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2022 Guam Statutes
Title 10 - Health & Safety
Division 3 - Public Safety
Chapter 67 - Office of Veterans Affairs

Universal Citation:
10 Guam Code §§ 67100 - 67203 (2022)
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10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS CHAPTER 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 2022 NOTE: In light of the enactment of P.L. 36-084 (Mar. 11, 2022) adding a new Article 2, the Compiler designated the existing provisions in Chapter 67 (§§ 67100-67110) as Article 1 pursuant to the authority of 1 GCA § 1606. Article 1 Article 2 Office of Veterans Affairs Securing and Ensuring the Rights Veterans Earned (SERVE) Act ARTICLE 1 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS NOTE: Section 10 of P.L. 16-111 repealed this Chapter effective September 30, 1983. However, P.L. 17-25:III:II reenacted this Chapter in its entirety by repealing P.L. 16-111-:10. § 67100. § 67101. § 67102. § 67103. § 67103.1. § 67104. § 67105. § 67105.1. § 67106. § 67107. § 67108. § 67109. § 67110. Creation of Office. Definitions. Purpose of Office. Powers and Duties of Officer. Guam Veterans Cemetery, Eligibility For. Transfer of Records, Equipment and Employees. Burial in Veterans Cemetery. Veterans Cemetery Trust Fund. Effective Date. Guam Veterans Commission. Vacancy. Veterans Affairs Fund. Guam Veterans Registry. § 67100. Creation of Office. There is within the Office of I Maga’lahen Guåhan an Office of Veterans Affairs. The Veterans Affairs Officer is a member of the classified service and is the administrative head of the Office of Veterans Affairs subject to the direction and control of I Maga’lahen Guåhan, who is the appointing authority. SOURCE: GC § 8975, as amended by P.L. 14-092. Amended by P.L. 24298:12. Amended by P.L. 28-046:4. 1 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS NOTE: Public Law 28-068:IV:42 (Sept. 30, 2005) purported to transfer the duties herein assigned to the Civil Service Commission to the Director of Administration. However, P.L. 28-046 (June 10, 2005) already removed reference to the Civil Service Commission. § 67101. Definitions. As used in this Chapter: (a) Officer means Veterans Affairs Officer. (b) Office means the Office of Veterans Affairs. (c) Veteran includes veterans of the Guam Combat Patrol, the United States Navy Insular Force, Philippine Scouts and the United States Armed Forces. (d) Spouse means a person who is legally married to the Veteran at the time that Veteran was on active duty, or active duty for training, or inactive duty for training and prior to the date when the service connected injuries occurred, and subsequently rated by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as being one hundred percent (100%) Disabled due to service connected reasons or is rated as being Individually Unemployable by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (e) Surviving Spouse means a person who: (1) was married to the service member who died from service-connected injuries while on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training, and is not currently remarried; or (2) was married to the Veteran, for at least one (1) year immediately prior to death of a Veteran who is rated by the U.S. Veterans Administration as being one hundred percent (100%) Disabled or Individually Unemployable, and is not currently remarried. (f) (1) Legal Guardian for Minor Children of a Single Parent is a person lawfully vested with the power, and charged with the obligation of taking care of and managing the property and rights of a person who because of age, understanding, or self-control, is considered incapable of administering his or her own 2 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS affairs, while the service member, who is a single parent, is deployed to an area where dependents are not allowed to accompany the service member. (2) Said designation as Legal Guardian shall have been effected prior to the deployment of the service member. (g) Legal Guardian for Disabled Service Member is a person lawfully vested with the power, and charged with the obligation, of taking care of and managing the property and rights of a person who because of service-connected disabling injuries is in need of care, and provided that the service member is divorced, never married, widowed, or has no children. (h) Individually Unemployable. As defined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, a Veteran must be unable to maintain substantially gainful employment as a result of his/her service-connected disabilities. Additionally, a Veteran must have: (1) one (1) service-connected disability ratable at sixty percent (60%) or more; or (2) two (2) or more service-connected disabilities, at least one (1) disability ratable at forty percent (40%) or more, with a combined rating of seventy percent (70%) or more. SOURCE: GC § 8976. Amended by P.L. 28-046:5 (June 10, 2005). Subsections (d)-(h) added by P.L. 31-240:2 (Dec. 6, 2012). 