2019 Hawaii Revised Statutes
- 346. Department of Human Services
- 346C. Long-Term Care Financing Program
- 346D. Long-Term Care
- 346E. Nursing Facility Tax
- 347. Blind, Visually Handicapped, and Other Disabled Persons
- 347D. Hawaii State Coordinating Council on Deafness--Repealed
- 348. Vocational Rehabilitation
- 348E. Commission on Persons with Disabilities--Repealed
- 348F. Disability and Communication Access Board
- 349. Executive Office on Aging
- 349C. Elder Abuse or Neglect--Repealed
- 350. Child Abuse
- 350B. Hawaii Children's Trust Fund
- 350C. Adoption Assistance Compact and Procedures for Interstate Services Payments
- 350E. Interstate Compact on Placement of Children
- 351. Crime Victim Compensation
- 352. Hawaii Youth Correctional Facilities
- 352D. Office of Youth Services
- 353. Corrections
- 353B. Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Adult Offenders
- 353C. Public Safety
- 353D. Offender Family Service Center Act
- 353E. Statewide Integrated Sex Offender Treatment Program
- 353F. Corrections Population Management Commission
- 353G. Criminal Offender Treatment Act
- 353H. Comprehensive Offender Reentry System
- 354. Correctional Industries--Repealed
- 354D. Hawaii Correctional Industries
- 355. Western Interstate Corrections Compact
- 355D. Interstate Corrections Compact
- 356. Hawaii Housing Authority; Low Income Housing--Repealed
- 356D. Hawaii Public Housing Authority
- 357. Federal Housing Projects--Repealed
- 358. Government Aid for Housing Projects--Repealed
- 358D. Homeless Assistance Act--Repealed
- 359. State Housing Projects--Repealed
- 359A. Teachers Housing--Repealed
- 359G. Hawaii Housing Authority--Housing Projects--Repealed
- 359L. Factory Built Housing--Repealed
- 360. Provisions Applicable to Public Housing Generally--Repealed
- 360E. Advisory Council on Housing--Repealed
- 361. Community Home Mortgage Program--Repealed
- 362. Progressive Neighborhoods Program--Repealed
- 363. Veterans Rights and Benefits
- 364. Veterans Loans--Repealed
- 367. Status of Women
- 367D. Parity for Female Offenders
- 368. Civil Rights Commission
Chapter heading amended by L 1987, c 339, 4.
L Sp 2005, c 4, 3 provides:
"SECTION 3. The department of human services shall not take any action to remove pharmaceutical benefits management from managed care plans that provide health care coverage for Hawaii medicaid beneficiaries."
L 2008, c 241, 2 provides:
"SECTION 2. The department of human services shall apply to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to allow persons who are eligible to receive medicaid funds for care at nursing home facilities to remain at home and receive home- and community-based long-term care; provided that the cost for the home- and community-based services shall not exceed the total expenditures that would have been incurred if the person received facility-based long-term care, services, or support."
Contracts that take effect after June 30, 2018, between the department of human services and a provider agency for the operation or management of an emergency or transitional shelter to comply with L 2016, c 234. L 2016, c 234, 6; L 2017, c 100, 3.
Earned income disregard program; medicaid eligibility; reports to 2020-2022 legislature. L 2019, c 155, 3.
Emergency department homelessness assessment pilot program; report to 2020 legislature (ceases to exist on June 30, 2020). L 2018, c 209, 7; L 2019, c 128, 1(3).
Equitable referral system for discharge of medicaid patients from hospitals, nursing homes, and long-term care facilities. L 2012, c 211, 7.
Homeless assistance working group; interim report to legislature (dissolved June 30, 2016). L 2013, c 222, 15 to 17; L 2014, c 134, 7.
Hospital sustainability program (repealed June 30, 2016 and December 31, 2016). L 2012, c 217; L 2013, c 141; L 2014, c 123; L 2015, c 70.
Medical respite pilot program; report to 2020 legislature (ceases to exist on June 30, 2020). L 2018, c 209, 9; L 2019, c 128, 1(4).
Nursing facility sustainability program (repealed June 30, 2016 and December 31, 2016). L 2012, c 156; L 2013, c 142; L 2014, c 124; L 2015, c 69.
Return-to-home pilot program for eligible homeless individuals (terminated December 31, 2016). L 2013, c 222, 12 to 14.
State's program integrity compliance with the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 with respect to medicaid program integrity within certain programs; reports to 2015-2017 legislature. L 2013, c 240.
Training program on government procurement for nonprofit organizations that offer homeless outreach services or manage homeless housing programs in rural areas of the State. L 2019, c 162, 2.
Working group on documentation for state civil identification card; reports to 2016-2017 legislature (dissolved June 30, 2017). L 2015, c 243.
Cross References
Commission on fatherhood, see chapter 577E.
Early intervention services for infants and toddlers, see 321-351 to 321-357.
Hawaii children's trust fund, see chapter 350B.
Hawaii health insurance exchange, see chapter 435H.
Hospital sustainability program, see chapter 346G.
Medicaid contracts; nonprofit and for-profit reporting requirements, see 103F-107.
Medicaid-related mandates, see chapter 431L.
Nursing facility sustainability program, see chapter 346F.
Primary health care incentive program, see 321-1.5.
Safe place for newborns, see chapter 587D.
Sex offender treatment program, see chapter 353E.
State health insurance program, see chapter 431N.
Transfer of head start collaboration office, see 302L-1.5(e).
Law Journals and Reviews
State-Created Immigration Climates and Domestic Migration. 38 UH L. Rev. 181 (2016).