2016 Illinois Compiled Statutes
Chapter 105 - SCHOOLS
105 ILCS 5/ - School Code.
Article 34 - Cities Of Over 500,000 Inhabitants - Board Of Education
(105 ILCS 5/Art. 34 heading)
(105 ILCS 5/34-1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-1)
Sec. 34-1. Application of article; Definitions. This Article applies only to cities having a population exceeding 500,000.
"Trustees", when used in this Article, means the Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees created by this amendatory Act of 1995 and serving as the governing board of the school district organized under this Article beginning with its appointment on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995 and continuing until June 30, 1999 or the appointment of a new Chicago Board of Education as provided in Section 34-3, whichever is later.
"Board", or "board of education" when used in this Article, means: (i) the Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees for the period that begins with the appointment of the Trustees and that ends on the later of June 30, 1999 or the appointment of a new Chicago Board of Education as provided in Section 34-3; and (ii) the new Chicago Board of Education from and after June 30, 1999 or from and after its appointment as provided in Section 34-3, whichever is later.
Except during the period that begins with the appointment of the Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995 and that ends on the later of June 30, 1999 or the appointment of a new Chicago Board of Education as provided in Section 34-3: (i) the school district organized under this Article may be subject to further limitations imposed under Article 34A; and (ii) the provisions of Article 34A prevail over the other provisions of this Act, including the provisions of this Article, to the extent of any conflict.
(Source: P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-1.01) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-1.01)
Sec. 34-1.01. Intent. The General Assembly has previously established that the primary purpose of schooling is the transmission of knowledge and culture through which children learn in areas necessary to their continuing development, and the General Assembly has defined these areas as including language arts, mathematics, biological, physical and social sciences, the fine arts, and physical development and health. The General Assembly declares its intent to achieve the primary purpose of schooling in elementary and secondary schools subject to this Article, as now or hereafter amended, in cities of over 500,000 inhabitants, through the provisions of this amendatory Act of 1991.
A. Goals. In the furtherance of this intent, the General Assembly is committed to the belief that, while such urban schools should foster improvement and student growth in a number of areas, first priority should be given to achieving the following goals:
1. assuring that students show significant progress
toward meeting and exceeding State performance standards in State mandated learning areas, including the mastery of higher order thinking skills in these and other learning areas;
2. assuring that students attend school regularly and
graduate from high school at rates that equal or surpass national norms;
3. assuring that students are adequately prepared for
further education and aiding students in making a successful transition to further education;
4. assuring that students are adequately prepared for
successful entry into employment and aiding students in making a successful transition to employment;
5. assuring that students are, to the maximum extent
possible, provided with a common learning experience that is of high academic quality and that reflects high expectations for all students' capacities to learn;
6. assuring that students are better prepared to
compete in the international market place by having foreign language proficiency and stronger international studies;
7. assuring that students are encouraged in exploring
potential interests in fields such as journalism, drama, art and music;
8. assuring that individual teachers are granted the
professional authority to make decisions about instruction and the method of teaching;
9. assuring that students are provided the means to
express themselves creatively and to respond to the artistic expression of others through the visual arts, music, drama and dance; and
10. assuring that students are provided adequate
athletic programs that encourage pride and positive identification with the attendance center and that reduce the number of dropouts and teenage delinquents.
B. Achieving goals. To achieve these priority goals, the General Assembly intends to make the individual local school the essential unit for educational governance and improvement and to establish a process for placing the primary responsibility for school governance and improvement in furtherance of such goals in the hands of parents, community residents, teachers, and the school principal at the school level.
Further, to achieve these priority goals, the General Assembly intends to lodge with the board of education key powers in limited areas related to district-wide policy, so that the board of education supports school-level governance and improvement and carries out functions that can be performed more efficiently through centralized action.
The General Assembly does not intend to alter or amend the provisions of the desegregation obligations of the board of education, including but not limited to the Consent Decree or the Desegregation Plan in United States v. Chicago Board of Education, 80 C 5124, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. Accordingly, the implementation of this amendatory Act of 1991, to the extent practicable, shall be consistent with and, in all cases, shall be subject to the desegregation obligations pursuant to such Consent Decree and Desegregation Plan.
(Source: P.A. 87-455; 88-686, eff. 1-24-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-1.02) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-1.02)
Sec. 34-1.02. Educational reform. The General Assembly hereby finds and declares that educational reform in school districts organized under this Article shall be implemented in such manner that:
1. the percentage of entering freshmen who 4 years later graduate from 12th grade from each high school attendance center within the district in each of the 1989-90, 1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93 and 1993-94 school years exceeds by at least 5% the percentage of similar students graduating from that high school attendance center in the immediately preceding school year;
2. the average daily student attendance rate within the district in each of the 1989-90, 1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93 and 1993-94 school years exceeds by at least 1% the average daily student attendance rate within the district for the immediately preceding school year;
3. by the conclusion of the 1993-1994 school year, the percentage of students within the district failing and not advancing to the next higher grade or graduating is at least 10% less than the percentage of students within the district failing and not advancing to the next higher grade or graduating at the conclusion of the 1987-88 school year;
4. on an annual basis, each attendance center within the district makes significant progress toward meeting and exceeding State performance standards in reading, writing, mathematics, and other State mandated learning areas, including the mastery of higher order thinking skills in these learning areas. Significant annual progress toward meeting and exceeding State performance standards shall occur for all students regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or income status, based on the expectation that these subgroups shall meet and exceed State performance standards. Annual objectives for significant progress and timeframes during which the students' performance overall and as measured within subgroups will meet and exceed State performance standards shall be specified in the school improvement plan required in Section 34-2.4; and
5. appropriate improvement and progress are realized each school year in each attendance center within the district, when compared to the performance of such attendance center during the immediately preceding school year, in advancing toward and achieving the objectives established by paragraphs 1 through 4 of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 88-686, eff. 1-24-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-1.05)
Sec. 34-1.05. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 98-1053, eff. 1-1-15. Repealed internally, eff. 5-31-16.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-1.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-1.1)
Sec. 34-1.1. Definitions. As used in this Article:
"Academic Accountability Council" means the Chicago Schools Academic Accountability Council created under Section 34-3.4.
"Local School Council" means a local school council established under Section 34-2.1.
"School" and "attendance center" are used interchangeably to mean any attendance center operated pursuant to this Article and under the direction of one principal.
"Secondary Attendance Center" means a school which has students enrolled in grades 9 through 12 (although it may also have students enrolled in grades below grade 9).
"Local Attendance Area School" means a school which has a local attendance area established by the board.
"Multi-area school" means a school other than a local attendance area school.
"Contract school" means an attendance center managed and operated by a for-profit or not-for-profit private entity retained by the board to provide instructional and other services to a majority of the pupils enrolled in the attendance center.
"Contract turnaround school" means an experimental contract school created by the board to implement alternative governance in an attendance center subject to restructuring or similar intervention under federal law that has not made adequate yearly progress for 5 consecutive years or a time period set forth in federal law.
"Parent" means a parent or legal guardian of an enrolled student of an attendance center.
"Community resident" means a person, 18 years of age or older, residing within an attendance area served by a school, excluding any person who is a parent of a student enrolled in that school; provided that with respect to any multi-area school, community resident means any person, 18 years of age or older, residing within the voting district established for that school pursuant to Section 34-2.1c, excluding any person who is a parent of a student enrolled in that school.
"School staff" means all certificated and uncertificated school personnel, including all teaching and administrative staff (other than the principal) and including all custodial, food service and other civil service employees, who are employed at and assigned to perform the majority of their employment duties at one attendance center served by the same local school council.
"Regular meetings" means the meeting dates established by the local school council at its annual organizational meeting.
(Source: P.A. 96-105, eff. 7-30-09.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-2) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-2)
Sec. 34-2. City to constitute district-Corporate status of board.
Each city having a population exceeding 500,000 shall constitute one school district which shall maintain a system of free schools under the charge of a board of education. The district shall be a body politic and corporate by the name of "Board of Education of the City of ...." and by that name may sue and be sued in all courts and places where judicial proceedings are had.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-2.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-2.1)
Sec. 34-2.1. Local School Councils - Composition - Voter-Eligibility - Elections - Terms.
(a) A local school council shall be established for each attendance center within the school district. Each local school council shall consist of the following 12 voting members: the principal of the attendance center, 2 teachers employed and assigned to perform the majority of their employment duties at the attendance center, 6 parents of students currently enrolled at the attendance center, one employee of the school district employed and assigned to perform the majority of his or her employment duties at the attendance center who is not a teacher, and 2 community residents. Neither the parents nor the community residents who serve as members of the local school council shall be employees of the Board of Education. In each secondary attendance center, the local school council shall consist of 13 voting members -- the 12 voting members described above and one full-time student member, appointed as provided in subsection (m) below. In the event that the chief executive officer of the Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees determines that a local school council is not carrying out its financial duties effectively, the chief executive officer is authorized to appoint a representative of the business community with experience in finance and management to serve as an advisor to the local school council for the purpose of providing advice and assistance to the local school council on fiscal matters. The advisor shall have access to relevant financial records of the local school council. The advisor may attend executive sessions. The chief executive officer shall issue a written policy defining the circumstances under which a local school council is not carrying out its financial duties effectively.
(b) Within 7 days of January 11, 1991, the Mayor shall appoint the members and officers (a Chairperson who shall be a parent member and a Secretary) of each local school council who shall hold their offices until their successors shall be elected and qualified. Members so appointed shall have all the powers and duties of local school councils as set forth in this amendatory Act of 1991. The Mayor's appointments shall not require approval by the City Council.
The membership of each local school council shall be encouraged to be reflective of the racial and ethnic composition of the student population of the attendance center served by the local school council.
(c) Beginning with the 1995-1996 school year and in every even-numbered year thereafter, the Board shall set second semester Parent Report Card Pick-up Day for Local School Council elections and may schedule elections at year-round schools for the same dates as the remainder of the school system. Elections shall be conducted as provided herein by the Board of Education in consultation with the local school council at each attendance center.
(d) Beginning with the 1995-96 school year, the following procedures shall apply to the election of local school council members at each attendance center:
(i) The elected members of each local school council
shall consist of the 6 parent members and the 2 community resident members.
(ii) Each elected member shall be elected by the
eligible voters of that attendance center to serve for a two-year term commencing on July 1 immediately following the election described in subsection (c). Eligible voters for each attendance center shall consist of the parents and community residents for that attendance center.
(iii) Each eligible voter shall be entitled to cast
one vote for up to a total of 5 candidates, irrespective of whether such candidates are parent or community resident candidates.
(iv) Each parent voter shall be entitled to vote in
the local school council election at each attendance center in which he or she has a child currently enrolled. Each community resident voter shall be entitled to vote in the local school council election at each attendance center for which he or she resides in the applicable attendance area or voting district, as the case may be.
(v) Each eligible voter shall be entitled to vote
once, but not more than once, in the local school council election at each attendance center at which the voter is eligible to vote.
(vi) The 2 teacher members and the non-teacher
employee member of each local school council shall be appointed as provided in subsection (l) below each to serve for a two-year term coinciding with that of the elected parent and community resident members.
(vii) At secondary attendance centers, the voting
student member shall be appointed as provided in subsection (m) below to serve for a one-year term coinciding with the beginning of the terms of the elected parent and community members of the local school council.
(e) The Council shall publicize the date and place of the election by posting notices at the attendance center, in public places within the attendance boundaries of the attendance center and by distributing notices to the pupils at the attendance center, and shall utilize such other means as it deems necessary to maximize the involvement of all eligible voters.
(f) Nomination. The Council shall publicize the opening of nominations by posting notices at the attendance center, in public places within the attendance boundaries of the attendance center and by distributing notices to the pupils at the attendance center, and shall utilize such other means as it deems necessary to maximize the involvement of all eligible voters. Not less than 2 weeks before the election date, persons eligible to run for the Council shall submit their name, date of birth, social security number, if available, and some evidence of eligibility to the Council. The Council shall encourage nomination of candidates reflecting the racial/ethnic population of the students at the attendance center. Each person nominated who runs as a candidate shall disclose, in a manner determined by the Board, any economic interest held by such person, by such person's spouse or children, or by each business entity in which such person has an ownership interest, in any contract with the Board, any local school council or any public school in the school district. Each person nominated who runs as a candidate shall also disclose, in a manner determined by the Board, if he or she ever has been convicted of any of the offenses specified in subsection (c) of Section 34-18.5; provided that neither this provision nor any other provision of this Section shall be deemed to require the disclosure of any information that is contained in any law enforcement record or juvenile court record that is confidential or whose accessibility or disclosure is restricted or prohibited under Section 5-901 or 5-905 of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987. Failure to make such disclosure shall render a person ineligible for election or to serve on the local school council. The same disclosure shall be required of persons under consideration for appointment to the Council pursuant to subsections (l) and (m) of this Section.
(f-5) Notwithstanding disclosure, a person who has been convicted of any of the following offenses at any time shall be ineligible for election or appointment to a local school council and ineligible for appointment to a local school council pursuant to subsections (l) and (m) of this Section: (i) those defined in Section 11-1.20, 11-1.30, 11-1.40, 11-1.50, 11-1.60, 11-6, 11-9.1, 11-14.4, 11-16, 11-17.1, 11-19, 11-19.1, 11-19.2, 11-20.1, 11-20.1B, 11-20.3, 12-13, 12-14, 12-14.1, 12-15, or 12-16, or subdivision (a)(2) of Section 11-14.3, of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, or (ii) any offense committed or attempted in any other state or against the laws of the United States, which, if committed or attempted in this State, would have been punishable as one or more of the foregoing offenses. Notwithstanding disclosure, a person who has been convicted of any of the following offenses within the 10 years previous to the date of nomination or appointment shall be ineligible for election or appointment to a local school council: (i) those defined in Section 401.1, 405.1, or 405.2 of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act or (ii) any offense committed or attempted in any other state or against the laws of the United States, which, if committed or attempted in this State, would have been punishable as one or more of the foregoing offenses.
Immediately upon election or appointment, incoming local school council members shall be required to undergo a criminal background investigation, to be completed prior to the member taking office, in order to identify any criminal convictions under the offenses enumerated in Section 34-18.5. The investigation shall be conducted by the Department of State Police in the same manner as provided for in Section 34-18.5. However, notwithstanding Section 34-18.5, the social security number shall be provided only if available. If it is determined at any time that a local school council member or member-elect has been convicted of any of the offenses enumerated in this Section or failed to disclose a conviction of any of the offenses enumerated in Section 34-18.5, the general superintendent shall notify the local school council member or member-elect of such determination and the local school council member or member-elect shall be removed from the local school council by the Board, subject to a hearing, convened pursuant to Board rule, prior to removal.
(g) At least one week before the election date, the Council shall publicize, in the manner provided in subsection (e), the names of persons nominated for election.
(h) Voting shall be in person by secret ballot at the attendance center between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
(i) Candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected by the Council. In cases of a tie, the Council shall determine the winner by lot.
(j) The Council shall certify the results of the election and shall publish the results in the minutes of the Council.
(k) The general superintendent shall resolve any disputes concerning election procedure or results and shall ensure that, except as provided in subsections (e) and (g), no resources of any attendance center shall be used to endorse or promote any candidate.
(l) Beginning with the 1995-1996 school year and in every even numbered year thereafter, the Board shall appoint 2 teacher members to each local school council. These appointments shall be made in the following manner:
(i) The Board shall appoint 2 teachers who are
employed and assigned to perform the majority of their employment duties at the attendance center to serve on the local school council of the attendance center for a two-year term coinciding with the terms of the elected parent and community members of that local school council. These appointments shall be made from among those teachers who are nominated in accordance with subsection (f).
(ii) A non-binding, advisory poll to ascertain the
preferences of the school staff regarding appointments of teachers to the local school council for that attendance center shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures used to elect parent and community Council representatives. At such poll, each member of the school staff shall be entitled to indicate his or her preference for up to 2 candidates from among those who submitted statements of candidacy as described above. These preferences shall be advisory only and the Board shall maintain absolute discretion to appoint teacher members to local school councils, irrespective of the preferences expressed in any such poll.
(iii) In the event that a teacher representative is
unable to perform his or her employment duties at the school due to illness, disability, leave of absence, disciplinary action, or any other reason, the Board shall declare a temporary vacancy and appoint a replacement teacher representative to serve on the local school council until such time as the teacher member originally appointed pursuant to this subsection (l) resumes service at the attendance center or for the remainder of the term. The replacement teacher representative shall be appointed in the same manner and by the same procedures as teacher representatives are appointed in subdivisions (i) and (ii) of this subsection (l).
(m) Beginning with the 1995-1996 school year, and in every year thereafter, the Board shall appoint one student member to each secondary attendance center. These appointments shall be made in the following manner:
(i) Appointments shall be made from among those
students who submit statements of candidacy to the principal of the attendance center, such statements to be submitted commencing on the first day of the twentieth week of school and continuing for 2 weeks thereafter. The form and manner of such candidacy statements shall be determined by the Board.
(ii) During the twenty-second week of school in every
year, the principal of each attendance center shall conduct a non-binding, advisory poll to ascertain the preferences of the school students regarding the appointment of a student to the local school council for that attendance center. At such poll, each student shall be entitled to indicate his or her preference for up to one candidate from among those who submitted statements of candidacy as described above. The Board shall promulgate rules to ensure that these non-binding, advisory polls are conducted in a fair and equitable manner and maximize the involvement of all school students. The preferences expressed in these non-binding, advisory polls shall be transmitted by the principal to the Board. However, these preferences shall be advisory only and the Board shall maintain absolute discretion to appoint student members to local school councils, irrespective of the preferences expressed in any such poll.
(iii) For the 1995-96 school year only, appointments
shall be made from among those students who submitted statements of candidacy to the principal of the attendance center during the first 2 weeks of the school year. The principal shall communicate the results of any nonbinding, advisory poll to the Board. These results shall be advisory only, and the Board shall maintain absolute discretion to appoint student members to local school councils, irrespective of the preferences expressed in any such poll.
(n) The Board may promulgate such other rules and regulations for election procedures as may be deemed necessary to ensure fair elections.
(o) In the event that a vacancy occurs during a member's term, the Council shall appoint a person eligible to serve on the Council, to fill the unexpired term created by the vacancy, except that any teacher vacancy shall be filled by the Board after considering the preferences of the school staff as ascertained through a non-binding advisory poll of school staff.
(p) If less than the specified number of persons is elected within each candidate category, the newly elected local school council shall appoint eligible persons to serve as members of the Council for two-year terms.
(q) The Board shall promulgate rules regarding conflicts of interest and disclosure of economic interests which shall apply to local school council members and which shall require reports or statements to be filed by Council members at regular intervals with the Secretary of the Board. Failure to comply with such rules or intentionally falsifying such reports shall be grounds for disqualification from local school council membership. A vacancy on the Council for disqualification may be so declared by the Secretary of the Board. Rules regarding conflicts of interest and disclosure of economic interests promulgated by the Board shall apply to local school council members. No less than 45 days prior to the deadline, the general superintendent shall provide notice, by mail, to each local school council member of all requirements and forms for compliance with economic interest statements.
(r) (1) If a parent member of a local school council ceases to have any child enrolled in the attendance center governed by the Local School Council due to the graduation or voluntary transfer of a child or children from the attendance center, the parent's membership on the Local School Council and all voting rights are terminated immediately as of the date of the child's graduation or voluntary transfer. If the child of a parent member of a local school council dies during the member's term in office, the member may continue to serve on the local school council for the balance of his or her term. Further, a local school council member may be removed from the Council by a majority vote of the Council as provided in subsection (c) of Section 34-2.2 if the Council member has missed 3 consecutive regular meetings, not including committee meetings, or 5 regular meetings in a 12 month period, not including committee meetings. If a parent member of a local school council ceases to be eligible to serve on the Council for any other reason, he or she shall be removed by the Board subject to a hearing, convened pursuant to Board rule, prior to removal. A vote to remove a Council member by the local school council shall only be valid if the Council member has been notified personally or by certified mail, mailed to the person's last known address, of the Council's intent to vote on the Council member's removal at least 7 days prior to the vote. The Council member in question shall have the right to explain his or her actions and shall be eligible to vote on the question of his or her removal from the Council. The provisions of this subsection shall be contained within the petitions used to nominate Council candidates.
(2) A person may continue to serve as a community resident member of a local school council as long as he or she resides in the attendance area served by the school and is not employed by the Board nor is a parent of a student enrolled at the school. If a community resident member ceases to be eligible to serve on the Council, he or she shall be removed by the Board subject to a hearing, convened pursuant to Board rule, prior to removal.
(3) A person may continue to serve as a teacher member of a local school council as long as he or she is employed and assigned to perform a majority of his or her duties at the school, provided that if the teacher representative resigns from employment with the Board or voluntarily transfers to another school, the teacher's membership on the local school council and all voting rights are terminated immediately as of the date of the teacher's resignation or upon the date of the teacher's voluntary transfer to another school. If a teacher member of a local school council ceases to be eligible to serve on a local school council for any other reason, that member shall be removed by the Board subject to a hearing, convened pursuant to Board rule, prior to removal.
(s) As used in this Section only, "community resident" means a person, 17 years of age or older, residing within an attendance area served by a school, excluding any person who is a parent of a student enrolled in that school; provided that with respect to any multi-area school, community resident means any person, 17 years of age or older, residing within the voting district established for that school pursuant to Section 34-2.1c, excluding any person who is a parent of a student enrolled in that school. This definition does not apply to any provisions concerning school boards.
(Source: P.A. 99-597, eff. 1-1-17.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-2.1b) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-2.1b)
Sec. 34-2.1b. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-2.1c) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-2.1c)
Sec. 34-2.1c. Multi-Area Schools - Establishment of Voting Districts.
(a) On or before September 1, 1991, the Board shall establish a voting district for each multi-area school. The Board shall take into account the following criteria in establishing such voting districts:
(i) in cases where the multi-area school was
previously a school with a local attendance area established by the Board, the boundaries of such local attendance area;
(ii) the location of physical characteristics in the
surrounding geographic area, including but not limited to, expressways, rapid transit and railroad rights-of-way, rivers and viaducts;
(iii) the location of established neighborhood and
community area boundaries and of boundaries established for other elected offices within the city and the State;
(iv) size of student population; and
(v) compactness and contiguity of voting districts.
Prior to establishing voting districts for multi-area schools, the Board shall hold at least one public hearing thereon. The Board shall establish procedures to ensure the maximum participation of all interested persons in such hearing or hearings.
(b) The Board shall publicize the location and description of these voting districts by posting notices at each multi-area school and in public places within each voting district, by distributing notices to students at the multi-area school and by placing notices both in daily newspapers of general circulation published in the city and in local and community newspapers published within each voting district. The Board shall utilize other means to ensure adequate dissemination of the description and location of the voting districts.
(c) The Board may adjust or alter the voting districts of any multi-area school once every tenth year. The Board shall utilize the same criteria and procedures described above in connection with any adjustment or alteration of any voting district.
(d) With respect to any school designated as a multi-area school subsequent to the establishment of voting districts, as described in subsection (a), or subsequent to the adjustment of these districts, as described in subsection (c), the Board shall establish a voting district for that school prior to the commencement of its operation as a multi-area school. The Board shall utilize the same criteria and procedures described in subsection (a) in connection with the establishment of such a voting district.
(Source: P.A. 87-454.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-2.2) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-2.2)
Sec. 34-2.2. Local school councils - Manner of operation.
(a) The annual organizational meeting of each local school council shall be held at the attendance center. At the annual organization meeting, which shall be held no sooner than July 1 and no later than July 14, a parent member of the local school council shall be selected by the members of such council as its chairperson, and a secretary shall be selected by the members of such council from among their number, each to serve a term of one year. Whenever a vacancy in the office of chairperson or secretary of a local school council shall occur, a new chairperson (who shall be a parent member) or secretary, as the case may be, shall be elected by the members of the local school council from among their number to serve as such chairperson or secretary for the unexpired term of office in which the vacancy occurs. At each annual organizational meeting, the time and place of any regular meetings of the local school council shall be fixed. Special meetings of the local school council may be called by the chairperson or by any 4 members by giving notice thereof in writing, specifying the time, place and purpose of the meeting. Public notice of meetings shall also be given in accordance with the Open Meetings Act.
(b) Members and officers of the local school council shall serve without compensation and without reimbursement of any expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, except that the board of education may by rule establish a procedure and thereunder provide for reimbursement of members and officers of local school councils for such of their reasonable and necessary expenses (excluding any lodging or meal expenses) incurred in the performance of their duties as the board may deem appropriate.
(c) A majority of the full membership of the local school council shall constitute a quorum, and whenever a vote is taken on any measure before the local school council, a quorum being present, the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes of the full membership then serving of the local school council shall determine the outcome thereof; provided that whenever the measure before the local school council is (i) the evaluation of the principal, or (ii) the renewal of his or her performance contract or the inclusion of any provision or modification of the contract, or (iii) the direct selection by the local school council of a new principal (including a new principal to fill a vacancy) to serve under a 4 year performance contract, or (iv) the determination of the names of candidates to be submitted to the general superintendent for the position of principal, the principal and student member of a high school council shall not be counted for purposes of determining whether a quorum is present to act on the measure and shall have no vote thereon; and provided further that 7 affirmative votes of the local school council shall be required for the direct selection by the local school council of a new principal to serve under a 4 year performance contract but not for the renewal of a principal's performance contract.
(d) Student members of high school councils shall not be eligible to vote on personnel matters, including but not limited to principal evaluations and contracts and the allocation of teaching and staff resources.
(e) The local school council of an attendance center which provides bilingual education shall be encouraged to provide translators at each council meeting to maximize participation of parents and the community.
(f) Each local school council of an attendance center which provides bilingual education shall create a Bilingual Advisory Committee or recognize an existing Bilingual Advisory Committee as a standing committee. The Chair and a majority of the members of the advisory committee shall be parents of students in the bilingual education program. The parents on the advisory committee shall be selected by parents of students in the bilingual education program, and the committee shall select a Chair. The advisory committee for each secondary attendance center shall include at least one full-time bilingual education student. The Bilingual Advisory Committee shall serve only in an advisory capacity to the local school council.
(g) Local school councils may utilize the services of an arbitration board to resolve intra-council disputes.
(Source: P.A. 91-622, eff. 8-19-99.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-2.3) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-2.3)
Sec. 34-2.3. Local school councils - Powers and duties. Each local school council shall have and exercise, consistent with the provisions of this Article and the powers and duties of the board of education, the following powers and duties:
1. (A) To annually evaluate the performance of the principal of the attendance center using a Board approved principal evaluation form, which shall include the evaluation of (i) student academic improvement, as defined by the school improvement plan, (ii) student absenteeism rates at the school, (iii) instructional leadership, (iv) the effective implementation of programs, policies, or strategies to improve student academic achievement, (v) school management, and (vi) any other factors deemed relevant by the local school council, including, without limitation, the principal's communication skills and ability to create and maintain a student-centered learning environment, to develop opportunities for professional development, and to encourage parental involvement and community partnerships to achieve school improvement;
(B) to determine in the manner provided by subsection (c) of Section 34-2.2 and subdivision 1.5 of this Section whether the performance contract of the principal shall be renewed; and
(C) to directly select, in the manner provided by subsection (c) of Section 34-2.2, a new principal (including a new principal to fill a vacancy) -- without submitting any list of candidates for that position to the general superintendent as provided in paragraph 2 of this Section -- to serve under a 4 year performance contract; provided that (i) the determination of whether the principal's performance contract is to be renewed, based upon the evaluation required by subdivision 1.5 of this Section, shall be made no later than 150 days prior to the expiration of the current performance-based contract of the principal, (ii) in cases where such performance contract is not renewed -- a direct selection of a new principal -- to serve under a 4 year performance contract shall be made by the local school council no later than 45 days prior to the expiration of the current performance contract of the principal, and (iii) a selection by the local school council of a new principal to fill a vacancy under a 4 year performance contract shall be made within 90 days after the date such vacancy occurs. A Council shall be required, if requested by the principal, to provide in writing the reasons for the council's not renewing the principal's contract.
1.5. The local school council's determination of whether to renew the principal's contract shall be based on an evaluation to assess the educational and administrative progress made at the school during the principal's current performance-based contract. The local school council shall base its evaluation on (i) student academic improvement, as defined by the school improvement plan, (ii) student absenteeism rates at the school, (iii) instructional leadership, (iv) the effective implementation of programs, policies, or strategies to improve student academic achievement, (v) school management, and (vi) any other factors deemed relevant by the local school council, including, without limitation, the principal's communication skills and ability to create and maintain a student-centered learning environment, to develop opportunities for professional development, and to encourage parental involvement and community partnerships to achieve school improvement. If a local school council fails to renew the performance contract of a principal rated by the general superintendent, or his or her designee, in the previous years' evaluations as meeting or exceeding expectations, the principal, within 15 days after the local school council's decision not to renew the contract, may request a review of the local school council's principal non-retention decision by a hearing officer appointed by the American Arbitration Association. A local school council member or members or the general superintendent may support the principal's request for review. During the period of the hearing officer's review of the local school council's decision on whether or not to retain the principal, the local school council shall maintain all authority to search for and contract with a person to serve as interim or acting principal, or as the principal of the attendance center under a 4-year performance contract, provided that any performance contract entered into by the local school council shall be voidable or modified in accordance with the decision of the hearing officer. The principal may request review only once while at that attendance center. If a local school council renews the contract of a principal who failed to obtain a rating of "meets" or "exceeds expectations" in the general superintendent's evaluation for the previous year, the general superintendent, within 15 days after the local school council's decision to renew the contract, may request a review of the local school council's principal retention decision by a hearing officer appointed by the American Arbitration Association. The general superintendent may request a review only once for that principal at that attendance center. All requests to review the retention or non-retention of a principal shall be submitted to the general superintendent, who shall, in turn, forward such requests, within 14 days of receipt, to the American Arbitration Association. The general superintendent shall send a contemporaneous copy of the request that was forwarded to the American Arbitration Association to the principal and to each local school council member and shall inform the local school council of its rights and responsibilities under the arbitration process, including the local school council's right to representation and the manner and process by which the Board shall pay the costs of the council's representation. If the local school council retains the principal and the general superintendent requests a review of the retention decision, the local school council and the general superintendent shall be considered parties to the arbitration, a hearing officer shall be chosen between those 2 parties pursuant to procedures promulgated by the State Board of Education, and the principal may retain counsel and participate in the arbitration. If the local school council does not retain the principal and the principal requests a review of the retention decision, the local school council and the principal shall be considered parties to the arbitration and a hearing officer shall be chosen between those 2 parties pursuant to procedures promulgated by the State Board of Education. The hearing shall begin (i) within 45 days after the initial request for review is submitted by the principal to the general superintendent or (ii) if the initial request for review is made by the general superintendent, within 45 days after that request is mailed to the American Arbitration Association. The hearing officer shall render a decision within 45 days after the hearing begins and within 90 days after the initial request for review. The Board shall contract with the American Arbitration Association for all of the hearing officer's reasonable and necessary costs. In addition, the Board shall pay any reasonable costs incurred by a local school council for representation before a hearing officer.
1.10. The hearing officer shall conduct a hearing, which shall include (i) a review of the principal's performance, evaluations, and other evidence of the principal's service at the school, (ii) reasons provided by the local school council for its decision, and (iii) documentation evidencing views of interested persons, including, without limitation, students, parents, local school council members, school faculty and staff, the principal, the general superintendent or his or her designee, and members of the community. The burden of proof in establishing that the local school council's decision was arbitrary and capricious shall be on the party requesting the arbitration, and this party shall sustain the burden by a preponderance of the evidence. The hearing officer shall set the local school council decision aside if that decision, in light of the record developed at the hearing, is arbitrary and capricious. The decision of the hearing officer may not be appealed to the Board or the State Board of Education. If the hearing officer decides that the principal shall be retained, the retention period shall not exceed 2 years.
2. In the event (i) the local school council does not renew the performance contract of the principal, or the principal fails to receive a satisfactory rating as provided in subsection (h) of Section 34-8.3, or the principal is removed for cause during the term of his or her performance contract in the manner provided by Section 34-85, or a vacancy in the position of principal otherwise occurs prior to the expiration of the term of a principal's performance contract, and (ii) the local school council fails to directly select a new principal to serve under a 4 year performance contract, the local school council in such event shall submit to the general superintendent a list of 3 candidates -- listed in the local school council's order of preference -- for the position of principal, one of which shall be selected by the general superintendent to serve as principal of the attendance center. If the general superintendent fails or refuses to select one of the candidates on the list to serve as principal within 30 days after being furnished with the candidate list, the general superintendent shall select and place a principal on an interim basis (i) for a period not to exceed one year or (ii) until the local school council selects a new principal with 7 affirmative votes as provided in subsection (c) of Section 34-2.2, whichever occurs first. If the local school council fails or refuses to select and appoint a new principal, as specified by subsection (c) of Section 34-2.2, the general superintendent may select and appoint a new principal on an interim basis for an additional year or until a new contract principal is selected by the local school council. There shall be no discrimination on the basis of race, sex, creed, color or disability unrelated to ability to perform in connection with the submission of candidates for, and the selection of a candidate to serve as principal of an attendance center. No person shall be directly selected, listed as a candidate for, or selected to serve as principal of an attendance center (i) if such person has been removed for cause from employment by the Board or (ii) if such person does not hold a valid administrative certificate issued or exchanged under Article 21 and endorsed as required by that Article for the position of principal. A principal whose performance contract is not renewed as provided under subsection (c) of Section 34-2.2 may nevertheless, if otherwise qualified and certified as herein provided and if he or she has received a satisfactory rating as provided in subsection (h) of Section 34-8.3, be included by a local school council as one of the 3 candidates listed in order of preference on any candidate list from which one person is to be selected to serve as principal of the attendance center under a new performance contract. The initial candidate list required to be submitted by a local school council to the general superintendent in cases where the local school council does not renew the performance contract of its principal and does not directly select a new principal to serve under a 4 year performance contract shall be submitted not later than 30 days prior to the expiration of the current performance contract. In cases where the local school council fails or refuses to submit the candidate list to the general superintendent no later than 30 days prior to the expiration of the incumbent principal's contract, the general superintendent may appoint a principal on an interim basis for a period not to exceed one year, during which time the local school council shall be able to select a new principal with 7 affirmative votes as provided in subsection (c) of Section 34-2.2. In cases where a principal is removed for cause or a vacancy otherwise occurs in the position of principal and the vacancy is not filled by direct selection by the local school council, the candidate list shall be submitted by the local school council to the general superintendent within 90 days after the date such removal or vacancy occurs. In cases where the local school council fails or refuses to submit the candidate list to the general superintendent within 90 days after the date of the vacancy, the general superintendent may appoint a principal on an interim basis for a period of one year, during which time the local school council shall be able to select a new principal with 7 affirmative votes as provided in subsection (c) of Section 34-2.2.
2.5. Whenever a vacancy in the office of a principal occurs for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled in the manner provided by this Section by the selection of a new principal to serve under a 4 year performance contract.
3. To establish additional criteria to be included as part of the performance contract of its principal, provided that such additional criteria shall not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, creed, color or disability unrelated to ability to perform, and shall not be inconsistent with the uniform 4 year performance contract for principals developed by the board as provided in Section 34-8.1 of the School Code or with other provisions of this Article governing the authority and responsibility of principals.
4. To approve the expenditure plan prepared by the principal with respect to all funds allocated and distributed to the attendance center by the Board. The expenditure plan shall be administered by the principal. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or any other law, any expenditure plan approved and administered under this Section 34-2.3 shall be consistent with and subject to the terms of any contract for services with a third party entered into by the Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees or the board under this Act.
Via a supermajority vote of 7 members of the local school council or 8 members of a high school local school council, the Council may transfer allocations pursuant to Section 34-2.3 within funds; provided that such a transfer is consistent with applicable law and collective bargaining agreements.
Beginning in fiscal year 1991 and in each fiscal year thereafter, the Board may reserve up to 1% of its total fiscal year budget for distribution on a prioritized basis to schools throughout the school system in order to assure adequate programs to meet the needs of special student populations as determined by the Board. This distribution shall take into account the needs catalogued in the Systemwide Plan and the various local school improvement plans of the local school councils. Information about these centrally funded programs shall be distributed to the local school councils so that their subsequent planning and programming will account for these provisions.
Beginning in fiscal year 1991 and in each fiscal year thereafter, from other amounts available in the applicable fiscal year budget, the board shall allocate a lump sum amount to each local school based upon such formula as the board shall determine taking into account the special needs of the student body. The local school principal shall develop an expenditure plan in consultation with the local school council, the professional personnel leadership committee and with all other school personnel, which reflects the priorities and activities as described in the school's local school improvement plan and is consistent with applicable law and collective bargaining agreements and with board policies and standards; however, the local school council shall have the right to request waivers of board policy from the board of education and waivers of employee collective bargaining agreements pursuant to Section 34-8.1a.
The expenditure plan developed by the principal with respect to amounts available from the fund for prioritized special needs programs and the allocated lump sum amount must be approved by the local school council.
The lump sum allocation shall take into account the following principles:
a. Teachers: Each school shall be allocated funds
equal to the amount appropriated in the previous school year for compensation for teachers (regular grades kindergarten through 12th grade) plus whatever increases in compensation have been negotiated contractually or through longevity as provided in the negotiated agreement. Adjustments shall be made due to layoff or reduction in force, lack of funds or work, change in subject requirements, enrollment changes, or contracts with third parties for the performance of services or to rectify any inconsistencies with system-wide allocation formulas or for other legitimate reasons.
b. Other personnel: Funds for other teacher
certificated and uncertificated personnel paid through non-categorical funds shall be provided according to system-wide formulas based on student enrollment and the special needs of the school as determined by the Board.
c. Non-compensation items: Appropriations for all
non-compensation items shall be based on system-wide formulas based on student enrollment and on the special needs of the school or factors related to the physical plant, including but not limited to textbooks, electronic textbooks and the technological equipment necessary to gain access to and use electronic textbooks, supplies, electricity, equipment, and routine maintenance.
d. Funds for categorical programs: Schools shall
receive personnel and funds based on, and shall use such personnel and funds in accordance with State and Federal requirements applicable to each categorical program provided to meet the special needs of the student body (including but not limited to, Federal Chapter I, Bilingual, and Special Education).
d.1. Funds for State Title I: Each school shall
receive funds based on State and Board requirements applicable to each State Title I pupil provided to meet the special needs of the student body. Each school shall receive the proportion of funds as provided in Section 18-8 to which they are entitled. These funds shall be spent only with the budgetary approval of the Local School Council as provided in Section 34-2.3.
e. The Local School Council shall have the right to
request the principal to close positions and open new ones consistent with the provisions of the local school improvement plan provided that these decisions are consistent with applicable law and collective bargaining agreements. If a position is closed, pursuant to this paragraph, the local school shall have for its use the system-wide average compensation for the closed position.
f. Operating within existing laws and collective
bargaining agreements, the local school council shall have the right to direct the principal to shift expenditures within funds.
g. (Blank).
Any funds unexpended at the end of the fiscal year shall be available to the board of education for use as part of its budget for the following fiscal year.
5. To make recommendations to the principal concerning textbook selection and concerning curriculum developed pursuant to the school improvement plan which is consistent with systemwide curriculum objectives in accordance with Sections 34-8 and 34-18 of the School Code and in conformity with the collective bargaining agreement.
6. To advise the principal concerning the attendance and disciplinary policies for the attendance center, subject to the provisions of this Article and Article 26, and consistent with the uniform system of discipline established by the board pursuant to Section 34-19.
7. To approve a school improvement plan developed as provided in Section 34-2.4. The process and schedule for plan development shall be publicized to the entire school community, and the community shall be afforded the opportunity to make recommendations concerning the plan. At least twice a year the principal and local school council shall report publicly on progress and problems with respect to plan implementation.
8. To evaluate the allocation of teaching resources and other certificated and uncertificated staff to the attendance center to determine whether such allocation is consistent with and in furtherance of instructional objectives and school programs reflective of the school improvement plan adopted for the attendance center; and to make recommendations to the board, the general superintendent and the principal concerning any reallocation of teaching resources or other staff whenever the council determines that any such reallocation is appropriate because the qualifications of any existing staff at the attendance center do not adequately match or support instructional objectives or school programs which reflect the school improvement plan.
9. To make recommendations to the principal and the general superintendent concerning their respective appointments, after August 31, 1989, and in the manner provided by Section 34-8 and Section 34-8.1, of persons to fill any vacant, additional or newly created positions for teachers at the attendance center or at attendance centers which include the attendance center served by the local school council.
10. To request of the Board the manner in which training and assistance shall be provided to the local school council. Pursuant to Board guidelines a local school council is authorized to direct the Board of Education to contract with personnel or not-for-profit organizations not associated with the school district to train or assist council members. If training or assistance is provided by contract with personnel or organizations not associated with the school district, the period of training or assistance shall not exceed 30 hours during a given school year; person shall not be employed on a continuous basis longer than said period and shall not have been employed by the Chicago Board of Education within the preceding six months. Council members shall receive training in at least the following areas:
1. school budgets;
2. educational theory pertinent to the attendance
center's particular needs, including the development of the school improvement plan and the principal's performance contract; and
3. personnel selection.
Council members shall, to the greatest extent possible, complete such training within 90 days of election.
11. In accordance with systemwide guidelines contained in the System-Wide Educational Reform Goals and Objectives Plan, criteria for evaluation of performance shall be established for local school councils and local school council members. If a local school council persists in noncompliance with systemwide requirements, the Board may impose sanctions and take necessary corrective action, consistent with Section 34-8.3.
12. Each local school council shall comply with the Open Meetings Act and the Freedom of Information Act. Each local school council shall issue and transmit to its school community a detailed annual report accounting for its activities programmatically and financially. Each local school council shall convene at least 2 well-publicized meetings annually with its entire school community. These meetings shall include presentation of the proposed local school improvement plan, of the proposed school expenditure plan, and the annual report, and shall provide an opportunity for public comment.
13. Each local school council is encouraged to involve additional non-voting members of the school community in facilitating the council's exercise of its responsibilities.
14. The local school council may adopt a school uniform or dress code policy that governs the attendance center and that is necessary to maintain the orderly process of a school function or prevent endangerment of student health or safety, consistent with the policies and rules of the Board of Education. A school uniform or dress code policy adopted by a local school council: (i) shall not be applied in such manner as to discipline or deny attendance to a transfer student or any other student for noncompliance with that policy during such period of time as is reasonably necessary to enable the student to acquire a school uniform or otherwise comply with the dress code policy that is in effect at the attendance center into which the student's enrollment is transferred; and (ii) shall include criteria and procedures under which the local school council will accommodate the needs of or otherwise provide appropriate resources to assist a student from an indigent family in complying with an applicable school uniform or dress code policy. A student whose parents or legal guardians object on religious grounds to the student's compliance with an applicable school uniform or dress code policy shall not be required to comply with that policy if the student's parents or legal guardians present to the local school council a signed statement of objection detailing the grounds for the objection.
15. All decisions made and actions taken by the local school council in the exercise of its powers and duties shall comply with State and federal laws, all applicable collective bargaining agreements, court orders and rules properly promulgated by the Board.
15a. To grant, in accordance with board rules and policies, the use of assembly halls and classrooms when not otherwise needed, including lighting, heat, and attendants, for public lectures, concerts, and other educational and social activities.
15b. To approve, in accordance with board rules and policies, receipts and expenditures for all internal accounts of the attendance center, and to approve all fund-raising activities by nonschool organizations that use the school building.
16. (Blank).
17. Names and addresses of local school council members shall be a matter of public record.
(Source: P.A. 96-1403, eff. 7-29-10.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-2.3a) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-2.3a)
Sec. 34-2.3a. Recommendations of the Principal. The principal of each attendance center shall be encouraged to make recommendations to the appropriate local school council concerning all educational aspects of the attendance center.
