There Is a Newer Version of the Hawaii Revised Statutes
2011 Hawaii Code
- 1. Common Law; Construction of Laws
- 2. Statute Revision and Publication--Repealed
- 3. Uniformity of Legislation
- 4. Boundaries
- 4E. State Board on Geographic Names
- 5. Emblems and Symbols
- 6. Memorials--Repealed
- 6D. Protection of Caves
- 6E. Historic Preservation
- 6F. Judiciary History Center
- 6K. Kaho olawe Island Reserve
- 7. Miscellaneous Rights of the People
- 8. Holidays
- 9. Foundation on Culture and the Arts
- 9C. Ethnic Studies--Repealed
- 10. Office of Hawaiian Affairs
- 11. Elections, Generally
- 12. Primary Elections
- 13. Board of Education
- 13D. Board of Trustees, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
- 14. Presidential Elections
- 14D. Agreement among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote
- 15. Absentee Voting
- 15A. Voting by Mailing Ballot--Repealed
- 16. Voting Systems
- 16A. Uniform Act for Voting by New Residents in Presidential Elections--Repealed
- 17. Vacancies
- 18. Districting--Repealed
- 19. Election Offense
- 21. Legislative Hearings and Procedure
- 21D. Access/Legislative Information Service
- 21E. Joint Legislative Management Committee
- 21F. Legislative Fiscal and Budget Analysis
- 21G. Public Access
- 22. Presiding Officers, Clerks, and Staff
- 23. Auditor
- 23G. Office of the Legislative Reference Bureau
- 24. Allowance and Salary for Legislators
- 25. Reapportionment
- 26. Executive and Administrative Departments
- 26H. Hawaii Regulatory Licensing Reform Act
- 27. State Functions and Responsibilities
- 27C. State Information Service
- 27G. Access Hawaii Committee
- 28. Attorney General
- 29. Federal Aid
- 30. Gubernatorial Transition
- 36. Management of State Funds
- 37. Budget
- 37D. Management of Financing Agreements
- 38. Deposits of Public Funds
- 39. State Bonds
- 39A. Special Purpose Revenue Bonds
- 39B. Allocation of Private Activity Bonds
- 40. Audit and Accounting
- 41. State Insurance Administration--Repealed
- 41D. State Risk Management and Insurance Administration
- 42. Grants, Subsidies, and Purchases of Service--Repealed
- 42D. Grants, Subsidies, and Purchases of Service--Repealed
- 42F. Grants and Subsidies Subtitle 1. Provisions Common to All Counties
- 46. General Provisions
- 47. County Bonds
- 47C. Indebtedness of the Counties, Exclusions from the Funded Debt, and Certification Thereof
- 48. Economic Development Bonds
- 48E. Political Subdivision Pollution Control Special Purpose Revenue Bonds
- 49. Revenue Bonds
- 50. Charter Commissions
- 51. Mass Transit
- 51D. Transit Capital Development Fund--Repealed
- 52. Police Departments--Repealed
- 52D. Police Departments
- 53. Urban Renewal Law
- 54. Water Systems
- 56. Public Off-Street Parking Facilities
- 57. Urban and Regional Design--Repealed
- 58. Exceptional Trees Subtitle 2. Government of Hawaii, Kauai, Maui
- 61. General Organization and Powers--Repealed
- 62. County Officers--Repealed
- 63. Election of Officers--Repealed
- 64. Provisions Specific for Hawaii--Repealed
- 65. Provisions Specific for Kauai--Repealed
- 66. Provisions Specific for Maui--Repealed
- 67. Improvement by Assessment--Repealed Subtitle 3. Honolulu Government
- 70. General Provisions Relating to Honolulu--Repealed
- 71. Artesian Well Control Repealed
- 76. Civil Service Law
- 77. Compensation Law--Repealed
- 78. Public Service
- 79. Leaves of Absence--Repealed
- 80. Hours of Work--Repealed
- 81. In-Service Training Programs--Repealed
- 82. Incentive and Service Awards--Repealed
- 83. Temporary Intergovernmental Assignment of Public Employees--Repealed
- 84. Standards of Conduct
- 85. Loyalty--Repealed
- 86. Strikes Against the Government--Repealed
- 87. Public Employees Health Fund--Repealed
- 87A. Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund
- 87D. Voluntary Employees' Beneficiary Association Trusts