2018 NOTE: Subitem designations added in subsection (f) pursuant to authority granted by 1 GCA § 1606. § 67102. Purpose of Office. (a) The Office shall be responsible for the administration of all local laws respecting veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States. (b) It shall also be that agency of the government of Guam charged with the responsibility of cooperating with the Veterans 3 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Administration of the United States in all matters relating to local veterans. (c) The Office shall assist every veteran of Guam and the dependent or survivor of every veteran of Guam in presenting and pursuing such claim as the veteran, dependent, or survivor may have under current Federal law governing VA benefits arising out of qualifying military service and in establishing the veteran’s, dependent’s or survivor’s right to any privilege, preference, care or compensation provided for by the laws of the United States or of Guam. (1) The processing of claims for veterans and their dependents and survivors shall be limited to the initial claims. (2) The claims may include the following types of benefits and service: (A) Disability compensation benefits. (B) Disability pension benefits. (C) Dependents’ indemnity compensation. (D) Widow’s death pension. (E) Burial benefits. (F) Confirmed and continued claims. (G) Vocational rehabilitation and education. (H) Waivers of indebtedness. (I) Other benefits that result in monetary awards to the claimant. (d) It shall furnish staff services for Guam veterans and shall cooperate with all local veterans organizations. SOURCE: GC § 8977. Amended by P.L. 28-046:6 (June 10, 2005). 2018 NOTE: Subsection/subitem designations added/altered pursuant to authority granted by 1 GCA § 1606. § 67103. Powers and Duties of Officer. The Officer: 4 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS (a) shall administer the Office and implement the provisions set forth in Section 67102 above; (b) shall exercise and discharge the duties of the Office through such organizational units as he may establish; (c) shall enforce the provisions of this Chapter and of any other laws granting him jurisdiction pertaining to veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States; (d) may administer and certify oaths and affirmations, take and certify affidavits and acknowledgments, and exercise any other power of a notary public, but only as part of his duties under this Chapter and neither he nor his office shall charge any fee for such certification or notarial service; (e) may formulate and adopt rules necessary or proper for the internal administration of the Office; and (f) may study and plan for the establishment of a Territorial Veterans Cemetery, seeking such assistance, advice and support from the Armed Forces of the United States, the Federal Veterans Administration, other local and Federal agencies, and veterans and veterans organizations. (g) shall receive and consider the recommendations of the Guam Veterans Commission. SOURCE: GC § 8978, as amended by P.L. 15-81; R/R by PL 16-105:7. Amended by P.L. 28-046:7 (June 10, 2005). § 67103.1. Guam Veterans Cemetery, Eligibility For. The Guam Veterans Cemetery shall be used for the burial of persons who served honorably in the armed forces of the United States, the Insular Guard, the Guam Militia, the Guam Scouts, the Guam Combat Patrol or who were employed in a civil capacity on Wake Island on December 7, 1941, United States Merchant Marine vessels and other duties in direct support of the United States government at war and their spouses and dependents. SOURCE: Added by P.L. 16-105:9. Repealed and reenacted by P.L. 24118:1. § 67104. Transfer of Records, Equipment and Employees. Upon effective date of this Chapter, all contracts, books, 5 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS records, papers, documents, property and pending business heretofore made, used and acquired or conducted by the Veterans Affairs Coordinator shall be transferred to the Office of Veterans Affairs, and all employees of the Veterans Coordinator engaged in performing functions herein transferred shall be transferred to the Office of Veterans Affairs. SOURCE: GC § 8979. § 67105. Burial in Veteran’s Cemetery. Any veteran of the United States Armed Forces shall be buried without charge to the family of the deceased veteran in the Veteran's Cemetery of Guam. SOURCE: P.L. 18-24:11. § 67105.1. Veterans Cemetery Trust Fund. (a) The Veterans Cemetery Trust Fund is transferred from the Guam Parks Commission to the Guam Veterans Commission. (b) Any money paid by the federal government to Guam in connection with the use of the Cemetery shall be deposited in the Veterans Cemetery Trust Fund and used for the maintenance of the Cemetery. (c) Expenditures from the Fund shall be by direction of the Veterans Affairs Officer. (d) The Veterans Affairs Officer shall, at the end of every quarter, provide an accounting to the Guam Veterans Commission, I Maga’låhen Guåhan (the Governor of Guam) and I Liheslaturan Guåhan for the use of the Fund, and have it posted on the Office’s website. SOURCE: Added by P.L. 28-078:4 (Dec. 5, 2005), amended by P.L. 33138:1 (Mar. 4, 2016). 