(Source: P.A. 85-1418; 86-1477.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-2.3b)
Sec. 34-2.3b. Local School Council Training. The board shall collaborate with universities and other interested entities and individuals to offer training to local school council members on topics relevant to school operations and their responsibilities as local school council members, including but not limited to legal requirements, role differentiation, responsibilities, and authorities, and improving student achievement. Training of local school council members shall be provided at the direction of the board in consultation with the Council of Chicago-area Deans of Education. Incoming local school council members shall be required to complete a 3-day training program provided under this Section within 6 months of taking office. The board shall monitor the compliance of incoming local school council members with the 3-day training program requirement established by this Section. The board shall declare vacant the office of a local school council member who fails to complete the 3-day training program provided under this Section within the 6 month period allowed. Any such vacancy shall be filled as provided in subsection (o) of Section 34-2.1 by appointment of another person qualified to hold the office. In addition to requiring local school council members to complete the 3-day training program under this Section, the board may encourage local school council members to complete additional training during their term of office and shall provide recognition for individuals completing that additional training. The board is authorized to collaborate with universities, non-profits, and other interested organizations and individuals to offer additional training to local school council members on a regular basis during their term in office. The board shall not be required to bear the cost of the required 3-day training program or any additional training provided to local school council members under this Section.
The board shall also offer training to aid local school councils in developing principal evaluation procedures and criteria. The board shall send out requests for proposals concerning this training and is authorized to contract with universities, non-profits, and other interested organizations and individuals to provide this training. The board is authorized to use funds from private organizations, non-profits, or any other outside source as well as its own funds for this purpose.
(Source: P.A. 90-100, eff. 7-11-97; 91-622, eff. 8-19-99.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-2.4) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-2.4)
Sec. 34-2.4. School improvement plan. A 3-year local school improvement plan shall be developed and implemented at each attendance center. This plan shall reflect the overriding purpose of the attendance center to improve educational quality. The local school principal shall develop a school improvement plan in consultation with the local school council, all categories of school staff, parents and community residents. Once the plan is developed, reviewed by the professional personnel leadership committee, and approved by the local school council, the principal shall be responsible for directing implementation of the plan, and the local school council shall monitor its implementation. After the termination of the initial 3-year plan, a new 3-year plan shall be developed and modified as appropriate on an annual basis.
The school improvement plan shall be designed to achieve priority goals including but not limited to:
(a) assuring that students show significant progress
toward meeting and exceeding State performance standards in State mandated learning areas, including the mastery of higher order thinking skills in these areas;
(b) assuring that students attend school regularly
and graduate from school at such rates that the district average equals or surpasses national norms;
(c) assuring that students are adequately prepared
for and aided in making a successful transition to further education and life experience;
(d) assuring that students are adequately prepared
for and aided in making a successful transition to employment; and
(e) assuring that students are, to the maximum extent
possible, provided with a common learning experience that is of high academic quality and that reflects high expectations for all students' capacities to learn.
With respect to these priority goals, the school improvement plan shall include but not be limited to the following:
(a) an analysis of data collected in the attendance
center and community indicating the specific strengths and weaknesses of the attendance center in light of the goals specified above, including data and analysis specified by the State Board of Education pertaining to specific measurable outcomes for student performance, the attendance centers, and their instructional programs;
(b) a description of specific annual objectives the
attendance center will pursue in achieving the goals specified above;
(c) a description of the specific activities the
attendance center will undertake to achieve its objectives;
(d) an analysis of the attendance center's staffing
pattern and material resources, and an explanation of how the attendance center's planned staffing pattern, the deployment of staff, and the use of material resources furthers the objectives of the plan;
(e) a description of the key assumptions and
directions of the school's curriculum and the academic and non-academic programs of the attendance center, and an explanation of how this curriculum and these programs further the goals and objectives of the plan;
(f) a description of the steps that will be taken to
enhance educational opportunities for all students, regardless of gender, including English learners, students with disabilities, low-income students, and minority students;
(g) a description of any steps which may be taken by
the attendance center to educate parents as to how they can assist children at home in preparing their children to learn effectively;
(h) a description of the steps the attendance center
will take to coordinate its efforts with, and to gain the participation and support of, community residents, business organizations, and other local institutions and individuals;
(i) a description of any staff development program
for all school staff and volunteers tied to the priority goals, objectives, and activities specified in the plan;
(j) a description of the steps the local school
council will undertake to monitor implementation of the plan on an ongoing basis;
(k) a description of the steps the attendance center
will take to ensure that teachers have working conditions that provide a professional environment conducive to fulfilling their responsibilities;
(l) a description of the steps the attendance center
will take to ensure teachers the time and opportunity to incorporate new ideas and techniques, both in subject matter and teaching skills, into their own work;
(m) a description of the steps the attendance center
will take to encourage pride and positive identification with the attendance center through various athletic activities; and
(n) a description of the student need for and
provision of services to special populations, beyond the standard school programs provided for students in grades K through 12 and those enumerated in the categorical programs cited in item d of part 4 of Section 34-2.3, including financial costs of providing same and a timeline for implementing the necessary services, including but not limited, when applicable, to ensuring the provisions of educational services to all eligible children aged 4 years for the 1990-91 school year and thereafter, reducing class size to State averages in grades K-3 for the 1991-92 school year and thereafter and in all grades for the 1993-94 school year and thereafter, and providing sufficient staff and facility resources for students not served in the regular classroom setting.
Based on the analysis of data collected indicating specific strengths and weaknesses of the attendance center, the school improvement plan may place greater emphasis from year to year on particular priority goals, objectives, and activities.
(Source: P.A. 99-30, eff. 7-10-15; 99-143, eff. 7-27-15; 99-642, eff. 7-28-16.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-2.4a) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-2.4a)
Sec. 34-2.4a. Professional personnel leadership committee.
(a) At each attendance center operated pursuant to this Article, a professional personnel leadership committee consisting of (i) up to 7 members elected each school year who are certified classroom teachers or other certificated personnel, who are employed at the attendance center, and who desire to be members of the committee and (ii) the 2 teacher members of the local school council. The teacher members of the local school council shall serve as co-chairs of the committee, or one teacher member of the local school council chosen by the committee shall serve as chair of the committee. The size of the committee shall be determined by the certified classroom teachers and other certificated personnel at the attendance center, including the principal.
(b) The purpose of the committee is to develop and formally present recommendations to the principal and the local school council on all matters of educational program, including but not limited to curriculum, school improvement plan development and implementation, and school budgeting.
(c) For the elected committee members, the principal shall convene a publicized meeting of all certified classroom teachers and other certificated personnel, at which meeting those certified classroom teachers and other certificated personnel present, excluding the principal, shall elect members to serve on the committee. A staff member eligible to vote may vote for the same number of candidates in the election as the number of members to be elected, but votes shall not be cumulated. Ties shall be determined by lot. Vacancies shall be filled in like manner.
(d) All committee meetings shall be held before or after school with no loss of instructional time. Committee members shall receive no compensation for their activities as committee members.
(e) In furtherance of its purpose, the committee shall have the authority to gather information from school staff through interviews, on noninstructional time, without the prior approval of the principal, the local school council, the board, the board's chief executive officer, or the chief executive officer's administrative staff.
The committee shall meet once a month with the principal to make recommendations to the principal regarding the specific methods and contents of the school's curriculum and to make other educational improvement recommendations approved by the committee. A report from the committee regarding these matters may be an agenda item at each regular meeting of the local school council.
The principal shall provide the committee with the opportunity to review and make recommendations regarding the school improvement plan and school budget. The teacher members of the local school council may bring motions concerning the recommendations approved by the committee, which motions shall formally be considered at meetings of the local school council.
(Source: P.A. 93-48, eff. 7-1-03.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-2.4b) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-2.4b)
Sec. 34-2.4b. Limitation upon applicability. The provisions of Sections 34-2.1, 34-2.2, 34-2.3, 34-2.3a, 34-2.4 and 34-8.3, and those provisions of paragraph 1 of Section 34-18 and paragraph (c) of Section 34A-201a relating to the allocation or application -- by formula or otherwise -- of lump sum amounts and other funds to attendance centers, shall not apply to attendance centers that have applied for and been designated as a "Small School" by the Board, the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center and Cook County Jail schools, nor to the district's alternative schools for pregnant girls, nor to alternative schools established under Article 13A, nor to a contract school, nor to the Michael R. Durso School, the Jackson Adult Center, the Hillard Adult Center, the Alternative Transitional School, or any other attendance center designated by the Board as an alternative school, provided that the designation is not applied to an attendance center that has in place a legally constituted local school council, except for contract turnaround schools. The board of education shall have and exercise with respect to those schools and with respect to the conduct, operation, affairs and budgets of those schools, and with respect to the principals, teachers and other school staff there employed, the same powers which are exercisable by local school councils with respect to the other attendance centers, principals, teachers and school staff within the district, together with all powers and duties generally exercisable by the board of education with respect to all attendance centers within the district. The board of education shall develop appropriate alternative methods for involving parents, community members and school staff to the maximum extent possible in all of the activities of those schools, and may delegate to the parents, community members and school staff so involved the same powers which are exercisable by local school councils with respect to other attendance centers.
(Source: P.A. 96-105, eff. 7-30-09.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-2.4c)
Sec. 34-2.4c. Whistle Blower Protection.
(a) In any case involving the disclosure of information by an employee of the board of education or a local school council member, which the employee or member reasonably believes evidences (1) a violation of any law, rule, regulation, or policy, or (2) waste, fraud, mismanagement, abuse of authority, or a danger to the health or safety of students or the public, the identity of the employee or members may not be disclosed without the written consent of the employee or member during any investigation of the information or related matters.
(b) No disciplinary action may be taken against any employee or local school council member for the disclosure of information by that employee or local school council member that evidences (1) a violation of any law, rule, regulation, or policy, or (2) waste, fraud, mismanagement, abuse of authority, or a danger to the health or safety of a student or the public. For the purposes of this Section, disciplinary action means any retaliatory action taken against an employee or local school council member by the board of education, employees of the board of education, local school councils, or exclusive bargaining representatives of employees, including, but not limited to, reprimand, suspension, discharge, demotion, involuntary transfer, harassment, or denial of promotion or voluntary transfer.
(c) A violation of this Section shall be a Class A misdemeanor.
(Source: P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-2.5) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-2.5)
Sec. 34-2.5. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-3) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-3)
Sec. 34-3. Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees; new Chicago Board of Education; members; term; vacancies.
(a) Within 30 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995, the terms of all members of the Chicago Board of Education holding office on that date are abolished and the Mayor shall appoint, without the consent or approval of the City Council, a 5 member Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees which shall take office upon the appointment of the fifth member. The Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees and its members shall serve until, and the terms of all members of the Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees shall expire on, June 30, 1999 or upon the appointment of a new Chicago Board of Education as provided in subsection (b), whichever is later. Any vacancy in the membership of the Trustees shall be filled through appointment by the Mayor, without the consent or approval of the City Council, for the unexpired term. One of the members appointed by the Mayor to the Trustees shall be designated by the Mayor to serve as President of the Trustees. The Mayor shall appoint a full-time, compensated chief executive officer, and his or her compensation as such chief executive officer shall be determined by the Mayor. The Mayor, at his or her discretion, may appoint the President to serve simultaneously as the chief executive officer.
(b) Within 30 days before the expiration of the terms of the members of the Chicago Reform Board of Trustees as provided in subsection (a), a new Chicago Board of Education consisting of 7 members shall be appointed by the Mayor to take office on the later of July 1, 1999 or the appointment of the seventh member. Three of the members initially so appointed under this subsection shall serve for terms ending June 30, 2002, 4 of the members initially so appointed under this subsection shall serve for terms ending June 30, 2003, and each member initially so appointed shall continue to hold office until his or her successor is appointed and qualified. Thereafter at the expiration of the term of any member a successor shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall hold office for a term of 4 years, from July 1 of the year in which the term commences and until a successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy in the membership of the Chicago Board of Education shall be filled through appointment by the Mayor for the unexpired term. No appointment to membership on the Chicago Board of Education that is made by the Mayor under this subsection shall require the approval of the City Council, whether the appointment is made for a full term or to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term on the Board. The board shall elect annually from its number a president and vice-president, in such manner and at such time as the board determines by its rules. The officers so elected shall each perform the duties imposed upon their respective office by the rules of the board, provided that (i) the president shall preside at meetings of the board and vote as any other member but have no power of veto, and (ii) the vice president shall perform the duties of the president if that office is vacant or the president is absent or unable to act. The secretary of the Board shall be selected by the Board and shall be an employee of the Board rather than a member of the Board, notwithstanding subsection (d) of Section 34-3.3. The duties of the secretary shall be imposed by the rules of the Board.
(c) The board may appoint a student to the board to serve in an advisory capacity. The student member shall serve for a term as determined by the board. The board may not grant the student member any voting privileges, but shall consider the student member as an advisor. The student member may not participate in or attend any executive session of the board.
(Source: P.A. 94-231, eff. 7-14-05.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-3.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-3.1)
Sec. 34-3.1. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-3.2) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-3.2)
Sec. 34-3.2. Board training. After January 1, 1990 all board members shall participate in training provided by board employees or not-for-profit organizations, including without limitation the following:
1. budget and revenue review;
2. education theory and governance;
3. governmental relations;
4. school-based management; and
5. State and federal education law and regulations.
(Source: P.A. 85-1418; 86-1477.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-3.3)
Sec. 34-3.3. Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees; powers and duties; chief operating, fiscal, educational, and purchasing officers. The General Assembly finds that an education crisis exists in the Chicago Public Schools and that a 5-member Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees shall be established for a 4 year period to bring educational and financial stability to the system. The Trustees and their chief executive officer are empowered and directed to: (i) increase the quality of educational services in the Chicago Public Schools; (ii) reduce the cost of non-educational services and implement cost-saving measures including the privatization of services where deemed appropriate; (iii) develop a long-term financial plan that to the maximum extent possible reflects a balanced budget for each year; (iv) streamline and strengthen the management of the system, including a responsible school-based budgeting process, in order to refocus resources on student achievement; (v) ensure ongoing academic improvement in schools through the establishment of an Academic Accountability Council and a strong school improvement and recognition process; (vi) enact policies and procedures that ensure the system runs in an ethical as well as efficient manner; (vii) establish within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995, develop, and implement a process for the selection of a local school council advisory board for the Trustees in which those individuals active on Local School Councils serve an advisory role to the Trustees; (viii) establish any organizational structures, including regional offices, that it deems necessary to ensure the efficient and effective operation of the system; and (ix) provide for such other local school council advisory bodies as the Trustees deem appropriate to function in an advisory capacity to any other organizations or offices established by the Trustees under clause (viii) of this Section.
(a) Unless otherwise provided in this Article, the Trustees shall have all powers and duties exercised and performed by the Chicago Board of Education at the time the terms of its members are abolished as provided in subsection (a) of Section 34-3.
(b) The Mayor shall appoint a chief executive officer who shall be a person of recognized administrative ability and management experience, who shall be responsible for the management of the system, and who shall have all other powers and duties of the general superintendent as set forth in this Article 34. The chief executive officer shall make recommendations to the Trustees with respect to contracts, policies, and procedures.
(c) The chief executive officer shall appoint, with the approval of the Trustees, a chief operating officer, a chief fiscal officer, a chief educational officer, and a chief purchasing officer to serve until June 30, 1999. These officers shall be assigned duties and responsibilities by the chief executive officer. The chief operating officer, the chief fiscal officer, the chief educational officer, and the chief purchasing officer may be granted authority to hire a specific number of employees to assist in meeting immediate responsibilities. The chief executive officer may remove any officer, subject to the approval of the Trustees. Conditions of employment for such personnel shall not be subject to the provisions of Section 34-85.
(d) Upon the expiration on June 30, 1999 of the terms of office of the chief executive, operating, fiscal, educational, and purchasing officers appointed under this Section and the appointment of a new Chicago Board of Education under subsection (b) of Section 34-3, the board may retain, reorganize, or abolish any or all of those offices and appoint qualified successors to fill any of those offices that it does not abolish.
(e) The Trustees shall report to the State Superintendent of Education with respect to its performance, the nature of the reforms which it has instituted, the effect those reforms have had in the operation of the central administrative office and in the performance of pupils, staff, and members of the local school councils at the several attendance centers within the district, and such other matters as the Trustees deem necessary to help assure continuing improvement in the public school system of the district. The reports shall be public documents and shall be made annually, beginning with the school year that commences in 1995 and concluding in the school year beginning in 1999.
(Source: P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-3.4)
Sec. 34-3.4. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 91-622, eff. 8-19-99. Repealed internally, eff. 6-30-04.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-3.5)
Sec. 34-3.5. Partnership agreement on advancing student achievement; No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
(a) The General Assembly finds that the Chicago Teachers Union, the Chicago Board of Education, and the district's chief executive officer have a common responsibility beyond their statutory collective bargaining relationship to institute purposeful education reforms in the Chicago Public Schools that maximize the number of students in the Chicago Public Schools who reach or exceed proficiency with regard to State academic standards and assessments. The General Assembly further finds that education reform in the Chicago Public Schools must be premised on a commitment by all stakeholders to redefine relationships, develop, implement, and evaluate programs, seek new and additional resources, improve the value of educational programs to students, accelerate the quality of teacher training, improve instructional excellence, and develop and implement strategies to comply with the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110).
The Chicago Board of Education and the district's chief executive officer shall enter into a partnership agreement with the Chicago Teachers Union to allow the parties to work together to advance the Chicago Public Schools to the next level of education reform. This agreement must be entered into and take effect within 90 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly. As part of this agreement, the Chicago Teachers Union, the Chicago Board of Education, and the district's chief executive officer shall jointly file a report with the General Assembly at the end of each school year with respect to the nature of the reforms that the parties have instituted, the effect of these reforms on student achievement, and any other matters that the parties deem relevant to evaluating the effectiveness of the agreement.
(b) Decisions concerning matters of inherent managerial policy necessary to comply with the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110), including such areas of discretion or policy as the functions of the employer, the standards and delivery of educational services and programs, the district's overall budget, the district's organizational structure, student assignment, school choice, and the selection of new employees and direction of employees, and the impact of these decisions on individual employees or the bargaining unit shall be permissive subjects of bargaining between the educational employer and the exclusive bargaining representative and are within the sole discretion of the educational employer to decide to bargain. This subsection (b) is exclusive of the parties' obligations and responsibilities under Section 4.5 of the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act (provided that any dispute or impasse that may arise under this subsection (b) shall be resolved exclusively as set forth in subsection (b) of Section 12 of the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act in lieu of a strike under Section 13 of the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act).
(Source: P.A. 93-3, eff. 4-16-03.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-4) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-4)
Sec. 34-4. Eligibility. To be eligible for appointment to the board, a person shall be a citizen of the United States, shall be a registered voter as provided in the Election Code, shall have been a resident of the city for at least 3 years immediately preceding his or her appointment, and shall not be a child sex offender as defined in Section 11-9.3 of the Criminal Code of 2012. Permanent removal from the city by any member of the board during his term of office constitutes a resignation therefrom and creates a vacancy in the board. Except for the President of the Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees who may be paid compensation for his or her services as chief executive officer as determined by the Mayor as provided in subsection (a) of Section 34-3, board members shall serve without any compensation; provided, that board members shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred while in the performance of their duties upon submission of proper receipts or upon submission of a signed voucher in the case of an expense allowance evidencing the amount of such reimbursement or allowance to the president of the board for verification and approval. The board of education may continue to provide health care insurance coverage, employer pension contributions, employee pension contributions, and life insurance premium payments for an employee required to resign from an administrative, teaching, or career service position in order to qualify as a member of the board of education. They shall not hold other public office under the Federal, State or any local government other than that of Director of the Regional Transportation Authority, member of the economic development commission of a city having a population exceeding 500,000, notary public or member of the National Guard, and by accepting any such office while members of the board, or by not resigning any such office held at the time of being appointed to the board within 30 days after such appointment, shall be deemed to have vacated their membership in the board.
(Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-4.5)
Sec. 34-4.5. Chronic truants.
(a) Office of Chronic Truant Adjudication. The board shall establish and implement an Office of Chronic Truant Adjudication, which shall be responsible for administratively adjudicating cases of chronic truancy and imposing appropriate sanctions. The board shall appoint or employ hearing officers to perform the adjudicatory functions of that Office. Principals and other appropriate personnel may refer pupils suspected of being chronic truants, as defined in Section 26-2a of this Code, to the Office of Chronic Truant Adjudication.
(b) Notices. Before any hearing may be held under subsection (c), the principal of the school attended by the pupil or the principal's designee shall notify the pupil's parent or guardian by personal visit, letter, or telephone of each unexcused absence of the pupil. After giving the parent or guardian notice of the tenth unexcused absence of the pupil, the principal or the principal's designee shall send the pupil's parent or guardian a letter, by certified mail, return receipt requested, notifying the parent or guardian that he or she is subjecting himself or herself to a hearing procedure as provided under subsection (c) and clearly describing any and all possible penalties that may be imposed as provided for in subsections (d) and (e) of this Section.
(c) Hearing. Once a pupil has been referred to the Office of Chronic Truant Adjudication, a hearing shall be scheduled before an appointed hearing officer, and the pupil and the pupil's parents or guardian shall be notified by certified mail, return receipt requested stating the time, place, and purpose of the hearing. The hearing officer shall hold a hearing and render a written decision within 14 days determining whether the pupil is a chronic truant as defined in Section 26-2a of this Code and whether the parent or guardian took reasonable steps to assure the pupil's attendance at school. The hearing shall be private unless a public hearing is requested by the pupil's parent or guardian, and the pupil may be present at the hearing with a representative in addition to the pupil's parent or guardian. The board shall present evidence of the pupil's truancy, and the pupil and the parent or guardian or representative of the pupil may cross examine witnesses, present witnesses and evidence, and present defenses to the charges. All testimony at the hearing shall be taken under oath administered by the hearing officer. The decision of the hearing officer shall constitute an "administrative decision" for purposes of judicial review under the Administrative Review Law.
(d) Penalties. The hearing officer may require the pupil or the pupil's parent or guardian or both the pupil and the pupil's parent or guardian to do any or all of the following: perform reasonable school or community services for a period not to exceed 30 days; complete a parenting education program; obtain counseling or other supportive services; and comply with an individualized educational plan or service plan as provided by appropriate school officials. If the parent or guardian of the chronic truant shows that he or she took reasonable steps to insure attendance of the pupil at school, he or she shall not be required to perform services.
(e) Non-compliance with sanctions. If a pupil determined by a hearing officer to be a chronic truant or the parent or guardian of the pupil fails to comply with the sanctions ordered by the hearing officer under subsection (c) of this Section, the Office of Chronic Truant Adjudication may refer the matter to the State's Attorney for prosecution under Section 3-33.5 of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987.
(f) Limitation on applicability. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to apply to a parent or guardian of a pupil not required to attend a public school pursuant to Section 26-1.
(Source: P.A. 94-1011, eff. 7-7-06.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-5) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-5)
Sec. 34-5. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-6) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-6)
Sec. 34-6. Superintendent of schools. After June 30, 1999, the board may, by a vote of a majority of its full membership, appoint a general superintendent of schools to serve pursuant to a performance-based contract for a term ending on June 30th of the third calendar year after his or her appointment. He shall be the chief administrative officer of the board and shall have charge and control, subject to the approval of the board and to other provisions of this Article, of all departments and the employees therein of public schools, except the law department. He shall negotiate contracts with all labor organizations which are exclusive representatives of educational employees employed under the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act. All contracts shall be subject to approval of the Board of Education. The board may conduct a national search for a general superintendent. An incumbent general superintendent may not be precluded from being included in such national search. Persons appointed pursuant to this Section shall be exempt from the provisions and requirements of Sections 21-1a, 21-7.1, and 21B-15 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 97-607, eff. 8-26-11.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-6.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-6.1)
Sec. 34-6.1. The president or general superintendent shall report any requests made of the district under provisions of The Freedom of Information Act and shall report the status of the district's response.
(Source: P.A. 85-942.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-7) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-7)
Sec. 34-7. Establishment of departments.
The board of education shall establish such general departments as it may deem necessary or appropriate and determine the duties and functions of each. The heads of such departments shall be appointed by the general superintendent of schools subject to the approval of a majority of the full membership of the board. Nothing contained in this Section shall apply to the law department.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-8)
Sec. 34-8. Powers and duties of general superintendent. The general superintendent of schools shall prescribe and control, subject to the approval of the board and to other provisions of this Article, the courses of study mandated by State law, textbooks, educational apparatus and equipment, discipline in and conduct of the schools, and shall perform such other duties as the board may by rule prescribe. The superintendent shall also notify the State Board of Education, the board and the chief administrative official, other than the alleged perpetrator himself, in the school where the alleged perpetrator serves, that any person who is employed in a school or otherwise comes into frequent contact with children in the school has been named as a perpetrator in an indicated report filed pursuant to the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, approved June 26, 1975, as amended.
The general superintendent may be granted the authority by the board to hire a specific number of employees to assist in meeting immediate responsibilities. Conditions of employment for such personnel shall not be subject to the provisions of Section 34-85.
The general superintendent may, pursuant to a delegation of authority by the board and Section 34-18, approve contracts and expenditures.
Pursuant to other provisions of this Article, sites shall be selected, schoolhouses located thereon and plans therefor approved, and textbooks and educational apparatus and equipment shall be adopted and purchased by the board only upon the recommendation of the general superintendent of schools or by a majority vote of the full membership of the board and, in the case of textbooks, subject to Article 28 of this Act. The board may furnish free textbooks to pupils and may publish its own textbooks and manufacture its own apparatus, equipment and supplies.
In addition, in January of each year, the general superintendent of schools shall report to the State Board of Education the number of high school students in the district who are enrolled in accredited courses (for which high school credit will be awarded upon successful completion of the courses) at any community college, together with the name and number of the course or courses which each such student is taking.
The general superintendent shall also have the authority to monitor the performance of attendance centers, to identify and place an attendance center on remediation and probation, and to recommend to the board that the attendance center be placed on intervention and be reconstituted, subject to the provisions of Sections 34-8.3 and 8.4.
The general superintendent, or his or her designee, shall conduct an annual evaluation of each principal in the district pursuant to guidelines promulgated by the Board and the Board approved principal evaluation form. The evaluation shall be based on factors, including the following: (i) student academic improvement, as defined by the school improvement plan; (ii) student absenteeism rates at the school; (iii) instructional leadership; (iv) effective implementation of programs, policies, or strategies to improve student academic achievement; (v) school management; and (vi) other factors, including, without limitation, the principal's communication skills and ability to create and maintain a student-centered learning environment, to develop opportunities for professional development, and to encourage parental involvement and community partnerships to achieve school improvement.
Effective no later than September 1, 2012, the general superintendent or his or her designee shall develop a written principal evaluation plan. The evaluation plan must be in writing and shall supersede the evaluation requirements set forth in this Section. The evaluation plan must do at least all of the following:
(1) Provide for annual evaluation of all principals
employed under a performance contract by the general superintendent or his or her designee, no later than July 1st of each year.
(2) Consider the principal's specific duties,
responsibilities, management, and competence as a principal.
(3) Specify the principal's strengths and weaknesses,
with supporting reasons.
(4) Align with research-based standards.
(5) Use data and indicators on student growth as a
significant factor in rating principal performance.
(Source: P.A. 95-496, eff. 8-28-07; 96-861, eff. 1-15-10.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.05)
Sec. 34-8.05. Reporting firearms in schools. On or after January 1, 1997, upon receipt of any written, electronic, or verbal report from any school personnel regarding a verified incident involving a firearm in a school or on school owned or leased property, including any conveyance owned, leased, or used by the school for the transport of students or school personnel, the general superintendent or his or her designee shall report all such firearm-related incidents occurring in a school or on school property to the local law enforcement authorities no later than 24 hours after the occurrence of the incident and to the Department of State Police in a form, manner, and frequency as prescribed by the Department of State Police.
The State Board of Education shall receive an annual statistical compilation and related data associated with incidents involving firearms in schools from the Department of State Police. As used in this Section, the term "firearm" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 1.1 of the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act.
(Source: P.A. 89-498, eff. 6-27-96.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-8.1)
Sec. 34-8.1. Principals. Principals shall be employed to supervise the operation of each attendance center. Their powers and duties shall include but not be limited to the authority (i) to direct, supervise, evaluate, and suspend with or without pay or otherwise discipline all teachers, assistant principals, and other employees assigned to the attendance center in accordance with board rules and policies and (ii) to direct all other persons assigned to the attendance center pursuant to a contract with a third party to provide services to the school system. The right to employ, discharge, and layoff shall be vested solely with the board, provided that decisions to discharge or suspend non-certified employees, including disciplinary layoffs, and the termination of certified employees from employment pursuant to a layoff or reassignment policy are subject to review under the grievance resolution procedure adopted pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 10 of the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act. The grievance resolution procedure adopted by the board shall provide for final and binding arbitration, and, notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the arbitrator's decision may include all make-whole relief, including without limitation reinstatement. The principal shall fill positions by appointment as provided in this Section and may make recommendations to the board regarding the employment, discharge, or layoff of any individual. The authority of the principal shall include the authority to direct the hours during which the attendance center shall be open and available for use provided the use complies with board rules and policies, to determine when and what operations shall be conducted within those hours, and to schedule staff within those hours. Under the direction of, and subject to the authority of the principal, the Engineer In Charge shall be accountable for the safe, economical operation of the plant and grounds and shall also be responsible for orientation, training, and supervising the work of Engineers, Trainees, school maintenance assistants, custodial workers and other plant operation employees under his or her direction.
There shall be established by the board a system of semi-annual evaluations conducted by the principal as to performance of the engineer in charge. Nothing in this Section shall prevent the principal from conducting additional evaluations. An overall numerical rating shall be given by the principal based on the evaluation conducted by the principal. An unsatisfactory numerical rating shall result in disciplinary action, which may include, without limitation and in the judgment of the principal, loss of promotion or bidding procedure, reprimand, suspension with or without pay, or recommended dismissal. The board shall establish procedures for conducting the evaluation and reporting the results to the engineer in charge.
Under the direction of, and subject to the authority of, the principal, the Food Service Manager is responsible at all times for the proper operation and maintenance of the lunch room to which he is assigned and shall also be responsible for the orientation, training, and supervising the work of cooks, bakers, porters, and lunchroom attendants under his or her direction.
There shall be established by the Board a system of semi-annual evaluations conducted by the principal as to the performance of the food service manager. Nothing in this Section shall prevent the principal from conducting additional evaluations. An overall numerical rating shall be given by the principal based on the evaluation conducted by the principal. An unsatisfactory numerical rating shall result in disciplinary action which may include, without limitation and in the judgment of the principal, loss of promotion or bidding procedure, reprimand, suspension with or without pay, or recommended dismissal. The board shall establish rules for conducting the evaluation and reporting the results to the food service manager.
Nothing in this Section shall be interpreted to require the employment or assignment of an Engineer-In-Charge or a Food Service Manager for each attendance center.
Principals shall be employed to supervise the educational operation of each attendance center. If a principal is absent due to extended illness or leave of absence, an assistant principal may be assigned as acting principal for a period not to exceed 100 school days. Each principal shall assume administrative responsibility and instructional leadership, in accordance with reasonable rules and regulations of the board, for the planning, operation and evaluation of the educational program of the attendance center to which he is assigned. The principal shall submit recommendations to the general superintendent concerning the appointment, dismissal, retention, promotion, and assignment of all personnel assigned to the attendance center; provided, that from and after September 1, 1989: (i) if any vacancy occurs in a position at the attendance center or if an additional or new position is created at the attendance center, that position shall be filled by appointment made by the principal in accordance with procedures established and provided by the Board whenever the majority of the duties included in that position are to be performed at the attendance center which is under the principal's supervision, and each such appointment so made by the principal shall be made and based upon merit and ability to perform in that position without regard to seniority or length of service, provided, that such appointments shall be subject to the Board's desegregation obligations, including but not limited to the Consent Decree and Desegregation Plan in U.S. v. Chicago Board of Education; (ii) the principal shall submit recommendations based upon merit and ability to perform in the particular position, without regard to seniority or length of service, to the general superintendent concerning the appointment of any teacher, teacher aide, counselor, clerk, hall guard, security guard and any other personnel which is to be made by the general superintendent whenever less than a majority of the duties of that teacher, teacher aide, counselor, clerk, hall guard, and security guard and any other personnel are to be performed at the attendance center which is under the principal's supervision; and (iii) subject to law and the applicable collective bargaining agreements, the authority and responsibilities of a principal with respect to the evaluation of all teachers and other personnel assigned to an attendance center shall commence immediately upon his or her appointment as principal of the attendance center, without regard to the length of time that he or she has been the principal of that attendance center.
Notwithstanding the existence of any other law of this State, nothing in this Act shall prevent the board from entering into a contract with a third party for services currently performed by any employee or bargaining unit member.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, each principal may approve contracts, binding on the board, in the amount of no more than $10,000, if the contract is endorsed by the Local School Council.
Unless otherwise prohibited by law or by rule of the board, the principal shall provide to local school council members copies of all internal audits and any other pertinent information generated by any audits or reviews of the programs and operation of the attendance center.
Each principal shall hold a valid administrative certificate issued or exchanged in accordance with Article 21 and endorsed as required by that Article for the position of principal. The board may establish or impose academic, educational, examination, and experience requirements and criteria that are in addition to those established and required by Article 21 for issuance of a valid certificate endorsed for the position of principal as a condition of the nomination, selection, appointment, employment, or continued employment of a person as principal of any attendance center, or as a condition of the renewal of any principal's performance contract.
The board shall specify in its formal job description for principals, and from and after July 1, 1990 shall specify in the 4 year performance contracts for use with respect to all principals, that his or her primary responsibility is in the improvement of instruction. A majority of the time spent by a principal shall be spent on curriculum and staff development through both formal and informal activities, establishing clear lines of communication regarding school goals, accomplishments, practices and policies with parents and teachers. The principal, with the assistance of the local school council, shall develop a school improvement plan as provided in Section 34-2.4 and, upon approval of the plan by the local school council, shall be responsible for directing implementation of the plan. The principal, with the assistance of the professional personnel leadership committee, shall develop the specific methods and contents of the school's curriculum within the board's system-wide curriculum standards and objectives and the requirements of the school improvement plan. The board shall ensure that all principals are evaluated on their instructional leadership ability and their ability to maintain a positive education and learning climate. It shall also be the responsibility of the principal to utilize resources of proper law enforcement agencies when the safety and welfare of students and teachers are threatened by illegal use of drugs and alcohol, by illegal use or possession of weapons, or by illegal gang activity.
Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the board and the exclusive representative of the district's teachers from entering into an agreement under Section 34-85c of this Code to establish alternative procedures for teacher evaluation, remediation, and removal for cause after remediation, including an alternative system for peer evaluation and recommendations, for teachers assigned to schools identified in that agreement.
On or before October 1, 1989, the Board of Education, in consultation with any professional organization representing principals in the district, shall promulgate rules and implement a lottery for the purpose of determining whether a principal's existing performance contract (including the performance contract applicable to any principal's position in which a vacancy then exists) expires on June 30, 1990 or on June 30, 1991, and whether the ensuing 4 year performance contract begins on July 1, 1990 or July 1, 1991. The Board of Education shall establish and conduct the lottery in such manner that of all the performance contracts of principals (including the performance contracts applicable to all principal positions in which a vacancy then exists), 50% of such contracts shall expire on June 30, 1990, and 50% shall expire on June 30, 1991. All persons serving as principal on May 1, 1989, and all persons appointed as principal after May 1, 1989 and prior to July 1, 1990 or July 1, 1991, in a manner other than as provided by Section 34-2.3, shall be deemed by operation of law to be serving under a performance contract which expires on June 30, 1990 or June 30, 1991; and unless such performance contract of any such principal is renewed (or such person is again appointed to serve as principal) in the manner provided by Section 34-2.2 or 34-2.3, the employment of such person as principal shall terminate on June 30, 1990 or June 30, 1991.
Commencing on July 1, 1990, or on July 1, 1991, and thereafter, the principal of each attendance center shall be the person selected in the manner provided by Section 34-2.3 to serve as principal of that attendance center under a 4 year performance contract. All performance contracts of principals expiring after July 1, 1990, or July 1, 1991, shall commence on the date specified in the contract, and the renewal of their performance contracts and the appointment of principals when their performance contracts are not renewed shall be governed by Sections 34-2.2 and 34-2.3. Whenever a vacancy in the office of a principal occurs for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled by the selection of a new principal to serve under a 4 year performance contract in the manner provided by Section 34-2.3.
The board of education shall develop and prepare, in consultation with the organization representing principals, a performance contract for use at all attendance centers, and shall furnish the same to each local school council. The term of the performance contract shall be 4 years, unless the principal is retained by the decision of a hearing officer pursuant to subdivision 1.5 of Section 34-2.3, in which case the contract shall be extended for 2 years. The performance contract of each principal shall consist of the uniform performance contract, as developed or from time to time modified by the board, and such additional criteria as are established by a local school council pursuant to Section 34-2.3 for the performance contract of its principal.
During the term of his or her performance contract, a principal may be removed only as provided for in the performance contract except for cause. He or she shall also be obliged to follow the rules of the board of education concerning conduct and efficiency.
In the event the performance contract of a principal is not renewed or a principal is not reappointed as principal under a new performance contract, or in the event a principal is appointed to any position of superintendent or higher position, or voluntarily resigns his position of principal, his or her employment as a principal shall terminate and such former principal shall not be reinstated to the position from which he or she was promoted to principal, except that he or she, if otherwise qualified and certified in accordance with Article 21, shall be placed by the board on appropriate eligibility lists which it prepares for use in the filling of vacant or additional or newly created positions for teachers. The principal's total years of service to the board as both a teacher and a principal, or in other professional capacities, shall be used in calculating years of experience for purposes of being selected as a teacher into new, additional or vacant positions.
In the event the performance contract of a principal is not renewed or a principal is not reappointed as principal under a new performance contract, such principal shall be eligible to continue to receive his or her previously provided level of health insurance benefits for a period of 90 days following the non-renewal of the contract at no expense to the principal, provided that such principal has not retired.
(Source: P.A. 99-642, eff. 7-28-16.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.1a)
Sec. 34-8.1a. Waiver of collective bargaining agreement provisions. Notwithstanding the provisions of any law or collective bargaining agreement to the contrary, the principal, with the concurrence of at least 63.5% through August 31, 1995, and 51% thereafter of an attendance center's personnel in the teachers' bargaining unit, whether certificated or uncertificated non-academic, shall have the right to declare waived and superseded a provision of the teachers' collective bargaining agreement as it applies in or at the attendance center to the bargaining unit's employees. Any collective bargaining agreement entered into after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995 with a bargaining unit other than the teachers' bargaining unit shall contain a waiver procedure that meets the requirements of this Section.
Any waiver approved as provided in this Section shall be final upon concurrence of the required percentage of personnel and shall not be subject to approval or rejection by a bargaining unit or a committee of the bargaining unit.
(Source: P.A. 88-511; 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.1b)
Sec. 34-8.1b. Exemption from bargaining unit membership. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, any employee of the Chicago public schools system whose job description or actual performance of duties requires an Illinois Type 75 General Administrative Certificate or its equivalent shall not be a member of the teachers collective bargaining unit.
(Source: P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.3) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-8.3)
Sec. 34-8.3. Remediation and probation of attendance centers.
(a) The general superintendent shall monitor the performance of the attendance centers within the district and shall identify attendance centers, pursuant to criteria that the board shall establish, in which:
(1) there is a failure to develop, implement, or
comply with a school improvement plan;
(2) there is a pervasive breakdown in the educational
program as indicated by factors, including, but not limited to, the absence of improvement in student reading and math achievement scores, an increased drop-out rate, a decreased graduation rate, and a decrease in rate of student attendance;
(3) (blank); or
(4) there is a failure or refusal to comply with the
provisions of this Act, other applicable laws, collective bargaining agreements, court orders, or with Board rules which the Board is authorized to promulgate.
(b) If the general superintendent identifies a nonperforming school as described herein, he or she shall place the attendance center on remediation by developing a remediation plan for the center. The purpose of the remediation plan shall be to correct the deficiencies in the performance of the attendance center by one or more of the following methods:
(1) drafting a new school improvement plan;
(2) applying to the board for additional funding for
training for the local school council;
(3) directing implementation of a school improvement
(4) mediating disputes or other obstacles to reform
or improvement at the attendance center.
If, however, the general superintendent determines that the problems are not able to be remediated by these methods, the general superintendent shall place the attendance center on probation. The board shall establish guidelines that determine the factors for placing an attendance center on probation.
(c) Each school placed on probation shall have a school improvement plan and school budget for correcting deficiencies identified by the board. The plan shall include specific steps that the local school council and school staff must take to correct identified deficiencies and specific objective criteria by which the school's subsequent progress will be determined. The school budget shall include specific expenditures directly calculated to correct educational and operational deficiencies identified at the school by the probation team.
(d) Schools placed on probation that, after a maximum of one year, fail to make adequate progress in correcting deficiencies are subject to the following actions by the general superintendent with the approval of the board, after opportunity for a hearing:
(1) Ordering new local school council elections.
(2) Removing and replacing the principal.
(3) Replacement of faculty members, subject to the
provisions of Section 24A-5.
(4) Reconstitution of the attendance center and
replacement and reassignment by the general superintendent of all employees of the attendance center.
(5) Intervention under Section 34-8.4.
(5.5) Operating an attendance center as a contract
turnaround school.
(6) Closing of the school.
(e) Schools placed on probation shall remain on probation from year to year until deficiencies are corrected, even if such schools make acceptable annual progress. The board shall establish, in writing, criteria for determining whether or not a school shall remain on probation. If academic achievement tests are used as the factor for placing a school on probation, the general superintendent shall consider objective criteria, not just an increase in test scores, in deciding whether or not a school shall remain on probation. These criteria shall include attendance, test scores, student mobility rates, poverty rates, bilingual education eligibility, special education, and English language proficiency programs, with progress made in these areas being taken into consideration in deciding whether or not a school shall remain on probation.
(f) Where the board has reason to believe that violations of civil rights, or of civil or criminal law have occurred, or when the general superintendent deems that the school is in educational crisis it may take immediate corrective action, including the actions specified in this Section, without first placing the school on remediation or probation. Nothing described herein shall limit the authority of the board as provided by any law of this State. The board shall develop criteria governing the determination regarding when a school is in educational crisis.
(g) All persons serving as subdistrict superintendent on May 1, 1995 shall be deemed by operation of law to be serving under a performance contract which expires on June 30, 1995, and the employment of each such person as subdistrict superintendent shall terminate on June 30, 1995. The board shall have no obligation to compensate any such person as a subdistrict superintendent after June 30, 1995.
(h) The general superintendent shall, in consultation with local school councils, conduct an annual evaluation of each principal in the district pursuant to guidelines promulgated by the Board of Education.
(Source: P.A. 96-105, eff. 7-30-09.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.3a)
Sec. 34-8.3a. Financial supervision of attendance centers.
(a) A fiscal advisor that has been appointed pursuant to subsection (a) of Section 34-2.1 of this Code shall, not later than 90 days after his or her appointment, report to the general superintendent, the board of education, the local school council, and the principal of the school on the progress made in addressing any of the financial deficiencies. If the fiscal advisor determines that the attendance center has rectified all identified deficiencies or has made satisfactory progress in addressing identified deficiencies such that the deficiencies shall be corrected subsequent to the 90-day period, no further action shall be taken by the Board. If, however, the local school council and the principal have not rectified or made satisfactory progress in correcting identified deficiencies, the general superintendent may appoint a financial supervision team, consisting of the fiscal advisor, the general superintendent or his or her designee, and a representative of an outside, independent auditor. Financial supervision teams may develop and implement school budgets to correct the financial irregularities identified in the fiscal advisor's report. The budget shall identify specifically those expenditures that directly correct the irregularities identified in the fiscal advisor's report. Financial supervision teams shall institute systems and procedures necessary to achieve appropriate fiscal management at the school.
