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2005 Illinois Code - 205 ILCS 205/ Savings Bank Act. Article 9 - Supervision
(205 ILCS 205/9001) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑1)
Sec. 9001.
Personnel, records, files, actions, and duties.
The Commissioner shall appoint, subject to applicable
provisions of the Personnel Code, a supervisor, examiners,
employees, experts, and special assistants as may be necessary to
effectively carry out this Act. The Commissioner shall require
each supervisor, examiner, expert, and special assistant employed
or appointed by him to give bond, with security to be approved by
the Commissioner, not in any case less than $15,000, conditioned
upon the faithful discharge of their duties. The premium on the
bond shall be paid by the Commissioner from funds appropriated for
that purpose. The bond, along with verification of payment of the
premium on the bond, shall be filed in the office of the Secretary
of State.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1213.)
(205 ILCS 205/9002) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑2)
Sec. 9002.
Powers of Commissioner.
The Commissioner shall have the following
powers and duties:
(1) To exercise the rights, powers, and duties set forth in
this Act or in any related Act.
(2) To establish regulations as may be reasonable or
necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Act.
(3) To make an annual report regarding the work of his
office under this Act as he may consider desirable to the
Governor, or as the Governor may request.
(4) To cause a suit to be filed in his name to enforce
any law of this State that applies to savings banks, their service
corporations, subsidiaries, affiliates, or holding companies
operating under this Act, including the enforcement of any
obligation of the officers, directors, agents, or employees of any
savings bank.
(5) To prescribe a uniform manner in which the books and
records of every savings bank are to be maintained.
(6) To establish a reasonable fee
structure for savings banks and holding companies operating under
this Act and for their service corporations and subsidiaries.
The fees shall include, but not be limited to, annual fees,
application fees, regular and special examination fees, and other
fees as the Commissioner establishes and demonstrates to be
directly resultant from the Commissioner's responsibilities under
this Act and as are directly attributable to individual entities
operating under this Act. The aggregate of all fees collected by
the Commissioner on and after the effective date of this Act shall
be paid promptly after receipt of the same, accompanied by a
detailed statement thereof, into the Savings and Residential Finance Regulatory
Fund. The amounts deposited into the Fund shall be used for the ordinary and
contingent expenses of the Office of Banks and Real Estate. Nothing
in this Act shall prevent continuing the practice of paying expenses involving
salaries, retirement, social security, and State‑paid insurance of State
officers by appropriation from the General Revenue Fund.
(Source: P.A. 89‑508, eff. 7‑3‑96.)
(205 ILCS 205/9003) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑3)
Sec. 9003.
Prohibited activities.
The Commissioner, deputy commissioners, and employees
of the Office of Banks and Real Estate shall be subject to the restrictions
provided in Section 2.5 of the Office of Banks and Real Estate Act including,
without limitation, the restrictions on (i) owning shares of stock or holding
any other equity interest in an entity regulated under this Act or in any
corporation or company that owns or controls an entity regulated under this
Act; (ii) being an officer, director, employee, or agent of an entity regulated
under this Act; and (iii) obtaining a loan or accepting a gratuity from an
entity regulated under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 89‑508, eff. 7‑3‑96.)
(205 ILCS 205/9004) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑4)
Sec. 9004.
(a) At least once every 18 months or more often if it is
deemed necessary or expedient, the Commissioner shall examine the
books, records, operations, and affairs of each savings bank
operating under this Act. In the course of the examination, the
Commissioner shall also examine in the same manner all entities,
companies, and individuals which or whom the Commissioner determines
may have a relationship with the savings bank or any subsidiary or
entity affiliated with it, if the relationship may adversely affect
the affairs, activities, and safety and soundness of the savings
bank, including: (i) companies controlled by the savings bank;
(ii) entities, including companies controlled by the company,
individual, or individuals that control the savings bank;
and (iii) the company or other entity which controls or owns the
savings bank. For purposes of this subsection, the Commissioner shall deem
it necessary or expedient to conduct an examination more often than every
18 months if a required report from a savings bank indicates a material
change in financial condition or a material violation of a law or regulation.
In that event, the Commissioner shall initiate an examination within 30
days of receipt of that information. In the event that the condition is
grounds for taking custody of the savings bank under Section 10001 of this
Act, the examination shall be initiated immediately.
(b) The Commissioner shall examine to determine:
(1) Quality of financial condition, including safety | ||
(2) Compliance with this Act and other applicable | ||
(3) Quality of management policies.