- 88. Pension and Retirement Systems
- 88D. Tax Deferred Compensation Plans for Public Employees
- 88E. Deferred Compensation Plan
- 88F. Deferred Compensation Retirement Plan for Part-Time, Temporary, and Seasonal or Casual Employees
- 89. Collective Bargaining in Public Employment
- 89A. Office of Collective Bargaining
- 89C. Public Officers and Employees Excluded from Collective Bargaining
- 90. State Policy Concerning the Utilization of Volunteer Services
- 90D. Commission for National and Community Service
- 91. Administrative Procedure
- 92. Public Agency Meetings and Records
- 92E. Fair Information Practice (Confidentiality of Personal Record)--Repealed
- 92F. Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified)
- 93. Government Publications
- 94. Public Archives; Disposal of Records
- 95. Destroying or Defacing Official Notices--Repealed
- 96. The Ombudsman
- 97. Lobbyists
- 101. Eminent Domain
- 102. Concessions on Public Property
- 103. Expenditure of Public Money and Public Contracts
- 103D. Hawaii Public Procurement Code
- 103F. Purchases of Health and Human Services
- 104. Wages and Hours of Employees on Public Works
- 105. Government Motor Vehicles
- 106. Inventory, Accounting, and Disposal of Government Assets--Repealed
- 107. Public Improvements
- 109. Stadiums and Recreational Facilities
- 110. State-Owned Cemeteries
- 111. Assistance to Displaced Persons
- 113. Land Acquisition Policies for Federally Assisted Programs
- 115. Public Access to Coastal and Inland Recreational Areas
- 121. Militia; National Guard
- 122. Hawaii State Guard--Repealed
- 122A. Hawaii State Defense Force
- 123. Naval Militia
- 124. Military Courts-Martial--Repealed
- 124A. Hawaii Code of Military Justice
- 125. Procurement and Control of Distribution of Necessary Commodities
- 125C. Procurement, Control, Distribution and Sale of Petroleum Products
- 126. Federal Flood Insurance
- 127. Disaster Relief
- 128. Civil Defense and Emergency Act
- 128D. Environmental Response Law
- 128E. Hawaii Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
- 128F. Emergency Management Assistance Compact
- 129. Blackouts and Illumination Control--Repealed
- 130. Emergency Seat of Government
- 131. Commission on Subversive Activities--Repealed
- 132. Fire Protection
- 132C. Reduced Ignition Propensity Cigarettes Law
- 132D. Fireworks
- 133. Combustibles--Repealed
- 134. Firearms, Ammunition and Dangerous Weapons
- 135. Emergency Use of Private Real Property
- 136. Laser Pointing Devices
- 137. Search and Rescue Reimbursement Act
- 138. Enhanced 911 Services for Mobile Phones
- 141. Department of Agriculture
- 142. Animals, Brands, and Fences
- 143. Animals: Licenses and Regulations
- 144. Feed
- 145. Regulation of Farm Produce
- 145D. Donation of Food
- 146. Slaughtering Operations and Slaughterhouses
- 147. Grades and Standards
- 148. Advertising and Marketing
- 148D. Aquaculture Advisory Council--Repealed
- 149. Economic Poisons--Repealed
- 149A. Hawaii Pesticides Law
- 150. Seeds
- 150A. Plant and Non-Domestic Animal Quarantine and Microorganism Import
- 151. Weed Control--Repealed
- 152. Noxious Weed Control
- 153. Agricultural Products Program--Repealed
- 154. Fruit and Nut Orchards--Repealed
- 155. Agricultural Loans
- 155D. Livestock Revitalization Program
- 156. Farm Advisory Board--Repealed
- 157. Milk Control Act
- 159. Hawaii Meat Inspection Act
- 161. Poultry Inspection
- 163. Marketing Orders and Agreements--Repealed
- 163D. Agribusiness Development Corporation
- 164. Agriculture Coordinating Committee--Repealed
- 165. Hawaii Right to Farm Act
- 166. Agricultural Parks
- 166E. Non-Agricultural Park Lands
- 167. Irrigation Water Development
- 168. Irrigation and Water Utilization Projects
- 169. Private Agricultural Parks Subtitle 1. Public Lands
