2021 Idaho Code
Title 36 - FISH AND GAME
36-1911. SPRINGFIELD BIRD PRESERVE. There is hereby created within the county of Bingham, in the state of Idaho and within the following described boundaries, a limited wildlife preserve to be known as the Springfield Bird Haven: beginning at the north 1/4 corner of section 15 in township 4 south, range 32 east of the Boise meridian, and running thence north to the northwest corner of the southwest 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of section 10 in the township and range aforesaid; thence east to the northeast corner of the southeast 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of said section; thence south to the Roosevelt highway; thence east along the north line of said highway, a distance of 160 rods, more or less, to the east line of the southwest 1/4 of section 11 in the township and range aforesaid; thence south to the center of section 14, in the township and range aforesaid; thence west to the southwest corner of the southeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 of section 15 aforesaid; thence northwesterly in a straight diagonal line to the point of beginning.
(a) Game Birds and Waterfowl Protected. Other provisions of section 36-1902, Idaho Code, notwithstanding, this section shall apply only to protected wild birds.
[36-1911, added 1976, ch. 95, sec. 2, p. 379.]