(b) Financial supervision teams may modify an existing school improvement plan only to the extent necessary to implement the school budget it develops. Modifications to a school improvement plan shall include specific steps that the local school council and school staff must take to correct each specific financial irregularity identified by the fiscal advisor's report. The modifications to a school improvement plan shall further specify objective criteria by which the deficiencies identified in the fiscal advisor's report are to be corrected. The local school council and school staff shall be consulted on the school budget and modifications to the school improvement plan to be implemented by the financial supervision team but will have no authority to modify either.
(c) Upon implementation of the budget developed by the financial supervision team, and accompanying modifications to a school improvement plan, the financial supervision team's authority to conduct fiscal or related educational management of a school shall cease.
(Source: P.A. 91-622, eff. 8-19-99.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.4)
Sec. 34-8.4. Intervention. The Chicago Schools Academic Accountability Council may recommend to the Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees that any school placed on remediation or probation under Section 34-8.3 or schools that for the 3 consecutive school years of 1992-1993, 1993-1994, and 1994-1995 have met the State Board of Education's category of "does not meet expectations" be made subject to intervention under this Section 34-8.4. In addition to any powers created under this Section, the Trustees shall have all powers created under Section 34-8.3 with respect to schools subjected to intervention.
Prior to subjecting a school to intervention, the Trustees shall conduct a public hearing and make findings of facts concerning the recommendation of the Chicago Schools Academic Accountability Council and the factors causing the failure of the school to adequately perform. The Trustees shall afford an opportunity at the hearing for interested persons to comment about the intervention recommendation. After the hearing has been held and completion of findings of fact, the Trustees shall make a determination whether to subject the school to intervention.
If the Trustees determine that a school shall be subject to intervention under this Section, the Trustees shall develop an intervention implementation plan and shall cause a performance evaluation to be made of each employee at the school. Upon consideration of such evaluations, and consistent with the intervention implementation plan, the Trustees may reassign, layoff, or dismiss any employees at the attendance center, notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 24A-5 and 34-85.
The chief educational officer shall appoint a principal for the school and shall set the terms and conditions of the principal's contract, which in no case may be longer than 2 years. The principal shall select all teachers and non-certified personnel for the school as may be necessary. Any provision of Section 34-8.1 that conflicts with this Section shall not apply to a school subjected to intervention under this Section.
If pursuant to this Section, the general superintendent, with the approval of the board, orders new local school council elections, the general superintendent shall carry out the responsibilities of the local school council for a school subject to intervention until the new local school council members are elected and trained.
Each school year, 5% of the supplemental general State aid funds distributed to a school subject to intervention during that school year under subsection 5(i)(1)(a) of part A of Section 18-8 or subsection (H) of Section 18-8.05 shall be used for employee performance incentives. The Trustees shall prepare a report evaluating the results of any interventions undertaken pursuant to this Section and shall make recommendations concerning implementation of special programs for dealing with underperforming schools on an ongoing basis. This report shall be submitted to the State Superintendent of Education and Mayor of the City of Chicago by January 1, 1999.
(Source: P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95; 89-698, eff. 1-14-97; 90-548, eff. 1-1-98.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.5)
Sec. 34-8.5. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-3, eff. 2-27-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.6)
Sec. 34-8.6. Short title. Sections 34-8.6 through 34-8.19 of this Act may be cited as the Chicago Learning Zone Implementation Law.
(Source: P.A. 89-3, eff. 2-27-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.7)
Sec. 34-8.7. Findings. The General Assembly observes that the Chicago Learning Zone Advisory Committee has issued its report and recommendations. The General Assembly finds, after due consideration of the Committee's report and recommendations, that establishment of a Chicago Learning Zone designation, as the educational version of enterprise zones, will create an opportunity to accelerate the process of Chicago school reform. The General Assembly further finds that the Chicago Learning Zone will offer a fundamental change in operations from a mode of following regulations to an outcome mode, that this change will be one which concentrates on improving academic achievement in ways that can be utilized to reform the system, and that this change will be predicated on the overriding philosophy that attendance centers should be empowered to develop models most appropriate to their situations.
The General Assembly further observes that the value of a learning experience is determined by the outcomes achieved, not by the time or place of attendance; and, it finds that Learning Zone schools should have the ability to operate without State laws and regulations, board rules, and policies, and the ability to operate with contractual waivable conditions by a vote of the school staff governed by the contracts. Accordingly, the General Assembly finds that the educational needs of the schoolchildren of Chicago will be served by establishing a Chicago Learning Zone.
(Source: P.A. 89-3, eff. 2-27-95; 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.8)
Sec. 34-8.8. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.9)
Sec. 34-8.9. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.10)
Sec. 34-8.10. Applications for Learning Zone designation. The board shall evaluate applications from attendance centers within Chicago. Applications shall be in the form prescribed by the board. The board shall, upon majority vote, grant Learning Zone designations that, in its judgment, satisfy the goals and requirements of this Law. The board shall establish policies and procedures necessary to implement this Law.
(Source: P.A. 89-3, eff. 2-27-95; 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.11)
Sec. 34-8.11. Evaluation criteria. In determining whether to grant Learning Zone designation, the board shall consider the following factors:
(1) The extent to which the application demonstrates that improved student learning will be the paramount priority and outcome;
(2) Proposed adoption of high, rigorous standards of achievement and outcome for all students and staff;
(3) Proposed use of shared, collegial decision-making;
(4) Creative, flexible, and innovative proposed restructuring of the applicant attendance centers to create student-centered learning environments;
(5) Parental and community integration and involvement;
(6) Development of collaborative relationships with health and human services agencies;
(7) Ability to function on a localized, decentralized basis within the Chicago public school system;
(8) Appropriateness of budget and resource allocations, including those functions to be assumed and those to remain centralized;
(9) Impact of the statutes, regulations, rules, and policies for which waivers are sought; and
(10) Such other factors, not confined to the foregoing, that are fiscally sound and reasonably determinative of successful student outcome.
(Source: P.A. 89-3, eff. 2-27-95; 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.12)
Sec. 34-8.12. Attendance center support. Applications for Learning Zone designation must include evidence that the application is supported by the principal of the attendance center and by a majority vote of the Local School Council and attendance center staff. Applications shall include that evidence for each participating attendance center.
(Source: P.A. 89-3, eff. 2-27-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.13)
Sec. 34-8.13. Learning Zone designation principles. In performing its duties under this Law, the board shall be guided by the following additional principles:
(1) Learning Zone designations should be effective for an initial period of no less than 3 and no more than 6 years;
(2) Learning Zone designations should encompass clusters of attendance centers through joint application from secondary and feeder elementary schools or in other reasonably related clusters;
(3) Learning Zone designations should encompass, in the aggregate, approximately 10% of the students enrolled in attendance centers within Chicago;
(4) Learning Zone designations should, in the aggregate, be reflective of the racial and ethnic diversity and demography of students enrolled in attendance centers within Chicago;
(5) Learning Zone designations should be fully operational commencing with the 1996-97 school year; and
(6) Learning Zone designation renewals, revisions, and applications for additional waivers of statutes, regulations, rules, and policies should be evaluated in light of the goals of this Law.
(Source: P.A. 89-3, eff. 2-27-95; 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.14)
Sec. 34-8.14. Non-waivable provisions. Notwithstanding anything in this Code to the contrary, statutes, regulations, rules, and policy provisions concerning the following shall not be waivable:
(1) student civil rights;
(2) staff civil rights;
(3) health and safety;
(4) performance and financial audits;
(5) Local School Council provisions, including
required statements of economic disclosure;
(6) the Open Meetings Act;
(7) the Freedom of Information Act;
(8) the assessments required under Section 2-3.64a-5
of this Code;
(9) Chicago learning outcomes;
(10) Sections 2-3.25a through 2-3.25j of this Code;
(11) collective bargaining agreements.
(Source: P.A. 98-972, eff. 8-15-14.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.15)
Sec. 34-8.15. Reports. The board shall file reports describing statutory waivers encompassed in the Learning Zone designations it grants under Section 34-8.10 with the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Secretary of State before October 1, 1995 and thereafter before each May 1 and October 1. The provisions in the report or as amended by the General Assembly shall take effect as provided by law.
(Source: P.A. 89-3, eff. 2-27-95; 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.16)
Sec. 34-8.16. Disapproval or amendment of reports. The General Assembly may disapprove the report of the board in whole, or amend it within 30 calendar days after each house of the legislature next convenes after the report is filed, by adoption of a resolution by a record vote of the majority of the members elected in each house directed to the board. The resolution shall be binding upon the board. Reports shall become effective if the General Assembly fails to disapprove or amend the report within the 30 day period.
For the initial report that the board is required to file before October 1, 1995, the General Assembly may, by January 1, 1996, disapprove the report of the board in whole or amend it, after the report is filed, by the adoption of a resolution by a record vote of the majority of the members. The initial report shall become effective if the General Assembly fails to disapprove or amend the report by January 1, 1996.
(Source: P.A. 89-3, eff. 2-27-95; 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.17)
Sec. 34-8.17. Lump-sum allocation; key centralized functions. Final designation as a Learning Zone under this Law shall entitle the participating attendance centers to receive funds in lump-sum allocations, to budget and spend those funds, and to operate in accordance with the designation and this Law. Lump-sum allocations shall be based on the number of enrolled regular and special needs students and shall include all operating funds for compensation, supplies, equipment, repairs, energy, maintenance, transportation, and professional services, and all special funds that follow special populations, including desegregation, special education, bilingual, federal, and State Chapter 1 funds. A sum equal to 3.2% of operating funds shall be deducted by the board to provide key centralized functions, unless a designated Learning Zone obtains one or more of those functions elsewhere, in which case the sum shall be appropriately adjusted. As used in this Law, key centralized functions shall mean:
(1) Equity assurance staff to ensure that services
are maintained for students with disabilities, English learners, low-income students, and any other special need students as required by federal law;
(2) Payroll services and background and credential
(3) Budget and treasury services to levy and collect
taxes and distribute lump-sum funding;
(4) Central computer systems providing information
distribution and networking;
(5) On-line data collection and analysis centers for
student and school data;
(6) Emergency pool funding; and
(7) Legal and labor departmental services for
system-wide litigation and collective bargaining negotiations.
(Source: P.A. 99-30, eff. 7-10-15.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.18)
Sec. 34-8.18. The board shall revoke Learning Zone designation and the attendance center or centers involved shall return to their prior status upon a finding of:
(1) A material violation of conditions, standards, or
procedures established in the designation or this Law;
(2) Failure to meet or make reasonable progress
toward achievement of goals;
(3) Failure to meet generally accepted standards of
fiscal management; or
(4) Conditions jeopardizing the health or safety of
Technical assistance designed to resolve items (1) through (4) may, in the discretion of the board, be provided to attendance centers prior to or in lieu of revocation of Learning Zone designations.
(Source: P.A. 89-3, eff. 2-27-95; 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-8.19)
Sec. 34-8.19. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-9) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-9)
Sec. 34-9. Report and estimates. On or before December 1, 1972, on or before December 1, 1973, on or before August 1, 1974 and on or before August 1 of each fiscal year thereafter, the general superintendent of schools shall submit to the board a report containing:
1. A separate balance sheet for each fund under the
control of the board, showing, by classes, the estimated current assets and liabilities thereof as of the beginning of the next fiscal year and the amounts of such assets available for appropriation in such year, either for expenditures or charges to be made or incurred during such year or for liabilities unpaid at the beginning thereof. Estimates of taxes to be received from prior levies shall be net, after deducting amounts sufficient to cover the loss and cost of collecting taxes and also deferred collections thereof and abatements in the amount of taxes extended or to be extended upon the collectors' books. Estimates of the liabilities of the respective funds shall include (a) all final judgments, and accrued interest thereon, entered against the board and unpaid at the beginning of such next fiscal year, (b) the principal of all general obligation notes or anticipation tax warrants and all temporary loans and all accrued interest thereon unpaid at the beginning of such next fiscal year, (c) any amount for which the board is required to reimburse the working cash fund from the educational purposes fund pursuant to the provisions of Sections 34-30 to 34-36 inclusive, and (d) estimates of all accounts payable including estimates of audited vouchers, participation certificates, interfund loans and purchase orders payable.
2. Detailed estimates, by funds, of all taxes to be
levied for the next fiscal year and of all other current revenues to be derived from other sources, which will be applicable to expenditures or charges to be made or incurred during such year. In estimating taxes to be levied for any purpose, except for the payment of bonded indebtedness or interest thereon and except for pension fund or working cash fund purposes, the general superintendent of schools shall be governed by the limitations in Sections 34-43 to 34-52, inclusive.
3. Estimates, by funds, of the amounts necessary for
the board to appropriate for expenditures or charges to be made or incurred during the next succeeding fiscal year, including estimates of the interest to accrue during such year upon general obligation notes or anticipation tax warrants and temporary loans. Such estimates shall be so classified as to show the different objects and purposes for which expenditures or charges are to be made or incurred and the amount required for each object or purpose.
4. Such other information concerning the financial
affairs of the board as the board may prescribe.
(Source: P.A. 77-2734.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-10) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-10)
Sec. 34-10. Revised report-Amendments-Excessive appropriations. Within the first 15 days of each fiscal year the general superintendent of schools may submit to the board a revised report on all matters specified in Section 34-9, upon the basis of information then available, and may submit amendments to such report at any time prior to the passage of the annual school budget. He shall also submit to the board, whenever requested by it, any additional or supplemental information he may have concerning matters upon which he is required to report. He shall, within 10 days after the first regular meeting of the board occurring not less than 7 days after the adoption of the school budget, report to the board the extent to which and in what respects, if any, the appropriations contained in such budget in his judgment exceed the appropriations which the board is by law authorized to make.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-11) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-11)
Sec. 34-11. Duties of general counsel; assistants. The board by a majority vote of its full membership shall appoint a general counsel who shall have charge and control, subject to the approval of the board, of the law department and of all litigation, legal questions and such other legal matters as may be referred to the department by the board or by the general superintendent of schools. Appointments, promotions and discharge of assistant attorneys shall be made by a majority of the board upon recommendation of the attorney or by a majority vote of the full membership of the board. The general counsel shall hold this office for an indefinite term subject to removal by a majority vote of the full membership of the board. In this Article, "attorney" means general counsel.
(Source: P.A. 91-622, eff. 8-19-99.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-12) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-12)
Sec. 34-12. Participation in meetings by superintendent and attorney. The general superintendent of schools and the general counsel may be present at all meetings of the board and shall have a right to take part in its discussions and deliberations, but shall have no vote.
(Source: P.A. 91-622, eff. 8-19-99.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-13) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-13)
Sec. 34-13. Appointment, removal or suspension of attorney and assistants. The appointment and removal of the general superintendent of schools, heads of general departments now in existence or hereafter established, the general counsel, and all assistant attorneys shall not be subject to the civil service law. The heads of general departments now in existence or hereafter established may be removed by a majority vote of the full membership of the board upon the recommendation of the general superintendent of schools or by a majority vote of the full membership of the board.
(Source: P.A. 91-622, eff. 8-19-99.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-13.1)
Sec. 34-13.1. Inspector General.
(a) The Inspector General and his office in existence on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995 shall be transferred to the jurisdiction of the board upon appointment of the Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees. The Inspector General shall have the authority to conduct investigations into allegations of or incidents of waste, fraud, and financial mismanagement in public education within the jurisdiction of the board by a local school council member or an employee, contractor, or member of the board or involving school projects managed or handled by the Public Building Commission. The Inspector General shall make recommendations to the board about the investigations. The Inspector General in office on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1996 shall serve for a term expiring on June 30, 1998. His or her successors in office shall each be appointed by the Mayor, without the consent or approval of the City Council, for 4 year terms expiring on June 30th of an even numbered year. If the Inspector General leaves office or if a vacancy in that office otherwise occurs, the Mayor shall appoint, without the consent or approval of the City Council, a successor to serve under this Section for the remainder of the unexpired term. The Inspector General shall be independent of the operations of the board and the School Finance Authority, and shall perform other duties requested by the board.
(b) The Inspector General shall have access to all information and personnel necessary to perform the duties of the office. If the Inspector General determines that a possible criminal act has been committed or that special expertise is required in the investigation, he or she shall immediately notify the Chicago Police Department and the Cook County State's Attorney. All investigations conducted by the Inspector General shall be conducted in a manner that ensures the preservation of evidence for use in criminal prosecutions.
(c) At all times the Inspector General shall be granted access to any building or facility that is owned, operated, or leased by the board, the Public Building Commission, or the city in trust and for the use and benefit of the schools of the district.
(d) The Inspector General shall have the power to subpoena witnesses and compel the production of books and papers pertinent to an investigation authorized by this Code. Any person who (1) fails to appear in response to a subpoena; (2) fails to answer any question; (3) fails to produce any books or papers pertinent to an investigation under this Code; or (4) knowingly gives false testimony during an investigation under this Code, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(e) The Inspector General shall provide to the board and the Illinois General Assembly a summary of reports and investigations made under this Section for the previous fiscal year no later than January 1 of each year, except that the Inspector General shall provide the summary of reports and investigations made under this Section for the period commencing July 1, 1998 and ending April 30, 1999 no later than May 1, 1999. The summaries shall detail the final disposition of those recommendations. The summaries shall not contain any confidential or identifying information concerning the subjects of the reports and investigations. The summaries shall also include detailed recommended administrative actions and matters for consideration by the General Assembly.
(f) (Blank).
(g) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95; 89-698, eff. 1-14-97.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-14) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-14)
Sec. 34-14. Section 34-15 Not limited by Sections 34-6 To 34-13.
Nothing contained in Sections 34-6, 34-7, 34-8, 34-9, 34-10, 34-11, 34-12, or 34-13 of this Act shall in any wise be construed to limit the scope, effect and applicability of Section 34-15 of this Act.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-15) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-15)
Sec. 34-15. Other officers and employees. The board may appoint, or provide for the appointment of, such other officers and employees as it deems necessary.
(Source: P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-15a) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-15a)
Sec. 34-15a. Active military service. Any certificated or non-certificated employee of the Board of Education who is a member of any reserve component of the United States Armed Services, including the Illinois National Guard, and who is mobilized to active military duty on or after August 1, 1990, shall for each pay period beginning on or after August 1, 1990 continue to receive the same regular compensation that he receives or was receiving as an employee of the Board of Education at the time he is or was so mobilized to active military duty, plus any health insurance and other benefits he is or was receiving or accruing at that time, minus the amount of his base pay for military service, for the duration of his active military service. Such active military duty shall not result in the loss or diminishment of any employment benefit, service credit, or status accrued at the time the duty commenced if the duty commenced on or after September 1, 2001.
In the event any provision of a collective bargaining agreement or any board of education or district policy covering any employee so ordered to active duty is more generous than the provisions contained in this Section, the collective bargaining agreement or board of education or district policy shall be controlling.
(Source: P.A. 92-660, eff. 7-16-02.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-16) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-16)
Sec. 34-16. Powers of board respecting officers and employees.
The board shall, subject to the limitations in this Article, prescribe the duties, compensation and terms of office of its officers and the duties, compensation and terms of employment of its employees and determine which of its officers and employees shall give bond, on what conditions, and in what amount.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-17) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-17)
Sec. 34-17. Powers not exercised by city council.
No power vested in the board or in any of its officers, agents or employees shall be exercised by the city council.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18)
Sec. 34-18. Powers of the board. The board shall exercise general supervision and jurisdiction over the public education and the public school system of the city, and, except as otherwise provided by this Article, shall have power:
1. To make suitable provision for the establishment
and maintenance throughout the year or for such portion thereof as it may direct, not less than 9 months, of schools of all grades and kinds, including normal schools, high schools, night schools, schools for defectives and delinquents, parental and truant schools, schools for the blind, the deaf and persons with physical disabilities, schools or classes in manual training, constructural and vocational teaching, domestic arts and physical culture, vocation and extension schools and lecture courses, and all other educational courses and facilities, including establishing, equipping, maintaining and operating playgrounds and recreational programs, when such programs are conducted in, adjacent to, or connected with any public school under the general supervision and jurisdiction of the board; provided that the calendar for the school term and any changes must be submitted to and approved by the State Board of Education before the calendar or changes may take effect, and provided that in allocating funds from year to year for the operation of all attendance centers within the district, the board shall ensure that supplemental general State aid funds are allocated and applied in accordance with Section 18-8 or 18-8.05. To admit to such schools without charge foreign exchange students who are participants in an organized exchange student program which is authorized by the board. The board shall permit all students to enroll in apprenticeship programs in trade schools operated by the board, whether those programs are union-sponsored or not. No student shall be refused admission into or be excluded from any course of instruction offered in the common schools by reason of that student's sex. No student shall be denied equal access to physical education and interscholastic athletic programs supported from school district funds or denied participation in comparable physical education and athletic programs solely by reason of the student's sex. Equal access to programs supported from school district funds and comparable programs will be defined in rules promulgated by the State Board of Education in consultation with the Illinois High School Association. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, neither the board of education nor any local school council or other school official shall recommend that children with disabilities be placed into regular education classrooms unless those children with disabilities are provided with supplementary services to assist them so that they benefit from the regular classroom instruction and are included on the teacher's regular education class register;
2. To furnish lunches to pupils, to make a reasonable
charge therefor, and to use school funds for the payment of such expenses as the board may determine are necessary in conducting the school lunch program;
3. To co-operate with the circuit court;
4. To make arrangements with the public or
quasi-public libraries and museums for the use of their facilities by teachers and pupils of the public schools;
5. To employ dentists and prescribe their duties for
the purpose of treating the pupils in the schools, but accepting such treatment shall be optional with parents or guardians;
6. To grant the use of assembly halls and classrooms
when not otherwise needed, including light, heat, and attendants, for free public lectures, concerts, and other educational and social interests, free of charge, under such provisions and control as the principal of the affected attendance center may prescribe;
7. To apportion the pupils to the several schools;
provided that no pupil shall be excluded from or segregated in any such school on account of his color, race, sex, or nationality. The board shall take into consideration the prevention of segregation and the elimination of separation of children in public schools because of color, race, sex, or nationality. Except that children may be committed to or attend parental and social adjustment schools established and maintained either for boys or girls only. All records pertaining to the creation, alteration or revision of attendance areas shall be open to the public. Nothing herein shall limit the board's authority to establish multi-area attendance centers or other student assignment systems for desegregation purposes or otherwise, and to apportion the pupils to the several schools. Furthermore, beginning in school year 1994-95, pursuant to a board plan adopted by October 1, 1993, the board shall offer, commencing on a phased-in basis, the opportunity for families within the school district to apply for enrollment of their children in any attendance center within the school district which does not have selective admission requirements approved by the board. The appropriate geographical area in which such open enrollment may be exercised shall be determined by the board of education. Such children may be admitted to any such attendance center on a space available basis after all children residing within such attendance center's area have been accommodated. If the number of applicants from outside the attendance area exceed the space available, then successful applicants shall be selected by lottery. The board of education's open enrollment plan must include provisions that allow low income students to have access to transportation needed to exercise school choice. Open enrollment shall be in compliance with the provisions of the Consent Decree and Desegregation Plan cited in Section 34-1.01;
8. To approve programs and policies for providing
transportation services to students. Nothing herein shall be construed to permit or empower the State Board of Education to order, mandate, or require busing or other transportation of pupils for the purpose of achieving racial balance in any school;
9. Subject to the limitations in this Article, to
establish and approve system-wide curriculum objectives and standards, including graduation standards, which reflect the multi-cultural diversity in the city and are consistent with State law, provided that for all purposes of this Article courses or proficiency in American Sign Language shall be deemed to constitute courses or proficiency in a foreign language; and to employ principals and teachers, appointed as provided in this Article, and fix their compensation. The board shall prepare such reports related to minimal competency testing as may be requested by the State Board of Education, and in addition shall monitor and approve special education and bilingual education programs and policies within the district to assure that appropriate services are provided in accordance with applicable State and federal laws to children requiring services and education in those areas;
10. To employ non-teaching personnel or utilize
volunteer personnel for: (i) non-teaching duties not requiring instructional judgment or evaluation of pupils, including library duties; and (ii) supervising study halls, long distance teaching reception areas used incident to instructional programs transmitted by electronic media such as computers, video, and audio, detention and discipline areas, and school-sponsored extracurricular activities. The board may further utilize volunteer non-certificated personnel or employ non-certificated personnel to assist in the instruction of pupils under the immediate supervision of a teacher holding a valid certificate, directly engaged in teaching subject matter or conducting activities; provided that the teacher shall be continuously aware of the non-certificated persons' activities and shall be able to control or modify them. The general superintendent shall determine qualifications of such personnel and shall prescribe rules for determining the duties and activities to be assigned to such personnel;
10.5. To utilize volunteer personnel from a regional
School Crisis Assistance Team (S.C.A.T.), created as part of the Safe to Learn Program established pursuant to Section 25 of the Illinois Violence Prevention Act of 1995, to provide assistance to schools in times of violence or other traumatic incidents within a school community by providing crisis intervention services to lessen the effects of emotional trauma on individuals and the community; the School Crisis Assistance Team Steering Committee shall determine the qualifications for volunteers;
11. To provide television studio facilities in not to
exceed one school building and to provide programs for educational purposes, provided, however, that the board shall not construct, acquire, operate, or maintain a television transmitter; to grant the use of its studio facilities to a licensed television station located in the school district; and to maintain and operate not to exceed one school radio transmitting station and provide programs for educational purposes;
12. To offer, if deemed appropriate, outdoor
education courses, including field trips within the State of Illinois, or adjacent states, and to use school educational funds for the expense of the said outdoor educational programs, whether within the school district or not;
13. During that period of the calendar year not
embraced within the regular school term, to provide and conduct courses in subject matters normally embraced in the program of the schools during the regular school term and to give regular school credit for satisfactory completion by the student of such courses as may be approved for credit by the State Board of Education;
14. To insure against any loss or liability of the
board, the former School Board Nominating Commission, Local School Councils, the Chicago Schools Academic Accountability Council, or the former Subdistrict Councils or of any member, officer, agent or employee thereof, resulting from alleged violations of civil rights arising from incidents occurring on or after September 5, 1967 or from the wrongful or negligent act or omission of any such person whether occurring within or without the school premises, provided the officer, agent or employee was, at the time of the alleged violation of civil rights or wrongful act or omission, acting within the scope of his employment or under direction of the board, the former School Board Nominating Commission, the Chicago Schools Academic Accountability Council, Local School Councils, or the former Subdistrict Councils; and to provide for or participate in insurance plans for its officers and employees, including but not limited to retirement annuities, medical, surgical and hospitalization benefits in such types and amounts as may be determined by the board; provided, however, that the board shall contract for such insurance only with an insurance company authorized to do business in this State. Such insurance may include provision for employees who rely on treatment by prayer or spiritual means alone for healing, in accordance with the tenets and practice of a recognized religious denomination;
15. To contract with the corporate authorities of any
municipality or the county board of any county, as the case may be, to provide for the regulation of traffic in parking areas of property used for school purposes, in such manner as is provided by Section 11-209 of The Illinois Vehicle Code, approved September 29, 1969, as amended;
16. (a) To provide, on an equal basis, access to a
high school campus and student directory information to the official recruiting representatives of the armed forces of Illinois and the United States for the purposes of informing students of the educational and career opportunities available in the military if the board has provided such access to persons or groups whose purpose is to acquaint students with educational or occupational opportunities available to them. The board is not required to give greater notice regarding the right of access to recruiting representatives than is given to other persons and groups. In this paragraph 16, "directory information" means a high school student's name, address, and telephone number.
(b) If a student or his or her parent or guardian
submits a signed, written request to the high school before the end of the student's sophomore year (or if the student is a transfer student, by another time set by the high school) that indicates that the student or his or her parent or guardian does not want the student's directory information to be provided to official recruiting representatives under subsection (a) of this Section, the high school may not provide access to the student's directory information to these recruiting representatives. The high school shall notify its students and their parents or guardians of the provisions of this subsection (b).
(c) A high school may require official recruiting
representatives of the armed forces of Illinois and the United States to pay a fee for copying and mailing a student's directory information in an amount that is not more than the actual costs incurred by the high school.
(d) Information received by an official recruiting
representative under this Section may be used only to provide information to students concerning educational and career opportunities available in the military and may not be released to a person who is not involved in recruiting students for the armed forces of Illinois or the United States;
17. (a) To sell or market any computer program
developed by an employee of the school district, provided that such employee developed the computer program as a direct result of his or her duties with the school district or through the utilization of the school district resources or facilities. The employee who developed the computer program shall be entitled to share in the proceeds of such sale or marketing of the computer program. The distribution of such proceeds between the employee and the school district shall be as agreed upon by the employee and the school district, except that neither the employee nor the school district may receive more than 90% of such proceeds. The negotiation for an employee who is represented by an exclusive bargaining representative may be conducted by such bargaining representative at the employee's request.
(b) For the purpose of this paragraph 17:
(1) "Computer" means an internally programmed,
general purpose digital device capable of automatically accepting data, processing data and supplying the results of the operation.
(2) "Computer program" means a series of coded
instructions or statements in a form acceptable to a computer, which causes the computer to process data in order to achieve a certain result.
(3) "Proceeds" means profits derived from
marketing or sale of a product after deducting the expenses of developing and marketing such product;
18. To delegate to the general superintendent of
schools, by resolution, the authority to approve contracts and expenditures in amounts of $10,000 or less;
19. Upon the written request of an employee, to
withhold from the compensation of that employee any dues, payments or contributions payable by such employee to any labor organization as defined in the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act. Under such arrangement, an amount shall be withheld from each regular payroll period which is equal to the pro rata share of the annual dues plus any payments or contributions, and the board shall transmit such withholdings to the specified labor organization within 10 working days from the time of the withholding;
19a. Upon receipt of notice from the comptroller of a
municipality with a population of 500,000 or more, a county with a population of 3,000,000 or more, the Cook County Forest Preserve District, the Chicago Park District, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, the Chicago Transit Authority, or a housing authority of a municipality with a population of 500,000 or more that a debt is due and owing the municipality, the county, the Cook County Forest Preserve District, the Chicago Park District, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, the Chicago Transit Authority, or the housing authority by an employee of the Chicago Board of Education, to withhold, from the compensation of that employee, the amount of the debt that is due and owing and pay the amount withheld to the municipality, the county, the Cook County Forest Preserve District, the Chicago Park District, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, the Chicago Transit Authority, or the housing authority; provided, however, that the amount deducted from any one salary or wage payment shall not exceed 25% of the net amount of the payment. Before the Board deducts any amount from any salary or wage of an employee under this paragraph, the municipality, the county, the Cook County Forest Preserve District, the Chicago Park District, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, the Chicago Transit Authority, or the housing authority shall certify that (i) the employee has been afforded an opportunity for a hearing to dispute the debt that is due and owing the municipality, the county, the Cook County Forest Preserve District, the Chicago Park District, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, the Chicago Transit Authority, or the housing authority and (ii) the employee has received notice of a wage deduction order and has been afforded an opportunity for a hearing to object to the order. For purposes of this paragraph, "net amount" means that part of the salary or wage payment remaining after the deduction of any amounts required by law to be deducted and "debt due and owing" means (i) a specified sum of money owed to the municipality, the county, the Cook County Forest Preserve District, the Chicago Park District, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, the Chicago Transit Authority, or the housing authority for services, work, or goods, after the period granted for payment has expired, or (ii) a specified sum of money owed to the municipality, the county, the Cook County Forest Preserve District, the Chicago Park District, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, the Chicago Transit Authority, or the housing authority pursuant to a court order or order of an administrative hearing officer after the exhaustion of, or the failure to exhaust, judicial review;
20. The board is encouraged to employ a sufficient
number of certified school counselors to maintain a student/counselor ratio of 250 to 1 by July 1, 1990. Each counselor shall spend at least 75% of his work time in direct contact with students and shall maintain a record of such time;
21. To make available to students vocational and
career counseling and to establish 5 special career counseling days for students and parents. On these days representatives of local businesses and industries shall be invited to the school campus and shall inform students of career opportunities available to them in the various businesses and industries. Special consideration shall be given to counseling minority students as to career opportunities available to them in various fields. For the purposes of this paragraph, minority student means a person who is any of the following:
(a) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person having
origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America, including Central America, and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment).
(b) Asian (a person having origins in any of the
original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam).
(c) Black or African American (a person having
origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa). Terms such as "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or African American".
(d) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican,
Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race).
(e) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a
person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands).
Counseling days shall not be in lieu of regular
school days;
22. To report to the State Board of Education the
annual student dropout rate and number of students who graduate from, transfer from or otherwise leave bilingual programs;
23. Except as otherwise provided in the Abused and
Neglected Child Reporting Act or other applicable State or federal law, to permit school officials to withhold, from any person, information on the whereabouts of any child removed from school premises when the child has been taken into protective custody as a victim of suspected child abuse. School officials shall direct such person to the Department of Children and Family Services, or to the local law enforcement agency if appropriate;
24. To develop a policy, based on the current state
of existing school facilities, projected enrollment and efficient utilization of available resources, for capital improvement of schools and school buildings within the district, addressing in that policy both the relative priority for major repairs, renovations and additions to school facilities, and the advisability or necessity of building new school facilities or closing existing schools to meet current or projected demographic patterns within the district;
25. To make available to the students in every high
school attendance center the ability to take all courses necessary to comply with the Board of Higher Education's college entrance criteria effective in 1993;
26. To encourage mid-career changes into the teaching
profession, whereby qualified professionals become certified teachers, by allowing credit for professional employment in related fields when determining point of entry on teacher pay scale;
27. To provide or contract out training programs for
administrative personnel and principals with revised or expanded duties pursuant to this Act in order to assure they have the knowledge and skills to perform their duties;
28. To establish a fund for the prioritized special
needs programs, and to allocate such funds and other lump sum amounts to each attendance center in a manner consistent with the provisions of part 4 of Section 34-2.3. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to require any additional appropriations of State funds for this purpose;
29. (Blank);
30. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act
or any other law to the contrary, to contract with third parties for services otherwise performed by employees, including those in a bargaining unit, and to layoff those employees upon 14 days written notice to the affected employees. Those contracts may be for a period not to exceed 5 years and may be awarded on a system-wide basis. The board may not operate more than 30 contract schools, provided that the board may operate an additional 5 contract turnaround schools pursuant to item (5.5) of subsection (d) of Section 34-8.3 of this Code;
31. To promulgate rules establishing procedures
governing the layoff or reduction in force of employees and the recall of such employees, including, but not limited to, criteria for such layoffs, reductions in force or recall rights of such employees and the weight to be given to any particular criterion. Such criteria shall take into account factors including, but not be limited to, qualifications, certifications, experience, performance ratings or evaluations, and any other factors relating to an employee's job performance;
32. To develop a policy to prevent nepotism in the
hiring of personnel or the selection of contractors;
33. To enter into a partnership agreement, as
required by Section 34-3.5 of this Code, and, notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, to promulgate policies, enter into contracts, and take any other action necessary to accomplish the objectives and implement the requirements of that agreement; and
34. To establish a Labor Management Council to the
board comprised of representatives of the board, the chief executive officer, and those labor organizations that are the exclusive representatives of employees of the board and to promulgate policies and procedures for the operation of the Council.
The specifications of the powers herein granted are not to be construed as exclusive but the board shall also exercise all other powers that they may be requisite or proper for the maintenance and the development of a public school system, not inconsistent with the other provisions of this Article or provisions of this Code which apply to all school districts.
In addition to the powers herein granted and authorized to be exercised by the board, it shall be the duty of the board to review or to direct independent reviews of special education expenditures and services. The board shall file a report of such review with the General Assembly on or before May 1, 1990.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.1)
Sec. 34-18.1. Protection from suit. The board shall insure or indemnify and protect the board, Chicago Schools Academic Accountability Council, former School Board Nominating Commission, Local School Councils, or former Subdistrict Councils, any member of the board, Chicago Schools Accountability Council, former School Board Nominating Commission, Local School Council, or former Subdistrict Council, or any agent, employee, teacher, student teacher, officer, or member of the supervisory staff of the school district against financial loss and expense, including reasonable legal fees and costs arising out of any claim, demand, suit, or judgment by reason of alleged negligence, alleged violation of civil rights occurring on or after September 5, 1967, or alleged wrongful act resulting in death or bodily injury to any person or accidental damage to or destruction of property, within or without the school premises, provided such board member, agent, employee, teacher, student teacher, officer or member of the supervisory staff, at the time of the occurrence was acting under the direction of the board within the course or scope of his duties.
(Source: P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.2) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.2)
Sec. 34-18.2. Bilingual programs. The Board of Education may provide programs in a language other than English for those children whose first language is other than English. Such programs are subject to the approval of the State Board of Education pursuant to Article 14C of The School Code. Upon approval of the program the Board shall be entitled to payment from the State of Illinois for the services and materials required.
(Source: P.A. 81-1508.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.3) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.3)
Sec. 34-18.3. The Board of Education is authorized to establish and implement peer assistance, tutorial programs whereby qualified, able students assist less able students with their studies and course work. As a part of such program the Board shall award appropriate recognition to students furnishing such tutorial services. In addition, the Board is authorized to cooperate with institutions of higher education and may accept tutorial services provided by qualified students of such institutions under the Educational Partnership Act, as now or hereafter amended.
(Source: P.A. 84-712.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.4) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.4)
Sec. 34-18.4. Before and after school programs. The Board of Education may develop and maintain before school and after school programs for students in kindergarten through the 6th grade. Such programs may include time for homework, physical exercise, afternoon nutritional snacks and educational offerings which are in addition to those offered during the regular school day. The chief administrator in each district shall be a certified teacher or a person who meets the requirements for supervising a day care center under the Child Care Act of 1969. Individual programs shall be coordinated by certified teachers or by persons who meet the requirements for supervising a day care center under the Child Care Act of 1969. Additional employees who are not so qualified may also be employed for such programs.
The schedule of these programs may follow the work calendar of the local community rather than the regular school calendar. Parents or guardians of the participating students shall be responsible for providing transportation for the students to and from the programs. The school board may charge parents of participating students a fee, not to exceed the actual cost of such before and after school programs.
(Source: P.A. 83-639.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.5) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.5)
Sec. 34-18.5. Criminal history records checks and checks of the Statewide Sex Offender Database and Statewide Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Database.
(a) Certified and noncertified applicants for employment with the school district are required as a condition of employment to authorize a fingerprint-based criminal history records check to determine if such applicants have been convicted of any of the enumerated criminal or drug offenses in subsection (c) of this Section or have been convicted, within 7 years of the application for employment with the school district, of any other felony under the laws of this State or of any offense committed or attempted in any other state or against the laws of the United States that, if committed or attempted in this State, would have been punishable as a felony under the laws of this State. Authorization for the check shall be furnished by the applicant to the school district, except that if the applicant is a substitute teacher seeking employment in more than one school district, or a teacher seeking concurrent part-time employment positions with more than one school district (as a reading specialist, special education teacher or otherwise), or an educational support personnel employee seeking employment positions with more than one district, any such district may require the applicant to furnish authorization for the check to the regional superintendent of the educational service region in which are located the school districts in which the applicant is seeking employment as a substitute or concurrent part-time teacher or concurrent educational support personnel employee. Upon receipt of this authorization, the school district or the appropriate regional superintendent, as the case may be, shall submit the applicant's name, sex, race, date of birth, social security number, fingerprint images, and other identifiers, as prescribed by the Department of State Police, to the Department. The regional superintendent submitting the requisite information to the Department of State Police shall promptly notify the school districts in which the applicant is seeking employment as a substitute or concurrent part-time teacher or concurrent educational support personnel employee that the check of the applicant has been requested. The Department of State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall furnish, pursuant to a fingerprint-based criminal history records check, records of convictions, forever and hereinafter, until expunged, to the president of the school board for the school district that requested the check, or to the regional superintendent who requested the check. The Department shall charge the school district or the appropriate regional superintendent a fee for conducting such check, which fee shall be deposited in the State Police Services Fund and shall not exceed the cost of the inquiry; and the applicant shall not be charged a fee for such check by the school district or by the regional superintendent. Subject to appropriations for these purposes, the State Superintendent of Education shall reimburse the school district and regional superintendent for fees paid to obtain criminal history records checks under this Section.
(a-5) The school district or regional superintendent shall further perform a check of the Statewide Sex Offender Database, as authorized by the Sex Offender Community Notification Law, for each applicant.
(a-6) The school district or regional superintendent shall further perform a check of the Statewide Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Database, as authorized by the Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Community Notification Law, for each applicant.
(b) Any information concerning the record of convictions obtained by the president of the board of education or the regional superintendent shall be confidential and may only be transmitted to the general superintendent of the school district or his designee, the appropriate regional superintendent if the check was requested by the board of education for the school district, the presidents of the appropriate board of education or school boards if the check was requested from the Department of State Police by the regional superintendent, the State Superintendent of Education, the State Teacher Certification Board or any other person necessary to the decision of hiring the applicant for employment. A copy of the record of convictions obtained from the Department of State Police shall be provided to the applicant for employment. Upon the check of the Statewide Sex Offender Database, the school district or regional superintendent shall notify an applicant as to whether or not the applicant has been identified in the Database as a sex offender. If a check of an applicant for employment as a substitute or concurrent part-time teacher or concurrent educational support personnel employee in more than one school district was requested by the regional superintendent, and the Department of State Police upon a check ascertains that the applicant has not been convicted of any of the enumerated criminal or drug offenses in subsection (c) of this Section or has not been convicted, within 7 years of the application for employment with the school district, of any other felony under the laws of this State or of any offense committed or attempted in any other state or against the laws of the United States that, if committed or attempted in this State, would have been punishable as a felony under the laws of this State and so notifies the regional superintendent and if the regional superintendent upon a check ascertains that the applicant has not been identified in the Sex Offender Database as a sex offender, then the regional superintendent shall issue to the applicant a certificate evidencing that as of the date specified by the Department of State Police the applicant has not been convicted of any of the enumerated criminal or drug offenses in subsection (c) of this Section or has not been convicted, within 7 years of the application for employment with the school district, of any other felony under the laws of this State or of any offense committed or attempted in any other state or against the laws of the United States that, if committed or attempted in this State, would have been punishable as a felony under the laws of this State and evidencing that as of the date that the regional superintendent conducted a check of the Statewide Sex Offender Database, the applicant has not been identified in the Database as a sex offender. The school board of any school district may rely on the certificate issued by any regional superintendent to that substitute teacher, concurrent part-time teacher, or concurrent educational support personnel employee or may initiate its own criminal history records check of the applicant through the Department of State Police and its own check of the Statewide Sex Offender Database as provided in subsection (a). Any unauthorized release of confidential information may be a violation of Section 7 of the Criminal Identification Act.
(c) The board of education shall not knowingly employ a person who has been convicted of any offense that would subject him or her to license suspension or revocation pursuant to Section 21B-80 of this Code. Further, the board of education shall not knowingly employ a person who has been found to be the perpetrator of sexual or physical abuse of any minor under 18 years of age pursuant to proceedings under Article II of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987.
(d) The board of education shall not knowingly employ a person for whom a criminal history records check and a Statewide Sex Offender Database check has not been initiated.
(e) Upon receipt of the record of a conviction of or a finding of child abuse by a holder of any certificate issued pursuant to Article 21 or Section 34-8.1 or 34-83 of the School Code, the State Superintendent of Education may initiate certificate suspension and revocation proceedings as authorized by law.