- 171. Public Lands, Management and Disposition of
- 172. Land Commission Awards; Surveys
- 173. Reclamation of Lands
- 173A. Acquisition of Resource Value Lands Subtitle2. Water and Land Development; Flood Control
- 174. Water and Land Development
- 174C. State Water Code
- 175. Molokai Irrigation and Water Utilization Project-- Repealed
- 176. Water Resources--Repealed
- 176D. Protection of Instream Uses of Water--Repealed
- 177. Ground-Water Use--Repealed
- 178. Wells, Generally--Repealed
- 179. Flood Control and Flood Water Conservation
- 179D. Dams and Reservoirs
- 180. Soil and Water Conservation Districts
- 180C. Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Subtitle 3. Mining and Minerals
- 181. Strip Mining
- 182. Reservation and Disposition of Government Mineral Rights Subtitle 4. Forestry and Wildlife; Recreation Areas; Fire Protection
- 183. Forest Reserves, Water Development, Zoning
- 183B. Hawaiian Fishponds
- 183C. Conservation District
- 183D. Wildlife
- 184. State Parks and Recreation Areas
- 185. Land Fire Protection Law
- 186. Tree Farms Subtitle 5. Aquatic Resources and Wildlife
- 187. General Provisions Relating to Aquatic Resources and Wildlife--Repealed
- 187A. Aquatic Resources
- 188. Fishing Rights and Regulations
- 188E. Hawaii Fisheries Coordinating Council--Repealed
- 188F. West Hawaii Regional Fishery Management Area
- 189. Commercial Fishing
- 189G. Aquaculture Advisory Council--Repealed
- 190. Marine Life Conservation Program
- 190D. Ocean and Submerged Lands Leasing
- 191. Birds and Mammals--Repealed
- 192. Shooting Preserves and Game Bird Farming--Repealed Subtitle 6. General and Miscellaneous Programs
- 193. Conservation: Employment Programs
- 194. Invasive Species Council
- 195. Natural Area Reserves System
- 195D. Conservation of Aquatic Life, Wildlife, and Land Plants
- 195F. Forest Stewardship
- 196. Energy Resources
- 196D. Geothermal and Cable System Development
- 197. General Provisions Relating to Aquatic Resources and Wildlife
- 198. Conservation Easements
- 198D. Hawaii Statewide Trail and Access System Subtitle 7. Enforcement
- 199. Conservation and Resources Enforcement Program
- 199D. Civil Natural Resource Violations Act Subtitle 8. Ocean Recreation and Coastal Areas
- 200. Ocean Recreation and Coastal Areas Programs
- 200D. Kaneohe Bay Regional Council
- 201. Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism
- 201B. Hawaii Tourism Authority
- 201C. Financial Services Assistance Program
- 201D. Business Action Center--Repealed
- 201E. Housing Finance and Development Corporation--Repealed
- 201F. Rental Housing Trust Fund--Repealed
- 201G. Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii--Repealed
- 201H. Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation
- 201M. Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act
- 201N. Renewable Energy Facility Siting Process
- 202. Hawaii Workforce Development Council
- 203. Tourism Development--Repealed
- 204. State Fairs--Repealed
- 205. Land Use Commission
- 205A. Coastal Zone Management
- 206. Oahu Land Development
- 206E. Hawaii Community Development Authority
- 206G. Kalaeloa Community Development District--Repealed
- 206J. Aloha Tower Development Corporation
- 206M. High Technology Development Corporation
- 206P. Hawaii Telecommunications and Information Industries Act--Repealed
- 206X. Convention Center Authority--Repealed
- 207. Mortgage Loans
- 208. Economic Redevelopment Program for Depressed Areas--Repealed
- 209. Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation
- 209E. State Enterprise Zones
- 210. Capital Loan Program
- 210D. Community-Based Development
- 211. Guarantee of Commercial Loans--Repealed
- 211D. Capital Access Program
- 211E. Hawaii Innovation Development Program
- 211F. Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation
