
- 35-31.5-2-357. "Youth program center"
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