(e-5) The general superintendent of schools shall, in writing, notify the State Superintendent of Education of any certificate holder whom he or she has reasonable cause to believe has committed an intentional act of abuse or neglect with the result of making a child an abused child or a neglected child, as defined in Section 3 of the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, and that act resulted in the certificate holder's dismissal or resignation from the school district. This notification must be submitted within 30 days after the dismissal or resignation. The certificate holder must also be contemporaneously sent a copy of the notice by the superintendent. All correspondence, documentation, and other information so received by the State Superintendent of Education, the State Board of Education, or the State Teacher Certification Board under this subsection (e-5) is confidential and must not be disclosed to third parties, except (i) as necessary for the State Superintendent of Education or his or her designee to investigate and prosecute pursuant to Article 21 of this Code, (ii) pursuant to a court order, (iii) for disclosure to the certificate holder or his or her representative, or (iv) as otherwise provided in this Article and provided that any such information admitted into evidence in a hearing is exempt from this confidentiality and non-disclosure requirement. Except for an act of willful or wanton misconduct, any superintendent who provides notification as required in this subsection (e-5) shall have immunity from any liability, whether civil or criminal or that otherwise might result by reason of such action.
(f) After March 19, 1990, the provisions of this Section shall apply to all employees of persons or firms holding contracts with any school district including, but not limited to, food service workers, school bus drivers and other transportation employees, who have direct, daily contact with the pupils of any school in such district. For purposes of criminal history records checks and checks of the Statewide Sex Offender Database on employees of persons or firms holding contracts with more than one school district and assigned to more than one school district, the regional superintendent of the educational service region in which the contracting school districts are located may, at the request of any such school district, be responsible for receiving the authorization for a criminal history records check prepared by each such employee and submitting the same to the Department of State Police and for conducting a check of the Statewide Sex Offender Database for each employee. Any information concerning the record of conviction and identification as a sex offender of any such employee obtained by the regional superintendent shall be promptly reported to the president of the appropriate school board or school boards.
(f-5) Upon request of a school or school district, any information obtained by the school district pursuant to subsection (f) of this Section within the last year must be made available to the requesting school or school district.
(g) Prior to the commencement of any student teaching experience or required internship (which is referred to as student teaching in this Section) in the public schools, a student teacher is required to authorize a fingerprint-based criminal history records check. Authorization for and payment of the costs of the check must be furnished by the student teacher to the school district. Upon receipt of this authorization and payment, the school district shall submit the student teacher's name, sex, race, date of birth, social security number, fingerprint images, and other identifiers, as prescribed by the Department of State Police, to the Department of State Police. The Department of State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall furnish, pursuant to a fingerprint-based criminal history records check, records of convictions, forever and hereinafter, until expunged, to the president of the board. The Department shall charge the school district a fee for conducting the check, which fee must not exceed the cost of the inquiry and must be deposited into the State Police Services Fund. The school district shall further perform a check of the Statewide Sex Offender Database, as authorized by the Sex Offender Community Notification Law, and of the Statewide Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Database, as authorized by the Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registration Act, for each student teacher. The board may not knowingly allow a person to student teach for whom a criminal history records check, a Statewide Sex Offender Database check, and a Statewide Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Database check have not been completed and reviewed by the district.
A copy of the record of convictions obtained from the Department of State Police must be provided to the student teacher. Any information concerning the record of convictions obtained by the president of the board is confidential and may only be transmitted to the general superintendent of schools or his or her designee, the State Superintendent of Education, the State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board, or, for clarification purposes, the Department of State Police or the Statewide Sex Offender Database or Statewide Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Database. Any unauthorized release of confidential information may be a violation of Section 7 of the Criminal Identification Act.
The board may not knowingly allow a person to student teach who has been convicted of any offense that would subject him or her to license suspension or revocation pursuant to Section 21B-80 of this Code or who has been found to be the perpetrator of sexual or physical abuse of a minor under 18 years of age pursuant to proceedings under Article II of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987.
(h) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 99-21, eff. 1-1-16; 99-667, eff. 7-29-16.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.6) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.6)
Sec. 34-18.6. Child abuse and neglect - detection, reporting and prevention. The Board of Education may provide staff development for local school site personnel who work with pupils in grades kindergarten through 8, in the detection, reporting and prevention of child abuse and neglect.
(Source: P.A. 84-1308.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.6a) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.6a)
Sec. 34-18.6a. Orders of protection. The board of education may prohibit the disclosure by any school employee to any person against whom the school district has received a certified copy of an order of protection the location or address of the petitioner for the order of protection or the identity of the schools in the district in which the petitioner's child or children are enrolled. The school district shall maintain the copy of the order of protection in the records of the child or children enrolled in the district whose parent is the petitioner of an order of protection.
(Source: P.A. 87-437.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.7) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.7)
Sec. 34-18.7. Adolescent and teen mental illness and suicide detection and intervention. School guidance counselors, teachers, school social workers, and other school personnel who work with pupils in grades 7 through 12 shall be trained to identify the warning signs of mental illness and suicidal behavior in adolescents and teens and shall be taught various intervention techniques. Such training shall be provided within the framework of existing in-service training programs offered by the Board or as part of the professional development activities required under Section 21-14 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 98-471, eff. 1-1-14.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.8) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.8)
Sec. 34-18.8. AIDS training. School guidance counselors, nurses, teachers and other school personnel who work with pupils may be trained to have a basic knowledge of matters relating to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), including the nature of the disease, its causes and effects, the means of detecting it and preventing its transmission, the availability of appropriate sources of counseling and referral, and any other information that may be appropriate considering the age and grade level of such pupils. The Board of Education shall supervise such training. The State Board of Education and the Department of Public Health shall jointly develop standards for such training.
(Source: P.A. 86-900.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.9) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.9)
Sec. 34-18.9. Electronic paging devices on school property. (a) The General Assembly finds and declares that the educational development of all persons to the limits of their capacities is a fundamental goal of the people of this State, that to achieve such goal it is essential to provide a safe and secure learning environment within the public schools, and that the unrestricted and unregulated use by students of pocket pagers and similar electronic paging devices on school grounds or in school buildings which are owned, occupied or leased by the board of education for school purposes and activities adversely affects the educational environment, welfare and safety of students enrolled in the public schools, in that pocket pagers and similar electronic paging devices are being regularly used for the conduct of unlawful activities during school hours and on school property, including activities directly related to the unlawful possession, sale, delivery or other trafficking in drugs or other substances which constitute a "controlled substance" as that term is defined in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act. It is the purpose and intention of the General Assembly, in enacting this legislation, to reduce or eliminate the occurrence of such unlawful activities during school hours and on school property by restricting and regulating student use or possession of pocket pagers and similar electronic paging devices as provided in this Section, and by providing for the imposition of appropriate discipline and sanctions for any violation of the provisions of this Section.
(b) No student shall use or have in his or her possession any pocket pager or similar electronic paging device while in any school building or on any school property, during regular school hours or at any other time, unless the use or possession of such device by such student has first been expressly authorized by the principal acting in accordance with standards developed as provided in subsection (c) for the granting of approved exceptions to the general prohibition of this Section against such use or possession.
(c) The board of education shall develop and promulgate written standards, which shall be furnished by the board of education to each principal, under which a principal:
(1) may authorize the use or possession of a pocket pager or similar electronic paging device by a student while in a school building or on school property as an approved exception to the general prohibition of this Section against such use or possession; and
(2) may impose appropriate discipline or other sanctions against any student who violates any provision of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 86-791.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.10) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.10)
Sec. 34-18.10. Minority recruitment policy. The board of education shall, by 1991, develop and implement a policy of recruitment and hiring of minority teachers, other certificated employees and non-certificated employees, including custodians, lunch room staff and teacher aides.
(Source: P.A. 86-227; 86-1028.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.10a) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.10a)
Sec. 34-18.10a. Transfer of employees. The employment of an employee of the Illinois Chapter I 89-313 special education program transferred from the DuPage County Superintendent of Education to the Chicago Board of Education shall be considered continuous employment.
(Source: P.A. 87-1107.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.11) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.11)
Sec. 34-18.11. Tobacco prohibition. The Board of Education shall prohibit the use of tobacco on school property when such property is being used for any school purposes. Neither the board nor the local school council may authorize or permit any exception to or exemption from the prohibition at any place or at any time, including without limitation outside of school buildings or before or after the regular school day or on days when school is not in session. "School purposes" include but are not limited to all events or activities or other use of school property that the school board or school officials authorize or permit on school property, including without limitation all interscholastic or extracurricular athletic, academic or other events sponsored by the school board or in which pupils of the district participate. For purposes of this Section "tobacco" shall mean cigarette, cigar, or tobacco in any other form, including smokeless tobacco which is any loose, cut, shredded, ground, powdered, compressed or leaf tobacco that is intended to be placed in the mouth without being smoked.
(Source: P.A. 89-181, eff. 7-19-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.12) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.12)
Sec. 34-18.12. Inspection for drugs. The Board of Education is empowered to authorize school officials to request the assistance of law enforcement officials for the purpose of conducting reasonable searches of school grounds and lockers for illegal drugs, including searches conducted through the use of specially trained dogs.
(Source: P.A. 86-850; 86-1028.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.13) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.13)
Sec. 34-18.13. Infectious disease policies and rules. The Board of Education shall develop policies and adopt rules relating to the appropriate manner of managing children with chronic infectious diseases, not inconsistent with guidelines published by the State Board of Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health. Such policies and rules must include evaluation of students with a chronic infectious disease on an individual case-by-case basis, and may include different provisions for different age groups, classes of instruction, types of educational institution, and other reasonable classifications, as the Board may find appropriate.
(Source: P.A. 86-890; 86-1028.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.14) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.14)
Sec. 34-18.14. Cellular radio telecommunication devices.
(a) The General Assembly finds and declares that the educational development of all persons to the limits of their capacities is a fundamental goal of the people of this State and that to achieve such goal it is essential to provide a safe and secure learning environment within the public schools. While recognizing that cellular radio telecommunication devices may be used for inappropriate activities during school hours and on school property and may, on occasion, cause disruption to the classroom environment, the General Assembly also recognizes that the use of cellular radio telecommunication devices can decrease the response time of officials to emergency situations. In addition, cellular radio telecommunication devices allow parents an additional and timely method of contacting their children should an emergency situation arise. Therefore, it is the purpose and intention of the General Assembly in enacting this legislation to (i) reduce the occurrence of inappropriate and disruptive activities during school hours and on school property occurring through the use of cellular radio telecommunication devices and (ii) increase the safety of students and school personnel during school hours and on school property.
(b) The board may establish appropriate rules and disciplinary procedures governing the use or possession of cellular radio telecommunication devices by a student while in a school or on school property, during regular school hours, or at any other time.
(Source: P.A. 92-793, eff. 8-9-02.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.15) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.15)
Sec. 34-18.15. Recycled paper and paper products and solid waste management.
(a) Definitions. As used in this Section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated, unless the context otherwise requires:
"Deinked stock" means paper that has been processed to remove inks, clays, coatings, binders and other contaminants.
"High grade printing and writing papers" includes offset printing paper, duplicator paper, writing paper (stationery), tablet paper, office paper, note pads, xerographic paper, envelopes, form bond including computer paper and carbonless forms, book papers, bond papers, ledger paper, book stock and cotton fiber papers.
"Paper and paper products" means high grade printing and writing papers, tissue products, newsprint, unbleached packaging and recycled paperboard.
"Postconsumer material" means only those products generated by a business or consumer which have served their intended end uses, and which have been separated or diverted from solid waste; wastes generated during the production of an end product are excluded.
"Recovered paper material" means paper waste generated after the completion of the papermaking process, such as postconsumer materials, envelope cuttings, bindery trimmings, printing waste, cutting and other converting waste, butt rolls, and mill wrappers, obsolete inventories, and rejected unused stock. "Recovered paper material", however, does not include fibrous waste generated during the manufacturing process as fibers recovered from waste water or trimmings of paper machine rolls (mill broke), or fibrous byproducts of harvesting, extraction or woodcutting processes, or forest residues such as bark.
"Recycled paperboard" includes paperboard products, folding cartons and pad backings.
"Tissue products" includes toilet tissue, paper towels, paper napkins, facial tissue, paper doilies, industrial wipers, paper bags and brown papers. These products shall also be unscented and shall not be colored.
"Unbleached packaging" includes corrugated and fiber storage boxes.
(a-5) The school district shall periodically review its procurement procedures and specifications related to the purchase of products and supplies. Those procedures and specifications must be modified as necessary to require the school district to seek out products and supplies that contain recycled materials and to ensure that purchased products and supplies are reusable, durable, or made from recycled materials, if economically and practically feasible. In selecting products and supplies that contain recycled material, preference must be given to products and supplies that contain the highest amount of recycled material and that are consistent with the effective use of the product or supply, if economically and practically feasible.
(b) Wherever economically and practically feasible, as determined by the board of education, the board of education, all public schools and attendance centers within the school district, and their school supply stores shall procure recycled paper and paper products as follows:
(1) Beginning July 1, 2008, at least 10% of the total
dollar value of paper and paper products purchased by the board of education, public schools and attendance centers, and their school supply stores shall be recycled paper and paper products.
(2) Beginning July 1, 2011, at least 25% of the total
dollar value of paper and paper products purchased by the board of education, public schools and attendance centers, and their school supply stores shall be recycled paper and paper products.
(3) Beginning July 1, 2014, at least 50% of the total
dollar value of paper and paper products purchased by the board of education, public schools and attendance centers, and their school supply stores shall be recycled paper and paper products.
(4) Beginning July 1, 2020, at least 75% of the total
dollar value of paper and paper products purchased by the board of education, public schools and attendance centers, and their school supply stores shall be recycled paper and paper products.
(5) Beginning upon the effective date of this
amendatory Act of 1992, all paper purchased by the board of education, public schools and attendance centers for publication of student newspapers shall be recycled newsprint. The amount purchased shall not be included in calculating the amounts specified in paragraphs (1) through (4).
(c) Paper and paper products purchased from private sector vendors pursuant to printing contracts are not considered paper and paper products for the purposes of subsection (b), unless purchased under contract for the printing of student newspapers.
(d)(1) Wherever economically and practically feasible, the recycled paper and paper products referred to in subsection (b) shall contain postconsumer or recovered paper materials as specified by paper category in this subsection:
(i) Recycled high grade printing and writing paper
shall contain at least 50% recovered paper material. Such recovered paper material, until July 1, 2008, shall consist of at least 20% deinked stock or postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 2008, shall consist of at least 25% deinked stock or postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 2010, shall consist of at least 30% deinked stock or postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 2012, shall consist of at least 40% deinked stock or postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 2014, shall consist of at least 50% deinked stock or postconsumer material.
(ii) Recycled tissue products, until July 1, 1994,
shall contain at least 25% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1994, shall contain at least 30% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1996, shall contain at least 35% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1998, shall contain at least 40% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 2000, shall contain at least 45% postconsumer material.
(iii) Recycled newsprint, until July 1, 1994, shall
contain at least 40% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1994, shall contain at least 50% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1996, shall contain at least 60% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1998, shall contain at least 70% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 2000, shall contain at least 80% postconsumer material.
(iv) Recycled unbleached packaging, until July 1,
1994, shall contain at least 35% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1994, shall contain at least 40% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1996, shall contain at least 45% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1998, shall contain at least 50% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 2000, shall contain at least 55% postconsumer material.
(v) Recycled paperboard, until July 1, 1994, shall
contain at least 80% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1994, shall contain at least 85% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1996, shall contain at least 90% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1998, shall contain at least 95% postconsumer material.
(2) For the purposes of this Section, "postconsumer
material" includes:
(i) paper, paperboard, and fibrous waste from
retail stores, office buildings, homes and so forth, after the waste has passed through its end usage as a consumer item, including used corrugated boxes, old newspapers, mixed waste paper, tabulating cards, and used cordage; and
(ii) all paper, paperboard, and fibrous wastes
that are diverted or separated from the municipal waste stream.
(3) For the purpose of this Section, "recovered paper
material" includes:
(i) postconsumer material;
(ii) dry paper and paperboard waste generated
after completion of the papermaking process (that is, those manufacturing operations up to and including the cutting and trimming of the paper machine reel into smaller rolls or rough sheets), including envelope cuttings, bindery trimmings, and other paper and paperboard waste resulting from printing, cutting, forming and other converting operations, or from bag, box and carton manufacturing, and butt rolls, mill wrappers, and rejected unused stock; and
(iii) finished paper and paperboard from obsolete
inventories of paper and paperboard manufacturers, merchants, wholesalers, dealers, printers, converters or others.
(e) Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to apply to art materials, nor to any newspapers, magazines, text books, library books or other copyrighted publications which are purchased or used by the board of education or any public school or attendance center within the school district, or which are sold in any school supply store operated by or within any such school or attendance center, other than newspapers written, edited or produced by students enrolled in the school district, public school or attendance center.
(e-5) The school district shall periodically review its procedures on solid waste reduction regarding the management of solid waste generated by academic, administrative, and other institutional functions. Those waste reduction procedures must be designed to, when economically and practically feasible, recycle the school district's waste stream, including without limitation landscape waste, computer paper, and white office paper. The school district is encouraged to have procedures that provide for the investigation of potential markets for other recyclable materials that are present in the school district's waste stream. The waste reduction procedures must be designed to achieve, before July 1, 2020, at least a 50% reduction in the amount of solid waste that is generated by the school district.
(f) The State Board of Education, in coordination with the Departments of Central Management Services and Commerce and Economic Opportunity, may adopt such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to assist districts in carrying out the provisions of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 94-793, eff. 5-19-06; 95-741, eff. 7-18-08.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.16) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.16)
Sec. 34-18.16. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.17)
Sec. 34-18.17. No pass-no play policy. Beginning with the 1998-99 school year, the board of education shall establish, implement, and enforce a uniform and consistent policy under which a student in any of grades 9 through 12 who fails to maintain a specified minimum grade point average or a specified minimum grade in each course in which the student is enrolled or both is suspended from further participation in any school-sponsored or school-supported athletic or extracurricular activities for a specified period or until a specified minimum grade point average or minimum grade or both are earned by the student. The board of education shall adopt a policy as required by this Section not later than one year after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997 and shall concurrently file a copy of that policy with the State Board of Education. After the policy has been in effect for one year, the board of education shall file a report with the State Board of Education setting forth the number and length of suspensions imposed under the policy during the period covered by the report. If the board of education already has a policy that is consistent with the requirements of this Section in effect on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997, it shall file a copy of that policy with the State Board of Education within 90 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act and shall file the annual report required under this Section 12 months thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 90-548, eff. 1-1-98.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.18)
Sec. 34-18.18. Occupational standards. The Board shall not require a student to meet occupational standards for grade level promotion or graduation unless that student is voluntarily enrolled in a job training program.
(Source: P.A. 91-175, eff. 1-1-00; 92-16, eff. 6-28-01.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.19)
Sec. 34-18.19. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 92-16, eff. 6-28-01. Repealed by P.A. 94-600, eff. 8-16-05.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.20)
Sec. 34-18.20. Time out and physical restraint. Until rules are adopted under Section 2-3.130 of this Code, the use of any of the following rooms or enclosures for time out purposes is prohibited:
(1) a locked room other than one with a locking
mechanism that engages only when a key or handle is being held by a person;
(2) a confining space such as a closet or box;
(3) a room where the student cannot be continually
observed; or
(4) any other room or enclosure or time out procedure
that is contrary to current guidelines of the State Board of Education.
The use of physical restraints is prohibited except when (i) the student poses a physical risk to himself, herself, or others, (ii) there is no medical contraindication to its use, and (iii) the staff applying the restraint have been trained in its safe application. For the purposes of this Section, "restraint" does not include momentary periods of physical restriction by direct person-to-person contact, without the aid of material or mechanical devices, accomplished with limited force and that are designed (i) to prevent a student from completing an act that would result in potential physical harm to himself, herself, or another or damage to property or (ii) to remove a disruptive student who is unwilling to voluntarily leave the area. The use of physical restraints that meet the requirements of this Section may be included in a student's individualized education plan where deemed appropriate by the student's individualized education plan team. Whenever physical restraints are used, school personnel shall fully document the incident, including the events leading up to the incident, the type of restraint used, the length of time the student is restrained, and the staff involved. The parents or guardian of a student shall be informed whenever physical restraints are used.
(Source: P.A. 91-600, eff. 8-14-99; 92-16, eff. 6-28-01.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.21)
Sec. 34-18.21. Medicaid-eligible children; health care resources. As authorized by federal law, the school district may access federally funded health care resources if the school district provides early periodic screening and diagnostic testing services, including screening and diagnostic services, health care and treatment, preventive health care, or any other measure, to correct or improve health impairments of Medicaid-eligible children.
(Source: P.A. 91-842, eff. 6-22-00.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.22)
Sec. 34-18.22. Unfilled teaching positions list. The school district must post a current list of all unfilled teaching positions in the district on its Internet web site. The State Board of Education's Internet web site must provide a link to this list.
(Source: P.A. 92-41, eff. 7-1-01.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.23)
Sec. 34-18.23. Medical information form for bus drivers and emergency medical technicians. The school district is encouraged to create and use an emergency medical information form for bus drivers and emergency medical technicians for those students with special needs or medical conditions. The form may include without limitation information to be provided by the student's parent or legal guardian concerning the student's relevant medical conditions, medications that the student is taking, the student's communication skills, and how a bus driver or an emergency medical technician is to respond to certain behaviors of the student. If the form is used, the school district is encouraged to notify parents and legal guardians of the availability of the form. The parent or legal guardian of the student may fill out the form and submit it to the school that the student is attending. The school district is encouraged to keep one copy of the form on file at the school and another copy on the student's school bus in a secure location.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.24)
Sec. 34-18.24. Transfer of students.
(a) The board shall establish and implement a policy governing the transfer of a student from one attendance center to another within the school district upon the request of the student's parent or guardian. Any request by a parent or guardian to transfer his or her child from one attendance center to another within the school district pursuant to Section 1116 of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. Sec. 6317) must be made no later than 30 days after the parent or guardian receives notice of the right to transfer pursuant to that law. A student may not transfer to any of the following attendance centers, except by change in residence if the policy authorizes enrollment based on residence in an attendance area or unless approved by the board on an individual basis:
(1) An attendance center that exceeds or as a result
of the transfer would exceed its attendance capacity.
(2) An attendance center for which the board has
established academic criteria for enrollment if the student does not meet the criteria, provided that the transfer must be permitted if the attendance center is the only attendance center serving the student's grade that has not been identified for school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring under Section 1116 of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. Sec. 6317).
(3) Any attendance center if the transfer would
prevent the school district from meeting its obligations under a State or federal law, court order, or consent decree applicable to the school district.
(b) The board shall establish and implement a policy governing the transfer of students within the school district from a persistently dangerous attendance center to another attendance center in that district that is not deemed to be persistently dangerous. In order to be considered a persistently dangerous attendance center, the attendance center must meet all of the following criteria for 2 consecutive years:
(1) Have greater than 3% of the students enrolled in
the attendance center expelled for violence-related conduct.
(2) Have one or more students expelled for bringing a
firearm to school as defined in 18 U.S.C. 921.
(3) Have at least 3% of the students enrolled in the
attendance center exercise the individual option to transfer attendance centers pursuant to subsection (c) of this Section.
(c) A student may transfer from one attendance center to another attendance center within the district if the student is a victim of a violent crime as defined in Section 3 of the Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses Act. The violent crime must have occurred on school grounds during regular school hours or during a school-sponsored event.
(d) Transfers made pursuant to subsections (b) and (c) of this Section shall be made in compliance with the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110).
(Source: P.A. 92-604, eff. 7-1-02; 93-633, eff. 12-23-03.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.25)
Sec. 34-18.25. Psychotropic or psychostimulant medication; disciplinary action.
(a) In this Section:
"Psychostimulant medication" means medication that produces increased levels of mental and physical energy and alertness and an elevated mood by stimulating the central nervous system.
"Psychotropic medication" means psychotropic medication as defined in Section 1-121.1 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code.
(b) The board must adopt and implement a policy that prohibits any disciplinary action that is based totally or in part on the refusal of a student's parent or guardian to administer or consent to the administration of psychotropic or psychostimulant medication to the student.
The policy must require that, at least once every 2 years, the in-service training of certified school personnel and administrators include training on current best practices regarding the identification and treatment of attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the application of non-aversive behavioral interventions in the school environment, and the use of psychotropic or psychostimulant medication for school-age children.
(c) This Section does not prohibit school medical staff, an individualized educational program team, or a professional worker (as defined in Section 14-1.10 of this Code) from recommending that a student be evaluated by an appropriate medical practitioner or prohibit school personnel from consulting with the practitioner with the consent of the student's parents or guardian.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.26)
Sec. 34-18.26. Sharing information on school lunch applicants. The board shall, whenever requested by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Department of Public Aid), agree in writing with the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (as the State agency that administers the State Medical Assistance Program as provided in Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act and the State Children's Health Insurance Program as provided in Title XXI of the federal Social Security Act) to share with the Department of Healthcare and Family Services information on applicants for free or reduced-price lunches. The board shall, whenever requested by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Department of Public Aid), require each of its schools to agree in writing with the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to share with the Department of Healthcare and Family Services information on applicants for free or reduced-price lunches. This sharing of information shall be for the sole purpose of helping the Department of Healthcare and Family Services identify and enroll children in the State Medical Assistance Program or the State Children's Health Insurance Program or both as allowed under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1758(b)(2)(C)(iii)(IV) and under the restrictions set forth in 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1758(b)(2)(C)(vi) and (vii).
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.27)
Sec. 34-18.27. Summer kindergarten. The board may establish, maintain, and operate, in connection with the kindergarten program of the school district, a summer kindergarten program that begins 2 months before the beginning of the regular school year and a summer kindergarten program for grade one readiness for those pupils making unsatisfactory progress during the regular kindergarten session that will continue for 2 months after the regular school year. The summer kindergarten program may be held within the school district or, pursuant to a contract that must be approved by the State Board of Education, may be operated by 2 or more adjacent school districts or by a public or private university or college. Transportation for students attending the summer kindergarten program shall be the responsibility of the school district. The expense of establishing, maintaining, and operating the summer kindergarten program may be paid from funds contributed or otherwise made available to the school district for that purpose by federal or State appropriation.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.28)
Sec. 34-18.28. Prison tour pilot program. The board shall establish a pilot program to prevent crime by developing guidelines to identify students at risk of committing crimes. "Students at risk of committing crimes" shall be limited to those students who have engaged in serious acts of misconduct in violation of the board's policy on discipline. This program, in cooperation with the Department of Corrections, shall include a guided tour of a prison for each student so identified in order to discourage criminal behavior. The touring of a prison under this Section shall be subject to approval, in writing, of a student's parent or guardian.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.29)
Sec. 34-18.29. Provision of student information prohibited. The school district, including its agents, employees, student or alumni associations, or any affiliates, may not provide a student's name, address, telephone number, social security number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information to a business organization or financial institution that issues credit or debit cards.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07; 96-261, eff. 1-1-10.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.30)
Sec. 34-18.30. Dependents of military personnel; no tuition charge. If, at the time of enrollment, a dependent of United States military personnel is housed in temporary housing located outside of the school district, but will be living within the district within 60 days after the time of initial enrollment, the dependent must be allowed to enroll, subject to the requirements of this Section, and must not be charged tuition. Any United States military personnel attempting to enroll a dependent under this Section shall provide proof that the dependent will be living within the district within 60 days after the time of initial enrollment. Proof of residency may include, but is not limited to, postmarked mail addressed to the military personnel and sent to an address located within the district, a lease agreement for occupancy of a residence located within the district, or proof of ownership of a residence located within the district. Non-resident dependents of United States military personnel attending school on a tuition-free basis may be counted for the purposes of determining the apportionment of State aid provided under Section 18-8.05 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.31)
Sec. 34-18.31. Highly qualified teachers; No Child Left Behind Act funds. If the school district has an overall shortage of highly qualified teachers, as defined by the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110), or a shortage of highly qualified teachers in the subject area of mathematics, science, reading, or special education, then the school board must spend at least 40% of the money it receives from Title 2 grants under the Act on recruitment and retention initiatives to assist in recruiting and retaining highly qualified teachers (in a specific subject area is applicable) as specified in paragraphs (1)(B), (2)(A), (2)(B), (4)(A), (4)(B), and (4)(C) of subsection (a) of Section 2123 of the Act until there is no longer a shortage of highly qualified teachers (in a specific subject area if applicable). As the number of highly qualified teachers in the district increases, however, the school board may spend any surplus of the minimum 40% of funds dedicated to addressing the highly qualified teacher shortage in any manner the school board deems appropriate.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.32)
Sec. 34-18.32. Healthy Kids - Healthy Minds Expanded Vision Program. Because 80% of a child's learning is felt to be through the visual system, the board shall establish a program to identify students who are in need of basic vision care, yet are not covered by insurance or public assistance or do not have the financial ability to pay for services and therefore are not receiving appropriate vision care, to be known as the Healthy Kids - Healthy Minds Expanded Vision Program. Through this program, subject to appropriation, the district, in cooperation with health care providers, shall serve students at a minimum or no cost to the students. The program may provide, but is not limited to, vision examinations and glasses. Eligibility for services must be determined by prioritization of students based on both physical and financial need.
(Source: P.A. 94-137, eff. 1-1-06.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.33)
Sec. 34-18.33. Principal mentoring program. Beginning on July 1, 2007, and subject to an annual appropriation by the General Assembly, the school district shall develop a principal mentoring program. The school district shall submit a copy of its principal mentoring program to the State Board of Education for its review and public comment. Whenever a substantive change has been made by the school district to its principal mentoring program, these changes must be submitted to the State Board of Education for review and comment.
(Source: P.A. 94-1039, eff. 7-20-06.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.34)
Sec. 34-18.34. Student biometric information.
(a) For the purposes of this Section, "biometric information" means any information that is collected through an identification process for individuals based on their unique behavioral or physiological characteristics, including fingerprint, hand geometry, voice, or facial recognition or iris or retinal scans.
(b) If the school district collects biometric information from students, the district shall adopt a policy that requires, at a minimum, all of the following:
(1) Written permission from the individual who has
legal custody of the student, as defined in Section 10-20.12b of this Code, or from the student if he or she has reached the age of 18.
(2) The discontinuation of use of a student's
biometric information under either of the following conditions:
(A) upon the student's graduation or withdrawal
from the school district; or
(B) upon receipt in writing of a request for
discontinuation by the individual having legal custody of the student or by the student if he or she has reached the age of 18.
(3) The destruction of all of a student's biometric
information within 30 days after the use of the biometric information is discontinued in accordance with item (2) of this subsection (b).
(4) The use of biometric information solely for
identification or fraud prevention.
(5) A prohibition on the sale, lease, or other
disclosure of biometric information to another person or entity, unless:
(A) the individual who has legal custody of the
student or the student, if he or she has reached the age of 18, consents to the disclosure; or
(B) the disclosure is required by court order.
(6) The storage, transmittal, and protection of all
biometric information from disclosure.
(c) Failure to provide written consent under item (1) of subsection (b) of this Section by the individual who has legal custody of the student or by the student, if he or she has reached the age of 18, must not be the basis for refusal of any services otherwise available to the student.
(d) Student biometric information may be destroyed without notification to or the approval of a local records commission under the Local Records Act if destroyed within 30 days after the use of the biometric information is discontinued in accordance with item (2) of subsection (b) of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 95-232, eff. 8-16-07; 95-793, eff. 1-1-09; 95-876, eff. 8-21-08.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.35)
Sec. 34-18.35. Use of facilities by community organizations. The board is encouraged to allow community organizations to use school facilities during non-school hours. If the board allows a community organization to use school facilities during non-school hours, the board must adopt a formal policy governing the use of school facilities by community organizations during non-school hours. The policy shall prohibit such use if it interferes with any school functions or the safety of students or school personnel or affects the property or liability of the school district.
(Source: P.A. 95-308, eff. 8-20-07; 95-876, eff. 8-21-08.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.36)
Sec. 34-18.36. Wind and solar farms. The school district may own and operate a wind or solar generation turbine farm, either individually or jointly with a unit of local government, school district, or community college district that is authorized to own and operate a wind or solar generation turbine farm, that directly or indirectly reduces the energy or other operating costs of the school district. The school district may ask for the assistance of any State agency, including without limitation the State Board of Education, the Illinois Power Agency, or the Environmental Protection Agency, in obtaining financing options for a wind or solar generation turbine farm.
(Source: P.A. 95-390, eff. 8-23-07; 95-805, eff. 8-12-08; 95-876, eff. 8-21-08; 96-725, eff. 8-25-09.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.37)
Sec. 34-18.37. Veterans' Day; moment of silence. If a school holds any type of event at the school on November 11, Veterans' Day, the board shall require a moment of silence at that event to recognize Veterans' Day.
(Source: P.A. 96-84, eff. 7-27-09; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10; 97-333, eff. 8-12-11.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.38)
Sec. 34-18.38. Administrator and teacher salary and benefits; report. The board shall report to the State Board of Education, on or before October 1 of each year, the base salary and benefits of the general superintendent of schools or chief executive officer and all administrators and teachers employed by the school district. For the purposes of this Section, "benefits" includes without limitation vacation days, sick days, bonuses, annuities, and retirement enhancements.
Prior to this annual reporting to the State Board of Education, the information must be presented at a regular board meeting, subject to applicable notice requirements, and then posted on the Internet website of the school district, if any.
(Source: P.A. 96-266, eff. 1-1-10; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10; 97-256, eff. 1-1-12.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.39)
Sec. 34-18.39. Radon testing.
(a) It is recommended that every occupied school building of the school district be tested every 5 years for radon pursuant to rules established by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA).
(b) It is recommended that new schools of the school district be built using radon resistant new construction techniques, as shown in the United States Environmental Protection Agency document, Radon Prevention in the Design and Construction of Schools and Other Large Buildings.
(c) The school district may maintain, make available for review, and notify parents and faculty of test results under this Section. The district shall report radon test results to the State Board of Education, which shall prepare a report every 2 years of the results from all schools that have performed tests, to be submitted to the General Assembly and the Governor.
(d) If IEMA exempts an individual from being required to be a licensed radon professional, the individual does not need to be a licensed radon professional in order to perform screening tests under this Section. The school district may elect to have one or more employees from the district attend an IEMA-approved, Internet-based training course on school testing in order to receive an exemption to conduct testing in the school district. These school district employees must perform the measurements in accordance with procedures approved by IEMA. If an exemption from IEMA is not received, the school district must use a licensed radon professional to conduct measurements.
(e) If the results of a radon screening test under this Section are found to be 4.0 pCi/L or above, the school district may hire a licensed radon professional to perform measurements before any mitigation decisions are made. If radon levels of 4.0 pCi/L or above are found, it is recommended that affected areas be mitigated by a licensed radon mitigation professional with respect to both design and installation. IEMA may provide the school district with a list of licensed radon mitigation professionals.
(f) A screening test under this Section may be done with a test kit found in a hardware store, department store, or home improvement store or with a kit ordered through the mail or over the Internet. However, the kit must be provided by a laboratory licensed in accordance with the Radon Industry Licensing Act.
(Source: P.A. 96-417, eff. 1-1-10; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.40)
Sec. 34-18.40. Compliance with Chemical Safety Acts. The Board of Education must adopt a procedure to comply with the requirements of the Lawn Care Products Application and Notice Act and the Structural Pest Control Act. The superintendent must designate a staff person who is responsible for compliance with the requirements of these Acts.
(Source: P.A. 96-424, eff. 8-13-09; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.41)
Sec. 34-18.41. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10. Repealed by P.A. 97-256, eff. 1-1-12.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.42)
Sec. 34-18.42. Press boxes; accessibility. The board does not have to comply with the Illinois Accessibility Code (71 Ill. Adm. Code 400) with respect to accessibility to press boxes that are on school property if the press boxes were constructed before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 96-674, eff. 8-25-09; 96-1000, eff. 7-2-10.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.43)
Sec. 34-18.43. Establishing an equitable and effective school facility development process.
(a) The General Assembly finds all of the following:
(1) The Illinois Constitution recognizes that a
"fundamental goal of the People of the State is the educational development of all persons to the limits of their capacities".
(2) Quality educational facilities are essential for
fostering the maximum educational development of all persons through their educational experience from pre-kindergarten through high school.
(3) The public school is a major institution in our
communities. Public schools offer resources and opportunities for the children of this State who seek and deserve quality education, but also benefit the entire community that seeks improvement through access to education.
(4) The equitable and efficient use of available
facilities-related resources among different schools and among racial, ethnic, income, and disability groups is essential to maximize the development of quality public educational facilities for all children, youth, and adults. The factors that impact the equitable and efficient use of facility-related resources vary according to the needs of each school community. Therefore, decisions that impact school facilities should include the input of the school community to the greatest extent possible.
(5) School openings, school closings, school
consolidations, school turnarounds, school phase-outs, school construction, school repairs, school modernizations, school boundary changes, and other related school facility decisions often have a profound impact on education in a community. In order to minimize the negative impact of school facility decisions on the community, these decisions should be implemented according to a clear system-wide criteria and with the significant involvement of local school councils, parents, educators, and the community in decision-making.
(6) The General Assembly has previously stated that
it intended to make the individual school in the City of Chicago the essential unit for educational governance and improvement and to place the primary responsibility for school governance and improvement in the hands of parents, teachers, and community residents at each school. A school facility policy must be consistent with these principles.
(b) In order to ensure that school facility-related decisions are made with the input of the community and reflect educationally sound and fiscally responsible criteria, a Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force shall be established within 15 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General Assembly.
(c) The Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force shall consist of all of the following members:
(1) Two members of the House of Representatives
appointed by the Speaker of the House, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Elementary & Secondary Education Committee.
(2) Two members of the House of Representatives
appointed by the Minority Leader of the House, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Elementary & Secondary Education Committee.
(3) Two members of the Senate appointed by the
President of the Senate, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Education Committee.
(4) Two members of the Senate appointed by the
Minority Leader of the Senate, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Education Committee.
(5) Two representatives of school community
organizations with past involvement in school facility issues appointed by the Speaker of the House.
(6) Two representatives of school community
organizations with past involvement in school facility issues appointed by the President of the Senate.
(7) The chief executive officer of the school
district or his or her designee.
(8) The president of the union representing teachers
in the schools of the district or his or her designee.
(9) The president of the association representing
principals in the schools of the district or his or her designee.
(d) The Speaker of the House shall appoint one of the appointed House members as a co-chairperson of the Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force. The President of the Senate shall appoint one of the appointed Senate members as a co-chairperson of the Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force. Members appointed by the legislative leaders shall be appointed for the duration of the Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force; in the event of a vacancy, the appointment to fill the vacancy shall be made by the legislative leader of the same chamber and party as the leader who made the original appointment.
(e) The Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force shall call on independent experts, as needed, to gather and analyze pertinent information on a pro bono basis, provided that these experts have no previous or on-going financial interest in school facility issues related to the school district. The Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force shall secure pro bono expert assistance within 15 days after the establishment of the Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force.
(f) The Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force shall be empowered to gather further evidence in the form of testimony or documents or other materials.
(g) The Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force, with the help of the independent experts, shall analyze past Chicago experiences and data with respect to school openings, school closings, school consolidations, school turnarounds, school phase-outs, school construction, school repairs, school modernizations, school boundary changes, and other related school facility decisions on students. The Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force shall consult widely with stakeholders, including public officials, about these facility issues and their related costs and shall examine relevant best practices from other school systems for dealing with these issues systematically and equitably. These initial investigations shall include opportunities for input from local stakeholders through hearings, focus groups, and interviews.
(h) The Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force shall prepare recommendations describing how the issues set forth in subsection (g) of this Section can be addressed effectively based upon educationally sound and fiscally responsible practices.
(i) The Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force shall hold hearings in separate areas of the school district at times that shall maximize school community participation to obtain comments on draft recommendations. The final hearing shall take place no later than 15 days prior to the completion of the final recommendations.
(j) The Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force shall prepare final proposed policy and legislative recommendations for the General Assembly, the Governor, and the school district. The recommendations may address issues, standards, and procedures set forth in this Section. The final recommendations shall be made available to the public through posting on the school district's Internet website and other forms of publication and distribution in the school district at least 7 days before the recommendations are submitted to the General Assembly, the Governor, and the school district.
(k) The recommendations may address issues of system-wide criteria for ensuring clear priorities, equity, and efficiency.
Without limitation, the final recommendations may propose significant decision-making roles for key stakeholders, including the individual school and community; recommend clear criteria or processes for establishing criteria for making school facility decisions; and include clear criteria for setting priorities with respect to school openings, school closings, school consolidations, school turnarounds, school phase-outs, school construction, school repairs, school modernizations, school boundary changes, and other related school facility decisions, including the encouragement of multiple community uses for school space.
Without limitation, the recommendations may propose criteria for student mobility; the transferring of students to lower performing schools; teacher mobility; insufficient notice to and the lack of inclusion in decision-making of local school councils, parents, and community members about school facility decisions; and costly facilities-related expenditures due to poor educational and facilities planning.
(l) The State Board of Education and the school district shall provide administrative support to the Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force.
(m) After recommendations have been issued, the Chicago Educational Facilities Task Force shall meet at least once annually, upon the call of the chairs, for the purpose of reviewing Chicago public schools' compliance with the provisions of Sections 34-200 through 34-235 of this Code concerning school action and facility master planning. The Task Force shall prepare a report to the General Assembly, the Governor's Office, the Mayor of the City of Chicago, and the Chicago Board of Education indicating how the district has met the requirements of the provisions of Sections 34-200 through 34-235 of this Code concerning school action and facility master planning.
(Source: P.A. 96-803, eff. 10-30-09; 97-333, eff. 8-12-11; 97-473, eff. 1-1-12; 97-474, eff. 8-22-11.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.44)
Sec. 34-18.44. American Sign Language courses. The school board is encouraged to implement American Sign Language courses into school foreign language curricula.
(Source: P.A. 96-843, eff. 6-1-10; 97-333, eff. 8-12-11.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.45)
Sec. 34-18.45. Minimum reading instruction. The board shall promote 60 minutes of minimum reading opportunities daily for students in kindergarten through 3rd grade whose reading level is one grade level or lower than their current grade level according to current learning standards and the school district.
(Source: P.A. 97-88, eff. 7-8-11; 97-813, eff. 7-13-12; 98-463, eff. 8-16-13.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.46)
Sec. 34-18.46. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 97-813, eff. 7-13-12. Repealed by P.A. 99-245, eff. 8-3-15.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.47)
Sec. 34-18.47. Youth program. The board may develop a plan for implementing a program that seeks to establish common bonds between youth of various backgrounds and ethnicities, which may be similar to that of the Challenge Day organization.
(Source: P.A. 97-909, eff. 1-1-13; 98-463, eff. 8-16-13.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.48)
Sec. 34-18.48. Bring Your Parents to School Day. The board may designate the first Monday in October of each year "Bring Your Parents to School Day" to promote parental involvement and student success. On this day, the board may permit the parents or guardians of students to attend class with their children and meet with teachers and administrators during the school day.
(Source: P.A. 98-304, eff. 1-1-14.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.49)
(Text of Section from P.A. 99-470)
Sec. 34-18.49. Carbon monoxide alarm required.
(a) In this Section:
"Approved carbon monoxide alarm" and "alarm" have the meaning ascribed to those terms in the Carbon Monoxide Alarm Detector Act.
"Carbon monoxide detector" and "detector" mean a device having a sensor that responds to carbon monoxide gas and that is connected to an alarm control unit and approved in accordance with rules adopted by the State Fire Marshal.
(b) The board shall require that each school under its authority be equipped with approved carbon monoxide alarms or carbon monoxide detectors. The alarms must be powered as follows:
(1) For a school designed before the effective date
of this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly, alarms powered by batteries are permitted. Alarms permanently powered by the building's electrical system and monitored by any required fire alarm system are also permitted.
(2) For a school designed on or after the effective
date of this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly, alarms must be permanently powered by the building's electrical system or be an approved carbon monoxide detection system. An installation required in this subdivision (2) must be monitored by any required fire alarm system.
Alarms or detectors must be located within 20 feet of a carbon monoxide emitting device. Alarms or detectors must be in operating condition and be inspected annually. A school is exempt from the requirements of this Section if it does not have or is not close to any sources of carbon monoxide. A school must require plans, protocols, and procedures in response to the activation of a carbon monoxide alarm or carbon monoxide detection system.
(Source: P.A. 99-470, eff. 1-1-16.)
(Text of Section from P.A. 99-592)
Sec. 34-18.49. Committee on the retention of students.