- 211G. State Private Investment Fund
- 212. Foreign-Trade Zones
- 213. Research and Development Industry Promotion Program
- 213E. Employee Ownership and Participation Programs--Repealed
- 214. Grants-in-Aid for County Capital Improvement Projects
- 218. Marine Affairs Coordinator--Repealed
- 219. Aquaculture Loan Program
- 220. Aquaculture Farms
- 221. Commission on the Year2000--Repealed
- 222. Hawaii Research Center for Futures Study--Repealed
- 223. Quality Growth Policy
- 224. State Population and Planning--Repealed
- 225. Policy Planning--Repealed
- 225M. State Planning
- 226. Hawaii State Planning Act
- 227. Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii--Repealed
- 227D. Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority
- 228. Ocean Resources Management--Repealed
- 229. Sister-State and Province Relationships
- 231. Administration of Taxes
- 232. Tax Appeals
- 232E. Tax Review Commission
- 233. Tax Classification of Certain Business Relationships
- 234. Tax Relief for Natural Disaster Losses--Repealed
- 235. Income Tax Law
- 235D. Qualified Improvement Tax Credit--Repealed
- 236. Inheritance and Estate Taxes Law--Repealed
- 236A. Revised Uniform Estate Tax Apportionment Act--Repealed
- 236D. Estate and Transfer Tax
- 237. General Excise Tax Law
- 237D. Transient Accommodations Tax
- 238. Use Tax Law
- 239. Public Service Company Tax Law
- 240. Public Utilities; Franchise Tax
- 241. Taxation of Banks and Other Financial Corporations
- 242. Mortgage Loan Exemption--Repealed
- 243. Fuel Tax Law
- 244. Liquor Tax Law--Repealed
- 244D. Liquor Tax Law
- 245. Cigarette Tax and Tobacco Tax Law
- 246. Real Property Tax Law
- 246A. Transfer of Real Property Taxation Functions
- 247. Conveyance Tax
- 248. County Budgets; Tax Funds
- 249. County Vehicular Taxes
- 251. Rental Motor Vehicle and Tour Vehicle Surcharge Tax
- 255. Multistate Tax Compact
- 255D. Hawaii Simplified Sales and Use Tax Administration Act
- 256. College Savings Program
- 257. Individual Development Accounts
- 261. Aeronautics
- 261C. Hawaii Air Carriers--Repealed
- 261D. Transportation Use Special Fund
- 261E. Hawaii Air Carriers
- 262. Airport Zoning Act
- 263. Uniform Aeronautics Act (Modified)
- 263A. Alcohol and Aviation Safety
- 264. Highways
- 265. County Highways, Sidewalks, Wharves--Repealed
- 265A. County Highways and Sidewalks
- 266. Harbors
- 267. Boating Law--Repealed
- 267A. Abandoned Vessels--Repealed
- 267B. Trespass to Vessels--Repealed
- 267C. Vessel Identification Numbers--Repealed
- 268. Ferries
- 269. Public Utilities Commission
- 269E. One Call Center; Advance Warning to Excavators
- 270. Employees of Public Utilities--Repealed
- 271. Motor Carrier Law
- 271G. Hawaii Water Carrier Act
- 272. Defrauding Carriers of Passengers--Repealed
- 273. Railway Law
- 274. Radio Control--Repealed
- 275. Liabilities and Offenses Connected with Telephones, Wire Communications, and Cable Television Systems
- 277. Energy Corridors
- 279. Transportation Control--Repealed
- 279A. Statewide Transportation Planning
- 279E. Metropolitan Planning Organization
- 279G. Ridesharing
- 281. Intoxicating Liquor
- 286. Highway Safety
- 286A. Vehicle Equipment Safety Compact--Repealed
- 286C. Driver License Compact
- 286G. Driver Education and Training Fund
- 287. Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act
- 288. Common Carriers, Compulsory Insurance
- 289. Used Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories
- 290. Abandoned Vehicles
- 291. Traffic Violations
- 291A. Nonresident Violator Compact
- 291C. Statewide Traffic Code
- 291D. Adjudication of Traffic Infractions
- 291E. Use of Intoxicants While Operating a Vehicle
- 292. Odometer Accuracy and Record Maintenance--Repealed
- 293. Bicycles
- 294. Motor Vehicle Accident Reparations--Repealed
- 296. Public Education--Repealed