(4) Overall safety and soundness of the savings | ||
(5) Remedial actions required to correct and to | ||
(c) The Commissioner shall promulgate regulations to
implement and administer this Section.
(d) If a savings bank, its holding company, or any of its
corporate subsidiaries has not been audited at least once in the
12 months prior to the Commissioner's examination, the Commissioner
shall cause an audit of the savings bank's books and records to be
made by an independent licensed public accountant selected by the
Commissioner from a list composed of certified public accountants
who have experience in savings bank audits. The cost of the audit
shall be paid for by the entity being audited.
(e) The Commissioner or the Commissioner's examiners or other
formally designated agents are authorized to administer oaths and
to examine and to take and preserve testimony under oath as to
anything in the affairs or ownership of any savings bank or
institution or affiliate thereof.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1213.)
(205 ILCS 205/9005) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑5)
Sec. 9005.
Failure to comply with Commissioner's report of
examination; publication of reports. Whenever any savings bank, after
written notice of the recommendations of the Commissioner based on a report
of examination, fails to comply with the recommendations within 45 days
after the notice, the Commissioner is authorized to publish, as a legal
notice in a newspaper of general circulation, the part of the report of
examination that relates to any recommendation not complied with; provided,
that notice of intention to publish is given to the savings bank at least 5
days before publication is made. The Commissioner may, in his discretion,
extend the period for compliance for good cause upon written application.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1213.)
(205 ILCS 205/9006) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑6)
Sec. 9006.
The Commissioner shall appoint competent examiners
who are not officers or agents of, or in any manner interested in, any
savings bank, savings bank holding company, or subsidiaries or affiliates
of either, except that they may be depositors therein.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1213.)
(205 ILCS 205/9007) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑7)
Sec. 9007.
Savings Bank Examiner Training Foundation.
(a) There shall be established a Savings Bank Examiner
Training Foundation for the purpose of funding and overseeing the
training of savings bank examiners. The Foundation shall be
governed by a 15 member board of trustees. The Foundation's
trustees shall promulgate regulations to govern the formation,
administration, and activities of the Foundation.
(b) The Commissioner shall appoint the initial board of
trustees for the Foundation, but thereafter all savings banks
governed by this Act shall elect the trustees. The terms of the
initial board of trustees shall be staggered so that one‑third of
the board shall serve 2 years, one‑third of the board shall serve
3 years and one‑third of the board shall serve 4 years. Successive
board members shall serve 5 year terms.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1213.)
(205 ILCS 205/9008) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑8)
Sec. 9008.
Report of examination.
Upon completion of each examination, the Commissioner shall
make a report of examination to the board of directors of the
savings bank or other entity examined. The report shall be read
by each director who shall then execute a signed affidavit
affirming that he has read the report. The affidavits shall
be filed and retained by the savings bank or appropriate entity
examined and shall be examined by the Commissioner during regular
(Source: P.A. 86‑1213.)
(205 ILCS 205/9009) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑9)
Sec. 9009.
Orders of the Commissioner.
(a) If the affairs of the savings bank, savings bank
subsidiary or affiliate, or savings bank holding company are not
being conducted in accordance with this Act, the Commissioner shall
require the directors, officers, and employees to take any necessary
corrective action. If the necessary corrective action is not taken,
the Commissioner may issue a formal order to the directors of the
savings bank, subsidiary, affiliate, or holding company, to be
delivered either personally or by registered or certified mail,
specifying a date, which may be immediate or may be a later date,
for the performance of the corrective action by the savings bank,
subsidiary, affiliate, or holding company. The order or any part thereof
shall be subject to Section 11006 of this Act.
(b) If the formal order of the Commissioner, in whole or in
part, contains a finding that the business of the savings bank or
holding company is being conducted in a fraudulent, illegal, unsafe,
or unsound manner or that the violation thereof or the continuance
by the savings bank or holding company of the practice to be
corrected could cause insolvency, substantial dissipation of
assets or earnings, or the impairment of its capital, the order or
part thereof shall be complied with immediately on or before the
effective date thereof until modified or withdrawn by the
Commissioner or modified or terminated by a circuit court. The
Commissioner may apply to the circuit court of the county in which
the savings bank or holding company is located for enforcement of
an order requiring prompt compliance.