(a) The board may create a committee on the retention of students. The committee shall consist of the general superintendent of schools or his or her designee, a district administrator who directs student instruction and curriculum, a principal from a school of the district, and a teacher from a school of the district.
(b) Prior to retention in a grade, a school may submit, by a date as set by the committee on the retention of students, the names of all students determined by the school to not qualify for promotion to the next higher grade and the reason for that determination. The committee shall review the school's decision to retain with respect to each student and shall make a final decision regarding whether or not to retain a particular student. The committee shall take into consideration the relevant data and evidence gathered during the Response to Intervention process. The committee may vote to overturn a retention decision if the committee determines that the student should be promoted after examining the student's access to remedial assistance, performance, attendance, and participation and the resources and facilities provided by the school district or due to the student having an undiagnosed learning disability.
(Source: P.A. 99-592, eff. 7-22-16.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-18.50)
(Text of Section from P.A. 99-611)
Sec. 34-18.50. Accelerate College pilot program. The district may enter into an Accelerate College educational partnership agreement as authorized under Section 3-42.4 of the Public Community College Act.
(Source: P.A. 99-611, eff. 7-22-16.)
(Text of Section from P.A. 99-781)
Sec. 34-18.50. DCFS liaison.
(a) The board may appoint at least one employee to act as a liaison to facilitate the enrollment and transfer of records of students in the legal custody of the Department of Children and Family Services when enrolling in or changing schools. The board may appoint any employee of the school district who is licensed under Article 21B of this Code to act as a liaison; however, employees who meet any of the following criteria must be prioritized for appointment:
(1) Employees who have worked with mobile student
populations or students in foster care.
(2) Employees who are familiar with enrollment,
record transfers, existing community services, and student support services.
(3) Employees who serve as a high-level administrator.
(4) Employees who are counselors or have experience
with student counseling.
(5) Employees who are knowledgeable on child welfare
(6) Employees who serve as a school social worker.
(b) Liaisons under this Section are encouraged to build capacity and infrastructure within the school district to support students in the legal custody of the Department of Children and Family Services. Liaison responsibilities may include the following:
(1) streamlining the enrollment processes for
students in foster care;
(2) implementing student data tracking and monitoring
(3) ensuring that students in the legal custody of
the Department of Children and Family Services receive all school nutrition and meal programs available;
(4) coordinating student withdrawal from a school,
record transfers, and credit recovery;
(5) becoming experts on the foster care system and
State laws and policies in place that support children under the legal custody of the Department of Children and Family Services;
(6) coordinating with child welfare partners;
(7) providing foster care-related information and
training to the school district;
(8) working with the Department of Children and
Family Services to help students maintain their school placement, if appropriate;
(9) reviewing student schedules to ensure that
students are on track to graduate;
(10) encouraging a successful transition into
adulthood and post-secondary opportunities;
(11) encouraging involvement in extracurricular
activities; and
(12) knowing what support is available within the
school district and community for students in the legal custody of the Department of Children and Family Services.
(c) The school district is encouraged to designate a liaison by the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year.
(d) Individuals licensed under Article 21B of this Code acting as a liaison under this Section shall perform the duties of a liaison in addition to existing contractual obligations.
(Source: P.A. 99-781, eff. 8-12-16.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-19) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-19)
Sec. 34-19. By-laws, rules and regulations; business transacted at regular meetings; voting; records. The board shall, subject to the limitations in this Article, establish by-laws, rules and regulations, which shall have the force of ordinances, for the proper maintenance of a uniform system of discipline for both employees and pupils, and for the entire management of the schools, and may fix the school age of pupils, the minimum of which in kindergartens shall not be under 4 years, except that, based upon an assessment of the child's readiness, children who have attended a non-public preschool and continued their education at that school through kindergarten, were taught in kindergarten by an appropriately certified teacher, and will attain the age of 6 years on or before December 31 of the year of the 2009-2010 school term and each school term thereafter may attend first grade upon commencement of such term, and in grade schools shall not be under 6 years. It may expel, suspend or, subject to the limitations of all policies established or adopted under Section 10-22.6 or 14-8.05, otherwise discipline any pupil found guilty of gross disobedience, misconduct, or other violation of the by-laws, rules, and regulations, including gross disobedience or misconduct perpetuated by electronic means. An expelled pupil may be immediately transferred to an alternative program in the manner provided in Article 13A or 13B of this Code. A pupil must not be denied transfer because of the expulsion, except in cases in which such transfer is deemed to cause a threat to the safety of students or staff in the alternative program. A pupil who is suspended in excess of 20 school days may be immediately transferred to an alternative program in the manner provided in Article 13A or 13B of this Code. A pupil must not be denied transfer because of the suspension, except in cases in which such transfer is deemed to cause a threat to the safety of students or staff in the alternative program. The bylaws, rules and regulations of the board shall be enacted, money shall be appropriated or expended, salaries shall be fixed or changed, and textbooks, electronic textbooks, and courses of instruction shall be adopted or changed only at the regular meetings of the board and by a vote of a majority of the full membership of the board; provided that notwithstanding any other provision of this Article or the School Code, neither the board or any local school council may purchase any textbook for use in any public school of the district from any textbook publisher that fails to furnish any computer diskettes as required under Section 28-21. Funds appropriated for textbook purchases must be available for electronic textbook purchases and the technological equipment necessary to gain access to and use electronic textbooks at the local school council's discretion. The board shall be further encouraged to provide opportunities for public hearing and testimony before the adoption of bylaws, rules and regulations. Upon all propositions requiring for their adoption at least a majority of all the members of the board the yeas and nays shall be taken and reported. The by-laws, rules and regulations of the board shall not be repealed, amended or added to, except by a vote of 2/3 of the full membership of the board. The board shall keep a record of all its proceedings. Such records and all by-laws, rules and regulations, or parts thereof, may be proved by a copy thereof certified to be such by the secretary of the board, but if they are printed in book or pamphlet form which are purported to be published by authority of the board they need not be otherwise published and the book or pamphlet shall be received as evidence, without further proof, of the records, by-laws, rules and regulations, or any part thereof, as of the dates thereof as shown in such book or pamphlet, in all courts and places where judicial proceedings are had.
Notwithstanding any other provision in this Article or in the School Code, the board may delegate to the general superintendent or to the attorney the authorities granted to the board in the School Code, provided such delegation and appropriate oversight procedures are made pursuant to board by-laws, rules and regulations, adopted as herein provided, except that the board may not delegate its authorities and responsibilities regarding (1) budget approval obligations; (2) rule-making functions; (3) desegregation obligations; (4) real estate acquisition, sale or lease in excess of 10 years as provided in Section 34-21; (5) the levy of taxes; or (6) any mandates imposed upon the board by "An Act in relation to school reform in cities over 500,000, amending Acts herein named", approved December 12, 1988 (P.A. 85-1418).
(Source: P.A. 99-456, eff. 9-15-16.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-19.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-19.1)
Sec. 34-19.1. Comment at meetings. At each regular and special meeting which is open to the public, members of the public and employees of the district shall be afforded time, subject to reasonable constraints, to comment to or ask questions of the board.
(Source: P.A. 84-1308.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-19.2) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-19.2)
Sec. 34-19.2. Mailing list. To establish and maintain a mailing list of the names and addresses of persons who each year request inclusion thereon, and to mail to those persons copies of board agenda, school budgets, audits, and within 10 days of each board meeting, a copy of the approved meeting minutes. Annual subscription fees approximating the costs of reproducing and mailing the materials may be charged to the subscribers at the beginning of the subscription period.
(Source: P.A. 83-1362.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-20) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-20)
Sec. 34-20. Acquisition of real estate-Condemnation proceedings-Title-Conveyances.
The board may acquire by purchase, condemnation or otherwise, real estate for any school purposes. Condemnation proceedings shall be conducted in the name of the city, in trust for the use of schools. The title to all real estate held for the use and benefit of the schools shall be held in the name of the city, in trust for the use of schools. All conveyances of real estate shall be made to the city in trust for the use of schools.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-20.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-20.1)
Sec. 34-20.1. Limitation on use for school purposes. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Article or this Act, no building or other structure owned by the Board of Education, or by the City as trustee for the use and benefit of the schools, which the Chicago Park District has occupied, and which at any time prior to such occupancy by the Chicago Park District was used as a public school house or other public school building of any attendance center within the school district, shall at any time be again used by the Board as a public school house or other public school building. However, the Board of Education shall have the authority to make and enter into a lease or other agreement with the Chicago Park District providing for their joint use of a public school house or other public school building of any attendance center if such facility contains more than 10 classrooms. For purposes of this Section, "joint use" shall include but not be limited to shared use by the Board and the Chicago Park District during daytime hours.
(Source: P.A. 85-1146.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-21) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-21)
Sec. 34-21. Rentals and leases - Sale of real estate - Engagement of real estate broker - Indirect and participating ownership interest - Conveyance, payment and disclosure.
(a) The board may:
(1) enter into leases as lessee of buildings, rooms
and grounds for the use of schools or for the purpose of school administration; or
(2) enter into leases as lessor of property held by a
city in trust for the use and benefit of schools for a term of not longer than 99 years from the date of the granting of the lease, but it shall not make or renew any lease for a term longer than 10 years nor alter the provisions of any lease whose unexpired term may exceed 10 years without the vote of 2/3 of the full membership of the board. The board may, in the case of such a lease, receive consideration in whole or in part in the form of an ownership interest in the entity leasing the property from the board, or in its assignee, or a participating interest in the revenues, profits or gains from the development, use, sublease or assignment of such property or interest therein; provided, however, that the board shall not make any further contribution to the capital of such entity. Furthermore, there shall be no diminution thereafter in the value of the board's interest in the entity or participating interest as a result of any subsequent capital contributions by any entity or other capital changes.
(b) The board may sell real estate, or interest therein, held by a city in trust for the use and benefit of the schools subject to the provisions of this Section and approval by the board ordered by a vote of not less than 2/3 of its full membership, if the board determines (i) that such real estate has become unnecessary, unsuitable or inconvenient for the use of schools or for the purpose of school administration, (ii) that such real estate has become inappropriate or unprofitable for the purpose of deriving revenue to support the board's authorized purposes, or (iii) that, in the reasonable judgment of the board, a sale would constitute the best available use or disposition of such real estate for the purpose of deriving revenue to support the board's authorized purposes.
(1) Any sale of such real estate having a fair market
value of $25,000 or more shall be made in accordance with the following procedures:
(A) Notice of intended sale shall be published
once each week for 3 consecutive weeks in a daily or weekly newspaper published in the city.
(B) The first such notice shall be published not
less than 30 days before the day provided for the opening of bids with respect to the intended sale.
(C) The notice shall contain pertinent
information on the real estate available for sale, including the location of the real estate, a description of the property, the purpose for which it is used, any other terms for the sale of the real estate as determined by the board, and the dates on which bids will be opened, and on which bids will be considered, and the notice shall advertise for bids for such real estate. The notice may contain a minimum sale price.
(D) The board may:
(i) accept the highest responsible bid
determined to be in the best interest of the board; or
(ii) reject any and all bids; or
(iii) if there is more than one responsible
bid, negotiate separately with the 2 highest and best among such responsible bids and, upon tentative agreement with one or both bidders, one or both of such bids may be submitted to the board for acceptance of one or rejection of both. Such negotiations may not result in a diminution of the terms of the sale of the real estate and must result in an agreement which is, in the reasonable judgment of the board, equal to or higher in value than the highest responsible bid.
The board may receive consideration for the sale of
such real estate, in whole or in part, in the form of an ownership interest in the entity acquiring title to the property by such sale, or in its assignee, or a participating interest in the revenues, profits or gains from the development, use, sale, lease or assignment of such property or interest therein; provided, however, that the board shall not make any further contribution to the capital of such entity. The present value of the ownership or participating interest to be received by the board shall, in the reasonable judgement of the board, be at least as great as the value of the highest responsible cash bid for such property or the agreed cash price and terms of sale negotiated pursuant to this subsection, if any, whichever is higher. Furthermore, there shall be no diminution thereafter in the value of the board's interest in the entity or its participating interest in the property as a result of any subsequent capital contributions by any entity or other capital changes.
(2) Any sale of such real estate having a fair market
value of less than $25,000 may be negotiated and shall not require notice or competitive bids.
(3) Any sale of such real estate having a fair market
value of more than $25,000 which has been continuously leased by the same entity and used as a school attendance center for at least 10 years may be negotiated and shall not require notice or competitive bids.
(c) The board may engage the services of a licensed real estate broker at a fair and reasonable commission in any case involving the sale or lease of real estate when by resolution the board determines such services to be in the best interest of the board; provided, however, that the commission to be paid may not exceed in the case of sale 7% of the sale price, and in the case of lease 7% of the first year's rent and 2% of the base rent of each lease year thereafter not to exceed 4 years. The above stated maximum ceilings on commissions may be raised by not less than a 3/4 vote of the board's full membership. Payment of the commission shall be contingent upon conveyance in accordance with the provisions of this Section and within a reasonable period of time thereafter as determined by the board at the time of the engagement of the real estate broker.
(d) (1) Conveyance of real estate held in trust by the city for the use and benefit of schools shall be by action of the city council in its capacity as trustee upon notice by the board pursuant to resolution that a sale of real estate, or interest therein, has been made in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
(2) Payment in consideration of a transfer of real estate, or interest therein, may be accepted by the board in cash, a combination of cash and securities or in another form described in subsections (a) or (b) of this Section. In any case where an instrument is accepted as part payment, the debt shall be adequately secured by mortgage, trust deed, or if by contract by retention of title, on the property transferred and any such security interest shall not be released until the debt is fully paid. Payments made after the date of sale shall include interest on the outstanding balance computed from the date of sale to the date of payment at rates to be determined by the board.
(3) The board may not consummate any transaction involving the transfer of real estate, or interest therein, provided for in this Section in which there may be an undisclosed principal. Any conveyance of title or other interest in real estate in violation hereof shall be void and any consideration received by the board prior to the discovery of such violation shall be retained as liquidated damages.
(Source: P.A. 87-1168.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-21.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-21.1)
Sec. 34-21.1. Additional powers. In addition to other powers and authority now possessed by it, the board shall have power:
(1) To lease from any public building commission
created pursuant to the provisions of the Public Building Commission Act, approved July 5, 1955, as heretofore or hereafter amended or from any individuals, partnerships or corporations, any real or personal property for the purpose of securing space for its school purposes or office or other space for its administrative functions for a period of time not exceeding 40 years.
(2) To pay for the use of this leased property in
accordance with the terms of the lease and with the provisions of the Public Building Commission Act, approved July 5, 1955, as heretofore or hereafter amended.
(3) Such lease may be entered into without making a
previous appropriation for the expense thereby incurred; provided, however, that if the board undertakes to pay all or any part of the costs of operating and maintaining the property of a public building commission as authorized in subparagraph (4) of this Section, such expenses of operation and maintenance shall be included in the annual budget of such board annually during the term of such undertaking.
(4) In addition, the board may undertake, either in
the lease with a public building commission or by separate agreement or contract with a public building commission, to pay all or any part of the costs of maintaining and operating the property of a public building commission for any period of time not exceeding 40 years.
(5) To enter into agreements, including lease and
lease purchase agreements having a term not longer than 40 years from the date on which such agreements are entered into, with private sector individuals, partnerships, or corporations for the construction of school buildings, school administrative offices, site development, and school support facilities. The board shall maintain exclusive possession of all schools, school administrative offices, and school facilities which it is occupying or acquiring pursuant to any such lease or lease purchase agreement, and in addition shall have and exercise complete control over the education program conducted at such schools, offices and facilities. The board's contribution under any such agreement shall be limited to the use of the real estate and existing improvements on a rental basis which shall be exempt from any form of leasehold tax or assessment, but the interests of the board may be subordinated to the interests of a mortgage holder or holders acquired as security for additional improvements made on the property.
(6) To make payments on a lease or lease purchase
agreement entered into pursuant to subparagraph (5) of this Section with an individual, partnership, or a corporation for school buildings, school administrative offices, and school support facilities constructed by such individual, partnership, or corporation.
(7) To purchase the interests of an individual,
partnership, or corporation pursuant to any lease or lease purchase agreement entered into by the board pursuant to subparagraph (5) of this Section, and to assume or retire any outstanding debt or obligation relating to such lease or lease purchase agreement for any school building, school administrative office, or school support facility.
(8) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (9) of
this Section, to enter into agreements, including lease and lease purchase agreements, having a term not longer than 40 years from the date on which such agreements are entered into for the provision of school buildings and related property and facilities for an agricultural science school. The enrollment in such school shall be limited to 720 students, and no less than 50% of the total number of enrollment positions in each incoming class must be reserved for students who live within proximity to the school. "Proximity to the school" means all areas within the existing city limits of Chicago located south of 87th Street (8700 South) and west of Wood Street (1800 West). Under such agreements the board shall have exclusive possession of all such school buildings and related property and facilities which it is occupying or acquiring pursuant to any such agreements, and in addition shall have and exercise complete control over the educational program conducted at such school. Under such agreements the board also may lease to another party to such agreement real estate and existing improvements which are appropriate and available for use as part of the necessary school buildings and related property and facilities for an agricultural science school. Any interest created by such a lease shall be exempt from any form of leasehold tax or assessment, and the interests of the board as owner or lessor of property covered by such a lease may be subordinated to the interests of a mortgage holder or holders acquired as security for additional improvements made on the property. In addition, but subject to the provisions of subparagraph (9) of this Section, the board is authorized: (i) to pay for the use of school buildings and related property and facilities for an agricultural science school as provided for in an agreement entered into pursuant to this subparagraph (8) and to enter into any such agreement without making a previous appropriation for the expense thereby incurred; and (ii) to enter into agreements to purchase any ownership interests in any school buildings and related property and facilities subject to any agreement entered into by the board pursuant to this subparagraph (8) and to assume or retire any outstanding debt or obligation relating to such school buildings and related property and facilities.
(9) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph
(8) of this Section or any other law, the board shall not at any time on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1991 enter into any new lease or lease purchase agreement, or amend or modify any existing lease, lease purchase or other agreement entered into pursuant to subparagraph (8), covering all or any part of the property or facilities, consisting of 78.85 acres more or less, heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired by the board for an agricultural science school; nor shall the board enter into any agreement on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1991 to sell, lease, transfer or otherwise convey all or any part of the property so purchased or acquired, nor any of the school buildings or related facilities thereon, but the same shall be held, used, occupied and maintained by the board solely for the purpose of conducting and operating an agricultural science school. The board shall not, on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1991, enter into any contracts or agreements for the construction, alteration or modification of any new or existing school buildings or related facilities or structural improvements on any part of the 78.85 acres purchased or otherwise acquired by the board for agricultural science school purposes, excepting only those contracts or agreements that are entered into by the board for the construction, alteration or modification of such school buildings, related facilities or structural improvements that on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1991 are either located upon, under construction upon or scheduled under existing plans and specifications to be constructed upon a parcel of land, consisting of 17.45 acres more or less and measuring approximately 880 feet along its northerly and southerly boundaries and 864 feet along its easterly and westerly boundaries, located in the northeast part of the 78.85 acres. Nothing in this subparagraph (9) shall be deemed or construed to alter, modify, impair or otherwise affect the terms and provisions of, nor the rights and obligations of the parties under any agreement or contract made and entered into by the board prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act (i) for the acquisition, lease or lease purchase of, or for the construction, alteration or modification of any school buildings, related facilities or structural improvements upon all or any part of the 78.85 acres purchased or acquired by the board for agricultural science school purposes, or (ii) for the lease by the board of an irregularly shaped parcel, consisting of 23.19 acres more or less, of that 78.85 acres for park board purposes.
(Source: P.A. 97-648, eff. 12-30-11.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-21.2) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-21.2)
Sec. 34-21.2. Playgrounds.
The board shall take control and management of all public playgrounds owned or acquired by the city which are adjacent to or connected with any public school in the city and may equip, maintain and operate them for the moral, intellectual and physical welfare of the children and persons using them. The title to all lands occupied as such playgrounds shall vest in and be held by such city in trust for the use of schools. Nothing herein shall prevent the city from owning and operating parks, bathing beaches, municipal piers and athletic fields as provided by law.
(Source: P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-21.3) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-21.3)
Sec. 34-21.3. Contracts. The board shall by record vote let all contracts (other than those excepted by Section 10-20.21 of The School Code) for supplies, materials, work, and contracts with private carriers for transportation of pupils, involving an expenditure in excess of $25,000 or a lower amount as required by board policy by competitive bidding as provided in Section 10-20.21 of The School Code.
The board may delegate to the general superintendent of schools, by resolution, the authority to approve contracts in amounts of $25,000 or less.
For a period of one year from and after the expiration or other termination of his or her term of office as a member of the board: (i) the former board member shall not be eligible for employment nor be employed by the board, a local school council, an attendance center, or any other subdivision or agent of the board or the school district governed by the board, and (ii) neither the board nor the chief purchasing officer shall let or delegate authority to let any contract for services, employment, or other work to the former board member or to any corporation, partnership, association, sole proprietorship, or other entity other than publicly traded companies from which the former board member receives an annual income, dividends, or other compensation in excess of $1,500. Any contract that is entered into by or under a delegation of authority from the board or the chief purchasing officer shall contain a provision stating that the contract is not legally binding on the board if entered into in violation of the provisions of this paragraph.
In addition, the State Board of Education, in consultation with the board, shall (i) review existing conflict of interest and disclosure laws or regulations that are applicable to the executive officers and governing boards of school districts organized under this Article and school districts generally, (ii) determine what additional disclosure and conflict of interest provisions would enhance the reputation and fiscal integrity of the board and the procedure under which contracts for goods and services are let, and (iii) develop appropriate reporting forms and procedures applicable to the executive officers, governing board, and other officials of the school district.
(Source: P.A. 95-990, eff. 10-3-08.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-21.4) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-21.4)
Sec. 34-21.4. Full year feasibility study - grant - transitional expenditure reimbursement. The Board of Education may file an application with the State Board of Education and, if approved, receive funds for the purpose of conducting a study of the feasibility of operating one or more schools within the district on a full year school plan pursuant to Section 10-19.1. Such feasibility study shall include, but need not be limited to, the educational program, building and space needs, administrative and personnel costs, pupil distribution in the district, community attitudes, and transportation costs. The Board of Education which conducts a feasibility study pursuant to this Section shall submit a final report to the State Board of Education upon completion of the study or within one year after receipt of funds, whichever occurs first.
The Board of Education seeking State financial support to conduct feasibility studies shall file applications with the State Board of Education on forms provided by the State Board. The State Board of Education may grant or deny applications, in whole or in part, and provide the funds necessary to implement approved applications, provided that the total amount of funds necessary to implement approved applications does not exceed the annual appropriation for that purpose.
If, based upon the results of a full year feasibility study, the Board determines that it will operate one or more schools within the district in accordance with Section 10-19.1, the State Board of Education may, pursuant to guidelines established by the State Board, reimburse the Board for expenditures resulting from making such transition, provided that no expenditures shall be reimbursed which would have been incurred by the Board in the absence of a changeover to a full year school program.
In the event any funds appropriated for transition reimbursement during any fiscal year are insufficient for that purpose, payment shall be made in the proportion that the total amount of such expenditures bears to the total amount of money available for payment.
(Source: P.A. 81-1508.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-21.5)
Sec. 34-21.5. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 81-1221. Repealed by P.A. 94-1105, eff. 6-1-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-21.6) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-21.6)
Sec. 34-21.6. Waiver of fees.
(a) The board shall waive all fees assessed by the district on children whose parents are unable to afford them, including but not limited to children living in households that meet the free lunch or breakfast eligibility guidelines established by the federal government pursuant to Section 1758 of the federal Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1758; 7 C.F.R. 245 et seq.), subject to verification as set forth in subsection (b) of this Section. The board shall develop written policies and procedures implementing this Section in accordance with regulations promulgated by the State Board of Education.
(b) If the board participates in a federally funded, school-based child nutrition program and uses a student's application for, eligibility for, or participation in the federally funded, school-based child nutrition program (42 U.S.C. 1758; 7 C.F.R. 245 et seq.) as the basis for waiving fees assessed by the district, then the board must follow the verification requirements of the federally funded, school-based child nutrition program (42 U.S.C. 1758; 7 C.F.R. 245.6a).
If the board establishes a process for the determination of eligibility for waiver of fees assessed by the district that is completely independent of a student's application for, eligibility for, or participation in a federally funded, school-based child nutrition program, the board may provide for fee waiver verification no more often than every 60 calendar days. Information obtained during the independent, fee waiver verification process indicating that the student does not meet free lunch or breakfast eligibility guidelines may be used to deny the waiver of the student's fees, provided that any information obtained through this independent process for determining or verifying eligibility for fee waivers shall not be used to determine or verify eligibility for any federally funded, school-based child nutrition program.
(Source: P.A. 96-360, eff. 9-1-09.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-21.7)
Sec. 34-21.7. Racial reports. Beginning July 1, 1994, all forms used by school boards and school districts to collect information within racial categories and all reports used to present information within racial categories shall include a "Multiracial" category, if such information is collected and reported for State or local purposes only.
(Source: P.A. 88-71; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-21.8)
Sec. 34-21.8. Chicago public schools violence prevention hotline.
(a) In consultation with the Chicago Police Department, the Board must establish a hotline for the purpose of receiving anonymous phone calls for information that may prevent violence.
(b) Calls that are placed to the hotline must be answered by the Chicago Police Department.
(c) Each call placed to the hotline must be recorded and investigated by the Chicago Police Department.
(d) Prior to receiving any information, notice must be provided to the caller that the call is being recorded for investigation by the Chicago Police Department. The notice may be provided by a pre-recorded message or otherwise.
(e) The hotline shall be known as the "CPS Violence Prevention Hotline" and its number and anonymous nature must be posted in all Chicago Public Schools.
(Source: P.A. 96-1425, eff. 1-1-11.)
(105 ILCS 5/prec. Sec. 34-22 heading)
(105 ILCS 5/34-22) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-22)
Sec. 34-22. Buildings. The board may erect, purchase or otherwise acquire buildings suitable for school houses, for school administration, and for deriving revenues from school lands, erect temporary school structures, erect additions to, repair, rehabilitate and replace existing school buildings and temporary school structures and may furnish and equip school buildings and temporary school structures and may purchase or otherwise acquire and improve sites therefor, the furnishing and equipping to include but not be limited to furniture, libraries, apparatus, building and architectural supplies, fixtures generally used in school buildings, including but not limited to heating and ventilating systems, mechanical equipment, seats and desks, blackboards, window shades and curtains, gymnasium and recreation apparatus and equipment, auditorium and lunchroom equipment, and all items incidental thereto. The board may use the proceeds of the sale of common school lands or any income from investments of such proceeds in its treasury for any authorized purpose and may deposit the proceeds into any district fund.
In erecting, purchasing or otherwise acquiring buildings for school purposes, the board shall not do so in such a manner as to promote segregation and separation of children in public schools because of color, race or nationality.
(Source: P.A. 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-22.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-22.1)
Sec. 34-22.1. Issuance of bonds. For the purpose of erecting, purchasing, or otherwise acquiring buildings suitable for school houses, erecting temporary school structures, erecting additions to, repairing, rehabilitating and replacing existing school buildings and temporary school structures, and furnishing and equipping school buildings and temporary school structures, and purchasing or otherwise acquiring and improving sites for such purposes, the board, with the consent of the city council expressed by ordinance, may incur an indebtedness and issue bonds therefor in an amount or amounts not to exceed in the aggregate $50,000,000. Provided, however, that not more than 25% of the aggregate amount of said bonds shall be issued in any calendar year. The bonds shall bear interest at the rate of not more than the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, and shall mature within not to exceed 20 years from their date, and may be made callable on any interest payment date at par and accrued interest, after notice has been given, at the time and in the manner provided in the bond resolution.
These bonds shall not be issued until the question of authorizing such bonds has been submitted to the electors of the city constituting said school district at a regular scheduled election in accordance with the general election law and approved by a majority of the electors voting upon that question.
The board shall adopt a resolution providing for submitting said question at such an election and certify the resolution and the proposition to the proper election authorities. In addition to the requirements of the general election law the notice of the referendum shall contain the amount of the bond issue, maximum rate of interest and purpose for which issued.
This notice shall be published in accordance with the general election law.
The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
Shall bonds in the amount of
$..... be issued by the board of
education of the City of.... for
the purpose of erecting, purchasing,
or otherwise acquiring buildings YES
suitable for school houses, erecting
temporary school structures,
erecting additions to, repairing,
rehabilitating and replacing existing --------------------
school buildings and temporary
school structures, and furnishing and
equipping school buildings and
temporary school structures, and NO
purchasing or otherwise acquiring and
improving sites for such purposes,
bearing interest at the rate of not
to exceed the maximum rate authorized
by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended
at the time of the making of the contract?
Whenever the board desires to issue bonds as herein authorized, it shall adopt a resolution designating the purpose for which the proceeds of the bonds are to be expended and fixing the amount of the bonds proposed to be issued, the maturity thereof, and optional provisions, if any, the rate of interest thereon, and the amount of taxes to be levied annually for the purpose of paying the interest upon and the principal of such bonds.
Said bonds shall be issued in the corporate name of the school district. They shall be signed by the president and secretary of said board and countersigned by the mayor and the comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) of the city. They shall be sold upon such terms as may be approved by the board by the city comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) after advertisement for bids as ordered by and under the direction of the board, and the proceeds thereof shall be received by the city treasurer, as school treasurer, and expended by the board for the purposes provided in the bond resolution.
Before or at the time of issuing any bonds herein authorized, the city council of such city, upon the demand and under the direction of the board shall, by ordinance, provide for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property of such school district sufficient to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity and to pay the interest thereon as it falls due. Such tax shall be levied and collected in like manner with the other taxes of such school district and shall be in addition to and exclusive of the maximum of all other taxes which such board or such city council is now, or may hereafter be, authorized by law to levy for any and all school purposes. Upon the filing in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein such school district is located of a duly certified copy of any such ordinance, it shall be the duty of such county clerk to extend the tax therein provided for, including an amount to cover loss and cost of collecting said taxes and also deferred collections thereof and abatements in the amounts of such taxes as extended upon the collector's books.
With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-22.2) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-22.2)
Sec. 34-22.2. Issuance of bonds. For the purpose of erecting, purchasing, or otherwise acquiring buildings suitable for school houses, erecting temporary school structures, erecting additions to, repairing, rehabilitating and replacing existing school buildings and temporary school structures, and furnishing and equipping school buildings and temporary school structures, and purchasing or otherwise acquiring and improving sites for such purposes, the board, with the consent of the city council expressed by ordinance, may incur an indebtedness and issue bonds therefor in an amount or amounts not to exceed in the aggregate $50,000,000 in addition to the bonds authorized under Section 34-22.1. The bonds shall bear interest at the rate of not more than the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, and shall mature within not to exceed 20 years from their date, and may be made callable on any interest payment date at par and accrued interest, after notice has been given, at the time and in the manner provided in the bond resolution.
These bonds shall not be issued until the question of authorizing such bonds has been submitted to the electors of the city constituting said school district at a regular scheduled election and approved by a majority of the electors voting upon that question. The board shall adopt a resolution providing for submitting said proposition at such an election and certify the resolution and proposition to the proper election authorities for submission to the electors in accordance with the general election law. In addition to the requirements of the general election law the notice of the referendum shall contain the amount of the bond issue, maximum rate of interest and purpose for which issued.
The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
Shall bonds in the amount of
$..... be issued by the board of
education of the City of.... for the
purpose of erecting, purchasing,
or otherwise acquiring buildings YES
suitable for school houses, erecting
temporary school structures,
erecting additions to, repairing,
rehabilitating and replacing existing ------------------
school buildings and temporary
school structures, and furnishing and
equipping school buildings and
temporary school structures, and NO
purchasing or otherwise acquiring and
improving sites for such purposes,
bearing interest at the rate of not
to exceed the maximum rate authorized
by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended
at the time of the making of the contract?
Whenever the board desires to issue bonds as herein authorized, it shall adopt a resolution designating the purpose for which the proceeds of the bonds are to be expended and fixing the amount of the bonds proposed to be issued, the maturity thereof, and optional provisions, if any, the rate of interest thereon, and the amount of taxes to be levied annually for the purpose of paying the interest upon and the principal of such bonds.
Said bonds shall be issued in the corporate name of the school district. They shall be signed by the president and secretary of said board and countersigned by the mayor and the comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) of the city. They shall be sold by the city comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) upon such terms as may be approved by the board after advertisement for bids as ordered by and under the direction of the board, and the proceeds thereof shall be received by the city treasurer, as school treasurer, and expended by the board for the purposes provided in the bond resolution.
Before or at the time of issuing any bonds herein authorized, the city council of such city, upon the demand and under the direction of the board shall, by ordinance, provide for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property of such school district sufficient to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity and to pay the interest thereon as it falls due. Such tax shall be levied and collected in like manner with the other taxes of such school district and shall be in addition to an exclusive of the maximum of all other taxes which such board or such city council is now, or may hereafter be, authorized by law to levy for any and all school purposes. Upon the filing in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein such school district is located of a duly certified copy of any such ordinance, it shall be the duty of such county clerk to extend the tax therein provided for, including an amount to cover loss and cost of collecting said taxes and also deferred collections thereof and abatements in the amounts of such taxes as extended upon the collector's books.
With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-22.3) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-22.3)
Sec. 34-22.3. Issuance of bonds. For the purpose of erecting, purchasing, or otherwise acquiring buildings suitable for school houses, erecting temporary school structures, erecting additions to, repairing, rehabilitating and replacing existing school buildings and temporary school structures, and furnishing and equipping school buildings and temporary school structures, and purchasing or otherwise acquiring and improving sites for such purposes, the board, with the consent of the city council expressed by ordinance, may incur an indebtedness and issue bonds therefor in an amount or amounts not to exceed in the aggregate $50,000,000 in addition to the bonds authorized under Sections 34-22.1 and 34-22.2. The bonds shall bear interest at the rate of not more than the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, and shall mature within not to exceed 20 years from their date, and may be made callable on any interest payment date at par and accrued interest, after notice has been given, at the time and in the manner provided in the bond resolution.
These bonds shall not be issued until the question of authorizing such bonds has been submitted to the electors of the city constituting said school district at a regular scheduled election and approved by a majority of the electors voting upon that question.
The board shall adopt a resolution providing for submitting said question at such an election and shall certify the resolution and the proposition to the proper election authorities for submission to the electors in accordance with the general election law. In addition to the requirements of the general election law the notice of the referendum shall contain the amount of the bond issue, maximum rate of interest and purpose for which issued.
The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
Shall bonds in the amount of
$...... be issued by the board of
education of the City of.... for
the purpose of erecting, purchasing,
or otherwise acquiring buildings YES
suitable for school houses, erecting
temporary school structures,
erecting additions to, repairing,
rehabilitating and replacing existing --------------------
school buildings and temporary
school structures, and furnishing and
equipping school buildings and
temporary school structures, and NO
purchasing or otherwise acquiring and
improving sites for such purposes,
bearing interest at the rate of not
to exceed the maximum rate authorized
by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended
at the time of the making of the contract?
Whenever the board desires to issue bonds as herein authorized, it shall adopt a resolution designating the purpose for which the proceeds of the bonds are to be expended and fixing the amount of the bonds proposed to be issued, the maturity thereof, and optional provisions, if any, the rate of interest thereon, and the amount of taxes to be levied annually for the purpose of paying the interest upon and the principal of such bonds.
Said bonds shall be issued in the corporate name of the school district. They shall be signed by the president and secretary of said board and countersigned by the mayor and the comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) of the city. They shall be sold by the city comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) upon such terms as may be approved by the board after advertisement for bids as ordered by and under the direction of the board, and the proceeds thereof shall be received by the city treasurer, as school treasurer, and expended by the board for the purposes provided in the bond resolution.
Before or at the time of issuing any bonds herein authorized, the city council of such city, upon the demand and under the direction of the board shall, by ordinance, provide for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property of such school district sufficient to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity and to pay the interest thereon as it falls due. Such tax shall be levied and collected in like manner with the other taxes of such school district and shall be in addition to and exclusive of the maximum of all other taxes which such board or such city council is now, or may hereafter be, authorized by law to levy for any and all school purposes. Upon the filing in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein such school district is located of a duly certified copy of any such ordinance, it shall be the duty of such county clerk to extend the tax therein provided for, including an amount to cover loss and cost of collecting said taxes and also deferred collections thereof and abatements in the amounts of such taxes as extended upon the collector's books.
With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-22.4) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-22.4)
Sec. 34-22.4. Issuance of bonds. For the purpose of erecting, purchasing, or otherwise acquiring buildings suitable for school houses, erecting temporary school structures, erecting additions to, repairing, rehabilitating, modernizing and replacing existing school buildings and temporary school structures, and furnishing and equipping school buildings and temporary school structures, and purchasing or otherwise acquiring and improving sites for such purposes, the board, with the consent of the city council expressed by ordinance, may incur an indebtedness and issue bonds therefor in an amount or amounts not to exceed in the aggregate $50,000,000 in addition to the bonds authorized under Sections 34-22.1, 34-22.2, and 34-22.3. The bonds shall bear interest at the rate of not more than the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, and shall mature within not to exceed 20 years from their date, and may be made callable on any interest payment date at par and accrued interest, after notice has been given, at the time and in the manner provided in the bond resolution.
These bonds shall not be issued until the question of authorizing such bonds has been submitted to the electors of the city constituting said school district at a regular scheduled election and approved by a majority of the electors voting upon that question.
The board shall adopt a resolution providing for submitting said question at such an election and shall certify the resolution and the proposition to the proper election authorities for submission in accordance with the general election law. In addition to the requirements of the general election law the notice of the referendum shall contain the amount of the bond issue, maximum rate of interest and purpose for which issued.
The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
Shall bonds in the amount of
$...... be issued by the board of
education of the City of .... for
the purpose of erecting, purchasing,
or otherwise acquiring buildings YES
suitable for school houses, erecting
temporary school structures,
erecting additions to, repairing,
rehabilitating, modernizing and -------------------
replacing existing school buildings
and temporary school structures,
and furnishing and equipping school
buildings and temporary school NO
structures, and purchasing or otherwise
acquiring and improving sites for
such purposes, bearing interest at the
rate of not to exceed the maximum rate
authorized by the Bond Authorization Act,
as amended at the time of the making of
the contract?
Whenever the board desires to issue bonds as herein authorized, it shall adopt a resolution designating the purpose for which the proceeds of the bonds are to be expended and fixing the amount of the bonds proposed to be issued, the maturity thereof, and optional provisions, if any, the rate of interest thereon, and the amount of taxes to be levied annually for the purpose of paying the interest upon and the principal of such bonds.
Said bonds shall be issued in the corporate name of the school district. They shall be signed by the president and secretary of said board and countersigned by the mayor and the comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) of the city. They shall be sold by the city comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) upon such terms as may be approved by the board after advertisement for bids as ordered by and under the direction of the board, and the proceeds thereof shall be received by the city treasurer, as school treasurer, and expended by the board for the purposes provided in the bond resolution.
Before or at the time of issuing any bonds herein authorized, the city council of such city, upon the demand and under the direction of the board shall, by ordinance, provide for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property of such school district sufficient to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity and to pay the interest thereon as it falls due. Such tax shall be levied and collected in like manner with the other taxes of such school district and shall be in addition to and exclusive of the maximum of all other taxes which such board of such city council is now, or may hereafter be, authorized by law to levy for any and all school purposes. Upon the filing in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein such school district is located of a duly certified copy of any such ordinance, it shall be the duty of such county clerk to extend the tax therein provided for, including an amount to cover loss and cost of collecting said taxes and also deferred collections thereof and abatements in the amounts of such taxes as extended upon the collector's books. The ordinance shall be in force upon its passage.
With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-22.5) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-22.5)
Sec. 34-22.5. Issuance of bonds. For the purpose of erecting, purchasing, or otherwise acquiring buildings suitable for school houses, erecting temporary school structures, erecting additions to, repairing, rehabilitating, modernizing and replacing existing school buildings and temporary school structures, and furnishing and equipping school buildings and temporary school structures, and purchasing or otherwise acquiring and improving sites for such purposes, the board, with the consent of the city council expressed by ordinance, may incur an indebtedness and issue bonds therefor in an amount or amounts not to exceed in the aggregate Twenty-five Million Dollars ($25,000,000) in addition to the bonds authorized under Sections 34-22.1, 34-22.2, 34-22.3, and 34-22.4. The bonds shall bear interest at the rate of not more than the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, and shall mature within not to exceed twenty years from their date, and may be made callable on any interest payment date at par and accrued interest, after notice has been given, at the time and in the manner provided in the bond resolution.
These bonds shall not be issued until the question of authorizing such bonds has been submitted to the electors of the city constituting said school district at a regular scheduled election and approved by a majority of the electors voting upon that question.
The board shall adopt a resolution providing for submitting said proposition at such an election and certify the resolution and the proposition to the proper election authorities for submission in accordance with the general election law. In addition to the requirements of the general election law the notice of the referendum shall contain the amount of the bond issue, maximum rate of interest and purpose for which issued.
The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
Shall bonds in the amount of
$...... be issued by the board of
education of the City of.... for
the purpose of erecting, purchasing,
or otherwise acquiring buildings YES
suitable for school houses, erecting
temporary school structures,
erecting additions to, repairing,
rehabilitating, modernizing and ------------------
replacing existing school buildings
and temporary school structures,
and furnishing and equipping school
buildings and temporary school NO
structures, and purchasing or otherwise
acquiring and improving sites for such
purposes, bearing interest at the
rate of not to exceed the maximum rate
authorized by the Bond Authorization Act,
as amended at the time of the making of
the contract?
Whenever the board desires to issue bonds as herein authorized, it shall adopt a resolution designating the purpose for which the proceeds of the bonds are to be expended and fixing the amount of the bonds proposed to be issued, the maturity thereof, and optional provisions, if any, the rate of interest thereon, and the amount of taxes to be levied annually for the purpose of paying the interest upon and the principal of such bonds.
Said bonds shall be issued in the corporate name of the school district. They shall be signed by the president and secretary of said board and countersigned by the mayor and the comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) of the city. They shall be sold by the city comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) upon such terms as may be approved by the board after advertisement for bids as ordered by and under the direction of the board, and the proceeds thereof shall be received by the city treasurer, as school treasurer, and expended by the board for the purposes provided in the bond resolution.
Before or at the time of issuing any bonds herein authorized, the city council of such city, upon the demand and under the direction of the board shall, by ordinance, provide for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property of such school district sufficient to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity and to pay the interest thereon as it falls due. Such tax shall be levied and collected in like manner with the other taxes of such school district and shall be in addition to and exclusive of the maximum of all other taxes which such board or such city council is now, or may hereafter be, authorized by law to levy for any and all school purposes. Upon the filing in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein such school district is located of a duly certified copy of any such ordinance, it shall be the duty of such county clerk to extend the tax therein provided for, including an amount to cover loss and cost of collecting said taxes and also deferred collections thereof and abatements in the amounts of such taxes as extended upon the collector's books. The ordinance shall be in force upon its passage.
With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-22.6) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-22.6)
Sec. 34-22.6. Issuance of bonds. For the purpose of erecting, purchasing, or otherwise acquiring buildings suitable for school houses, erecting temporary school structures, erecting additions to, repairing, rehabilitating, modernizing and replacing existing school buildings and temporary school structures, and furnishing and equipping school buildings and temporary school structures, and purchasing or otherwise acquiring and improving sites for such purposes, the board may incur an indebtedness and issue bonds therefor in an amount or amounts not to exceed in the aggregate $150,000,000 in addition to the bonds authorized under Sections 34-22.1, 34-22.2, 34-22.3, 34-22.4, 34-22.5 and 34-22.7. Bonds authorized under this Section may also be issued for the purposes of paying interest on such bonds, establishing reserves to secure such bonds and paying the costs of issuance of such bonds. In connection with the issuance of its bonds, the board may enter into arrangements to provide additional security and liquidity for the bonds. These may include, without limitation, municipal bond insurance, letters of credit, lines of credit by which the board may borrow funds to pay or redeem its bonds and purchase or remarketing arrangements for assuring the ability of owners of the board's bonds to sell or to have redeemed their bonds. The board may enter into contracts and may agree to pay fees to persons providing such arrangements, including from bond proceeds but only under circumstances in which the total interest paid or to be paid on the bonds, together with the fees for the arrangements (being treated as if interest), would not, taken together, cause the bonds to bear interest, calculated to their absolute maturity, at a rate in excess of the maximum rate allowed by law.