- 296C. School/Community-Based Management--Repealed
- 296D. School Priority Fund--Repealed
- 297. Personnel of Public Schools--Repealed
- 297D. Hawaii Teacher Standards Board--Repealed
- 298. Schools and Attendance, Generally--Repealed
- 299. Driver Education--Repealed
- 300. Technical and Vocational Training--Repealed
- 301. Other Special Training--Repealed
- 302. Agents of Private Schools and Correspondence Schools--Repealed
- 302A. Education
- 302B. Public Charter Schools
- 302C. Private Schools
- 302H. Hawaiian Language Medium Education
- 302L. Early Learning System
- 303. Employees' Annuity and Custodial Account Contracts
- 304. University of Hawaii--Repealed
- 304A. University of Hawaii System
- 304D. Center for Nursing--Repealed
- 304E. Nursing Scholars Program--Repealed
- 305. Community Colleges--Repealed
- 305A. Career and Technical Education Under Federal Aid--Repealed
- 305E. College-Credit Equivalency Program--Repealed
- 305H. State Post-Secondary Education Commission--Repealed
- 306. University Projects--Repealed
- 307. Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii-- Repealed
- 308. University Parking--Repealed
- 309. Student Loan Funds
- 310. Western Regional Education Compact--Repealed
- 311. Compact for Education
- 312. Libraries
- 314. Hawaii Public Broadcasting Authority--Repealed
- 315. Interstate Agreement on Qualifications of Educational Personnel
- 317. Secondary School Students Conference
- 318. College and University Student Leaders Conference--Repealed
- 319. Dental Education
- 321. Department of Health
- 321D. Interdepartmental Cluster for Services to Children
- 321E. Dispersal Review Council--Repealed
- 321F. Office of the Aloha Health Corps--Repealed
- 321G. California-Hawaii Cooperative Commission--Repealed
- 321H. Neurotrauma
- 322. Nuisances; Sanitary Regulations
- 322H. Hawaii Health Authority
- 323. Hospitals and Medical Facilities
- 323C. Privacy of Health Care Information--Repealed
- 323D. Health Planning and Resources Development and Health Care Cost Control
- 323F. Hawaii Health Systems Corporation
- 324. Medical Research; Morbidity and Mortality Information
- 325. Infectious and Communicable Diseases
- 326. Hansen's Disease
- 327. Medical and Research Use of Bodies
- 327C. Death
- 327D. Medical Treatment Decisions--Repealed
- 327E. Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act (Modified)
- 327F. Medical Treatment Decisions for Psychotic Disorders-- Repealed
- 327G. Advance Mental Health Care Directives
- 327H. Pain Patient's Bill of Rights
- 327K. Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment
- 328. Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics
- 328A. Water, Furnishing Potable--Repealed
- 328B. Return-for-Credit-and-Reuse of Prescription Drugs
- 328C. Donation of Pharmaceuticals and Health Care Supplies
- 328D. Bottled Water
- 328E. Intoxicating Compounds
- 328J. Smoking
- 328K. Smoking--Repealed
- 328L. Hawaii Tobacco Settlement Moneys
- 329. Uniform Controlled Substances Act
- 329B. Substance Abuse Testing
- 329C. Imitation Controlled Substances Act
- 330. Poisons, Sale of
- 330C. Hawaii Poison Prevention Packaging Act
- 331. Radium for Medical and Surgical Purposes--Repealed
- 332. Mattresses, Manufacture, Etc., and Sale of
- 332D. Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers
- 333. Mental Retardation--Repealed
- 333E. Developmental Disabilities
- 333F. Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities or Mental Retardation
- 334. Mental Health, Mental Illness, Drug Addiction, and Alcoholism
- 334B. Utilization Review and Managed Care of Mental Health, Alcohol, or Drug Abuse Treatment
- 334D. Diversion Program for Chemically Dependent Nurses
- 334E. Rights of Recipients of Mental Health Services
- 335. Interstate Compact on Mental Health
- 336. Deportation and Transfer of Alien and Nonresident Public Charges