2016 NOTE: Subsection designations added to adhere to the Compiler’s general codification and alpha-numeric schemes pursuant to authority granted by 1 GCA § 1606. § 67106. Solicitation, Acceptance, Utilization and Administration of Gifts, Bequests and Donations. The Veterans Affairs Officer may solicit, accept, utilize and 6 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS administer on behalf of the Office of Veterans Affairs, gifts, bequests and donations. (a) The funds received shall be deposited in the Veterans Affairs Fund. (b) Such gifts, bequests and donations shall be used for (1) the maintenance of the Veterans Cemetery of Guam, (2) the maintenance of the Veterans Affairs Office, (3) the sponsorship of Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day events, and (4) purposes intended by the donor which are consistent with the goals and objectives of the Office of Veterans Affairs as stated in this Section. (c) A quarterly report shall be submitted by the Veterans Affairs Officer to I Maga'låhen Guåhan, the Speaker of I Liheslaturan Guåhan, and the Public Auditor, describing the solicitation, acceptance, utilization and administration of gifts, bequests and donations, and posted on the Office’s website. SOURCE: GC § 8970, numbered § 67105 by Compiler and later renumbered § 67106 by P.L. 18-24. Repealed and reenacted by P.L. 28078:1, (Dec. 5, 2005), amended by P.L. 33-138:2 (Mar. 4, 2016). 2016 NOTE: Subsection/subitem designations added to adhere to the Compiler’s general codification and alpha-numeric schemes pursuant to authority granted by 1 GCA § 1606. § 67107. Guam Veterans Commission. (a) Commission Membership. There is hereby established a Guam Veterans Commission which shall, at a minimum, be composed of a total of nine members, to include the following representation: (1) four members, each of whom shall be representative of a veterans or retirees association for each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces to consist of: 7 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS (A) U.S. Association; Army Retirees (or Veterans) (B) U.S. Air Force Retirees (or Veterans) Association; (C) U.S. Navy Retirees (or Veterans) Association; and (D) U.S. Marine Corps Retirees (or Veterans) Associations; (2) two members from the officially chartered Guam chapters of multi-service Veteran Service Organizations. Organizations to be represented on the Guam Veterans Commission, pertaining to Subsections (1) and (2), are required to be duly registered as a non-profit organization with the Guam Department of Revenue and Taxation, in accordance with Title 18 of Guam Code Annotated; and/or is registered as a non-profit organization within the United States and recognized as exempt under IRC 501(c)(19). The organizations shall furnish the Guam Veterans Affairs Office with a copy of an official documentation reflecting such requirement; and (3) a maximum of three members, whom each shall be a veteran, may be appointed from other veteran organizations on Guam, to include the Coast Guard. Should a Veteran Service Organization have more than one Chapter, each Chapter may recommend a representative to serve as a member of the Commission, of which said appointment may be authorized to serve as provided herein. (4) Ex-Officio Members. With the recommendation of the Guam Veterans Commission, I Maga’lahen Guåhan may appoint as an ex-officio, non-voting member a veteran of a foreign country who has fought alongside U.S. armed forces members as allies in combat, who is representative of an established veterans organization on Guam, and who has resided on Guam for a minimum of three years immediately preceding the appointment. Said veteran shall serve for a term of three years from the date of appointment. 8 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS (b) Commission Membership Terms and Conduct of Business. (1) Veteran Organization Appointments. The Commander, or designee, of Veteran Service Organizations shall present in writing to the Chairman of the Commission the name of the individual who shall represent their organization to serve on the Commission, which shall be subject to the aforementioned provisions above. (2) Terms of Commission Members. Every member of the Commission shall serve for a term of three years, to commence on the date of appointment. (A) Should the representative terminate his/her term prior to the conclusion of the three years, the Veteran Service Organization shall appoint a successor to serve for a new three year term, which shall commence upon the date of appointment. (B) Said appointment shall be in writing and presented to the Chairman of the Guam Veterans Commission, with a copy to be furnished to the Veterans Affairs Officer of the Office of Veterans Affairs. (3) Quorum Requirements. For purposes of a quorum and for the official conduct of business, a minimum of five voting members on the