The resolution of the board authorizing the issuance of its bonds may provide that interest rates may vary from time to time depending upon criteria established by the board, which may include, without limitation, a variation in interest rates as may be necessary to cause bonds to be remarketable from time to time at a price equal to their principal amount, and may provide for appointment of a national banking association, bank, trust company, investment banker or other financial institution to serve as a remarketing agent in that connection. The resolution of the board authorizing the issuance of its bonds may provide that alternative interest rates or provisions will apply during such times as the bonds are held by a person providing a letter of credit or other credit enhancement arrangement for those bonds. The Board may use proceeds of the sale of bonds authorized under this Section to pay the cost of obtaining such municipal bond insurance, letter of credit or other credit facilities. Bonds may also be issued under this Section to pay the cost of refunding any bonds issued under this Section, including prior to their maturity. The bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed the maximum annual rate provided for in Section 2 of "An Act to authorize public corporations to issue bonds, other evidences of indebtedness and tax anticipation warrants subject to interest rate limitations set forth therein", approved May 26, 1970, as now or hereafter amended, and if issued at such maximum annual rate shall be sold for not less than par and accrued interest. If any of the bonds are issued to bear interest at a rate of less than such maximum annual rate the minimum price at which they may be sold shall be such that the interest cost to the board on the proceeds of the bonds shall not exceed such maximum annual rate computed to stated maturity according to standard tables of bond values.
Whenever the board desires to issue bonds as authorized in this Section, it shall adopt a resolution designating the purpose for which the proceeds of the bonds are to be expended and fixing the amount of the bonds proposed to be issued, the maturity or maturities thereof, and optional provisions, if any, the rate of interest thereon, and the amount of taxes to be levied annually for the purpose of paying the interest upon and the principal, whether due at maturity or upon sinking fund installment dates, of such bonds.
Said bonds shall be issued in the corporate name of the school district. They shall be signed by the president and secretary of said board and countersigned by the mayor and the comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) of the city. They shall be sold by the city comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) upon such terms as may be approved by the board after advertisement for bids as ordered by and under the direction of the board, and the proceeds thereof shall be received by the city treasurer, as school treasurer, and expended by the board for the purposes provided in the bond resolution.
Before or at the time of issuing any bonds authorized in this Section, the board shall provide for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property of such school district sufficient to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity, or upon sinking fund installment dates, and to pay the interest thereon as it falls due. Such tax shall be levied and collected in like manner with the other taxes of such school district and shall be in addition to and exclusive of the maximum of all other taxes which such board is now, or may hereafter be, authorized by law to levy for any and all school purposes. Upon the filing in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein such school district is located of a duly certified copy of any such ordinance, it shall be the duty of such county clerk to extend the tax therein provided for, including an amount to cover loss and cost of collecting said taxes and also deferred collections thereof and abatements in the amounts of such taxes as extended upon the collector's books. The ordinance shall be in force upon its passage.
(Source: P.A. 85-1418; 86-1477.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-22.7) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-22.7)
Sec. 34-22.7. For the sole purpose of rehabilitating and accomplishing the deferred maintenance of present school buildings the board, with the consent of the city council expressed by ordinance, may incur an indebtedness and issue bonds therefor without referendum in an amount or amounts not to exceed in the aggregate $330,000,000. The bonds shall bear interest at a rate of not more than the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, and shall mature within not to exceed 20 years from their date, and may be made callable on any interest payment date at par and accrued interest, after notice has been given, at the time and in the manner provided in the bond resolution.
Whenever the board desires to issue bonds as authorized in this Section, it shall adopt a resolution designating the purpose for which the proceeds of the bonds are to be expended and fixing the amount of the bonds proposed to be issued, the maturity thereof, and optional provisions, if any, the rate of interest thereon, and the amount of taxes to be levied annually for the purpose of paying the interest upon and the principal of such bonds.
Said bonds shall be issued in the corporate name of the school district. They shall be signed by the president and secretary of said board and countersigned by the mayor and comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) of the city. They shall be sold by the city comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) upon such terms as may be approved by the board after advertisement for bids as ordered by and under the direction of the board, and the proceeds thereof shall be received by the city treasurer, as school treasurer, and expended by the board for the purpose provided in the bond resolution.
Before or at the time of issuing any bonds herein authorized, the board shall provide for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property of such school district sufficient to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity and to pay the interest thereon as it falls due. Such tax shall be levied and collected in like manner with the other taxes of such school district and shall be in addition to and exclusive of the maximum of all other taxes which such board is now, or may hereafter be, authorized by law to levy for any and all school purposes. Upon the filing in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein such school district is located of a duly certified copy of any such ordinance, it shall be the duty of such county clerk to extend the tax therein provided for, including an amount to cover loss and cost of collecting said taxes and also deferred collections thereof and abatements in the amounts of such taxes as extended upon the collector's books. The ordinance shall be in force upon its passage.
With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4; 86-1477.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-22.8)
Sec. 34-22.8. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 78-200. Repealed by P.A. 94-1105, eff. 6-1-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-22.9) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-22.9)
Sec. 34-22.9. Termination of authority to issue bonds for rehabilitation and deferred maintenance of school buildings. Effective July 1, 1984, the board shall not subsequently issue any bonds therefor as provided by and authorized under Section 34-22.7; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall effect the validity of any obligations of the board lawfully incurred, pursuant to authorization granted by that Section, and existing on or prior to July 1, 1984. All such obligations shall be discharged as provided pursuant to that authorization and the extension for collection of taxes of the board, pursuant to levies made in accordance with that authorization, shall in no way be impaired or restricted.
(Source: P.A. 83-1270.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-22.10) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-22.10)
Sec. 34-22.10. Issuance of bonds. For the sole purpose of purchasing or otherwise acquiring school buildings and related property and facilities for an agricultural science school pursuant to an agreement entered into pursuant to subparagraph (7) of Section 34-21.1, the board may incur an indebtedness and issue bonds therefor in an amount or amounts not to exceed in the aggregate $20,000,000 in addition to the bonds authorized under Sections 34-22.1, 34-22.2, 34-22.3, 34-22.4, 34-22.5, 34-22.6 and 34-22.7. Bonds authorized under this Section may also be issued for the purposes of paying interest on such bonds, establishing reserves to secure such bonds and paying the costs of issuance of such bonds.
In connection with the issuance of its bonds, the board may enter into arrangements to provide additional security and liquidity for the bonds. These may include, without limitation, municipal bond insurance, letters of credit, lines of credit by which the board may borrow funds to pay or redeem its bonds and purchase or remarketing arrangements for assuring the ability of owners of the board's bonds to sell or to have redeemed their bonds. The board may enter into contracts and may agree to pay fees to persons providing such arrangements, including from bond proceeds but only under circumstances in which the total interest paid or to be paid on the bonds, together with the fees for the arrangements (being treated as if interest), would not, taken together, cause the bonds to bear interest, calculated to their absolute maturity, at a rate in excess of the maximum rate allowed by law.
The Board may use proceeds of the sale of bonds authorized under this Section to pay the cost of obtaining such municipal bond insurance, letter of credit or other credit facilities. Bonds may also be issued under this Section to pay the cost of refunding any bonds issued under this Section, including prior to their maturity. The bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed the maximum annual rate provided for in Section 2 of "An Act to authorize public corporations to issue bonds, other evidences of indebtedness and tax anticipation warrants subject to interest rate limitations set forth therein", approved May 26, 1970, as now or hereafter amended, and if issued at such maximum annual rate shall be sold for not less than par and accrued interest. If any of the bonds are issued to bear interest at a rate of less than such maximum annual rate the minimum price at which they may be sold shall be such that the interest cost to the board on the proceeds of the bonds shall not exceed such maximum annual rate computed to stated maturity according to standard tables of bond values. The resolution of the board authorizing the issuance of its bonds may provide that interest rates may vary from time to time depending upon criteria established by the board, which may include, without limitation, a variation in interest rates as may be necessary to cause bonds to be remarketable from time to time at a price equal to their principal amount, and may provide for appointment of a national banking association, bank, trust company, investment banker or other financial institution to serve as a remarketing agent in that connection. The resolution of the board authorizing the issuance of its bonds may provide that alternative interest rates or provisions will apply during such times as the bonds are held by a person providing a letter of credit or other credit enhancement arrangement for those bonds.
Whenever the board desires to issue bonds as authorized in this Section, it shall adopt a resolution designating the purpose for which the proceeds of the bonds are to be expended and fixing the amount of the bonds proposed to be issued, the maturity or maturities thereof, and optional provisions, if any, the rate of interest thereon, and the amount of taxes to be levied annually for the purpose of paying the interest upon and the principal, whether due at maturity or upon sinking fund installment dates, of such bonds.
Said bonds shall be issued in the corporate name of the school district. They shall be signed by the president and secretary of said board. They shall be sold upon such terms as may be approved by the board after advertisement for bids as ordered by and under the direction of the board, and the proceeds thereof shall be received by the city treasurer, as school treasurer, and expended by the board for the purposes provided in the bond resolution.
Before or at the time of issuing any bonds authorized in this Section, the board shall, by resolution, provide for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property of such school district sufficient to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity, or upon sinking fund installment dates, and to pay the interest thereon as it falls due. Such tax shall be levied and collected in like manner with the other taxes of such school district and shall be in addition to and exclusive of the maximum of all other taxes which such board is now, or may hereafter be, authorized by law to levy for any and all school purposes. Upon the filing in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein such school district is located of a duly certified copy of any such resolution, it shall be the duty of such county clerk to extend the tax therein provided for, including an amount to cover loss and cost of collecting said taxes and also deferred collections thereof and abatements in the amounts of such taxes as extended upon the collector's books. The resolution shall be in force upon its passage.
(Source: P.A. 86-930.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-23) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-23)
Sec. 34-23. Tax anticipation warrants. When there is not sufficient money in the treasury to meet the ordinary and necessary expenses for educational and for building purposes, and for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on bonds to order issued warrants against and in anticipation of any taxes levied for the payment of the expenditures for educational and for building purposes, and for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on bonds, to the extent of 85% of the total amount of the taxes levied for such purpose; provided, that whenever a working cash fund has been created pursuant to Sections 34-30 through 34-36 warrants shall at no time be drawn against any such taxes levied for educational purposes for such an amount that the aggregate of (a) the amount of such warrants, with the interest to accrue thereon, (b) the aggregate amount of warrants theretofore drawn against such taxes and the interest accrued and to accrue thereon, and (c) the aggregate amount of money theretofore transferred from the working cash fund to the educational purposes fund exceeds 90% of the actual or estimated amount of such taxes extended or to be extended by the county clerk upon the books of the collector or collectors of State and county taxes within the school districts. Warrants may, however, be issued against and in anticipation of any taxes levied for the expenditures for building purposes to the extent of 90% of the total amount of taxes levied for such purposes whenever and only if the board in connection with a grant of money from the federal government or a pledge to any agency, instrumentality, corporation, administration or bureau of the United States of America in connection with such grant, sells or pledges to the federal government or to any agency, instrumentality, corporation, administration or bureau of the United States of America, warrants issued in excess of 75% but not exceeding 90% of the total amount of taxes levied for the payment of the expenditures for building purposes.
(Source: P.A. 86-930.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-23.5)
Sec. 34-23.5. Issuance of notes, bonds, or other obligations in lieu of tax anticipation warrants.
(a) In lieu of issuing tax anticipation warrants in accordance with Section 34-23 of this Code, the board may issue notes, bonds, or other obligations (and in connection with that issuance, establish a line of credit with a bank) in an amount not to exceed 85% of the amount of property taxes most recently levied for educational and building purposes. Moneys thus borrowed shall be applied to the purposes for which they were obtained and no other purpose. All moneys so borrowed shall be repaid exclusively from property tax revenues within 60 days after the property tax revenues have been received by the board.
(b) Borrowing authorized under subsection (a) of this Section shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, from the date of issuance until paid.
(c) Prior to the board borrowing or establishing a line of credit under this Section, the board shall authorize, by resolution, the borrowing or line of credit. The resolution shall set forth facts demonstrating the need for the borrowing or line of credit, state the amount to be borrowed, establish a maximum interest rate limit not to exceed that set forth in subsection (b) of this Section, and provide a date by which the borrowed funds shall be repaid. The resolution shall direct the relevant officials to make arrangements to set apart and hold the taxes, as received, that will be used to repay the borrowing. In addition, the resolution may authorize the relevant officials to make partial repayments of the borrowing as the taxes become available and may contain any other terms, restrictions, or limitations not inconsistent with the provisions of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 92-620, eff. 7-11-02.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-24) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-24)
Sec. 34-24. Numbering of warrants - Setting apart taxes - Interest. Warrants drawn and issued under Section 34-23 shall be numbered consecutively in the order of their issuance and shall show upon their face that they are payable solely from said taxes when collected, and not otherwise, and that payment thereof will be made in the order of their issuance, beginning with the warrant having the lowest number, and shall be received by any collector of taxes in payment of taxes against which they are issued. Such taxes against which the warrants are drawn shall be set apart and held for their payment, as herein provided. Such warrants shall bear interest, payable out of the taxes against which they are drawn, at the rate of not to exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, if issued before July 1, 1971 and if issued thereafter at the rate of not to exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, from the date of their issuance until paid, or until notice is given by publication in a newspaper or otherwise that the money for their payment is available and that they will be paid on presentation.
Reissued warrants shall bear the index numerical designation of the original warrant, shall be subnumbered consecutively in the order of reissuance, and shall be paid in the direct order of reissuance, beginning with the earliest subnumber. All warrants so reissued shall be paid prior to the payment of any warrant, or any reissuance thereof, issued subsequently to the date of issuance of such original warrant and in anticipation of the collection of the same tax.
Any such outstanding warrants may be paid in the order of their issuance, beginning with the warrants having the lowest number.
With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-25) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-25)
Sec. 34-25. Use of special funds to purchase tax anticipation warrants - Payment. Any board holding in its treasury any fund set aside for use for some particular purpose that is not immediately necessary for such purpose may by resolution adopted by a vote of a majority of the full membership of the board use the money in such fund, or in the aggregate of such funds if there may be more than one, in the purchase of tax anticipation warrants of the board ordered issued by the city council of such city at the request of said board of education. Such warrants shall bear interest not to exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract. All interest on such warrants and all moneys paid in redemption or received from the resale thereof shall at once be credited to and placed in such fund so held by the board. No board, however, so using any of its own funds for the purchase of tax anticipation warrants shall apply to the payment thereof while so held by it any taxes against and in anticipation of which such warrants have been issued, unless and until all warrants and the interest thereon, issued by the board against and in anticipation of the same taxes and sold to other purchasers at public or private sale, and all bonds, together with interest thereon, issued pursuant to the provisions of this Act, have been first paid or moneys sufficient for the payment thereof have been deposited with the treasurer of the board as a special fund to be held and used solely for the purpose of paying such warrants and bonds with interest thereon when presented. This section does not prevent the resale or reissue of any warrants as provided in Section 34-26.
With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-26) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-26)
Sec. 34-26. Resale of tax anticipation warrants-Sale of new warrants. If it is deemed necessary or expedient to convert into money any tax anticipation warrants issued and purchased by public funds pursuant to Section 34-25 before the receipt of taxes in anticipation of which the warrants were issued, the board by resolution adopted by a vote of a majority of its entire membership may authorize a resale of such warrants and adjust the interest rate thereon, or as permitted by statute may authorize the issuance and sale of a like principal amount of new warrants for the same purpose and in anticipation of the same taxes as the original warrants were issued and bearing any date subsequent to the date of the original tax anticipation warrants, the new tax anticipation warrants to be of the denomination and bear such interest not to exceed the statutory rate, all as may be authorized by such resolution. Upon the delivery of the new tax anticipation warrants, a like principal amount of such original warrants that were issued against the same tax that is anticipated by the new warrants shall be paid and cancelled and the proceeds of the sale of the new tax anticipation warrants shall be used first to restore to the funds so invested in the original tax anticipation warrants money equivalent to the par value and accrued interest of the original tax anticipation warrants and the balance, if any, shall revert to the fund for the creation of which the tax so anticipated was levied. Warrants so resold or reissued shall have the same incidence of priority with respect to payment and shall be paid in the same manner as other warrants issued in anticipation of the same tax and sold in the first instance to any purchaser other than the issuing board of education.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-27) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-27)
Sec. 34-27. Use of special funds to purchase outstanding bonds.
If the board has in its treasury any fund set aside for some particular purpose that is not immediately necessary for such purpose, it may by resolution adopted by a majority of its full membership use the money in such fund in the purchase of bonds issued by the board representing an obligation and pledging the credit of the board, and all interest upon such bonds and all moneys paid in redemption of the bonds or realized from the sale thereof shall at once be credited to and placed in such fund.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-28) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-28)
Sec. 34-28. Investment of school funds. Investments of school funds shall be made by the board of education only in Federal Government, State or municipal securities the payment of which is protected by the power to levy taxes therefor or in certificates of deposit constituting direct obligations of any savings and loan association, or any bank as defined by the Illinois Banking Act, as heretofore and hereafter amended, provided, however, that such investments in certificates of deposit may be made only in those banks which are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or in withdrawable capital accounts or deposits of State or Federal chartered savings and loan associations which are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation.
No bank or savings and loan association shall receive public funds as permitted by this Section, unless it has complied with the requirements established pursuant to Section 6 of "An Act relating to certain investments of public funds by public agencies", approved July 23, 1943, as now or hereafter amended.
(Source: P.A. 86-1028.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-29) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-29)
Sec. 34-29. Audit of accounts. The board shall for each fiscal year and may as often as necessary, appoint certified public accountants to examine the business methods and audit the accounts of the board as of December 31, 1972, as of December 31, 1973, as of August 31, 1974, as of August 31 of each year thereafter through August 31, 1996, as of June 30, 1997, and as of June 30 of each year thereafter, and a report thereof, together with any recommendations of such accountants as to changes in business methods of the board or any of its departments, officers or employees shall be made to the mayor, the city council, and the board and be filed in the records of the board. The board shall prepare and publish an annual report including in detail all receipts and expenditures, specifying the source of the receipts and the objects of the expenditures, and shall transmit it to the mayor and the city council. The board shall account for the expenses of each fiscal year but shall not be required to make any apportionment of such expenses between the two separate levies made during each calendar year.
(Source: P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-29.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-29.1)
Sec. 34-29.1. General obligation notes - Limitations - Issuance - Tax levy - Tax rate - Reimbursement to working cash fund. The board may incur an indebtedness by the issuance of full faith and credit general obligation notes in an amount not to exceed 85% of the taxes levied for educational purposes, building purposes and the purchase of school grounds, free textbook purposes and for school playground and recreation purposes respectively, in the fiscal year in which said notes are issued, without the submission to the electors of the school district or city for approval of the question of the issuance of such notes, provided, however, no notes shall be issued when there are outstanding tax anticipation warrants issued or to be issued against such taxes, nor shall such full faith and credit general obligation notes, tax anticipation warrants, or amounts transferred from the working cash fund, in the aggregate, exceed 90% of the taxes levied for the aforesaid purposes. Such notes shall bear interest at a rate of not to exceed the greater of (i) the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, or (ii)8% per annum, and shall mature within 2 years from date.
Whenever the board desires to issue such notes as herein authorized, it shall adopt a resolution designating the purposes for which the proceeds of the notes are to be expended and fixing the amount of the note proposed to be issued, the maturity thereof, and optional provisions, if any, the rate of interest thereon, and the amount of taxes to be levied annually for the purpose of paying the interest upon and the principal of said notes.
Said notes shall be issued in the corporate name of the school district. They shall be signed by the president and secretary of said board. They shall be sold by the board upon such terms as may be approved by the board, and the proceeds thereof shall be received by the city treasurer, as school treasurer, and expended by the board for the purposes provided in the resolution authorizing any such notes.
Before or at the time of issuing any notes herein authorized, the board shall, by resolution, provide for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property of such school district sufficient to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity and to pay the interest thereon as it falls due. Such tax shall be levied and collected in like manner with the other taxes of such school district and shall be in addition to and exclusive of the maximum of all other taxes which such board is now, or may hereafter be, authorized by law to levy for any and all school purposes. Upon the filing in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein such school district is located of a duly certified copy of any such resolution, it shall be the duty of such county clerk to extend the tax therein provided for, including an amount to cover loss and cost of collecting said taxes and also deferred collections thereof and abatements in the amounts of such taxes as extended upon the collector's books. The resolution shall be in force upon its passage.
After any such notes have been issued and while such notes are outstanding, it shall be the duty of the county clerk wherein such school district is located in computing the several tax rates for the several purposes respectively for which the notes have been issued respectively to reduce said tax rates respectively levied for such purposes respectively by the amount levied to pay the principal of and interest on such notes respectively to maturity, provided the tax rate for educational purposes shall not be reduced beyond the amount necessary to reimburse any money borrowed from the working cash fund, and it shall be the duty of the secretary of the board annually, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the tax extension date, to certify to the county clerk of the county wherein such school district is located the amount of money borrowed from the working cash fund to be reimbursed from the educational purposes tax.
No reimbursement shall be made to the working cash fund until there has been accumulated from the tax levy provided for the notes issued for educational purposes an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such notes as the same become due.
With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of Public Act 86-4 (June 6, 1989), it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4; 86-930; 86-1028.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-29.2) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-29.2)
Sec. 34-29.2. Debt service funds for obligations.
(a) The board shall establish debt service funds, each to be maintained by a corporate trustee (which may be any trust company or bank having the power of a trust company within the State) separate and segregated from all other funds and accounts of the board, for those issues of obligations of the board for the payment of which a separate tax has been or is to be levied, including, without limitation, a debt service fund for the general obligation bonds of the board, a debt service fund for the general obligation notes of the board and a debt service fund for the lease rentals payable by the board to the Public Building Commission of Chicago. Such funds shall be established for each such outstanding obligation of the board and also for each such obligation as shall be issued by the board after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1981. The trustee maintaining each such debt service fund shall account separately on its books and records for each such issue of such obligations.
(b) The city treasurer, as ex officio treasurer of the board, shall, with respect to each collection of taxes levied on behalf of the board, allocate the amounts collected among the issues of such obligations and deliver a report of such allocation to the county collector of each county wherein the board is located. On the basis of such allocation, the county collector shall pay the proceeds of each separate tax levied for the payment of any issue of such obligations upon receipt directly to the corporate trustee maintaining the debt service fund for such obligations for deposit in such debt service fund. In addition, the board shall pay the amount of personal property tax replacement tax revenues applicable to each issue of such obligations upon receipt directly to the corporate trustee maintaining the debt service fund for such obligations for deposit in such debt service fund. Each such deposit shall be held in trust for the benefit of the party or parties to whom payment of such obligations is payable. All such proceeds of such taxes and revenues shall be applied solely for the payment of the related obligations and shall not be used for any other purpose until such obligations are paid in full. Each levy of such taxes shall be for the sole benefit of the party or parties to whom payment of such obligations is payable and such party or parties shall have a security interest in and lien upon all rights, claims and interest of the board arising pursuant to any such levy and all present and future proceeds of such levy until such obligations are paid in full. Such party or parties shall further have a security interest in and lien upon all personal property tax replacement tax revenues upon deposit in the appropriate debt service fund as above provided.
(c) Any lien or security interest for the benefit of the party or parties to whom any such obligations are payable, made pursuant to this Act, shall be valid and binding from the effective date of the amendatory Act of 1980, and with respect to any obligations issued after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1981, shall be valid and binding from the date of issue of such obligations, in each case without any physical delivery or further act, and shall be valid and binding as against, and prior to any claims of, all other parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise, against the board, irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof.
(d) Any monies on deposit in any such debt service fund and not necessary for immediate use may be invested or reinvested in Investment Obligations, as defined in Section 34A-103 of this Act. The board may from time to time withdraw from any such debt service fund, to the extent not prohibited by the resolution of the board authorizing issuance of such obligations, the amount of interest or other investment earnings in such funds but only to the extent that the total amounts in such fund after such withdrawal shall not be less than the requirements for that fund. Any amounts deposited in any such debt service fund not required for payment of principal of or interest on any obligation because that payment has been made or provided for may be withdrawn by the board from the fund at any time, but only to the extent that the total amount in the fund after the withdrawal is not less than the requirements for the fund. The board is not required to make any tax abatement with respect to any such amounts withdrawn or on account of any provision for payment of principal of or interest on obligations. Any amounts so withdrawn by the board may be used for any lawful purpose of the board.
(Source: P.A. 88-511.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-29.3) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-29.3)
Sec. 34-29.3. Transfer of excess funds. When bonds are issued under Sections 34-22 through 34-22.7, and the purposes for which the bonds have been issued are accomplished and paid for in full and there remain funds on hand from the bonds so issued, the board by resolution may transfer such excess funds to the working cash fund.
(Source: P.A. 84-1334.)
(105 ILCS 5/prec. Sec. 34-30 heading)
(105 ILCS 5/34-30) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-30)
Sec. 34-30. Establishment of fund authorized-Purpose.
The board may, by resolution, establish a fund to be known as a "working cash fund" which shall be maintained and administered for the purpose of enabling the board to have in its treasury at all times sufficient money to meet demands thereon for ordinary and necessary expenditures for educational purposes.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-31) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-31)
Sec. 34-31. Bond issue to increase fund. (a). Where the board has created and is maintaining such a working cash fund for the purposes above mentioned, it may, with the consent of the city council expressed by ordinance, incur an indebtedness for the purpose of increasing such fund and issue bonds therefor from time to time, in an amount or amounts not exceeding in the aggregate $75,000,000, exclusive of all bonded indebtedness authorized for that purpose prior to May 16, 1967, without the submission thereof to the electors of the school district or city for approval.
(b). The board may incur an additional indebtedness for the purpose of further increasing such fund and issue additional bonds therefor, from time to time, in an amount or amounts not exceeding in the aggregate $20,000,000, exclusive of all bonded indebtedness authorized for that purpose prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1971, without the submission thereof to the electors of the school district or city for approval.
(c). The board may incur an additional indebtedness for the purpose of further increasing such fund and issue additional bonds therefor, from time to time, in an amount or amounts not exceeding in the aggregate $25,000,000, exclusive of all bonded indebtedness authorized for that purpose prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1973, without the submission thereof to the electors of the school district or city for approval.
(d). The board may incur an additional indebtedness for the purpose of further increasing such fund and issue additional bonds therefor, from time to time, in an amount or amounts not exceeding in the aggregate $31,000,000, exclusive of all bonded indebtedness authorized for that purpose prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1977, without the submission thereof to the electors of the school district or city for approval.
(e). Any bonds issued under paragraphs (a), (b), (c) or (d) of this Section shall bear interest at a rate of not more than the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, and shall mature within 20 years from date of issue. The authority herein granted in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) shall be considered exclusive of each other and as cumulative authority for the issuance of such bonds.
With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-32) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-32)
Sec. 34-32. Resolution for bond issue-Signature-Sale.
Before issuing any bonds under Section 34-31, as amended, the board shall adopt a resolution designating the purpose and fixing the amount of the bonds proposed to be issued, the maturity thereof, the rate of interest thereon and the amount of taxes to be levied annually for the purpose of paying the principal and interest.
The bonds shall be issued in the corporate name of the school district. They shall be signed by the president and secretary of the board, and countersigned by the mayor and the comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) of the city. They shall be sold by the city comptroller (or city clerk if there be no comptroller) at not less than par upon such terms as may be approved by the board after advertisement for bids as ordered by and under the direction of the board and the proceeds thereof shall be received by the city treasurer, as school treasurer, for the uses herein provided.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3226.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-33) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-33)
Sec. 34-33. Tax for payment of bonds. Before or at the time of issuing bonds under Sections 34-31 and 34-32, as amended, the city council, upon the demand and under the direction of the board, shall, by ordinance, provide for the collection of a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property of the school district sufficient to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity and to pay the interest thereon as it falls due. Upon the filing in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein the school district is located of a certified copy of any such ordinance the county clerk shall extend the tax therein provided for. The ordinance shall be in force upon its passage.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3226.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-34) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-34)
Sec. 34-34. Bond moneys set apart-Use and reimbursement of fund. All moneys derived from the issuance of bonds under Sections 34-31 and 34-32, or from any tax levied pursuant to Section 34-57 when received by the city treasurer, as school treasurer, shall be set apart in the working cash fund. The moneys in such fund shall not be regarded as current assets available for appropriation and shall not be appropriated by the board in the annual school budget, but in order to provide moneys with which to meet ordinary and necessary disbursements for salaries and other educational purposes may be transferred, in whole or in part, to the educational purposes fund of the board and so disbursed therefrom (a) in anticipation of the collection of any taxes lawfully levied for educational purposes, (b) in anticipation of the receipt of moneys to be derived from the common school fund of the State and from State appropriations, or (c) in anticipation of such taxes, as by law now or hereafter enacted or amended, imposed by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois to replace revenue lost by units of local government and school districts as a result of the abolition of ad valorem personal property taxes, pursuant to Article IX, Section 5(c) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois. Moneys transferred to the educational purposes fund in anticipation of the collection of taxes shall be deemed to have been transferred in anticipation of the collection of that part of the taxes so levied or to be received which is in excess of the amount or amounts thereof required to pay any warrants, and the interest thereon, theretofore or thereafter issued under Sections 34-22 through 34-24, the amount estimated to be required to satisfy debt service and pension or retirement obligations as set forth in Section 12 of "An Act in relation to State revenue sharing with local government entities", approved July 31, 1969, as amended. Such taxes levied for educational purposes when collected shall be applied first to the payment of any such warrants or notes and the interest thereon and the amount estimated to be required to satisfy debt service and pension or retirement obligations, as set forth in Section 12 of "An Act in relation to State revenue sharing with local government entities", approved July 31, 1969, as amended, and then to the reimbursement of the working cash fund as hereinafter provided. Upon the receipt by the city treasurer, as school treasurer, of any taxes or other moneys, in anticipation of the collection or receipt whereof moneys of the working cash fund have been so transferred for disbursement, such fund shall immediately be reimbursed therefrom until the full amount so transferred has been re-transferred to said fund. If taxes in anticipation of the collection of which such transfers are made are not collected in sufficient amounts to effect a complete reimbursement of the working cash fund of the amounts transferred from the working cash fund to the educational purposes fund the deficiencies between the amounts thus transferred and the amounts repaid from collections shall be general obligations of the educational purposes fund until repaid either from taxes in anticipation of which transfers were made or from appropriations which may be made in annual school budgets of sums of money to apply on such general obligations or until repaid from both the taxes in anticipation of which such transfers were made and from appropriations which may be made in annual school budgets of sums of money to apply on such general obligations.
(Source: P.A. 81-1506.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-35) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-35)
Sec. 34-35. Resolution for transfer from fund-Amount transferred. Moneys shall be transferred from the working cash fund to the educational purposes fund only upon the authority of the board, which shall by resolution direct the school treasurer to make such transfers. The resolution shall set forth (a) the taxes or other funds in anticipation of the collection or receipt of which the working cash fund is to be reimbursed, (b) the entire amount of taxes extended, or which the board shall estimate will be extended or received, for any year in anticipation of the collection of all or part of which such transfer is to be made, (c) the aggregate amount of warrants or notes theretofore issued in anticipation of the collection of such taxes under the provisions of Sections 34-22 through 34-24 together with the amount of interest accrued and which the board of education estimates will accrue thereon, (d) the amount of moneys which the board of education estimates will be derived for any year from the common school fund of the State and from State appropriations in anticipation of the receipt of all or part of which such transfer is to be made, (e) the aggregate amount of receipts from taxes imposed to replace revenue lost by units of local government and school districts as a result of the abolition of ad valorem personal property taxes, pursuant to Article IX, Section 5(c) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, which the corporate authorities estimate will be set aside for the payment of the proportionate amount of debt service and pension or retirement obligations, as required by Section 12 of "An Act in relation to State Revenue Sharing with local government entities", approved July 31, 1969, as amended, and (f) the aggregate amount of moneys theretofore transferred from the working cash fund to the educational purposes fund in anticipation of the collection of such taxes or of the receipt of such other moneys from the State. The amount which the resolution shall direct the school treasurer so to transfer in anticipation of the collection of taxes levied or to be received for any year, together with the aggregate amount of such anticipation tax warrants or notes theretofore drawn against such taxes and the amount of the interest accrued and estimated to accrue thereon, the amount estimated to be required to satisfy debt service and pension or retirement obligations, as set forth in Section 12 of "An Act in relation to State revenue sharing with local government entities", approved July 31, 1969, as amended, and the aggregate amount of such transfers theretofore made in anticipation of the collection of such taxes shall not exceed 90% of the actual or estimated amount of such taxes extended or to be extended or to be received as set forth in the resolution. The amount which the resolution shall direct the school treasurer so to transfer in anticipation of the receipt of moneys to be derived for any year from the common school fund of the State or from any State appropriation, together with the aggregate amount theretofore transferred in anticipation of the receipt of any such moneys, shall not exceed the total amount which it is so estimated will be received from such source. When moneys are available in the working cash fund they shall be transferred to the educational purposes fund and disbursed for the payment of salaries and other educational expenses so as to avoid, whenever possible, the issuance of tax anticipation warrants or notes.
(Source: P.A. 81-1506.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-36) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-36)
Sec. 34-36. Violations of provisions-Liability. Any member of the board or any officer thereof or of the city, or any other person holding any other trust or employment under the board or city, who is guilty of the wilful violation of any of the provisions of Sections 34-30 through 34-35, shall be guilty of a business offense and may be fined not exceeding $10,000 and shall forfeit his right to his office, trust or employment and shall be removed therefrom. Any such member, officer or person shall be liable for any sum that may be unlawfully diverted from the working cash fund or otherwise used, to be recovered by the board or by any taxpayer in the name and for the benefit of the board in an appropriate civil action. A taxpayer so suing shall file a bond for and shall be liable for all costs taxed against the board in such suit. Nothing herein shall bar any other remedies.
(Source: P.A. 79-1366.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-37) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-37)
Sec. 34-37. Abolishment of working cash funds. The board may abolish its working cash fund, upon the adoption of a resolution so providing, and directing the transfer of any balance in such fund to the educational purposes fund, effective upon the adoption of such resolution. Thereafter, all outstanding taxes of such board levied pursuant to Section 34-57 of this Article shall be collected and paid into the educational fund. Any obligation incurred by such board pursuant to Section 34-31 of this Article shall be discharged as therein provided. Nothing contained herein shall affect the validity of any existing obligations of the board.
(Source: P.A. 81-1221.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-38) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-38)
Sec. 34-38. Re-creation of working cash fund. Nothing in this Article prevents a board which has abolished its working cash fund from again creating a working cash fund in the manner provided in Section 34-30 of this Article; provided, however that should the working cash fund be so recreated, the board shall not thereby be authorized to issue working cash fund bonds in an amount greater than the amount authorized at the time of abolition of such fund, and no tax shall be levied for the recreated working cash fund pursuant to Section 34-57 of this Article.
(Source: P.A. 81-1221.)
(105 ILCS 5/prec. Sec. 34-42 heading)
(105 ILCS 5/34-42) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-42)
Sec. 34-42. Fiscal year. The period commencing January 1, 1974 and ending August 31, 1974 shall be a fiscal year. Beginning September 1, 1974, each fiscal year of the board through fiscal year 1996 shall commence on September 1 of each year and end on August 31 of the following year. The period commencing September 1, 1996 and ending June 30, 1997 shall be a fiscal year. Beginning July 1, 1997 and thereafter, the fiscal year of the board shall commence on July 1 of each year and end on June 30 of the following year.
(Source: P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-42.1)
Sec. 34-42.1. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 77-2734. Repealed by P.A. 94-1105, eff. 6-1-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-42.2)
Sec. 34-42.2. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 78-497. Repealed by P.A. 94-1105, eff. 6-1-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-43) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-43)
Sec. 34-43. Adoption of budget and resolution. The board shall, within the first 60 days of each fiscal year, adopt a budget and pass a resolution to be termed the "annual school budget", hereinafter called the "budget", in and by which the board, subject to the limitations hereinafter contained, shall appropriate such sums of money as may be required to defray all of its estimated expenses and liabilities to be paid or incurred during the fiscal year.
The budget shall be balanced in each year within standards established by the board, consistent with the provisions of this Article.
The budget may provide for the accumulation of funds for educational purposes as the board may direct for capital improvements or in order to achieve a balanced budget in a future year within the 4-year period of the board's financial plan to begin in that budget year. The budget may also provide for a reserve in the educational fund to ensure uninterrupted services in the event of unfavorable budget variances.
The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of 1996 apply to budgets and amended and supplemental budgets for fiscal years beginning in 1995 and subsequent years.
(Source: P.A. 89-636, eff. 8-9-96.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-43a)
Sec. 34-43a. Post annual budget on web site. The school district shall post its current annual school budget, itemized by receipts and expenditures, on the district's Internet web site. The school district shall notify the parents or guardians of its students that the budget has been posted on the district's web site and what the web site's address is.
(Source: P.A. 92-438, eff. 1-1-02.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-43.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-43.1)
Sec. 34-43.1. (A) Limitation of noninstructional costs. It is the purpose of this Section to establish for the Board of Education and the general superintendent of schools requirements and standards which maximize the proportion of school district resources in direct support of educational, program, and building maintenance and safety services for the pupils of the district, and which correspondingly minimize the amount and proportion of such resources associated with centralized administration, administrative support services, and other noninstructional services.
For the 1989-90 school year and for all subsequent school years, the Board of Education shall undertake budgetary and expenditure control actions which limit the administrative expenditures of the Board of Education to levels, as provided for in this Section, which represent an average of the administrative expenses of all school districts in this State not subject to Article 34.
(B) Certification of expenses by the State Superintendent of Education. The State Superintendent of Education shall annually certify, on or before May 1, to the Board of Education and the School Finance Authority, for the applicable school year, the following information:
(1) the annual expenditures of all school districts
of the State not subject to Article 34 properly attributable to expenditure functions defined by the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education as: 2210 (Improvement of Instructional Services); 2300 (Support Services - General Administration) excluding, however, 2320 (Executive Administrative Services); 2490 (Other Support Services - School Administration); 2500 (Support Services - Business); 2600 (Support Services - Central);
(2) the total annual expenditures of all school
districts not subject to Article 34 attributable to the Education Fund, the Operations, Building and Maintenance Fund, the Transportation Fund and the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund of the several districts, as defined by the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education; and
(3) a ratio, to be called the statewide average of
administrative expenditures, derived by dividing the expenditures certified pursuant to paragraph (B)(1) by the expenditures certified pursuant to paragraph (B)(2).
For purposes of the annual certification of expenditures and ratios required by this Section, the "applicable year" of certification shall initially be the 1986-87 school year and, in sequent years, each succeeding school year.
The State Superintendent of Education shall consult with the Board of Education to ascertain whether particular expenditure items allocable to the administrative functions enumerated in paragraph (B)(1) are appropriately or necessarily higher in the applicable school district than in the rest of the State due to noncomparable factors. The State Superintendent shall also review the relevant cost proportions in other large urban school districts. The State Superintendent shall also review the expenditure categories in paragraph (B)(1) to ascertain whether they contain school-level expenses. If he or she finds that adjustments to the formula are appropriate or necessary to establish a more fair and comparable standard for administrative cost for the Board of Education or to exclude school-level expenses, the State Superintendent shall recommend to the School Finance Authority rules and regulations adjusting particular subcategories in this subsection (B) or adjusting certain costs in determining the budget and expenditure items properly attributable to the functions or otherwise adjust the formula.
(C) Administrative expenditure limitations. The annual budget of the Board of Education, as adopted and implemented, and the related annual expenditures for the school year, shall reflect a limitation on administrative outlays as required by the following provisions, taking into account any adjustments established by the State Superintendent of Education: (1) the budget and expenditures of the Board of Education for the 1989-90 school year shall reflect a ratio of administrative expenditures to total expenditures equal to or less than the statewide average of administrative expenditures for the 1986-87 school year as certified by the State Superintendent of Education pursuant to paragraph (B)(3); (2) for the 1990-91 school year and for all subsequent school years, the budget and expenditures of the Board of Education shall reflect a ratio of administrative expenditures to total expenditures equal to or less than the statewide average of administrative expenditures certified by the State Superintendent of Education for the applicable year pursuant to paragraph (B)(3); (3) if for any school year the budget of the Board of Education reflects a ratio of administrative expenditures to total expenditures which exceeds the applicable statewide average, the Board of Education shall reduce expenditure items allocable to the administrative functions enumerated in paragraph (B)(1) such that the Board of Education's ratio of administrative expenditures to total expenditures is equal to or less than the applicable statewide average ratio.
For purposes of this Section, the ratio of administrative expenditures to the total expenditures of the Board of Education, as applied to the budget of the Board of Education, shall mean: the budgeted expenditure items of the Board of Education properly attributable to the expenditure functions identified in paragraph (B)(1) divided by the total budgeted expenditures of the Board of Education properly attributable to the Board of Education funds corresponding to those funds identified in paragraph (B)(2), exclusive of any monies budgeted for payment to the Public School Teachers' Pension and Retirement System, attributable to payments due from the General Funds of the State of Illinois.
The annual expenditure of the Board of Education for 2320 (Executive Administrative Services) for the 1989-90 school year shall be no greater than the 2320 expenditure for the 1988-89 school year. The annual expenditure of the Board of Education for 2320 for the 1990-91 school year and each subsequent school year shall be no greater than the 2320 expenditure for the immediately preceding school year or the 1988-89 school year, whichever is less. This annual expenditure limitation may be adjusted in each year in an amount not to exceed any change effective during the applicable school year in salary to be paid under the collective bargaining agreement with instructional personnel to which the Board is a party and in benefit costs either required by law or such collective bargaining agreement.
(D) Cost control measures. In undertaking actions to control or reduce expenditure items necessitated by the administrative expenditure limitations of this Section, the Board of Education shall give priority consideration to reductions or cost controls with the least effect upon direct services to students or instructional services for pupils, and upon the safety and well-being of pupils, and, as applicable, with the particular costs or functions to which the Board of Education is higher than the statewide average.
For purposes of assuring that the cost control priorities of this subsection (D) are met, the State Superintendent of Education shall, with the assistance of the Board of Education, review the cost allocation practices of the Board of Education, and the State Superintendent of Education shall thereafter recommend to the School Finance Authority rules and regulations which define administrative areas which most impact upon the direct and instructional needs of students and upon the safety and well-being of the pupils of the district. No position closed shall be reopened using State or federal categorical funds.
(E) Report of Audited Information. For the 1988-89 school year and for all subsequent school years, the Board of Education shall file with the State Board of Education the Annual Financial Report and its audit, as required by the rules of the State Board of Education. Such reports shall be filed no later than February 15 following the end of the school year of the Board of Education, beginning with the report to be filed no later than February 15, 1990 for the 1988-89 school year.
As part of the required Annual Financial Report, the Board of Education shall provide a detailed accounting of the central level, district, bureau and department costs and personnel included within expenditure functions included in paragraph (B)(1). The nature and detail of the reporting required for these functions shall be prescribed by the State Board of Education in rules and regulations. A copy of this detailed accounting shall also be provided annually to the School Finance Authority and the public. This report shall contain a reconciliation to the board of education's adopted budget for that fiscal year, specifically delineating administrative functions.
