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2016 Georgia Code
Title 42 - Penal Institutions
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Article 2 - Sexual Offender Registration Review Board
§ 42-1-12. State Sexual Offender Registry

GA Code § 42-1-12 (2016) What's This?

(a) As used in this article, the term:

(1) "Address" means the street or route address of the sexual offender's residence. For purposes of this Code section, the term shall not mean a post office box.

(2) "Appropriate official" means:

(A) With respect to a sexual offender who is sentenced to probation without any sentence of incarceration in the state prison system or who is sentenced pursuant to Article 3 of Chapter 8 of this title, relating to first offenders, the Department of Community Supervision;

(B) With respect to a sexual offender who is sentenced to a period of incarceration in a prison under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections and who is subsequently released from prison or placed on probation, the commissioner of corrections or his or her designee;

(C) With respect to a sexual offender who is placed on parole, the chairperson of the State Board of Pardons and Paroles or his or her designee; and

(D) With respect to a sexual offender who is placed on probation through a private probation agency, the director of the private probation agency or his or her designee.

(3) "Area where minors congregate" shall include all public and private parks and recreation facilities, playgrounds, skating rinks, neighborhood centers, gymnasiums, school bus stops, public libraries, and public and community swimming pools.

(4) "Assessment criteria" means the tests that the board members use to determine the likelihood that a sexual offender will commit another criminal offense against a victim who is a minor or commit a dangerous sexual offense.

(5) "Board" means the Sexual Offender Registration Review Board.

(6) "Child care facility" means all public and private pre-kindergarten facilities, child care learning centers, preschool facilities, and long-term care facilities for children.

(6.1) "Child care learning center" shall have the same meaning as set forth in paragraph (2) of Code Section 20-1A-2.

(7) "Church" means a place of public religious worship.

(8) "Conviction" includes a final judgment of conviction entered upon a verdict or finding of guilty of a crime, a plea of guilty, or a plea of nolo contendere. A defendant who is discharged without adjudication of guilt and who is not considered to have a criminal conviction pursuant to Article 3 of Chapter 8 of this title, relating to first offenders, shall be subject to the registration requirements of this Code section for the period of time prior to the defendant's discharge after completion of his or her sentence or upon the defendant being adjudicated guilty. Unless otherwise required by federal law, a defendant who is discharged without adjudication of guilt and who is not considered to have a criminal conviction pursuant to Article 3 of Chapter 8 of this title, relating to first offenders, shall not be subject to the registration requirements of this Code section upon the defendant's discharge.

(9) (A) "Criminal offense against a victim who is a minor" with respect to convictions occurring on or before June 30, 2001, means any criminal offense under Title 16 or any offense under federal law or the laws of another state or territory of the United States which consists of:

(i) Kidnapping of a minor, except by a parent;

(ii) False imprisonment of a minor, except by a parent;

(iii) Criminal sexual conduct toward a minor;

(iv) Solicitation of a minor to engage in sexual conduct;

(v) Use of a minor in a sexual performance;

(vi) Solicitation of a minor to practice prostitution; or

(vii) Any conviction resulting from an underlying sexual offense against a victim who is a minor.

(B) "Criminal offense against a victim who is a minor" with respect to convictions occurring after June 30, 2001, means any criminal offense under Title 16 or any offense under federal law or the laws of another state or territory of the United States which consists of:

(i) Kidnapping of a minor, except by a parent;

(ii) False imprisonment of a minor, except by a parent;

(iii) Criminal sexual conduct toward a minor;

(iv) Solicitation of a minor to engage in sexual conduct;

(v) Use of a minor in a sexual performance;

(vi) Solicitation of a minor to practice prostitution;

(vii) Use of a minor to engage in any sexually explicit conduct to produce any visual medium depicting such conduct;

(viii) Creating, publishing, selling, distributing, or possessing any material depicting a minor or a portion of a minor's body engaged in sexually explicit conduct;

(ix) Transmitting, making, selling, buying, or disseminating by means of a computer any descriptive or identifying information regarding a child for the purpose of offering or soliciting sexual conduct of or with a child or the visual depicting of such conduct;

(x) Conspiracy to transport, ship, receive, or distribute visual depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct; or

(xi) Any conduct which, by its nature, is a sexual offense against a victim who is a minor.

