2021 Idaho Code
58-1403. RANGELAND RESOURCES COMMISSION CREATED — MEMBERS. (1) There is hereby created and established in the department of self-governing agencies the Idaho rangeland resources commission, to be composed of five (5) voting members appointed by the governor from a list of names, with at least two (2) names for each appointive office submitted to the governor. The Idaho cattle association shall nominate and submit the required number of names for two (2) seats on the commission, the Idaho wool growers association shall nominate and submit the required number of names for one (1) seat on the commission, the partners advisory council (PAC) of the university of Idaho rangeland center shall nominate and submit the required number of names for one (1) seat on the commission, and the Idaho rangeland resource commission shall nominate and submit the required number of names for one (1) seat to serve at large on the commission. Members of the commission shall serve five (5) year terms. Initially, one (1) member of the commission will serve a one (1) year term, one (1) member of the commission will serve a two (2) year term, one (1) member of the commission will serve a three (3) year term, one (1) member of the commission will serve a four (4) year term, and one (1) member of the commission will serve a five (5) year term. For the initial commission members, the duration of each member’s term shall be determined by lot. Vacancies to the board shall be filled through nominations to the governor by the entity who originally submitted names for the position. Only the remainder of the term shall be served. No commissioner can serve more than two (2) consecutive five (5) year terms. No two (2) commissioners may reside in the same county.
(2) The governor shall also name as permanent advisory members to the commission the state director of the bureau of land management, a representative of the U.S. forest service, the state conservationist from the soil conservation service, the director of the Idaho department of lands, the director of the Idaho department of agriculture, the chairman of the partners advisory council of the university of Idaho rangeland center or his designee, the current president of the Idaho section of the society of range management, the deans of the university of Idaho colleges of agriculture and forestry, wildlife and range sciences or their designees. No advisory member of the commission shall have a vote on the commission.
[58-1403, added 1994, ch. 374, sec. 1, p. 1204; am. 2020, ch. 149, sec. 1, p. 449.]