If the information required under this Section is not provided by the Board of Education in a timely manner, or is initially or subsequently determined by the State Superintendent of Education to be incomplete or inaccurate, the State Superintendent shall, in writing, notify the Board of Education of reporting deficiencies. The Board of Education shall, within 60 days of such notice, address the reporting deficiencies identified. If the State Superintendent of Education does not receive satisfactory response to these reporting deficiencies within 60 days, the next payment of general State aid due the Board of Education under Section 18-8, and all subsequent payments, shall be withheld by the State Superintendent of Education until the enumerated deficiencies have been addressed.
Utilizing the Annual Financial Report, the State Superintendent of Education shall certify on or before May 1 to the School Finance Authority the Board of Education's ratio of administrative expenditures to total expenditures for the 1988-89 school year and for each succeeding school year. Such certification shall indicate the extent to which the administrative expenditure ratio of the Board of Education conformed to the limitations required in subsection (C) of this Section, taking into account any adjustments of the limitations which may have been recommended by the State Superintendent of Education to the School Finance Authority. In deriving the administrative expenditure ratio of the Chicago Board of Education, the State Superintendent of Education shall utilize the definition of this ratio prescribed in subsection (C) of this Section, except that the actual expenditures of the Board of Education shall be substituted for budgeted expenditure items.
(F) Approval and adjustments to administrative expenditure limitations. The School Finance Authority organized under Article 34A shall monitor the Board of Education's adherence to the requirements of this Section. As part of its responsibility the School Finance Authority shall determine whether the Board of Education's budget for the next school year, and the expenditures for a prior school year, comply with the limitation of administrative expenditures required by this Section. The Board of Education and the State Board of Education shall provide such information as is required by the School Finance Authority in order for the Authority to determine compliance with the provisions of this Section. If the Authority determines that the budget proposed by the Board of Education does not meet the cost control requirements of this Section, the Board of Education shall undertake budgetary reductions, consistent with the requirements of this Section, to bring the proposed budget into compliance with such cost control limitations.
If, in formulating cost control and cost reduction alternatives, the Board of Education believes that meeting the cost control requirements of this Section related to the budget for the ensuing year would impair the education, safety, or well-being of the pupils of the school district, the Board of Education may request that the School Finance Authority make adjustments to the limitations required by this Section. The Board of Education shall specify the amount, nature, and reasons for the relief required and shall also identify cost reductions which can be made in expenditure functions not enumerated in paragraph (B)(1), which would serve the purposes of this Section.
The School Finance Authority shall consult with the State Superintendent of Education concerning the reasonableness from an educational administration perspective of the adjustments sought by the Board of Education. The School Finance Authority shall provide an opportunity for the public to comment upon the reasonableness of the Board's request. If, after such consultation, the School Finance Authority determines that all or a portion of the adjustments sought by the Board of Education are reasonably appropriate or necessary, the Authority may grant such relief from the provisions of this Section which the Authority deems appropriate. Adjustments so granted apply only to the specific school year for which the request was made.
In the event that the School Finance Authority determines that the Board of Education has failed to achieve the required administrative expenditure limitations for a prior school year, or if the Authority determines that the Board of Education has not met the requirements of subsection (F), the Authority shall make recommendations to the Board of Education concerning appropriate corrective actions. If the Board of Education fails to provide adequate assurance to the Authority that appropriate corrective actions have been or will be taken, the Authority may, within 60 days thereafter, require the board to adjust its current budget to correct for the prior year's shortage or may recommend to the members of the General Assembly and the Governor such sanctions or remedial actions as will serve to deter any further such failures on the part of the Board of Education.
To assist the Authority in its monitoring responsibilities, the Board of Education shall provide such reports and information as are from time to time required by the Authority.
(G) Independent reviews of administrative expenditures. The School Finance Authority may direct independent reviews of the administrative and administrative support expenditures and services and other non-instructional expenditure functions of the Board of Education. The Board of Education shall afford full cooperation to the School Finance Authority in such review activity. The purpose of such reviews shall be to verify specific targets for improved operating efficiencies of the Board of Education, to identify other areas of potential efficiencies, and to assure full and proper compliance by the Board of Education with all requirements of this Section.
In the conduct of reviews under this subsection, the Authority may request the assistance and consultation of the State Superintendent of Education with regard to questions of efficiency and effectiveness in educational administration.
(H) Reports to Governor and General Assembly. On or before May 1, 1991 and no less frequently than yearly thereafter, the School Finance Authority shall provide to the Governor, the State Board of Education, and the members of the General Assembly an annual report, as outlined in Section 34A-606, which includes the following information: (1) documenting the compliance or non-compliance of the Board of Education with the requirements of this Section; (2) summarizing the costs, findings, and recommendations of any reviews directed by the School Finance Authority, and the response to such recommendations made by the Board of Education; and (3) recommending sanctions or legislation necessary to fulfill the intent of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 86-124; 86-1477.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-44) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-44)
Sec. 34-44. Budget estimates. The budget shall set forth estimates, by classes, of all current assets and liabilities of each fund of the board as of the beginning of the fiscal year, and the amounts of such assets estimated to be available for appropriation in such year, either for expenditures or charges to be made or incurred during such year or for liabilities unpaid at the beginning thereof. Estimates of taxes to be received from prior levies shall be net, after deducting amounts estimated to be sufficient to cover the loss and cost of collecting such taxes and also deferred collections thereof and abatements in the amount of such taxes extended or to be extended upon the collectors' books.
Estimates of the liabilities of the respective funds shall include:
1. All final judgments, including accrued interest thereon, entered against the board and unpaid at the beginning of such fiscal year;
2. The principal of all general obligation notes or anticipation tax warrants and all temporary loans and all accrued interest thereon unpaid at the beginning of such fiscal year;
3. Any amount for which the board is required to reimburse the working cash fund from the educational purposes fund pursuant to the provisions of Section 34-30 through 34-36 and
4. The amount of all accounts payable including estimates of audited vouchers, participation certificates, inter fund loans and purchase orders payable.
The budget shall also set forth detailed estimates of all accrued tax revenues recognized for such year and of all current revenues to be derived from sources other than taxes, including State contributions, rents, fees, perquisites and all other types of revenue, which will be applicable to expenditures or charges to be made or incurred during such year.
All such estimates shall be so segregated and classified as to funds, and in such other manner as to give effect to the requirements of law relating to the respective purposes to which the assets and taxes and other current revenues are applicable, so that no expenditure shall be authorized or made for any purpose in excess of the money lawfully available therefor.
The several estimates of assets, liabilities and expenditure requirements required or authorized to be made by this and the next succeeding section shall be made on the basis of information known to the board at the close of the preceding fiscal year and shall not be invalidated or otherwise subject to attack merely because after that time additional information is known to or could be discovered by the board that would require a different estimate, or because the board might have amended such estimates under any of the provisions of Section 34-47.
(Source: P.A. 84-1238.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-44.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-44.1)
Sec. 34-44.1. Supplemental budget estimate. When the value of the taxable property in the school district is increased either by the establishment of a new multiplier by the Department of Revenue or the availability of a later assessment by virtue of additions to the tax rolls or increases in assessments made by the county assessor after the annual school budget has been adopted, the board of education may adopt, by a 2/3 vote of the full membership of the board, a supplemental budget to provide for the use of the added potential revenues in an amount that shall not exceed a sum equivalent to the product of the amount of the increase in the value of taxable property in the district multiplied by the maximum per cent or rate of tax which the board and the corporate authorities of the city are authorized by law to levy for the current fiscal year for educational, building, free textbook, agricultural science school, supervised playground outside school hours purposes (or supervised playground outside school hours and stadia, social center and summer swimming pool open to the public purposes, as the case may be) or special education purposes. With respect to any supplemental budget based upon an increase in the value of the taxable property in the school district, such supplemental budget shall be adopted within 60 days of the date of the final certification of the equalization rate by the Department of Revenue to the county clerk as provided in the Property Tax Code, regardless of whether the adoption occurs within or after the close of the fiscal year to which the increase applies, but shall not become effective unless approved in accordance with Article 34A of "The School Code".
(Source: P.A. 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-45) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-45)
Sec. 34-45. Budget appropriations. The budget shall specify:
1. the several organization units, purposes, and
objects for which appropriations are made;
2. the amount appropriated for each organization
unit, purpose or object; and
3. the fund from or to which each amount
appropriated is to be paid or charged.
The budget shall include appropriations for:
1. all estimated current expenditures or charges to
be made or incurred during such fiscal year, including interest to accrue on anticipation tax warrants and temporary loans;
2. all final judgments, including accrued interest
thereon, entered against the board and unpaid at the beginning of such fiscal year;
3. any amount for which the board is required to
reimburse the working cash fund from the educational purposes fund pursuant to Sections 34-30 through 34-36; and
4. all other estimated liabilities, including the
principal of all tax anticipation warrants and all temporary loans and all accrued interest thereon, incurred during prior years and unpaid at the beginning of such fiscal year.
(Source: P.A. 84-1238.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-45.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-45.1)
Sec. 34-45.1. The amount appropriated in any annual, additional or supplemental school budget adopted pursuant to this Article and specified in such budget to be for workers' compensation, workers' occupational diseases compensation and unemployment compensation purposes shall include a sum estimated to be sufficient to cover the anticipated costs of operating and administering the workers' compensation, workers' occupational diseases compensation and unemployment compensation program for the purpose of which such amount was appropriated, including employee wages, salaries and the cost of legal services furnished in connection with the operation and administration of such program. Liabilities incurred for such operating and administrative costs, including employee wages and salaries and the cost of legal services, shall upon being vouchered, audited and approved by the board as provided in Section 34-51 be charged to and paid from the fund of moneys appropriated for such purpose.
(Source: P.A. 83-718.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-46) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-46)
Sec. 34-46. Public participation. The budget shall be prepared in tentative form by the board and in such form shall be made available to public inspection for at least 15 days prior to final action thereon, by having at least 5 copies thereof on file in the office of the secretary of the board. Not less than 5 days after such copies are so placed on file and prior to final action thereon, the board shall hold at least 2 public hearings thereon, of which notice shall be given at least once by publication in a newspaper having general circulation in the city at least 5 days prior to the time of the hearing. The board shall arrange for and hold such public hearing or hearings, provided that the final public hearing shall occur not less than 5 days prior to the Board's final action on the budget. The board shall cause its budget to be published in its proceedings within 30 days after its adoption.
(Source: P.A. 82-764.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-47) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-47)
Sec. 34-47. Revision of items - Amendment - Publication. Subsequent to the public hearing provided for in Section 34-46 and before final action on the budget, the board may revise, alter, increase, or decrease the items contained therein, but the aggregate amount finally appropriated by the budget, including any subsequent amendment thereof, from any fund or for any purpose, including amounts appropriated for judgments and all other unpaid liabilities and all other purposes for which such authorities are herein or otherwise by law required to appropriate, shall not exceed the aggregate amount available in such fund or for such purpose, as shown by the estimates of the available assets thereof at the beginning of such fiscal year and of taxes and other current revenues set forth in the budget. If the appropriations from any fund as set forth in the budget as finally adopted exceed in the aggregate the maximum amount which the board is authorized to appropriate therefrom, all appropriations made from such fund by the budget shall be void and the several amounts appropriated in the budget of the last preceding fiscal year, so far as they relate to operation and maintenance expenses, shall be deemed to be appropriated for the current fiscal year for objects and purposes, respectively, as specified in said last budget and the several amounts so appropriated shall constitute lawful appropriations for the current fiscal year, but not in excess of amounts which will enable the Board to comply with the requirements of Section 34A-402.
The board of education may amend the budget from time to time by the same procedure as is herein provided for the original adoption of the budget.
(Source: P.A. 82-1020.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-48) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-48)
Sec. 34-48. Supplemental budgets - Emergencies. After the effectiveness of the budget (other than an interim budget), the board shall not make any other appropriations prior to the adoption or passage of the next succeeding budget. The board may not, either directly or indirectly, make any contract or do any act which shall add to its expenditures or liabilities, in any fiscal year, any thing or sum above the amount provided for in the budget for that fiscal year except that the board may, at any time after the adoption of the annual school budget, by a 2/3 vote of the full membership of the board, pass an additional or supplemental budget, thereby adding appropriations to those made in the annual school budget and such supplemental or additional school budget shall be regarded as an amendment of the annual school budget for that year; provided that any such additional or supplemental appropriations so made shall not exceed the amount of additional moneys which the board of education will have available for appropriation in that year from any source, including any fund balances not previously appropriated, over and above the amount of moneys which the board, at the time of the adoption of its annual budget for that year, estimated would be available for appropriation from such sources, or provided that the board, by a concurring vote of 2/3 of all the members thereof (said votes to be taken by yeas and nays and entered in the proceedings of the board) may make any expenditures and incur any liability rendered necessary to meet emergencies such as epidemics, fires, unforeseen damages or other catastrophes happening after the annual school budget has been passed or adopted. This section does not prevent the board from providing for and causing to be paid from its funds any charge imposed by law without the action of the board.
(Source: P.A. 82-765.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-49) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-49)
Sec. 34-49. Contracts, expense and liabilities without appropriation. No contract shall be made or expense or liability incurred by the board, or any member or committee thereof, or by any person for or in its behalf, notwithstanding the expenditure may have been ordered by the board, unless an appropriation therefor has been previously made. Neither the board, nor any member or committee, officer, head of any department or bureau, or employee thereof shall during a fiscal year expend or contract to be expended any money, or incur any liability, or enter into any contract which by its terms involves the expenditure of money for any of the purposes for which provision is made in the budget, in excess of the amounts appropriated in the budget. Any contract, verbal or written, made in violation of this Section is void as to the board, and no moneys belonging thereto shall be paid thereon. Provided, however, that the board may lease from any Public Building Commission created pursuant to the provisions of the Public Building Commission Act, approved July 5, 1955, as heretofore or hereafter amended, or from any individuals, partnerships or corporations, any real or personal property for the purpose of securing space for its school purposes or office or other space for its administrative functions for any period of time not exceeding 40 years, and such lease may be made and the obligation or expense thereunder incurred without making a previous appropriation therefor, except as otherwise provided in Section 34-21.1 of this Act. Provided that the board may enter into agreements, including lease and lease purchase agreements having a term not longer than 40 years from the date on which such agreements are entered into, with individuals, partnerships, or corporations for the construction of school buildings, school administrative offices, site development, and school support facilities. The board shall maintain exclusive possession of all such schools, school administrative offices, and school facilities which it is occupying or acquiring pursuant to any such lease or lease purchase agreement, and in addition shall have and exercise complete control over the education program conducted at such schools, offices and facilities. The board's contribution under any such lease or lease purchase agreement shall be limited to the use of the real estate and existing improvements on a rental basis which shall be exempt from any form of leasehold tax or assessment, but the interests of the board may be subordinated to the interests of a mortgage holder or holders acquired as security for additional improvements made on the property. Provided that the board may enter into agreements, including lease and lease purchase agreements, having a term not longer than 40 years from the date on which such agreements are entered into for the provision of school buildings and related property and facilities for an agricultural science school pursuant to subparagraphs (8) through (10) of Section 34-21.1; and such agreements may be made and the obligations thereunder incurred without making a previous appropriation therefor. This Section does not prevent the making of lawful contracts for the construction of buildings, the purchase of insurance, the leasing of equipment, the purchase of personal property by a conditional sales agreement, or the leasing of personal property under an agreement that upon compliance with the terms of which the board shall become or has the option to become the owner of the property for no additional consideration or for a nominal consideration, the term of which may be for periods of more than 1 year, but, in no case, shall such conditional sales agreements or leases of personal property by which the board may or will become the owner of the personal property, provide for the consideration to be paid during a period of time in excess of 10 years nor shall such contracts provide for the payment of interest in excess of the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, on the unpaid balance owing; nor shall this Section prevent the making of lawful contracts for the purchase of fuel and the removal of ashes for a period from July 1 of any year to June 30 of the year following, or the making of lawful contracts for the transportation of pupils to and from school, or the entering into of employment contracts with individuals or groups of employees for any period not to exceed 4 years, or the entering into contracts with third parties for services otherwise performed by employees for any period not to exceed 5 years provided that the contracts with third parties for services provided at attendance centers shall specify that the principal of an attendance center shall have authority, to the maximum extent possible, to direct persons assigned to the attendance center pursuant to that contract, or the making of requirement contracts for not to exceed one year the terms of which may extend into the succeeding fiscal year provided, however, that such contracts contain a limitation on the amount to be expended and that such contracts shall impose no obligation on the board except pursuant to written purchase order.
With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989, it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-50) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-50)
Sec. 34-50. Transfers between appropriations - Delay. The board may, at any time by a two-thirds vote of all the members authorize the making of transfers within any fund under its jurisdiction, of sums of money appropriated for one object or purpose to another object or purpose, which action shall be entered in its proceedings; provided that during the first half of each fiscal year such transfers shall not exceed 10% of any such fund, but no appropriation for any purpose shall be reduced below an amount sufficient to cover all obligations incurred or to be incurred against the appropriation for such purpose.
(Source: P.A. 81-1221.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-51) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-51)
Sec. 34-51. Appropriation not to be construed as approval of board of liabilities.
The appropriation resolution or budget, including the amounts for the payment of contract liabilities or to defray the expense of any project or purpose, shall not be construed as an approval by the board of any such liabilities or of any project or purpose mentioned, but shall be regarded only as the provisions for a fund or funds for the payment thereof when such liabilities have been found to be valid and legal obligations against the board, and when properly vouchered, audited and approved by the board, or when any project or purpose is approved and authorized by the board, as the case may be.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-52) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-52)
Sec. 34-52. Wilful violation of budget provisions. Any member of the board, or any officer thereof or of the city or any other person holding any trust or employment under the board or city who wilfully violates any of the provisions of Sections 34-43 through 34-51 shall be guilty of a business offense and may be fined not exceeding $10,000, and shall forfeit his right to his office, trust or employment and shall be removed therefrom. Any such member, officer or person shall be liable for the amount of any loss or damage suffered by the board resulting from any act of his in violation of the terms of any of those sections, to be recovered by the board or by any taxpayer in the name and for the benefit of the board, in an appropriate civil action. Any taxpayer bringing any such action must file a bond for all costs, and shall be liable for all costs taxed against the board in such suit, and judgment shall be rendered accordingly. This Section does not bar any other remedies.
(Source: P.A. 79-1366.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-52.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-52.1)
Sec. 34-52.1. Form of ballot and notice. Whenever any proposition to authorize or to levy an annual tax, or to increase the annual rate of tax levied by any school district, for any school purpose is submitted to the voters of such district at any election, each required notice or other publication of the election or referendum and the form of ballot shall contain, in addition to any other matters required by law:
(a) the geographic or other common name of the school district by which that district is commonly known and referred to, as well as the number of the district;
(b) the maximum rate at which such tax may be levied if the proposition is approved; and
(c) if the proposition is to increase the annual rate of an existing tax levied by the school district, then in addition to the matters set forth in (a) and (b) above, the annual rate at which such existing tax currently is levied and the percentage of increase between the maximum rate at which such tax may be levied if the proposition is approved and the annual rate at which such tax currently is levied.
(Source: P.A. 85-374.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-53) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-53)
(Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 99-521)
Sec. 34-53. Tax levies; purpose; rates. For the purpose of establishing and supporting free schools for not fewer than 9 months in each year and defraying their expenses the board may levy annually, upon all taxable property of such district for educational purposes a tax for the fiscal years 1996 and each succeeding fiscal year at a rate of not to exceed the sum of (i) 3.07% (or such other rate as may be set by law independent of the rate difference described in (ii) below) and (ii) the difference between .50% and the rate per cent of taxes extended for a School Finance Authority organized under Article 34A of the School Code, for the calendar year in which the applicable fiscal year of the board begins as determined by the county clerk and certified to the board pursuant to Section 18-110 of the Property Tax Code, of the value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue for the year in which such levy is made.
Nothing in this amendatory Act of 1995 shall in any way impair or restrict the levy or extension of taxes pursuant to any tax levies for any purposes of the board lawfully made prior to the adoption of this amendatory Act of 1995.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code and in addition to any other methods provided for increasing the tax rate the board may, by proper resolution, cause a proposition to increase the annual tax rate for educational purposes to be submitted to the voters of such district at any general or special election. The maximum rate for educational purposes shall not exceed 4.00%. The election called for such purpose shall be governed by Article 9 of this Act. If at such election a majority of the votes cast on the proposition is in favor thereof, the Board of Education may thereafter until such authority is revoked in a like manner, levy annually the tax so authorized.
For purposes of this Article, educational purposes for fiscal years beginning in 1995 and each subsequent year shall also include, but not be limited to, in addition to those purposes authorized before this amendatory Act of 1995, constructing, acquiring, leasing (other than from the Public Building Commission of Chicago), operating, maintaining, improving, repairing, and renovating land, buildings, furnishings, and equipment for school houses and buildings, and related incidental expenses, and provision of special education, furnishing free textbooks and instructional aids and school supplies, establishing, equipping, maintaining, and operating supervised playgrounds under the control of the board, school extracurricular activities, and stadia, social center, and summer swimming pool programs open to the public in connection with any public school; making an employer contribution to the Public School Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund as required by Section 17-129 of the Illinois Pension Code; and providing an agricultural science school, including site development and improvements, maintenance repairs, and supplies. Educational purposes also includes student transportation expenses.
All collections of all taxes levied for fiscal years ending before 1996 under this Section or under Sections 34-53.2, 34-53.3, 34-58, 34-60, or 34-62 of this Article as in effect prior to this amendatory Act of 1995 may be used for any educational purposes as defined by this amendatory Act of 1995 and need not be used for the particular purposes for which they were levied. The levy and extension of taxes pursuant to this Section as amended by this amendatory Act of 1995 shall not constitute a new or increased tax rate within the meaning of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law or the One-year Property Tax Extension Limitation Law.
The rate at which taxes may be levied for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 1996, for educational purposes shall be the full rate authorized by this Section for such taxes for fiscal years ending after 1995.
(Source: P.A. 88-511; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94; 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 99-521)
Sec. 34-53. Tax levies; purpose; rates. For the purpose of establishing and supporting free schools for not fewer than 9 months in each year and defraying their expenses the board may levy annually, upon all taxable property of such district for educational purposes a tax for the fiscal years 1996 and each succeeding fiscal year at a rate of not to exceed the sum of (i) 3.07% (or such other rate as may be set by law independent of the rate difference described in (ii) below) and (ii) the difference between .50% and the rate per cent of taxes extended for a School Finance Authority organized under Article 34A of the School Code, for the calendar year in which the applicable fiscal year of the board begins as determined by the county clerk and certified to the board pursuant to Section 18-110 of the Property Tax Code, of the value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue for the year in which such levy is made.
Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly, for the purpose of making an employer contribution to the Public School Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago, the board may levy annually, upon all taxable property located within the district, a tax at a rate not to exceed 0.383%. The proceeds from this additional tax shall be paid, as soon as possible after collection, directly to Public School Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago and not to the Board of Education. The rate under this paragraph is not a new rate for the purposes of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for the 2016 tax year only, the board shall certify the rate to the county clerk on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly, and the county clerk shall extend that rate against all taxable property located within the district as soon after receiving the certification as possible.
Nothing in this amendatory Act of 1995 shall in any way impair or restrict the levy or extension of taxes pursuant to any tax levies for any purposes of the board lawfully made prior to the adoption of this amendatory Act of 1995.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code and in addition to any other methods provided for increasing the tax rate the board may, by proper resolution, cause a proposition to increase the annual tax rate for educational purposes to be submitted to the voters of such district at any general or special election. The maximum rate for educational purposes shall not exceed 4.00%. The election called for such purpose shall be governed by Article 9 of this Act. If at such election a majority of the votes cast on the proposition is in favor thereof, the Board of Education may thereafter until such authority is revoked in a like manner, levy annually the tax so authorized.
For purposes of this Article, educational purposes for fiscal years beginning in 1995 and each subsequent year shall also include, but not be limited to, in addition to those purposes authorized before this amendatory Act of 1995, constructing, acquiring, leasing (other than from the Public Building Commission of Chicago), operating, maintaining, improving, repairing, and renovating land, buildings, furnishings, and equipment for school houses and buildings, and related incidental expenses, and provision of special education, furnishing free textbooks and instructional aids and school supplies, establishing, equipping, maintaining, and operating supervised playgrounds under the control of the board, school extracurricular activities, and stadia, social center, and summer swimming pool programs open to the public in connection with any public school; making an employer contribution to the Public School Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund as required by Section 17-129 of the Illinois Pension Code; and providing an agricultural science school, including site development and improvements, maintenance repairs, and supplies. Educational purposes also includes student transportation expenses.
All collections of all taxes levied for fiscal years ending before 1996 under this Section or under Sections 34-53.2, 34-53.3, 34-58, 34-60, or 34-62 of this Article as in effect prior to this amendatory Act of 1995 may be used for any educational purposes as defined by this amendatory Act of 1995 and need not be used for the particular purposes for which they were levied. The levy and extension of taxes pursuant to this Section as amended by this amendatory Act of 1995 shall not constitute a new or increased tax rate within the meaning of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law or the One-year Property Tax Extension Limitation Law.
The rate at which taxes may be levied for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 1996, for educational purposes shall be the full rate authorized by this Section for such taxes for fiscal years ending after 1995.
(Source: P.A. 99-521, eff. 6-1-17.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-53.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-53.1)
Sec. 34-53.1. Supplemental tax levy. When a supplemental budget has been adopted by the board of education under Section 34-44.1 the board of education may levy supplemental taxes which shall not exceed the amount of the increase in revenues projected in the supplemental budget nor exceed the maximum rates of taxes which the board is authorized by law to levy for the fiscal year to which the increase applies for the respective purposes. With respect to any supplemental levy based on an increase in the value of taxable property in the school district, such supplemental levy shall be adopted within 60 days of the date of the final certification of the equalization rate by the Department of Revenue to the county clerk as provided in the Property Tax Code, irrespective of whether the adoption occurs within or after the close of the fiscal year to which the increase applies. The board is authorized to levy supplemental taxes pursuant to this Section.
(Source: P.A. 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-53.2) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-53.2)
Sec. 34-53.2. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-53.3) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-53.3)
Sec. 34-53.3. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-53.5)
Sec. 34-53.5. Capital improvement tax levy; purpose; maximum amount.
(a) For the purpose of providing a reliable source of revenue for capital improvement purposes, including without limitation (i) the construction and equipping of a new school building or buildings or an addition or additions to an existing school building or buildings, (ii) the purchase of school grounds on which any new school building or an addition to an existing school building is to be constructed or located, (iii) both items (i) and (ii) of this subsection (a), or (iv) the rehabilitation, renovation, and equipping of an existing school building or buildings, the board may levy, upon all taxable property of the school district, in calendar year 2003, a capital improvement tax to produce, when extended, an amount not to exceed the product attained by multiplying (1) the percentage increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for all items published by the United States Department of Labor for the 12 months ending 2 months prior to the month in which the levy is adopted by (2) $142,500,000. For example, if the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index is 2.5%, then the computation would be $142,500,000 x 0.025 = $3,562,500.
(b) In each calendar year from 2004 through 2030, the board may levy a capital improvement tax to produce, when extended, an amount not to exceed the sum of (1) the maximum amount that could have been levied by the board in the preceding calendar year pursuant to this Section and (2) the product obtained by multiplying (A) the sum of (i) the maximum amount that could have been levied by the board in the preceding calendar year pursuant to this Section and (ii) $142,500,000 by (B) the percentage increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for all items published by the United States Department of Labor for the 12 months ending 2 months prior to the month in which the levy is adopted.
(c) In calendar year 2031, the board may levy a capital improvement tax to produce, when extended, an amount not to exceed the sum of (1) the maximum amount that could have been levied by the board in calendar year 2030 pursuant to this Section, (2) $142,500,000, and (3) the product obtained by multiplying (A) the sum of (i) the maximum amount that could have been levied by the board in calendar year 2030 pursuant to this Section and (ii) $142,500,000 by (B) the percentage increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for all items published by the United States Department of Labor for the 12 months ending 2 months prior to the month in which the levy is adopted.
(d) In calendar year 2032 and each calendar year thereafter, the board may levy a capital improvement tax to produce, when extended, an amount not to exceed the sum of (1) the maximum amount that could have been levied by the board in the preceding calendar year pursuant to this Section and (2) the product obtained by multiplying (A) the maximum amount that could have been levied by the board in the preceding calendar year pursuant to this Section by (B) the percentage increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for all items published by the United States Department of Labor for the 12 months ending 2 months prior to the month in which the levy is adopted.
(e) An initial tax levy made by the board under this Section must have the approval of the Chicago City Council, by resolution, before the levy may be extended. The board shall communicate its adoption of the initial tax levy by delivering a certified copy of the levy resolution to the Clerk of the City of Chicago. The Chicago City Council shall have 60 days after receipt, by the Clerk of the City of Chicago, of the certified resolution to approve or disapprove the levy. The failure of the Chicago City Council to take action to approve or disapprove the initial tax levy within the 60-day period shall be deemed disapproval of the initial tax levy. Upon the adoption of each subsequent levy by the board under this Section, the board must notify the Chicago City Council that the board has adopted the levy.
(f) The board may issue bonds, in accordance with the Local Government Debt Reform Act, including Section 15 of that Act, against any revenues to be collected from the capital improvement tax in any year or years and may pledge, pursuant to Section 13 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act, those revenues as security for the payment of any such bonds.
(Source: P.A. 92-547, eff. 6-13-02.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-53A)
Sec. 34-53A. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95. Repealed by P.A. 89-698, eff. 1-14-97.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-54)
Sec. 34-54. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 86-1477. Repealed by P.A. 94-1105, eff. 6-1-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-54.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-54.1)
Sec. 34-54.1. Tax levies and extensions. The annual tax rates and the several tax levies authorized to be made shall be: (i) for each fiscal year through and including the 1995-96 fiscal year, for a fiscal year commencing September 1 and ending August 31; (ii) for the 1996-97 fiscal year, for a fiscal year commencing September 1 and ending June 30; and (iii) for each subsequent fiscal year, for a fiscal year commencing July 1 and ending June 30.
Notwithstanding any provision in this Article 34 to the contrary, by the last Tuesday in December of each calendar year, the board of education may levy upon all the taxable property of the district or city, the annual taxes required to provide the necessary revenue to defray expenditures, charges and liabilities incurred by the board for the fiscal year beginning in that calendar year. The levy may be based upon the estimated equalized assessed valuation provided the county clerk shall extend for collection only so much thereof as is permitted by law. The total amount of the levy shall be certified to the county clerk who shall extend for collection only so much thereof as is required to provide the necessary revenue to defray expenditures, charges and liabilities incurred by the board as certified by the controller of the board to the county clerk upon the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue for the calendar year in which the levy was made. The county clerk shall thereafter in the succeeding calendar year extend such remaining amount of the levy as is certified by the controller of the board to the county clerk upon the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue for such calendar year. In each year the county clerk shall extend taxes at a rate sufficient to produce the full amount of the 2 partial levies attributable to that tax year. Provided, however, and notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary: (a) the extension of taxes levied for fiscal years ending before 1996 for building purposes and school supervised playground outside school hours and stadia, social center and summer swimming pool purposes which the county clerk shall make against the value of all taxable property of the district or city, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, shall be at the respective maximum rates at which the board was authorized to levy taxes for such purposes for the fiscal year which ends in 1995; and (b) notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, in each calendar year the taxes for educational purposes shall be extended at a rate certified by the controller as referred to in this Section, which rate shall not be in excess of the maximum rate for the levy of taxes for educational purposes, occurring in the fiscal year which begins in the calendar year of the extension, (whether or not actually levied at that rate) except for calendar year 1995 in which the rate shall not be in excess of the maximum rate which would be provided for the levy of taxes for educational purposes for the fiscal year which begins in 1995 without regard to this amendatory Act of 1995. In calendar year 1995, the county clerk shall extend any special education purposes tax which was levied as provided in Section 34-53.2 in full in the calendar year following the year in which the levy of such a tax was made.
(Source: P.A. 88-511; 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-54.2) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-54.2)
Sec. 34-54.2. Taxes levied in 1989 and 1990.
(a) All real property taxes levied by the board in 1989 and 1990 are confirmed and validated, and are declared to be and are valid, in all respects as if they had been timely and properly levied by the city council upon the demand and direction of the Board. It shall not be a valid ground for any person in any way to object to, protest, bring any proceeding with regard to or defend against the collection of any such taxes, that the taxes were levied by the board.
(b) The board may levy taxes against all taxable property located within the city in an amount equal to all taxes purported to be levied by the board in 1989 and in 1990, for each purpose for which taxes were purported so to be levied, to the extent those taxes shall not yet have been extended for collection at the time of the levy authorized by this paragraph (b). The taxes authorized to be levied by this paragraph (b) shall be levied by a resolution of the board selected pursuant to this amendatory Act of 1991. The resolution shall be adopted upon concurrence of a majority of the members of the board. The taxes levied pursuant to this paragraph (b) shall be extended for collection in 1991 and subsequent years and in amounts so that they do not exceed the maximum rates at which taxes may be extended for the various school purposes, all as shall be set forth in a certificate of the controller of the board as provided in Sec. 34-54.1 of the School Code, as amended. Taxes levied pursuant to this paragraph (b) shall be in addition to all other taxes which have been or may be levied by or for the board, except that the extension of taxes levied pursuant to this paragraph (b), to the extent valid and legal in all respects, shall be an abatement of the same amount of taxes previously purported to be levied by the board which were to have been extended in the same year for the same purpose, it being the intention of the General Assembly that there not be extended duplicate taxes for the same year and purpose. It shall not be necessary that the board give any notice or conduct any hearings for any purpose whatsoever or to have adopted any proceedings with respect to any budget, in connection with the levy and extension of taxes pursuant to this paragraph (b). The board shall cause a certified copy of its resolution levying taxes pursuant to this paragraph (b) to be filed with the county clerk of each county in which any taxable property in the city is located within 30 days after the adoption of the resolution.
(Source: P.A. 86-1477.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-55) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-55)
Sec. 34-55. Expenditures in excess of receipts. The board shall not add to the expenditures for school purposes anything above the amount received from the State common school fund, the rental of school lands or property, funds otherwise received, and the amount of school taxes levied and to be levied for educational and for building purposes. If the board does so add to such expenditures the city shall not be liable therefor. The board is authorized to levy all taxes as provided for in this Article.
(Source: P.A. 85-1418; 86-1477.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-56) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-56)
Sec. 34-56. Amount to cover loss and cost of collecting tax not added. In ascertaining the rate per cent that will produce the amount of any tax levied pursuant to the authority granted by Section 34-53, the county clerk shall not add any amount to cover the loss and cost of collecting the tax.
(Source: P.A. 94-1105, eff. 6-1-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-57) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-57)
Sec. 34-57. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-58) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-58)
Sec. 34-58. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-59) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-59)
Sec. 34-59. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-60) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-60)
Sec. 34-60. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-61) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-61)
Sec. 34-61. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-62) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-62)
Sec. 34-62. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-63) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-63)
Sec. 34-63. (Repealed).
(Source: Repealed by P.A. 89-15, eff. 5-30-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-64) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-64)
Sec. 34-64. Numbering warrants-Contents-Interest. Warrants issued under Sections 34-24, 34-59, and 34-63 shall be numbered consecutively in the order of their issuance and shall show upon their face that they are payable solely from the respective taxes when collected and that payment thereof will be made in the order of their issuance, beginning with the warrant having the lowest number, and shall be received by any collector of taxes in payment of taxes against which they are issued and such taxes against which the warrants are drawn shall be set apart for their payment. The warrants shall bear interest, payable out of the taxes against which they are drawn, at a rate of not to exceed 7% per annum if issued before July 1, 1971 and if issued thereafter at the rate of not to exceed 6% per annum, from the date of their issuance until paid or until notice is given by publication in a newspaper or otherwise that the money for their payment is available and that they will be paid on presentation.
(Source: P.A. 76-1966.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-65) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-65)
Sec. 34-65. Refunding bonds authorized - Interest. Whenever any school district described in this Article has outstanding bonds which are binding and subsisting legal obligations, and the proceeds of taxes levied for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds have not been collected and are not available for such payments when due, the board may issue refunding bonds for an amount sufficient to pay and discharge any of the outstanding bonds with accrued interest. The refunding bonds shall bear interest at a rate of not more than the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, if issued before January 1, 1972 and not more than the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract, if issued after January 1, 1972 and shall mature within 20 years from the date thereof.
With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under this Section either before, on, or after the effective date of Public Act 86-4 (June 6, 1989), it is and always has been the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus Bond Acts are and always have been supplementary grants of power to issue instruments in accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts, (ii) that the provisions of this Section are not a limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and (iii) that instruments issued under this Section within the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid because of any provision of this Act that may appear to be or to have been more restrictive than those Acts.
(Source: P.A. 86-4; 86-930; 86-1028.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-66) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-66)
Sec. 34-66. Resolution for refunding bonds - Name in which issued - Signatures. Whenever the board desires to issue refunding bonds under Section 34-65, it shall adopt a resolution designating the purpose and fixing the amount of the bonds proposed to be issued, the maturity thereof, the rate of interest thereon, and the amount of taxes to be levied annually for the purpose of paying the interest on and the principal of the bonds.
Refunding bonds shall be issued in the corporate name of the school district. They shall be signed by the president and the secretary of the board.
(Source: P.A. 86-930.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-67) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-67)
Sec. 34-67. Sale or exchange of bonds - Use of proceeds. Refunding bonds issued under Section 34-65 may be exchanged on the basis of par for par for the bonds being refunded and described in the authorizing resolution, or may be sold at not less than par under the direction of the board, and the proceeds thereof shall be received by the city treasurer, as school treasurer, and shall be kept in a separate fund to be used solely for the purpose of paying the principal and interest on the bonds so refunded. All bonds refunded shall be cancelled.
(Source: P.A. 86-930.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-68) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-68)
Sec. 34-68. Issuance without submission to voters. The board may provide that the resolutions authorizing issuance of refunding bonds issued under Section 34-65 shall be effective without the submission thereof to the voters of the school district or city for approval.
The validity of each refunding bond so executed shall remain unimpaired, although one or more of the signing officers have ceased to be such officer or officers before the delivery of the bond to the purchaser.
(Source: P.A. 85-1418; 86-1477.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-69) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-69)
Sec. 34-69. Tax for payment of refunding bonds. Before or at the time of issuing refunding bonds authorized by Section 34-65 the board shall provide for the collection of a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property of the school district, sufficient to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity and to pay the interest thereon as it falls due. Upon the filing in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein such school district is located of a duly certified copy of any such ordinance it shall be the duty of such county clerk to extend the tax therein provided for.
(Source: P.A. 85-1418; 86-1477.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-70) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-70)
Sec. 34-70. Tax for payment of refunded bonds-Reduction of levy. If the proceeds of the refunding bonds authorized by Section 34-65 have been used for the payment of any outstanding bonds of the board, or the refunding bonds have been exchanged for outstanding bonds, and thereafter any portion of the respective taxes levied for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the outstanding bonds so paid or exchanged is collected, the money so received shall be placed in the bond and interest sinking fund of the board and used for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the refunding bonds issued under Section 34-65 and the taxes thereafter to be extended to pay the refunding bonds shall be reduced by that amount by the county clerk upon receipt of a certified copy of a resolution which must be adopted by the board directing such reduction. A certified copy of the resolution shall be filed with the county clerk of the county, and it shall thereupon be the duty of such official to reduce and extend the tax levy in accordance with the terms of the resolution.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-71) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-71)
Sec. 34-71. Authority cumulative. The authority granted in Sections 34-65 through 34-70, is cumulative authority for the issuance of bonds and shall not be held to repeal any laws with respect thereto.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-72)
Sec. 34-72. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 86-1477. Repealed by P.A. 94-1105, eff. 6-1-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-73) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-73)
Sec. 34-73. Certain taxes additional to maximum otherwise authorized - not reducible. Each of the taxes authorized to be levied by Sections 34-33, 34-39, 34-53.2, 34-53.3, 34-54.1, 34-57, 34-58, 34-60, 34-62, and 34-69 of this Code, and by Section 17-128 of the "Illinois Pension Code" shall be in addition to and exclusive of the maximum of all other taxes which the school district is authorized by law to levy upon the aggregate valuation of all taxable property within the school district or city and the county clerk in reducing taxes under the provisions of the Property Tax Code shall not consider any of such taxes therein authorized as a part of the tax levy of the school district or city required to be included in the aggregate of all taxes to be reduced and no reduction of any tax levy made under the Property Tax Code shall diminish any amount appropriated or levied for any such tax.
(Source: P.A. 94-1105, eff. 6-1-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-74) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-74)
Sec. 34-74. Custody of school moneys. Except as provided in Article 34A and Section 34-29.2 of this Code, all moneys raised by taxation for school purposes, or received from the state common school fund, or from any other source for school purposes, shall be held by the city treasurer, ex-officio, as school treasurer, in separate funds for school purposes, subject to the order of the board upon (i) its warrants signed by its president and secretary and countersigned by the mayor and city comptroller or (ii) its checks, as defined in Section 3-104 of the Uniform Commercial Code, signed by its president, secretary, and comptroller and countersigned by the mayor and city comptroller.
(Source: P.A. 94-1105, eff. 6-1-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-75) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-75)
Sec. 34-75. Duties of city treasurer as to school moneys. The city treasurer shall, as school treasurer, secure and safely keep all school moneys and shall maintain a separate bank account for capital project funds and process only transactions related to capital projects through those accounts, subject to the control and direction of the board, provided that the amount of interest or other investment earnings in such accounts may be from time to time withdrawn by the board and any amounts so withdrawn by the board may be used for any lawful purpose. He shall, subject to the limitations in this Article, keep his books and accounts concerning such moneys in the manner prescribed by the board. His books and accounts shall always be subject to the inspection of the board, or any member thereof. He shall at the end of each month, and oftener if required, render under oath an account to the board showing the state of the school treasury at the date of the account and the balance of money in the treasury. He shall accompany such accounts with a statement of all moneys received into the school treasury, and on what account, together with all warrants redeemed and paid by him; which warrants and all vouchers held by him shall be delivered to the business manager of the board and filed with his account in the business manager's office upon every day of such settlement. He shall return all warrants paid by him stamped or marked "Paid". He shall keep a register of all warrants redeemed and paid, which shall describe such warrants and show the date, amount, number, the fund from which paid, the name of the person to whom and when paid.
(Source: P.A. 82-156.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-76) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-76)
Sec. 34-76. Unpaid warrants for wages.
When a warrant issued for the wages of a teacher or other employee is presented to the school treasurer and is not paid for want of funds, the school treasurer shall endorse it over his signature, "not paid for want of funds," with the date of presentation, and shall make and keep a record of such endorsement. The warrant shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of 7% per annum if issued before January 1, 1972 or at the rate of 6% per annum if issued after January 1, 1972, until the school treasurer notifies the president of the board in writing that he has funds to pay it. The school treasurer shall make and keep a record of such notices and hold the funds necessary to pay the warrant until it is presented. The warrant shall draw no interest after notice is given to the president of the board.
(Source: P.A. 76-2012.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-77) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-77)
Sec. 34-77. Depositories. The school treasurer may be required to keep all moneys in his hands belonging to the board in such places of deposit as may be ordered by the city council but he shall not be required to deposit such moneys elsewhere than in a savings and loan association or a regularly organized bank.
No bank or savings and loan association shall receive public funds as permitted by this Section, unless it has complied with the requirements established pursuant to Section 6 of "An Act relating to certain investments of public funds by public agencies", approved July 23, 1943, as now or hereafter amended.
(Source: P.A. 83-541.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-78) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-78)
Sec. 34-78. Money kept separate-Unlawful use.