- 337. Uniform Act for the Extradition of Persons of Unsound Mind
- 338. Vital Statistics
- 339. Litter Control
- 339D. Electronic Waste and Television Recycling and Recovery Act
- 339K. Northwest Interstate Compact on Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management
- 340. Hawaii Waste Management--Repealed
- 340A. Solid Waste
- 340B. Wastewater Treatment Personnel
- 340E. Safe Drinking Water
- 340F. Hawaii Law for Mandatory Certification of Public Water System Operators
- 341. Environmental Quality Control
- 342. Environmental Quality--Repealed
- 342B. Air Pollution Control
- 342C. Ozone Layer Protection
- 342D. Water Pollution
- 342E. Nonpoint Source Pollution Management and Control
- 342F. Noise Pollution
- 342G. Integrated Solid Waste Management
- 342H. Solid Waste Pollution
- 342I. Special Wastes Recycling
- 342J. Hazardous Waste
- 342L. Underground Storage Tanks
- 342N. Used Oil Transport, Recycling, and Disposal--Repealed
- 342P. Asbestos and Lead
- 343. Environmental Impact Statements
- 343D. Hawaii Environmental Disclosure Law--Repealed
- 344. State Environmental Policy
- 346. Department of Human Services
- 346C. Long-Term Care Financing Program
- 346D. Long-Term Care
- 346E. Nursing Facility Tax
- 347. Blind and Visually Handicapped Persons
- 347D. Hawaii State Coordinating Council on Deafness--Repealed
- 348. Vocational Rehabilitation
- 348E. Commission on Persons with Disabilities--Repealed
- 348F. Disability and Communication Access Board
- 349. Executive Office on Aging
- 349C. Elder Abuse or Neglect--Repealed
- 350. Child Abuse
- 350B. Hawaii Children's Trust Fund
- 350C. Adoption Assistance Compact and Procedures for Interstate Services Payments
- 350E. Interstate Compact on Placement of Children
- 351. Crime Victim Compensation
- 352. Hawaii Youth Correctional Facilities
- 352D. Office of Youth Services
- 353. Corrections
- 353B. Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Adult Offenders
- 353C. Public Safety
- 353D. Offender Family Service Center Act
- 353E. Statewide Integrated Sex Offender Treatment Program
- 353F. Corrections Population Management Commission
- 353G. Criminal Offender Treatment Act
- 353H. Comprehensive Offender Reentry System
- 354. Correctional Industries--Repealed
- 354D. Hawaii Correctional Industries
- 355. Western Interstate Corrections Compact
- 355D. Interstate Corrections Compact
- 356. Hawaii Housing Authority; Low Income Housing--Repealed
- 356D. Hawaii Public Housing Authority
- 357. Federal Housing Projects--Repealed
- 358. Government Aid for Housing Projects--Repealed
- 358D. Homeless Assistance Act--Repealed
- 359. State Housing Projects--Repealed
- 359A. Teachers Housing--Repealed
- 359G. Hawaii Housing Authority--Housing Projects--Repealed
- 359L. Factory Built Housing--Repealed
- 360. Provisions Applicable to Public Housing Generally--Repealed
- 360E. Advisory Council on Housing--Repealed
- 361. Community Home Mortgage Program--Repealed
- 362. Progressive Neighborhoods Program--Repealed
- 363. Veterans Rights and Benefits
- 364. Veterans Loans--Repealed
- 367. Status of Women
- 367D. Parity for Female Offenders
- 368. Civil Rights Commission
- 371. Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
- 371K. Community Services
- 372. Apprenticeship
- 373. Commercial Employment Agencies
- 373C. Occupational and Career Information
- 373E. Statewide Transition to Work System--Repealed
- 373F. Tourism Training Council--Repealed
- 373K. Professional Employment Organizations
- 374. Emigrant Agents--Repealed
- 375. Garment Industry Homework--Repealed
- 376. Industrial Safety--Repealed
- 377. Hawaii Employment Relations Act
- 378. Employment Practices
- 379. Recruiting and Hiring of Employees During Labor Disputes
- 379A. Picketing of Residence or Dwelling Place
- 380. Labor Disputes; Jurisdiction of Courts