(C) For purposes of this paragraph, a conviction for a misdemeanor shall not be considered a criminal offense against a victim who is a minor, and conduct which is adjudicated in juvenile court shall not be considered a criminal offense against a victim who is a minor.

(10) (A) "Dangerous sexual offense" with respect to convictions occurring on or before June 30, 2006, means any criminal offense, or the attempt to commit any criminal offense, under Title 16 as specified in this paragraph or any offense under federal law or the laws of another state or territory of the United States which consists of the same or similar elements of the following offenses:

(i) Aggravated assault with the intent to rape in violation of Code Section 16-5-21;

(ii) Rape in violation of Code Section 16-6-1;

(iii) Aggravated sodomy in violation of Code Section 16-6-2;

(iv) Aggravated child molestation in violation of Code Section 16-6-4; or

(v) Aggravated sexual battery in violation of Code Section 16-6-22.2.

(B) "Dangerous sexual offense" with respect to convictions occurring between July 1, 2006, and June 30, 2015, means any criminal offense, or the attempt to commit any criminal offense, under Title 16 as specified in this paragraph or any offense under federal law or the laws of another state or territory of the United States which consists of the same or similar elements of the following offenses:

(i) Aggravated assault with the intent to rape in violation of Code Section 16-5-21;

(ii) Kidnapping in violation of Code Section 16-5-40 which involves a victim who is less than 14 years of age, except by a parent;

(iii) False imprisonment in violation of Code Section 16-5-41 which involves a victim who is less than 14 years of age, except by a parent;

(iv) Rape in violation of Code Section 16-6-1;

(v) Sodomy in violation of Code Section 16-6-2;

(vi) Aggravated sodomy in violation of Code Section 16-6-2;

(vii) Statutory rape in violation of Code Section 16-6-3, if the individual convicted of the offense is 21 years of age or older;

(viii) Child molestation in violation of Code Section 16-6-4;

(ix) Aggravated child molestation in violation of Code Section 16-6-4, unless the person was convicted of a misdemeanor offense;

(x) Enticing a child for indecent purposes in violation of Code Section 16-6-5;

(xi) Sexual assault against persons in custody in violation of Code Section 16-6-5.1;

(xii) Incest in violation of Code Section 16-6-22;

(xiii) A second conviction for sexual battery in violation of Code Section 16-6-22.1;

(xiv) Aggravated sexual battery in violation of Code Section 16-6-22.2;

(xv) Sexual exploitation of children in violation of Code Section 16-12-100;

(xvi) Electronically furnishing obscene material to minors in violation of Code Section 16-12-100.1;

(xvii) Computer pornography and child exploitation in violation of Code Section 16-12-100.2;

(xviii) Obscene telephone contact in violation of Code Section 16-12-100.3; or

(xix) Any conduct which, by its nature, is a sexual offense against a victim who is a minor or an attempt to commit a sexual offense against a victim who is a minor.

(B.1) "Dangerous sexual offense" with respect to convictions occurring after June 30, 2015, means any criminal offense, or the attempt to commit any criminal offense, under Title 16 as specified in this paragraph or any offense under federal law or the laws of another state or territory of the United States which consists of the same or similar elements of the following offenses:

(i) Aggravated assault with the intent to rape in violation of Code Section 16-5-21;

(ii) Kidnapping in violation of Code Section 16-5-40 which involves a victim who is less than 14 years of age, except by a parent;

(iii) Trafficking a person for sexual servitude in violation of Code Section 16-5-46;

(iv) Rape in violation of Code Section 16-6-1;

(v) Sodomy in violation of Code Section 16-6-2;

(vi) Aggravated sodomy in violation of Code Section 16-6-2;

(vii) Statutory rape in violation of Code Section 16-6-3, if the individual convicted of the offense is 21 years of age or older;