Commission shall constitute a quorum. For the official conduct of business, a majority of the members present, following the constituting of a quorum, shall be required to conduct official business. (4) Scheduled Meetings. The Commission shall meet monthly and shall advise the Veterans Affairs Officer regarding matters affecting veterans and related issues. Said meeting times, place and dates shall be decided to allow the greatest level of participation and attendance by Commission members. (5) Veteran Community Participation. The Commission shall provide veterans and their families with the opportunity to air grievances for the purpose of effecting corrective action or change to existing policies that affect the 9 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS delivery of benefits and services to the Guam veteran population. (6) Administrative Support. The VAO, through the direction of the VAO Administrator, shall provide administrative support to the Guam Veterans Commission in the conduct of its meetings. (7) Commission Activities. Upon official written request by the Chairman of the Commission for information or action by the VAO Administrator on issues affecting the Commission or Veterans, the VAO Administrator shall provide a written response to the Commission within four weeks from the date of receipt of such communication. Should the VAO Administrator require additional time to provide a sufficient response to the matter, the VAO shall request in writing a time extension, not to exceed an additional four weeks, and further provide justification for the need for such time extension in said written communication. Such request shall be granted upon receipt by the Chairman of the Commission. SOURCE: Added by P.L. 28-046:10 (June 10, 2005). Amended by P.L. 29-009:2 (Sept. 7, 2007), P.L. 30-086:2 (Feb. 8, 2010). Repealed and reenacted by P.L. 32-135:1 (Apr. 28, 2014). 2018 NOTE: Subitem designations added in subsection (b)(2) pursuant to authority granted by 1 GCA § 1606. § 67107.1. New Membership Process. The process for new membership to the Guam Veterans Commission is as follows: (a) The Guam Veterans Affairs Office shall receive new membership requests and submit same to the Chairman of the Guam Veterans Commission. (b) The Veterans Commission shall review the new membership request and forward its recommendation to I Maga’lahen Guåhan for appropriate action. SOURCE: Added by P.L. 30-086:2 (Feb. 8, 2010). § 67108. Vacancy. When the position of Veterans Affairs Officer, Office of 10 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Veterans Affairs is vacant or vacated, the Guam Veterans Commission may recommend a nominee to I Maga’lahen Guåhan from a list of eligible applicant(s) provided by the Department of Administration. SOURCE: Added by P.L. 28-046:11 (June 10, 2005). § 67109. Veterans Affairs Fund. There is hereby created, separate and apart from other funds of the government of Guam, a special fund known as the Veterans Affairs Fund (Fund). (a) The Fund shall not be commingled with the General Fund or any other funds of the government of Guam. (b) The Veterans Affairs Officer and a member of the Guam Veterans Commission shall approve all expenditures paid from the Fund. (c) The Veterans Affairs Officer shall be the administrator of the Fund, and may issue warrants of expenditure pursuant to § 67106 of this Chapter and shall maintain a record of all donations and expenditures. SOURCE: Added by P.L. 28-078:2, (Dec. 5, 2005), amended by P.L. 33138:3 (Mar. 4, 2016). 2016 NOTE: Subsection designations added to adhere to the Compiler’s general codification and alpha-numeric schemes pursuant to authority granted by 1 GCA § 1606. § 67110. Guam Veterans Registry. (a) The Office of Veterans Affairs shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of a Guam Veterans Registry (Registry), which shall be updated no less than semiannually. (1) The update of the Registry shall entail the addition of newly registered veterans residing on Guam, and the scrubbing of the list to ensure that the names of veterans who no longer reside on the island or who have passed away are deleted from the Registry. (2) The Registry shall be utilized by the Office for the purpose of providing Guam veterans and their families with current information on veterans’ benefits and activities, 11 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS through the use of its webpage or other means deemed necessary that would ensure the maximum dissemination of veteran-related information; and for the validation of Guam’s veteran population to further strengthen the Office’s ability to pursue financial resources and support in the provision of services or programs for the benefit of Guam’s veterans and their families. (3) The Office may use data collected at other government agencies, which may be collecting the required data, in whole or in part. (4) Nothing herein shall relieve the duty of any other entity to collect veterans’ data for the benefit of veterans on Guam. (b) All government of Guam entities, whenever