The school treasurer shall keep all moneys in his hands belonging to the board separate from his own moneys, and shall not use, either directly or indirectly, the school moneys or warrants in his custody and keeping for his own use and benefit or that of any other person. If the school treasurer violates this section, the city council may immediately remove him from office and declare his office vacant.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-79) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-79)
Sec. 34-79. Annual account of treasurer.
The school treasurer shall annually, between the first and tenth of March 1973, between the first and tenth of March 1974, between the first and tenth of November 1974 and between the first and tenth of November of each year thereafter, file with the controller of the board a detailed account of all receipts and expenditures and of all his transactions during the preceding fiscal year. The account shall show the state of the school treasury at the close of the fiscal year. The account shall immediately be published in the proceedings of the board.
(Source: P.A. 77-2734.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-80) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-80)
Sec. 34-80. Liability on treasurer's bond. The school treasurer shall be liable on his official bond as city treasurer for the proper performance of his duties and the conservation of all moneys held by him under this article. It is hereby made the duty of the city council in fixing the amount, the penalty and conditions of said official bond to do so in such manner as will save the board from any loss. This Section does not prevent the city council from designating a bank or savings and loan association as a depository of school moneys in the manner prescribed in the "Revised Cities and Villages Act", as amended and Section 34-77.
(Source: P.A. 83-541.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-81) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-81)
Sec. 34-81. Interest on fund.
Neither the treasurer nor any other officer having the custody of public school funds is entitled to retain any interest accruing thereon, but such interest shall accrue and inure to the benefit of such funds respectively, become a part thereof and be paid into the city treasury, subject to the purposes of this Act.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-82) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-82)
Sec. 34-82. Designation of person to sign for president.
The president of the board, with the approval of the board, may designate one or more persons who shall have authority, when directed to do so by the president, to affix the signature of the president to any bond, warrant, certificate, contract or any other written instrument, which by law is required to be signed by the president of the board. When the signature of the president of the board is so affixed to a written instrument, it shall be as binding upon the board as if signed by the president thereof. Whenever the president of the board desires to designate a person to affix the signature of the president to any bond, warrant, certificate, contract or any other written instrument, he shall send a written notice to the board containing the name of the person he has selected and a designation of the instrument or instruments such person shall have authority to sign. Attached to the notice shall be the written signature of the president of the board, executed by the person so designated, with the signature of the person so designated underneath. The notice shall be filed with the secretary and presented at the next meeting of the board for its approval and shall be printed in its proceedings.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31.)
(105 ILCS 5/prec. Sec. 34-83 heading)
(105 ILCS 5/34-83) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-83)
Sec. 34-83. Board of examiners - Certificates - Examinations. A board of 3 examiners shall examine all applicants required to hold certificates to teach and the board of education shall issue gratuitously to those who pass a required test of character, scholarship and general fitness, such certificates to teach as they are found entitled to receive. No person may be granted or continue to hold a teaching certificate who has knowingly altered or misrepresented his or her teaching qualifications in order to acquire the certificate. Any other certificate held by such person may be suspended or revoked by the board of examiners, depending upon the severity of the alteration or misrepresentation. The board of examiners shall consist of the general superintendent of schools and 2 persons approved and appointed by the board of education upon the nomination of the general superintendent of schools. The board of examiners shall hold such examinations as the board of education may prescribe, upon the recommendation of the general superintendent of schools and shall prepare all necessary eligible lists, which shall be kept in the office of the general superintendent of schools and be open to public inspection. Members of the board of examiners shall hold office for a term of 2 years.
The board of examiners created herein is abolished effective July 1, 1988. Commencing July 1, 1988, all new teachers employed by the board shall hold teaching certificates issued by the State Teacher Certification Board under Article 21. The State Board of Education in consultation with the board of examiners and the State Teacher Certification Board shall develop procedures whereby teachers currently holding valid certificates issued by the board of examiners, and all teachers employed by the board after August 1, 1985 and prior to July 1, 1988, shall no later than July 1, 1988 exchange certificates issued by the board of examiners for comparable certificates issued by the State Teacher Certification Board. On the exchange of a certificate on or before July 1, 1988, the State Teacher Certification Board shall not require any additional qualifications for the issuance of the comparable certificate. If prior to July 1, 1988 the board of examiners has issued types of teaching certificates which are not comparable to the types of certificates issued by the State Teacher Certification Board, such certificates shall continue to be valid for and shall be renewable by the holders thereof, and no additional qualifications shall be required by the State Teacher Certification Board for any such renewal; however, no individual who received a letter of continuing eligibility shall be issued an Initial or Standard Teaching Certificate, as provided in Section 21-2 of this Code, unless that individual also holds such a valid and renewable certificate.
The State Board of Education shall report by July 1, 1986, to the Illinois General Assembly on the procedures for exchange it has developed in consultation with the board of examiners and the State Teacher Certification Board as required in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 91-102, eff. 7-12-99.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-83.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-83.1)
Sec. 34-83.1. Residence Requirements. Residency within any school district governed by this Article, if not required at the time of employment as a qualification of employment, shall not be considered in determining the compensation of a teacher or whether to retain, promote, assign or transfer that teacher.
(Source: P.A. 82-381.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-84) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-84)
Sec. 34-84. Appointments and promotions of teachers. Appointments and promotions of teachers shall be made for merit only, and after satisfactory service for a probationary period of 3 years with respect to probationary employees employed as full-time teachers in the public school system of the district before January 1, 1998 and 4 years with respect to probationary employees who are first employed as full-time teachers in the public school system of the district on or after January 1, 1998, during which period the board may dismiss or discharge any such probationary employee upon the recommendation, accompanied by the written reasons therefor, of the general superintendent of schools and after which period appointments of teachers shall become permanent, subject to removal for cause in the manner provided by Section 34-85.
For a probationary-appointed teacher in full-time service who is appointed on or after July 1, 2013 and who receives ratings of "excellent" during his or her first 3 school terms of full-time service, the probationary period shall be 3 school terms of full-time service. For a probationary-appointed teacher in full-time service who is appointed on or after July 1, 2013 and who had previously entered into contractual continued service in another school district in this State or a program of a special education joint agreement in this State, as defined in Section 24-11 of this Code, the probationary period shall be 2 school terms of full-time service, provided that (i) the teacher voluntarily resigned or was honorably dismissed from the prior district or program within the 3-month period preceding his or her appointment date, (ii) the teacher's last 2 ratings in the prior district or program were at least "proficient" and were issued after the prior district's or program's PERA implementation date, as defined in Section 24-11 of this Code, and (iii) the teacher receives ratings of "excellent" during his or her first 2 school terms of full-time service.
For a probationary-appointed teacher in full-time service who is appointed on or after July 1, 2013 and who has not entered into contractual continued service after 2 or 3 school terms of full-time service as provided in this Section, the probationary period shall be 4 school terms of full-time service, provided that the teacher receives a rating of at least "proficient" in the last school term and a rating of at least "proficient" in either the second or third school term.
As used in this Section, "school term" means the school term established by the board pursuant to Section 10-19 of this Code, and "full-time service" means the teacher has actually worked at least 150 days during the school term. As used in this Article, "teachers" means and includes all members of the teaching force excluding the general superintendent and principals.
There shall be no reduction in teachers because of a decrease in student membership or a change in subject requirements within the attendance center organization after the 20th day following the first day of the school year, except that: (1) this provision shall not apply to desegregation positions, special education positions, or any other positions funded by State or federal categorical funds, and (2) at attendance centers maintaining any of grades 9 through 12, there may be a second reduction in teachers on the first day of the second semester of the regular school term because of a decrease in student membership or a change in subject requirements within the attendance center organization.
The school principal shall make the decision in selecting teachers to fill new and vacant positions consistent with Section 34-8.1.
(Source: P.A. 97-8, eff. 6-13-11.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-84a) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-84a)
Sec. 34-84a. Maintenance of discipline. Subject to the limitations of all policies established or adopted under Section 14-8.05, teachers, other certificated educational employees, and any other person, whether or not a certificated employee, providing a related service for or with respect to a student shall maintain discipline in the schools, including school grounds which are owned or leased by the board and used for school purposes and activities. In all matters relating to the discipline in and conduct of the schools and the school children, they stand in the relation of parents and guardians to the pupils. This relationship shall extend to all activities connected with the school program, including all athletic and extracurricular programs, and may be exercised at any time for the safety and supervision of the pupils in the absence of their parents or guardians.
Nothing in this Section affects the power of the board to establish rules with respect to discipline, except that the rules of the board must provide, subject to the limitations of all policies established or adopted under Section 14-8.05, that a teacher, other certificated employee, and any other person, whether or not a certificated employee, providing a related service for or with respect to a student may use reasonable force as needed to maintain safety for the other students, shall provide that a teacher may remove a student from the classroom for disruptive behavior, and must include provisions which provide due process to students.
(Source: P.A. 89-184, eff. 7-19-95.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-84a.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-84a.1)
Sec. 34-84a.1. Principals shall report incidents of intimidation. The principal of each attendance center shall promptly notify and report to the local law enforcement authorities for inclusion in the Department of State Police's Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting Program each incident of intimidation of which he or she has knowledge and each alleged incident of intimidation which is reported to him or her, either orally or in writing, by any pupil or by any teacher or other certificated or non-certificated personnel employed at the attendance center. "Intimidation" shall have the meaning ascribed to it by Section 12-6 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
(Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-84b) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-84b)
Sec. 34-84b. Conviction of sex or narcotics offense, first degree murder, attempted first degree murder, or Class X felony as grounds for revocation of certificate.
(a) Whenever the holder of any certificate issued by the board of education has been convicted of any sex offense or narcotics offense as defined in this Section, the board of education shall forthwith suspend the certificate. If the conviction is reversed and the holder is acquitted of the offense in a new trial or the charges against him are dismissed, the board shall forthwith terminate the suspension of the certificate. When the conviction becomes final, the board shall forthwith revoke the certificate. "Sex offense" as used in this Section means any one or more of the following offenses: (1) any offense defined in Sections 11-6, 11-9, and 11-30, Sections 11-14 through 11-21, inclusive, and Sections 11-1.20, 11-1.30, 11-1.40, 11-1.50, 11-1.60, 12-13, 12-14, 12-14.1, 12-15 and 12-16 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012; (2) any attempt to commit any of the foregoing offenses, and (3) any offense committed or attempted in any other state which, if committed or attempted in this State, would have been punishable as one or more of the foregoing offenses. "Narcotics offense" as used in this Section means any one or more of the following offenses: (1) any offense defined in the Cannabis Control Act except those defined in Sections 4(a), 4(b) and 5(a) of that Act and any offense for which the holder of any certificate is placed on probation under the provisions of Section 10 of that Act and fulfills the terms and conditions of probation as may be required by the court; (2) any offense defined in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act except any offense for which the holder of any certificate is placed on probation under the provisions of Section 410 of that Act and fulfills the terms and conditions of probation as may be required by the court; (3) any offense defined in the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act except any offense for which the holder of any certificate is placed on probation under the provision of Section 70 of that Act and fulfills the terms and conditions of probation as may be required by the court; (4) any attempt to commit any of the foregoing offenses; and (5) any offense committed or attempted in any other state or against the laws of the United States which, if committed or attempted in this State, would have been punishable as one or more of the foregoing offenses.
(b) Whenever the holder of any certificate issued by the board of education or pursuant to Article 21 or any other provisions of the School Code has been convicted of first degree murder, attempted first degree murder, or a Class X felony, the board of education or the State Superintendent of Education shall forthwith suspend the certificate. If the conviction is reversed and the holder is acquitted of that offense in a new trial or the charges that he or she committed that offense are dismissed, the suspending authority shall forthwith terminate the suspension of the certificate. When the conviction becomes final, the State Superintendent of Education shall forthwith revoke the certificate. The stated offenses of "first degree murder", "attempted first degree murder", and "Class X felony" referred to in this Section include any offense committed in another state that, if committed in this State, would have been punishable as any one of the stated offenses.
(Source: P.A. 96-1551, eff. 7-1-11; 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-84.1) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-84.1)
Sec. 34-84.1.
Teachers employed in Department of Defense overseas dependents' schools. By mutual agreement of a teacher and the board of education, the board may, but is not required to, grant the teacher a leave of absence to accept employment in a Department of Defense overseas dependents' school. If such a leave of absence is granted, the teacher may elect, for a period not exceeding the lesser of the period for which he is so employed or 5 years, (a) to preserve his permanent status under this Act, and (b) to continue receipt, on the same basis as if he were teaching in the school system subject to the board of education, of service credit earned for requirements of promotion, incremental increases in salary, leaves of absence and other privileges based on an established period of service or employment.
A person employed to replace a teacher making the election provided for in this Section does not acquire permanent status as a teacher under this Article.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 1999.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-85) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-85)
Sec. 34-85. Removal for cause; notice and hearing; suspension.
(a) No teacher employed by the board of education shall (after serving the probationary period specified in Section 34-84) be removed except for cause. Teachers (who have completed the probationary period specified in Section 34-84 of this Code) shall be removed for cause in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Section or, at the board's option, the procedures set forth in Section 24-16.5 of this Code or such other procedures established in an agreement entered into between the board and the exclusive representative of the district's teachers under Section 34-85c of this Code for teachers (who have completed the probationary period specified in Section 34-84 of this Code) assigned to schools identified in that agreement. No principal employed by the board of education shall be removed during the term of his or her performance contract except for cause, which may include but is not limited to the principal's repeated failure to implement the school improvement plan or to comply with the provisions of the Uniform Performance Contract, including additional criteria established by the Council for inclusion in the performance contract pursuant to Section 34-2.3.
Before service of notice of charges on account of causes that may be deemed to be remediable, the teacher or principal must be given reasonable warning in writing, stating specifically the causes that, if not removed, may result in charges; however, no such written warning is required if the causes have been the subject of a remediation plan pursuant to Article 24A of this Code or if the board and the exclusive representative of the district's teachers have entered into an agreement pursuant to Section 34-85c of this Code, pursuant to an alternative system of remediation. No written warning shall be required for conduct on the part of a teacher or principal that is cruel, immoral, negligent, or criminal or that in any way causes psychological or physical harm or injury to a student, as that conduct is deemed to be irremediable. No written warning shall be required for a material breach of the uniform principal performance contract, as that conduct is deemed to be irremediable; provided that not less than 30 days before the vote of the local school council to seek the dismissal of a principal for a material breach of a uniform principal performance contract, the local school council shall specify the nature of the alleged breach in writing and provide a copy of it to the principal.
(1) To initiate dismissal proceedings against a
teacher or principal, the general superintendent must first approve written charges and specifications against the teacher or principal. A local school council may direct the general superintendent to approve written charges against its principal on behalf of the Council upon the vote of 7 members of the Council. The general superintendent must approve those charges within 45 calendar days or provide a written reason for not approving those charges. A written notice of those charges, including specifications, shall be served upon the teacher or principal within 10 business days of the approval of the charges. Any written notice sent on or after July 1, 2012 shall also inform the teacher or principal of the right to request a hearing before a mutually selected hearing officer, with the cost of the hearing officer split equally between the teacher or principal and the board, or a hearing before a qualified hearing officer chosen by the general superintendent, with the cost of the hearing officer paid by the board. If the teacher or principal cannot be found upon diligent inquiry, such charges may be served upon him by mailing a copy thereof in a sealed envelope by prepaid certified mail, return receipt requested, to the teacher's or principal's last known address. A return receipt showing delivery to such address within 20 calendar days after the date of the approval of the charges shall constitute proof of service.
(2) No hearing upon the charges is required unless
the teacher or principal within 17 calendar days after receiving notice requests in writing of the general superintendent that a hearing be scheduled. Pending the hearing of the charges, the general superintendent or his or her designee may suspend the teacher or principal charged without pay in accordance with rules prescribed by the board, provided that if the teacher or principal charged is not dismissed based on the charges, he or she must be made whole for lost earnings, less setoffs for mitigation.
(3) The board shall maintain a list of at least 9
qualified hearing officers who will conduct hearings on charges and specifications. The list must be developed in good faith consultation with the exclusive representative of the board's teachers and professional associations that represent the board's principals. The list may be revised on July 1st of each year or earlier as needed. To be a qualified hearing officer, the person must (i) be accredited by a national arbitration organization and have had a minimum of 5 years of experience as an arbitrator in cases involving labor and employment relations matters between employers and employees or their exclusive bargaining representatives and (ii) beginning September 1, 2012, have participated in training provided or approved by the State Board of Education for teacher dismissal hearing officers so that he or she is familiar with issues generally involved in evaluative and non-evaluative dismissals.
Within 5 business days after receiving the notice of
request for a hearing, the general superintendent and the teacher or principal or their legal representatives shall alternately strike one name from the list until only one name remains. Unless waived by the teacher, the teacher or principal shall have the right to proceed first with the striking. If the teacher or principal fails to participate in the striking process, the general superintendent shall either select the hearing officer from the list developed pursuant to this paragraph (3) or select another qualified hearing officer from the master list maintained by the State Board of Education pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 24-12 of this Code.
(4) If the notice of dismissal was sent to the
teacher or principal before July 1, 2012, the fees and costs for the hearing officer shall be paid by the State Board of Education. If the notice of dismissal was sent to the teacher or principal on or after July 1, 2012, the hearing officer's fees and costs must be paid as follows in this paragraph (4). The fees and permissible costs for the hearing officer shall be determined by the State Board of Education. If the hearing officer is mutually selected by the parties through alternate striking in accordance with paragraph (3) of this subsection (a), then the board and the teacher or their legal representative shall each pay 50% of the fees and costs and any supplemental allowance to which they agree. If the hearing officer is selected by the general superintendent without the participation of the teacher or principal, then the board shall pay 100% of the hearing officer fees and costs. The hearing officer shall submit for payment a billing statement to the parties that itemizes the charges and expenses and divides them in accordance with this Section.
(5) The teacher or the principal charged is required
to answer the charges and specifications and aver affirmative matters in his or her defense, and the time for doing so must be set by the hearing officer. The State Board of Education shall adopt rules so that each party has a fair opportunity to present its case and to ensure that the dismissal proceeding is concluded in an expeditious manner. The rules shall address, without limitation, the teacher or principal's answer and affirmative defenses to the charges and specifications; a requirement that each party make mandatory disclosures without request to the other party and then update the disclosure no later than 10 calendar days prior to the commencement of the hearing, including a list of the names and addresses of persons who may be called as witnesses at the hearing, a summary of the facts or opinions each witness will testify to, and all other documents and materials, including information maintained electronically, relevant to its own as well as the other party's case (the hearing officer may exclude witnesses and exhibits not identified and shared, except those offered in rebuttal for which the party could not reasonably have anticipated prior to the hearing); pre-hearing discovery and preparation, including provision for written interrogatories and requests for production of documents, provided that discovery depositions are prohibited; the conduct of the hearing; the right of each party to be represented by counsel, the offer of evidence and witnesses and the cross-examination of witnesses; the authority of the hearing officer to issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum, provided that the hearing officer may limit the number of witnesses to be subpoenaed in behalf of each party to no more than 7; the length of post-hearing briefs; and the form, length, and content of hearing officers' reports and recommendations to the general superintendent.
The hearing officer shall commence the hearing within
75 calendar days and conclude the hearing within 120 calendar days after being selected by the parties as the hearing officer, provided that these timelines may be modified upon the showing of good cause or mutual agreement of the parties. Good cause for the purposes of this paragraph (5) shall mean the illness or otherwise unavoidable emergency of the teacher, district representative, their legal representatives, the hearing officer, or an essential witness as indicated in each party's pre-hearing submission. In a dismissal hearing, the hearing officer shall consider and give weight to all of the teacher's evaluations written pursuant to Article 24A that are relevant to the issues in the hearing. The teacher or principal has the privilege of being present at the hearing with counsel and of cross-examining witnesses and may offer evidence and witnesses and present defenses to the charges. Each party shall have no more than 3 days to present its case, unless extended by the hearing officer to enable a party to present adequate evidence and testimony, including due to the other party's cross-examination of the party's witnesses, for good cause or by mutual agreement of the parties. The State Board of Education shall define in rules the meaning of "day" for such purposes. All testimony at the hearing shall be taken under oath administered by the hearing officer. The hearing officer shall cause a record of the proceedings to be kept and shall employ a competent reporter to take stenographic or stenotype notes of all the testimony. The costs of the reporter's attendance and services at the hearing shall be paid by the party or parties who are paying the fees and costs of the hearing officer. Either party desiring a transcript of the hearing shall pay for the cost thereof. At the close of the hearing, the hearing officer shall direct the parties to submit post-hearing briefs no later than 21 calendar days after receipt of the transcript. Either or both parties may waive submission of briefs.
(6) The hearing officer shall within 30 calendar days
from the conclusion of the hearing report to the general superintendent findings of fact and a recommendation as to whether or not the teacher or principal shall be dismissed and shall give a copy of the report to both the teacher or principal and the general superintendent. The State Board of Education shall provide by rule the form of the hearing officer's report and recommendation.
(7) The board, within 45 days of receipt of the
hearing officer's findings of fact and recommendation, shall make a decision as to whether the teacher or principal shall be dismissed from its employ. The failure of the board to strictly adhere to the timeliness contained herein shall not render it without jurisdiction to dismiss the teacher or principal. In the event that the board declines to dismiss the teacher or principal after review of a hearing officer's recommendation, the board shall set the amount of back pay and benefits to award the teacher or principal, which shall include offsets for interim earnings and failure to mitigate losses. The board shall establish procedures for the teacher's or principal's submission of evidence to it regarding lost earnings, lost benefits, mitigation, and offsets. The decision of the board is final unless reviewed in accordance with paragraph (8) of this subsection (a).
(8) The teacher may seek judicial review of the
board's decision in accordance with the Administrative Review Law, which is specifically incorporated in this Section, except that the review must be initiated in the Illinois Appellate Court for the First District. In the event judicial review is instituted, any costs of preparing and filing the record of proceedings shall be paid by the party instituting the review. In the event the appellate court reverses a board decision to dismiss a teacher or principal and directs the board to pay the teacher or the principal back pay and benefits, the appellate court shall remand the matter to the board to issue an administrative decision as to the amount of back pay and benefits, which shall include a calculation of the lost earnings, lost benefits, mitigation, and offsets based on evidence submitted to the board in accordance with procedures established by the board.
(b) Nothing in this Section affects the validity of removal for cause hearings commenced prior to June 13, 2011 (the effective date of Public Act 97-8).
The changes made by Public Act 97-8 shall apply to dismissals instituted on or after September 1, 2011 or the effective date of Public Act 97-8, whichever is later. Any dismissal instituted prior to the effective date of these changes must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of this Section prior to amendment by Public Act 97-8.
(Source: P.A. 99-78, eff. 7-20-15.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-85b)
Sec. 34-85b. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 95-510, eff. 8-28-07. Repealed by P.A. 97-8, eff. 6-13-11.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-85c)
Sec. 34-85c. Alternative procedures for teacher evaluation, remediation, and removal for cause after remediation.
(a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the board and the exclusive representative of the district's teachers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement to establish alternative procedures for teacher evaluation, remediation, and removal for cause after remediation, including an alternative system for peer evaluation and recommendations; provided, however, that no later than September 1, 2012: (i) any alternative procedures must include provisions whereby student performance data is a significant factor in teacher evaluation and (ii) teachers are rated as "excellent", "proficient", "needs improvement" or "unsatisfactory". Pursuant exclusively to that agreement, teachers assigned to schools identified in that agreement shall be subject to an alternative performance evaluation plan and remediation procedures in lieu of the plan and procedures set forth in Article 24A of this Code and alternative removal for cause standards and procedures in lieu of the removal standards and procedures set forth in Section 34-85 of this Code. To the extent that the agreement provides a teacher with an opportunity for a hearing on removal for cause before an independent hearing officer in accordance with Section 34-85 or otherwise, the hearing officer shall be governed by the alternative performance evaluation plan, remediation procedures, and removal standards and procedures set forth in the agreement in making findings of fact and a recommendation.
(b) The board and the exclusive representative of the district's teachers shall submit a certified copy of an agreement as provided under subsection (a) of this Section to the State Board of Education.
(Source: P.A. 96-861, eff. 1-15-10; 97-8, eff. 6-13-11.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-87)
Sec. 34-87. (Repealed).
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 31. Repealed by P.A. 94-1105, eff. 6-1-07.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-88) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-88)
Sec. 34-88. District and school report cards. The board shall, in accordance with Section 10-17a of the School Code, annually present and disseminate the school district and school report cards prepared by the State Superintendent of Education.
(Source: P.A. 97-671, eff. 1-24-12.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-128) (from Ch. 122, par. 34-128)
Sec. 34-128. The Board shall provide free bus transportation for every child who is a child with a mental disability who is trainable, as defined in Article 14, who resides at a distance of one mile or more from any school to which he is assigned for attendance and who the State Board of Education determines in advance requires special transportation service in order to take advantage of special educational facilities.
The board may levy, without regard to any other legally authorized tax and in addition to such taxes, an annual tax upon all the taxable property in the school district at a rate not to exceed .005% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, that will produce an amount not to exceed the annual cost of transportation provided in accordance with this Section. The board shall deduct from the cost of such transportation any amount reimbursed by the State under Article 14. Such levy is authorized in the year following the school year in which the transportation costs were incurred by the district.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
(105 ILCS 5/prec. Sec. 34-200 heading)
(105 ILCS 5/34-200)
Sec. 34-200. Definitions. For the purposes of Sections 34-200 through 34-235 of this Article:
"Capital improvement plan" means a plan that identifies capital projects to be started or finished within the designated period, excluding projects funded by locally raised capital not exceeding $10,000.
"Community area" means a geographic area of the City of Chicago defined by the chief executive officer as part of the development of the educational facilities master plan.
"Space utilization" means the percentage achieved by dividing the school's actual enrollment by its design capacity.
"School closing" or "school closure" means the closing of a school, the effect of which is the assignment and transfer of all students enrolled at that school to one or more designated receiving schools.
"School consolidation" means the consolidation of 2 or more schools by closing one or more schools and reassigning the students to another school.
"Phase-out" means the gradual cessation of enrollment in certain grades each school year until a school closes or is consolidated with another school.
"School action" means any school closing; school consolidation; co-location; boundary change that requires reassignment of students, unless the reassignment is to a new school with an attendance area boundary and is made to relieve overcrowding; or phase-out.
(Source: P.A. 97-473, eff. 1-1-12; 97-474, eff. 8-22-11; 97-813, eff. 7-13-12.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-205)
Sec. 34-205. Educational facility standards.
(a) By January 1, 2012, the district shall publish space utilization standards on the district's website. The standards shall include the following:
(1) the method by which design capacity is
calculated, including consideration of the requirements of elementary and secondary programs, shared campuses, after school programming, the facility needs, grade and age ranges of the attending students, and use of school buildings by governmental agencies and community organizations;
(2) the method to determine efficient use of a school
building based upon educational program design capacity;
(3) the rate of utilization; and
(4) the standards for overcrowding and
(b) The chief executive officer or his or her designee shall publish a space utilization report for each school building operated by the district on the district's website by December 31 of each year.
(c) The facility performance standards provisions are as follows:
(1) On or before January 1, 2012, the chief executive
officer shall propose minimum and optimal facility performance standards for thermal comfort, daylight, acoustics, indoor air quality, furniture ergonomics for students and staff, technology, life safety, ADA accessibility, plumbing and washroom access, environmental hazards, and walkability.
(2) The chief executive officer shall conduct at
least one public hearing and submit the proposed educational facilities standards to each local school council and to the Chicago Public Building Commission for review and comment prior to adoption.
(3) After the chief executive officer has
incorporated the input and recommendations of the public and the Chicago Public Building Commission, the chief executive officer shall issue final facility performance standards.
(4) The chief executive officer is authorized to
amend the facility performance standards following the procedures in this Section.
(5) The final educational facility space utilization
and performance standards shall be published on the district's Internet website.
(Source: P.A. 97-473, eff. 1-1-12; 97-474, eff. 8-22-11; 97-813, eff. 7-13-12.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-210)
Sec. 34-210. The Educational Facility Master Plan.
(a) In accordance with the schedule set forth in this Article, the chief executive officer or his or her designee shall prepare a 10-year educational facility master plan every 5 years, with updates 2 1/2 years after the approval of the initial 10-year plan, with the first such educational facility master plan to be approved on or before October 1, 2013.
(b) The educational facility master plan shall provide community area level plans and individual school master plans with options for addressing the facility and space needs for each facility operated by the district over a 10-year period.
(c) The data, information, and analysis that shall inform the educational facility master plan shall be published on the district's Internet website and shall include the following:
(1) a description of the district's guiding
educational goals and standards;
(2) a brief description of the types of
instructional programs and services delivered in each school;
(3) a description of the process, procedure, and
timeline for community participation in the development of the plan;
(4) the enrollment capacity of each school and its
rate of utilization;
(5) a report on the assessment of individual building
and site conditions;
(6) a data table with historical and projected
enrollment data by school by grade;
(7) community analysis, including a study of current
and projected demographics, land usage, transportation plans, residential housing and commercial development, private schools, plans for water and sewage service expansion or redevelopment, and institutions of higher education;
(8) an analysis of the facility needs and
requirements of the district; and
(9) identification of potential sources of funding
for the implementation of the Educational Facility Master Plan.
(d) On or before May 1, 2013, the chief executive officer or his or her designee shall prepare and distribute for comment a preliminary draft of the Educational Facility Master Plan. The draft plan shall be distributed to the City of Chicago, the County of Cook, the Chicago Park District, the Chicago Housing Authority, the Chicago Transit Authority, attendance centers operated by the district, and charter schools operating within the district. Each attendance center shall make the draft plan available to the local school council or alternative advisory body and to the parents, guardians, and staff of the school. The draft plan also shall be distributed to each State Senator and State Representative with a district in the City of Chicago, to the Mayor of the City of Chicago, and to each alderman of the City.
(e) The chief executive or his or her designee shall publish a procedure for conducting public hearings and submitting public comments on the draft plan.
(f) After consideration of public input on the draft plan, the chief executive officer or his or her designee shall prepare and publish a report describing the process used to incorporate public input in the development of the final plan to be recommended to the Board.
(g) The chief executive officer shall present the final plan and report to the Board for final consideration and approval.
(h) The final approved Educational Facility Master Plan shall be published on the district's website.
(i) No later than July 1, 2016, and every 5 years thereafter, the chief executive officer or his or her designee shall prepare and submit for public comment a draft revised Educational Facility Master Plan following the procedures required for development of the original plan.
(j) This proposed revised plan shall reflect the progress achieved during the first 2 1/2 years of the Educational Facility Master Plan.
(Source: P.A. 99-531, eff. 7-8-16.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-215)
(Text of Section from P.A. 97-473)
Sec. 34-215. Capital improvement plans.
(a) The district shall develop a capital needs review process and one-year and 5-year capital improvement plans.
(b) By January 1, 2012, the chief executive officer or his or her designee shall establish a capital needs review process that includes a comprehensive bi-annual assessment of the capital needs at each facility owned, leased, or operated by the district. The review process shall include development of an assessment form to be used by attendance centers to provide a school-based capital, maintenance, utility, and repair needs assessment report and recommendations aligned with the educational program and goals of the attendance center.
(c) Beginning with fiscal year 2013 and for each year thereafter, the chief executive officer shall publish a proposed one-year capital improvement plan at least 60 days prior to the end of the prior fiscal year. The proposed one-year capital improvement plan shall be posted on the district's Internet website and shall be subject to public review and comment and at least 3 public hearings. The one-year capital improvement plan shall include the following information for all capital projects for which funds are to be appropriated:
(1) description of the scope of the project;
(2) justification for the project;
(3) status of the project, including, if appropriate,
percentage funded, percentage complete, and approved start and end dates;
(4) original approved cost and current approved cost
for each project;
(5) the impact of the project on the district's
operating budget;
(6) the name of each school and facility affected by
a project;
(7) all funding sources for the project;
(8) any relationship of the project to the needs
assessment submitted by the attendance center; and
(9) any relationship to the district's 10-year
Educational Facilities Master Plan.
(d) The chief executive officer shall present a final proposed one-year capital improvement plan to the Board for consideration.
(e) The Board shall adopt a final one-year capital improvement plan no more than 45 days after adopting the annual budget.
(f) Beginning with fiscal year 2013, the chief executive officer shall publish a proposed 5-year capital improvement plan with the proposed one-year capital improvement plan. The 5-year capital improvement plan shall include proposed capital improvements for the next 4 years and, to the extent practicable, the same information for each proposed project that is required for the one-year capital improvement plan.
(g) The 5-year capital improvement plan shall be assessed annually. An annual report shall be published explaining the differences between projected capital projects in the 5-year capital improvement plan and the capital projects authorized in the proposed one-year capital improvement plan for the following fiscal year. The 5-year plan shall be published on the district's Internet website and distributed to all principals.
(Source: P.A. 97-473, eff. 1-1-12.)
(Text of Section from P.A. 97-474)
Sec. 34-215. Capital improvement plans.
(a) The district shall develop a capital needs review process and one-year and 5-year capital improvement plans.
(b) By January 1, 2012, the chief executive officer or his or her designee shall establish a capital needs review process that includes a comprehensive bi-annual assessment of the capital needs at each facility owned, leased, or operated by the district. The review process shall include development of an assessment form to be used by attendance centers to provide a school-based capital, maintenance, utility, and repair needs assessment report and recommendations aligned with the educational program and goals of the attendance center.
(c) Beginning with fiscal year 2013 and for each year thereafter, the chief executive officer shall publish a proposed one-year capital improvement plan at least 60 days prior to the end of the prior fiscal year. The proposed one-year capital improvement plan shall be posted on the district's Internet website and shall be subject to public review and comment and at least 3 public hearings. The one-year capital improvement plan shall include the following information for all capital projects for which funds are to be appropriated:
(1) description of the scope of the project;
(2) justification for the project;
(3) status of the project, including, if appropriate,
percentage funded, percentage complete, and approved start and end dates;
(4) original approved cost and current approved cost
for each project;
(5) the impact of the project on the district's
operating budget;
(6) the name of each school and facility affected by
a project;
(7) all funding sources for the project;
(8) any relationship of the project to the needs
assessment submitted by the attendance center; and
(9) any relationship to the district's 10-year
Educational Facilities Master Plan.
(d) The chief executive officer shall present a final proposed one-year capital improvement plan to the Board for consideration.
(e) The Board shall adopt a final one-year capital improvement plan no more than 45 days after adopting the annual budget.
(f) Beginning with fiscal year 2013, the chief executive officer shall publish a proposed 5-year capital improvement plan with the proposed one-year capital improvement plan. The 5-year capital improvement plan shall include proposed capital improvements for the next 4 years and, to the extent practicable, the same information for each proposed project that is required for the one-year capital improvement plan.
(g) The 5-year capital improvement plan shall be assessed annually. An annual report shall be published explaining the differences between projected capital projects in the 5-year capital improvement plan and the capital projects authorized in the proposed one-year capital improvement plan for the following fiscal year. The 5-year plan shall be published on the district's Internet website and distributed to all principals.
(Source: P.A. 97-474, eff. 8-22-11.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-220)
Sec. 34-220. Financial transparency.
(a) For fiscal year 2012, the chief executive officer shall provide the Board with an annual capital expenditure report within 90 days after the end of the fiscal year. The report shall be published on the district's Internet website.
(b) For fiscal year 2013 and thereafter, the chief executive officer shall provide the Board with an annual capital expenditure report within 90 days after the end of the fiscal year. The report shall be published on the district's Internet website. The annual capital expenditure report shall include the following:
(1) expenditures on all facilities in which students
enrolled in the district receive instruction for all capital projects on which funds were expended in that fiscal year, even if the project was not initiated or completed in the fiscal year;
(2) identification of capital projects that aligned
with the school-based facility needs assessment and recommendations of school principals or were the result of other public input;
(3) the levels of appropriation actually provided to
the district for capital projects in the fiscal year by the city, the State, and the federal government, with a comparison of the level of such funding against funding levels for the prior 5 years; and
(4) a summary comparison of annual capital expenses
and the corresponding one-year capital improvement plan.
(c) A list of all property owned by or leased to the Board shall be published on the district's Internet website by January 1, 2012, and shall be updated annually. For each property listed, the most recent facility standards review and any capital improvement projects that are pending or planned or have been completed in the 2-year period prior to publication shall be outlined.
(d) All lease agreements in which the Board is a lessor or lessee shall be published on the district's Internet website for the duration of the lease. Temporary facility use, right of entry, and other temporary license agreements not exceeding one year in duration are not subject to this requirement.
(e) The district shall publish on the district's Internet website a summary of the lease agreements in which the Board is a lessor or lessee, including the following:
(1) a description of the leasehold;
(2) the full legal name of the parties to the
(3) the term of the agreement;
(4) the rent amount; and
(5) the party responsible for maintenance, capital
improvements, utilities, and other expenses.
(Source: P.A. 97-473, eff. 1-1-12; 97-474, eff. 8-22-11.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-225)
Sec. 34-225. School transition plans.
(a) If the Board approves a school action, the chief executive officer or his or her designee shall work collaboratively with local school educators and families of students attending a school that is the subject of a school action to ensure successful integration of affected students into new learning environments.
(b) The chief executive officer or his or her designee shall prepare and implement a school transition plan to support students attending a school that is the subject of a school action that accomplishes the goals of this Section. The chief executive must identify and commit specific resources for implementation of the school transition plan for a minimum of the full first academic year after the board approves a school action.
(c) The school transition plan shall include the following:
(1) services to support the academic, social, and
emotional needs of students; supports for students with disabilities, homeless students, and English language learners; and support to address security and safety issues;
(2) options to enroll in higher performing schools;
(3) informational briefings regarding the choice of
schools that include all pertinent information to enable the parent or guardian and child to make an informed choice, including the option to visit the schools of choice prior to making a decision; and
(4) the provision of appropriate transportation where
(d) When implementing a school action, the Board must make reasonable and demonstrated efforts to ensure that:
(1) affected students receive a comparable level of
social support services provided by Chicago Public Schools that were available at the previous school, provided that the need for such social support services continue to exist; and
(2) class sizes of any receiving school do not exceed
those established under the Chicago Public Schools policy regarding class size, subject to principal discretion.
(Source: P.A. 97-473, eff. 1-1-12; 97-474, eff. 8-22-11; 97-813, eff. 7-13-12; 97-1133, eff. 11-30-12.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-230)
Sec. 34-230. School action public meetings and hearings.
(a) By October 1 of each year, the chief executive officer shall prepare and publish guidelines for school actions. The guidelines shall outline the academic and non-academic criteria for a school action. These guidelines shall be created with the involvement of local school councils, parents, educators, and community organizations. These guidelines, and each subsequent revision, shall be subject to a public comment period of at least 21 days before their approval.
(b) The chief executive officer shall announce all proposed school actions to be taken at the close of the current academic year consistent with the guidelines by December 1 of each year.
(c) On or before December 1 of each year, the chief executive officer shall publish notice of the proposed school actions.
(1) Notice of the proposal for a school action shall
include a written statement of the basis for the school action, an explanation of how the school action meets the criteria set forth in the guidelines, and a draft School Transition Plan identifying the items required in Section 34-225 of this Code for all schools affected by the school action. The notice shall state the date, time, and place of the hearing or meeting.
(2) The chief executive officer or his or her
designee shall provide notice to the principal, staff, local school council, and parents or guardians of any school that is subject to the proposed school action.
(3) The chief executive officer shall provide written
notice of any proposed school action to the State Senator, State Representative, and alderman for the school or schools that are subject to the proposed school action.
(4) The chief executive officer shall publish notice
of proposed school actions on the district's Internet website.
(5) The chief executive officer shall provide notice
of proposed school actions at least 30 calendar days in advance of a public hearing or meeting. The notice shall state the date, time, and place of the hearing or meeting. No Board decision regarding a proposed school action may take place less than 60 days after the announcement of the proposed school action.
(d) The chief executive officer shall publish a brief summary of the proposed school actions and the date, time, and place of the hearings or meetings in a newspaper of general circulation.
(e) The chief executive officer shall designate at least 3 opportunities to elicit public comment at a hearing or meeting on a proposed school action and shall do the following:
(1) Convene at least one public hearing at the
centrally located office of the Board.
(2) Convene at least 2 additional public hearings or
meetings at a location convenient to the school community subject to the proposed school action.
(f) Public hearings shall be conducted by a qualified independent hearing officer chosen from a list of independent hearing officers. The general counsel shall compile and publish a list of independent hearing officers by November 1 of each school year. The independent hearing officer shall have the following qualifications:
(1) he or she must be a licensed attorney eligible to
practice law in Illinois;
(2) he or she must not be an employee of the Board;
(3) he or she must not have represented the Board,
its employees or any labor organization representing its employees, any local school council, or any charter or contract school in any capacity within the last year.
The independent hearing officer shall issue a written report that summarizes the hearing and determines whether the chief executive officer complied with the requirements of this Section and the guidelines.
The chief executive officer shall publish the report on the district's Internet website within 5 calendar days after receiving the report and at least 15 days prior to any Board action being taken.
(g) Public meetings shall be conducted by a representative of the chief executive officer. A summary of the public meeting shall be published on the district's Internet website within 5 calendar days after the meeting.
(h) If the chief executive officer proposes a school action without following the mandates set forth in this Section, the proposed school action shall not be approved by the Board during the school year in which the school action was proposed.
(Source: P.A. 97-473, eff. 1-1-12; 97-474, eff. 8-22-11; 97-813, eff. 7-13-12; 97-1133, eff. 11-30-12.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-232)
Sec. 34-232. Proposed school action announcement and notice; 2012-2013 school year. The following apply for school actions proposed during the 2012-2013 school year:
(1) On or before March 31, 2013, the chief executive
officer shall announce all proposed school actions to be taken at the close of the current academic year consistent with the guidelines published under Section 34-230 of this Code.
(2) On or before March 31, 2013, the chief executive
officer shall publish notice of the proposed school actions.
(3) The chief executive officer shall provide notice
of proposed school actions at least 15 calendar days in advance of a public hearing or meeting.
All other provisions of Section 34-230 of this Code that do not conflict with this Section must be followed when proposing school actions.
(Source: P.A. 97-1133, eff. 11-30-12.)
(105 ILCS 5/34-235)
(Text of Section from P.A. 97-473)
Sec. 34-235. Emergencies. Nothing in Sections 34-200 through 34-235 of this Code prevents the district from taking emergency action to protect the health and safety of students and staff in an attendance center. In the event of an emergency that requires the district to close all or part of a school facility, including compliance with a directive of a duly authorized public safety agency, the chief executive officer or his or her designees are authorized to take all steps necessary to protect the safety of students and staff, including relocation of the attendance center to another location or closing the attendance center. In such cases, the chief executive officer shall provide written notice of the basis for the emergency action within 3 days after declaring the emergency and shall publish the steps that have been taken or will be taken to address the emergency within 10 days after declaring the emergency. The notice shall be posted on the district's website and provided to the principal, the local school council, and the State Senator, the State Representative, and the Alderman of the school that is the subject of the emergency action. The notice shall explain why the district could not comply with the provisions in Sections 34-200 through 34-235 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 97-473, eff. 1-1-12.)
(Text of Section from P.A. 97-474)
Sec. 34-235. Emergencies. Nothing in Sections 34-200 through 34-235 of this Code prevents the district from taking emergency action to protect the health and safety of students and staff in an attendance center. In the event of an emergency that requires the district to close all or part of a school facility, including compliance with a directive of a duly authorized public safety agency, the chief executive officer or his or her designees are authorized to take all steps necessary to protect the safety of students and staff, including relocation of the attendance center to another location or closing the attendance center. In such cases, the chief executive officer shall provide written notice of the basis for the emergency action within 3 days after declaring the emergency and shall publish the steps that have been taken or will be taken to address the emergency within 10 days after declaring the emergency. The notice shall be posted on the district's website and provided to the principal, the local school council, and the State Senator, the State Representative, and the alderman of the school that is the subject of the emergency action. The notice shall explain why the district could not comply with the provisions in Sections 34-200 through 34-235 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 97-474, eff. 8-22-11.)
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