2019 Idaho Code
57-1104. TRANSFER OF UNEXPENDED BALANCES IN CERTAIN BOND ACCOUNTS. It is declared hereby that the bond issues heretofore authorized by Chapter 206, 1939 Session Laws, and Chapter 186, 1941 Session Laws have been retired in full by payment; and the balances remaining unexpended in the bond accounts created by reason of such bond issues are hereby transferred into and made part of the permanent building fund and disposed of as follows: The residue in the bond account for State Hospital North, Orofino, $664.10 more or less, is transferred into the permanent building fund and the bond account is closed, the project having been completed; the residue in the bond account for equipping and furnishing the new Boy’s Dormitory, Industrial School, St. Anthony, $621.24 more or less, is transferred into the permanent building fund and the bond account is closed, the project having been completed; the residue in the bond account for fire escapes, Idaho State School for the Deaf and the Blind, Gooding, $1,058.20 more or less, is transferred into the permanent building fund and the bond account is closed, the project having been completed; the residue in the bond account for remodeling the Boys’ dormitory at the State School for the Deaf and the Blind, Gooding, $13.85 more or less, is transferred into the permanent building fund, and the bond account is closed, the project having been completed; the residue in the bond account for heating plant and laundry room at the Idaho State School for the Deaf and the Blind, Gooding, $45.36 more or less, is transferred into the permanent building fund and the bond account is closed, the project having been completed. The residue in the bond account, State Hospital South, Blackfoot, $26,537.66 more or less, is hereby transferred into the permanent building fund and appropriated and set aside in the permanent building fund without impairment of existing encumbrances, for completion of the unfinished project for which the said bonds were issued; the residue in the bond account, State Historical Society, Boise, $14,431.31 more or less, is hereby transferred into the permanent building fund and appropriated and set aside in the permanent building fund without impairment of existing encumbrances, for completion of the unfinished project for which the said bonds were issued; and the residue in the bond account for Eagle Island Dormitory, Boise, $14,341.31 more or less, is hereby transferred into the permanent building fund, and appropriated and set aside in the permanent building fund without impairment of existing encumbrances, for completion of the unfinished project for which the said bonds were issued.
[57-1104, added 1947, ch. 116, sec. 4, p. 274.]