(c) If the order, or part thereof, is not subject to subsection (b) and
if no hearing pursuant to Section 9018 of this Act has been requested, the Commissioner may, at any time within 90
days after the effective date of the order, institute suit in the
circuit court of Sangamon County or the circuit court of the county
in which the savings bank or holding company is located to compel
the directors, officers, or employees to take the required
corrective action. The court, after due process of law, shall
adjudicate the question, enter the proper order or orders, and
enforce them.
(d) No provision of this Section shall interfere with the
exercise by the Commissioner of any provision of Article 11.
(Source: P.A. 91‑97, eff. 7‑9‑99.)
(205 ILCS 205/9010) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑10)
Sec. 9010.
Commissioner's notice to members or stockholders.
In the interests of the members or stockholders of the savings
bank, subsidiary, or holding company, the Commissioner may
prepare a statement of the condition of the savings bank,
subsidiary, or holding company and may mail the statement to the
members or stockholders or may require a single publication thereof.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1213.)
(205 ILCS 205/9011) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑11)
Sec. 9011.
Record keeping and retention of records by a savings
(a) Each savings bank is required to maintain appropriate
books and records, as required by the Commissioner, that are in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles and the requirements of
its insurer of accounts. All books and records shall be current,
complete, organized, and accessible to the Commissioner, the
Commissioner's agents and examiners, and to the savings bank's
auditors and accountants.
(b) Each savings bank shall implement internal control
and security measures for its data processing activities.
A contract with a data processing service or for data processing services
must provide that records maintained shall at all times be available for
examination and audit by the Commissioner.
(c) The Commissioner may further regulate these matters by
the promulgation of rules concerning data processing. As used
herein, "data processing" means all electronic or automated
systems of communication and data processing by computer.
(d) Unless a federal law requires otherwise, the
Commissioner shall by regulation prescribe periods of time for
which savings banks operating under this Act must retain records
and after the expiration of which, the savings bank may destroy
those records. No liability shall accrue against the savings bank,
the Commissioner, or this State for destruction of records
according to regulations of the Commissioner promulgated under the
authority of this Section. In any cause or proceeding in which
any records may be called in question or be demanded by any
savings bank, a showing of the expiration of the period so
prescribed shall be sufficient excuse for failure to produce them.
(Source: P.A. 90‑301, eff. 8‑1‑97.)
(205 ILCS 205/9012) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑12)
Sec. 9012.
Disclosure of reports of examinations and confidential
supervisory information; limitations.
(a) Any report of examination, visitation, or investigation prepared by
under this Act, any report of examination, visitation, or investigation
prepared by the state
regulatory authority of another state that examines a branch of an Illinois
State savings bank in
that state, any document or record prepared or obtained in connection with or
relating to any
examination, visitation, or investigation, and any record prepared or obtained
by the
Commissioner to the extent that the record summarizes or contains information
derived from
any report, document, or record described in this subsection shall be deemed
supervisory information. "Confidential supervisory information" shall not
include any information or
record routinely prepared by a savings bank and maintained in the ordinary
course of business or any
information or record that is required to be made publicly available pursuant
to State or federal law
or rule. Confidential supervisory information shall be the property of the
Commissioner and shall
only be disclosed under the circumstances and for the purposes set forth in
this Section.
The Commissioner may disclose confidential supervisory information only under
the following
(1) The Commissioner may furnish confidential | ||
(2) The Commissioner may furnish confidential | ||
(3) The Commissioner may furnish confidential | ||
(4) The Commissioner may furnish confidential | ||
(5) The Commissioner may furnish confidential | ||
(6) The Commissioner may furnish confidential | ||
(7) The Commissioner may furnish confidential | ||
(8) The Commissioner may furnish confidential | ||
(9) At the request of the affected savings bank, the | ||
(10) The Commissioner may furnish a copy of a report | ||
(11) In addition to the foregoing circumstances, the | ||
(b) A savings bank or its officers, agents, and employees may disclose
supervisory information only under the following circumstances:
(1) to the board of directors of the savings bank, | ||
(2) to attorneys for the savings bank and to a | ||
(3) to any person who seeks to acquire a controlling | ||
(4) to the savings bank's insurance company, if the | ||
The disclosure of confidential supervisory information by a savings bank
pursuant to this
subsection (b) and the disclosure of information to the Commissioner or other
regulatory agency in
connection with any examination, visitation, or investigation shall not
constitute a waiver of any
legal privilege otherwise available to the savings bank with respect to the
(c) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or any other law,
supervisory information shall be the property of the Commissioner and shall be
privileged from
disclosure to any person except as provided in this Section. No person in
possession of
confidential supervisory information may disclose that information for any
reason or under any
circumstances not specified in this Section without the prior authorization of
the Commissioner.