applicable, shall render assistance to the Office of Veterans Affairs in carrying out the provisions contained herein. (1) All government entities to whom a DD214 form or other proof of veteran status is presented by an applicant as a qualifying document for benefits or services shall forward a copy of the applicant’s DD214 form or other proof of veteran status to the Office of Veterans Affairs no later than thirty (30) days after the date of acceptance by that government entity; provided, that said service member or his or her legal guardian provides documented consent to the transmittal of said information to the Office of Veterans Affairs pursuant to this Section. (2) Transmission of forms may be made by electronic means over a secured network as prescribed by the Office of Veterans Affairs. (3) The Office of Veterans Affairs shall have the authority to adopt regulations to implement and administer the provisions of this Section and ensure the confidentiality of veteran information. (c) The Administrator of the Office of Veterans Affairs shall submit a quarterly progress report of the Guam Veterans Registry to the Speaker of I Liheslaturan Guåhan. 12 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS SOURCE: Added by P.L. 32-101:1 (Nov. 28, 2013). Amended by P.L. 34-086:2 (Mar. 2, 2018). 2018 NOTE: Subitem designations added pursuant to authority granted by 1 GCA § 1606. --------ARTICLE 2 SECURING AND ENSURING THE RIGHTS VETERANS EARNED (SERVE) ACT SOURCE: Added as §§ 67200-67202 by P.L. 36-084:2 (Mar. 11, 2022), renumbered by the Compiler pursuant to the authority of 1 GCA § 1606. 2022 NOTE: Pursuant to P.L. 36-084:4 (Mar. 11, 2022), the Guam Office of Veterans Affairs shall have one (1) year from the effective date of this Act to implement programs and services, and any other madates under the Veteran Bill of Rights as established by this Act. § 67201. § 67202. § 67203. Short Title. Guam Office of Veterans Affairs as Lead Agency. Veterans Bill of Rights. § 67201. Short Title. This Act shall be cited as the “Securing and Ensuring the Rights Veterans Earned (SERVE) Act.” § 67202. Guam Office of Veterans Affairs as Lead Agency. (a) All references to “Office” in this Act shall mean the Guam Office of Veterans Affairs established under this Chapter, which shall be the agency responsible for implementing the provisions of the Veterans Bill of Rights and this Act. In the development of programs and services under this Act, the Office shall consider the input of the Guam Veterans Commission. (b) The Office may apply for, receive, and administer grants or subgrants, or enter into intra-governmental agreements to provide services to veterans, as defined pursuant to local or federal laws, regulations, or guidelines. The Office is authorized to comply with the requirements of federal grants, subgrants, and intra-governmental and inter-governmental agreements, to include the provision of services to individuals who may qualify 13 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS for such services pursuant to the terms of federal grants, subgrants, and intra-governmental and inter-governmental agreements. 2022 NOTE: Subsection designations added pursuant to the authority of 1 GCA § 1606. § 67203. Veterans Bill of Rights. (a) Housing Assistance. (1) Increase veterans’ access to housing assistance by streamlining processes through inter-governmental and intragovernmental partnerships. (A) The Office shall target housing programs and streamline federal and local processes to expedite and reward applicants through interagency Memoranda of Understanding or Memoranda of Agreeement. (b) Employment Support. (1) Increase veterans’ access to jobs by applying data to direct veterans to in-demand fields. (A) The Office shall target housing programs and streamline federal and local processes to expedite and reward applicants through interagency Memoranda of Understanding or Memeornda of Agreement. (B) The Office shall include in its report(s) a pathway where in-demand job titles and credentials would leverage skills, experience, and credentials held by veterans; and forward the underlying data report(s) and additional information monthly to appropriate military outplacement offices, education centers, nonprofit programs, and government agencies working to connect veterans with jobs. (c) Higher Learning Opportunities. (1) Award college credit from military training and experiences. (A) Every veteran who is enrolled as a full-time or part-time student in good standing at any institution within the local university system and community 14 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS college system, shall, upon application, be granted academic credis, without limitation, toweards his or her degree for sompletion of courses that were part of such veteran’s military training or service if the completed courses meet the standards of the local institution that are equivalent to or greater than t he standars set by the American Council on Education fo the awarding of academic credits. No fee, tuition, or