- 381. Labor Disputes; Public Utilities
- 382. Labor Disputes; Stevedoring Industry
- 383. Hawaii Employment Security Law
- 384. Hawaii Agricultural Unemployment Compensation Law--Repealed
- 385. Additional Unemployment Compensation Benefits Law
- 386. Workers' Compensation Law
- 386A. Hawaii State Compensation Mutual Insurance Fund
- 387. Wage and Hour Law
- 388. Wages and Other Compensation, Payment of
- 390. Child Labor Law
- 392. Temporary Disability Insurance
- 393. Prepaid Health Care Act
- 394. Manpower Development and Training
- 394A. Job Training--Repealed
- 394B. Dislocated Workers
- 396. Occupational Safety and Health
- 397. Boiler and Elevator Safety Law
- 398. Family Leave
- 401. Commissioner of Financial Institutions--Repealed
- 402. Fiduciaries and Investments--Repealed
- 403. Hawaii Bank Act--Repealed
- 404. Bank Mergers--Repealed
- 405. International and Foreign Banking by Hawaii Corporations--Repealed
- 405A. International Banking Facilities--Repealed
- 405D. Foreign Banks--Repealed
- 406. Trust Companies--Repealed
- 407. Savings and Loan Associations--Repealed
- 408. Financial Services Loan Companies--Repealed
- 408A. Industrial Loan Company Guaranty Act--Repealed
- 409. Small Loan Companies--Repealed
- 410. State Chartered Credit Unions--Repealed
- 411. Emergency Acquisition of Financial Institutions--Repealed
- 412. Code of Financial Institutions
- 414. Hawaii Business Corporation Act
- 414D. Hawaii Nonprofit Corporations Act
- 414E. Control Share Acquisitions
- 415. Hawaii Business Corporation Act--Repealed
- 415A. Professional Corporation Act
- 415B. Hawaii Nonprofit Corporation Act--Repealed
- 416. Corporations, Generally--Repealed
- 417. Consolidation and Merger of Corporations--Repealed
- 417E. Corporate Take-Overs
- 418. Foreign Corporations--Repealed
- 419. Corporations Sole for Ecclesiastical Purposes
- 420. Business Development Corporations--Repealed
- 421. Agricultural Cooperative Associations
- 421C. Consumer Cooperative Associations
- 421G. Limited-Equity Housing Cooperatives--Repealed
- 421H. Limited-Equity Housing Cooperatives
- 421I. Cooperative Housing Corporations
- 421J. Planned Community Associations
- 422. Fish Marketing Associations--Repealed
- 423. Dental Service Corporations
- 424. Optometric Service Corporations
- 425. Partnerships
- 425D. Uniform Limited Partnership Act--Repealed
- 425E. Uniform Limited Partnership Act
- 425R. Registered Agents Act
- 428. Uniform Limited Liability Company Act
- 429. Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act
- 431. Insurance Code
- 431A. Readability of Insurance Contracts--Repealed
- 431D. Insurance Company Insolvency--Repealed
- 431E. Life Settlements
- 431F. Hawaii Life and Disability Insurance Guaranty Association Act--Repealed
- 431H. Insurance Information Protection Act--Repealed
- 431J. Captive Insurance Companies--Repealed
- 431K. Risk Retention
- 431L. Medicaid-Related Mandates
- 431M. Mental Health and Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Insurance Benefits
- 431N. State Health Insurance Program Act
- 431P. Hawaii Hurricane Relief Fund
- 432. Benefit Societies
- 432C. Nonprofit Entities; Conversion of Assets
- 432D. Health Maintenance Organization Act
- 432E. Patients' Bill of Rights and Responsibilities Act
- 433. Mutual and Fraternal Benefit Societies--Repealed
- 434. Insurance by Fraternal Benefit Societies--Repealed
- 435. Credit Life Insurance and Credit Disability Insurance--Repealed
- 435C. Hawaii Medical Malpractice Underwriting Plan
- 435E. Physicians and Surgeons Cooperative Indemnity
Disclaimer: These codes may not be the most recent version. Hawaii may have more current or accurate information. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Please check official sources.
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