Any person upon whom a demand for production of confidential supervisory
information is made,
whether by subpoena, order, or other judicial or administrative process, must
production of the confidential supervisory information and must notify the
Commissioner of the
demand, at which time the Commissioner is authorized to intervene for the
purpose of
enforcing the limitations of this Section or seeking the withdrawal or
termination of the attempt to
compel production of the confidential supervisory information.
(2) Any request for discovery or disclosure of confidential supervisory
information, whether
by subpoena, order, or other judicial or administrative process, shall be made
to the
Commissioner, and the Commissioner shall determine within 15 days whether to
disclose the
information pursuant to procedures and standards that the Commissioner shall
establish by rule. If
the Commissioner determines that such information will not be disclosed, the
decision shall be subject to judicial review under the provisions of the
Administrative Review
Law, and venue shall be in either Sangamon County or Cook County.
(3) Any court order that compels disclosure of confidential supervisory
information may be
immediately appealed by the Commissioner, and the order shall be automatically
stayed pending the
outcome of the appeal.
(d) If any officer, agent, attorney, or employee of a savings bank knowingly
and willfully
furnishes confidential supervisory information in violation of this Section,
Commissioner may impose a civil monetary penalty up to $1,000 for the violation
the officer, agent, attorney, or employee.
(e) Subject to the limits of this Section, the
Commissioner also may promulgate regulations to set procedures and
standards for
disclosure of
following items:
(1) All fixed orders and opinions made in cases of | ||
(2) Statements of policy and interpretations adopted | ||
(3) Nonconfidential portions of application files, | ||
(4) Quarterly reports of income, deposits, and | ||
(Source: P.A. 93‑271, eff. 7‑22‑03.)
(205 ILCS 205/9013) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑13)
Sec. 9013.
Examination of data processing centers.
The Commissioner may examine any data processing center that
provides data processing or related services to a savings bank with
the same frequency as the savings bank served.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1213.)
(205 ILCS 205/9014) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑14)
Sec. 9014.
Annual audit.
(a) At least once in each year, but in no case more than 12
months after the last audit conducted pursuant to this Section, it
shall be mandatory for each savings bank to cause its books,
records, and accounts to be audited by an independent licensed
public accountant not connected with the savings bank. This audit
must produce a certified financial statement. The Commissioner may
prescribe the scope of the audit within generally accepted auditing
(b) The report of the audit shall be given to a committee
composed of not fewer than 3 members of the board of directors, a majority
of whom may not be an officer, employee, or agent of the savings bank,
and the committee shall, at the meeting of the board of directors
following receipt of the report, present in detail the nature,
extent, and result of the report. A written summary of the
committee's presentation, including a detailed listing of all
criticisms made by the accountant conducting the audit and any
responses thereto made by any member of the board of directors or
any officer of the savings bank, shall be sent by registered mail
to all members of the board of directors not present at the meeting
at which the committee made its presentation.
(c) A copy of the audit report, including a balance sheet of
the savings bank on the date of the audit and a statement of income
and expenses of the savings bank during the year ending with the
date of the audit and, if and when such is used, a copy of any
written summary prepared for absent members of the board of
directors shall be filed with the Commissioner by the committee
receiving the report within 90 days of the audit date; except that
the Commissioner may, for good cause shown, extend the filing date
for up to 60 additional days.
(d) The report filed with the Commissioner shall be certified
by the independent licensed public accountant conducting the audit.
If any savings bank required to make an audit shall fail to cause
an audit to be made, the Commissioner shall cause the audit to be
made by an independent licensed public accountant at the savings
bank's expense. In lieu of the audit required by this Section, the
Commissioner may accept any audit or financial statement or portion thereof
exclusively for or in accordance and in compliance with regulations adopted
by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
(e) A savings bank holding company shall cause its books and records
to be audited at least once annually by an independent licensed public
accountant. A copy of the independent licensed
public accountant's report, along with all supporting documentation, shall be
filed with the Commissioner. The
report of audit shall be on a consolidated basis unless, in the auditor's
opinion, certain subsidiaries or parent entities should be reported separately.