other charge shall be assesed against a veteran who qualifies for such credit pursuant to this Subsection. (B) The Office shall adopt procedures as necessasry to fully implment the provisions in this Section. (2) Increase flexibility in course registration for veterans. (A) At institutions within the local university system and community college system: (i) Institutions that offer an early course registration period for any segment of the student population shall have a process in place to offer early course registration to students who are veterans or National Guard members. (ii) A student who is called to active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces after having regulary attended a course for thirteen (13) or more weeks or having completed eighty-five percent (85%) of the course’s work for the term through acceleration may be given credit for each course in which he or she has a leter grade of “C” or better. (iii) Students called to active duty may be entitled to a one hundred percent (100%) refund of tuition and fees if no accomodation(s) are proveded by the educational institution. (iv) Veterans with no previous college experience shall be permitted an extension of (1) week to file applications after the end of the 15 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS registration period and allowed to begin classes pending completion of their application and provision of supporting documents with the clearance of the institutions’ admissions and records office. (v) Upon return from active duty, veterans may register after the normal registration period ends, without late fees or other penalties. (3) Leverage veterans’ experiences and expand proven cost-effective training programs. (A) The Office shall annually review apprentice, training, and other vocational programs focused on providing job training and placement to returning military service members and veterans. Such annual review shall evaluate the costs and results, and recommend programs for expansion with federal and/or local funding, including an estimate of future returns to Guam, of improved outcomes from program expansion. (B) The Office shall provide and annual report to the Speaker of I Lihestlaturan Guåhan and I Maga’hågan Guahan on January 1 of each year for five (5) years after the passage of this Act, to be used to inform annual budget decisions. (d) Access to Healthcare. (1) Increase veterans access to healthcare through eligible healthcare coverage and treatment based on service. (A) The Office shall develop and operate veteran health navigator services to increase veteran access to healthcare coverage and services. (i) The Office shall identify, train and deploy veteran health navigators who have direct knowledge of the veteran communities they serve. (ii) Veteran health navigators shall identify all federal and other healthcare benefits, coverage, and services available to veterans and their families. 16 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS (iii) Veteran health navigators shall coordinate with relevant departments, healthcare providers, and health insurance programs to help veterans and their beneficiaries apply for coveage under such programs, and help vetrans overcome barriers within the healthcare system to ensure enrollment in healthcare plans and effective delivery and coordination of thalthcare services. (2) Prevent veteran suicide and increase veterans’ access to mental health services. (A) Ensure veterans and their families have access to mental health treatment, including for post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, suicide, and suicidal ideation. (i) Ensure that access to mental health coverage, services, and treatment is included as a holistic approach of the veteran health navigator program described in Subsection (d)(1)(A) of this Section. Based on the information about the unique needs, coverage, and treatment gaps faced by veterans and their families, the Office shall examine all existing programs designed to increase access to affordable quality healthcare and evaluate whether the needs of veterans and their families are met by such programs. (ii) The Office shall execute any steps identified in Subsection (d)(2)(A)(i) of this Section and produce a report of tis findings, recommendations, to include any recommended legislative or budgetary actions; and, shall transmit the report to the Speaker of I Lihestlaturan Guåhan and I Maga’hågan Guahan, and release it to news media. (iii) The Office shall prepare a report showing the impacts of Medicaid expansion on veterans and their families to date and shall include any recommendations for more inclusion or serving 17 COL4/6/2022 10 GCA HEALTH AND SAFETY CH 67 OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS veterans and their families; and, shall tranmit such repor to the Speaker of I Lihestlaturan Guåhan and I Maga’hågan Guahan,, and release it to news media. (e) Burial Benefits pursuant to 10 GCA § 67105. --------- 18 COL4/6/2022
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