If separate reports are prepared, they shall be prepared on the same basis as
the report on the holding company.
(Source: P.A. 89‑320, eff. 1‑1‑96; 90‑301, eff. 8‑1‑97.)
(205 ILCS 205/9015) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑15)
Sec. 9015.
Unsafe and unsound practices; orders of prohibition and removal.
(a) The violation of any of the following provisions of this
Act: Article 5, subsection (b) of Section 4009, Section 7006, Section 9005, and Section 9014 is deemed to be an unsafe and unsound
practice and creates an unsafe and unsound condition in the savings bank.
The savings bank or the institution affiliated party responsible for the
violation may be subject to the assessment of civil money penalties and
other enforcement powers of the Commissioner, as specified in this Article,
in Article 11, and by regulation of the Commissioner.
(b) Continued violation of any of those provisions after the
Commissioner issues formal notice to correct shall subject the
directors of the savings bank at fault to immediate removal from
the board and to a permanent order of prohibition from direct or
indirect participation in the affairs of any financial institution
subject to this Act, the Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985, or the
Residential Mortgage License Act of 1987.
(c) The Commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations
to implement this Section.
(Source: P.A. 90‑301, eff. 8‑1‑97.)
(205 ILCS 205/9016) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑16)
Sec. 9016.
Cease and desist proceedings.
(a) If, in the opinion of the Commissioner or in the opinion
of any federal banking agency that provides complete and
documented evidence to the Commissioner, an officer, director, or
controlling stockholder of a savings bank operating under this Act
or a subsidiary or an affiliate of an institution operating under
this Act, is engaging in, has engaged in, is about to engage in, or
is conspiring to engage in one or more unsafe or unsound practices
in conducting the institution's business; or is, has, or is about
to violate an applicable law, regulation, directive of the
Commissioner, of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or has
not complied with a condition imposed in writing by the
Commissioner, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or of
any court of law, then the Commissioner may, in his discretion,
issue to the violator notice of charges resulting from the
(b) The notice of charges shall factually specify the act
or violations committed; the law, rule, order, decree, directive,
or condition violated; specify necessary curative measures and a
time within which to cure; and impose any penalties or sanctions
mandated by law or regulation.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1213.)
(205 ILCS 205/9017) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑17)
Sec. 9017.
Procedure upon the impairment of capital.
(a) If the Commissioner finds from a report of examination
or other required report of a savings bank that the capital
is impaired, he shall, in his discretion institute
whichever of the following procedures is appropriate:
(1) Direct that the board of directors either (i) | ||
(2) Take custody of the savings bank under Article | ||
(3) Declare the stock worthless and order the | ||
(b) The Commissioner shall promulgate rules to implement this
(Source: P.A. 86‑1213.)
(205 ILCS 205/9018) (from Ch. 17, par. 7309‑18)
Sec. 9018.
Administrative review.
Except as otherwise specifically
provided by this Act, any person aggrieved by a decision of the Commissioner
under this Act may receive a hearing before the Board of Savings Institutions
or otherwise seek administrative review of the decision pursuant to the
procedures set forth in Sections 7‑20 through 7‑27 of the
Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985.
(Source: P.A. 89‑508, eff. 7‑3‑96.)
(205 ILCS 205/9019)
Sec. 9019.
Reliance on the Commissioner.
(a) The Commissioner may issue an opinion in response to a specific
request from a member of the public or the banking or thrift industry or on his
own initiative. The opinion may be in the form of an interpretive letter,
no‑objection letter, or other issuance the Commissioner deems appropriate.
(b) If the Commissioner determines that the opinion is useful for the
general guidance of the public or savings banks, the Commissioner may
disseminate the opinion by newsletter, via an electronic medium such as the
internet, in a volume of statutes or related materials published by the
Commissioner or others, or by other means reasonably calculated to notify
persons affected by the opinion. A published opinion must be redacted to
preserve the confidentiality of the requesting party unless the requesting
party consents to be identified in the published opinion.
(c) No savings bank or other person shall be liable under this Act for any
act done or omitted in good faith in conformity with any rule, interpretation,
or opinion issued by the Commissioner, notwithstanding that after the act or
omission has occurred, the rule, interpretation, or opinion upon which
reliance is placed is amended, rescinded, or determined by judicial or other
authority to be invalid for any reason.
(Source: P.A. 92‑483, eff. 8‑23‑01.)
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