(viii) Child molestation in violation of Code Section 16-6-4;

(ix) Aggravated child molestation in violation of Code Section 16-6-4, unless the person was convicted of a misdemeanor offense;

(x) Enticing a child for indecent purposes in violation of Code Section 16-6-5;

(xi) Sexual assault against persons in custody in violation of Code Section 16-6-5.1;

(xii) Incest in violation of Code Section 16-6-22;

(xiii) A second conviction for sexual battery in violation of Code Section 16-6-22.1;

(xiv) Aggravated sexual battery in violation of Code Section 16-6-22.2;

(xv) Sexual exploitation of children in violation of Code Section 16-12-100;

(xvi) Electronically furnishing obscene material to minors in violation of Code Section 16-12-100.1;

(xvii) Computer pornography and child exploitation in violation of Code Section 16-12-100.2;

(xviii) Obscene telephone contact in violation of Code Section 16-12-100.3; or

(xix) Any conduct which, by its nature, is a sexual offense against a victim who is a minor or an attempt to commit a sexual offense against a victim who is a minor.

(C) For purposes of this paragraph, a conviction for a misdemeanor shall not be considered a dangerous sexual offense, and conduct which is adjudicated in juvenile court shall not be considered a dangerous sexual offense.

(11) "Institution of higher education" means a private or public community college, state university, state college, or independent postsecondary institution.

(12) "Level I risk assessment classification" means the sexual offender is a low sex offense risk and low recidivism risk for future sexual offenses.

(13) "Level II risk assessment classification" means the sexual offender is an intermediate sex offense risk and intermediate recidivism risk for future sexual offenses and includes all sexual offenders who do not meet the criteria for classification either as a sexually dangerous predator or for Level I risk assessment.

(14) "Minor" means any individual under the age of 18 years and any individual that the sexual offender believed at the time of the offense was under the age of 18 years if such individual was the victim of an offense.

(15) "Public and community swimming pools" includes municipal, school, hotel, motel, or any pool to which access is granted in exchange for payment of a daily fee. The term includes apartment complex pools, country club pools, or subdivision pools which are open only to residents of the subdivision and their guests. This term does not include a private pool or hot tub serving a single-family dwelling and used only by the residents of the dwelling and their guests.

(16) "Required registration information" means:

(A) Name; social security number; age; race; sex; date of birth; height; weight; hair color; eye color; fingerprints; and photograph;

(B) Address, within this state or out of state, and, if applicable in addition to the address, a rural route address and a post office box;

(C) If the place of residence is a motor vehicle or trailer, the vehicle identification number, the license tag number, and a description, including color scheme, of the motor vehicle or trailer;

(D) If the place of residence is a mobile home, the mobile home location permit number; the name and address of the owner of the home; a description, including the color scheme of the mobile home; and, if applicable, a description of where the mobile home is located on the property;

(E) If the place of residence is a manufactured home, the name and address of the owner of the home; a description, including the color scheme of the manufactured home; and, if applicable, a description of where the manufactured home is located on the property;

(F) If the place of residence is a vessel, live-aboard vessel, or houseboat, the hull identification number; the manufacturer's serial number; the name of the vessel, live-aboard vessel, or houseboat; the registration number; and a description, including color scheme, of the vessel, live-aboard vessel, or houseboat;

(F.1) If the place of residence is the status of homelessness, information as provided under paragraph (2.1) of subsection (f) of this Code section;

(G) Date of employment, place of any employment, and address of employer;

(H) Place of vocation and address of the place of vocation;

(I) Vehicle make, model, color, and license tag number;

(J) If enrolled, employed, or carrying on a vocation at an institution of higher education in this state, the name, address, and county of each institution, including each campus attended, and enrollment or employment status; and

(K) The name of the crime or crimes for which the sexual offender is registering and the date released from prison or placed on probation, parole, or supervised release.

(17) "Risk assessment classification" means the notification level into which a sexual offender is placed based on the board's assessment.

(18) "School" means all public and private kindergarten, elementary, and secondary schools.

(19) "School bus stop" means a school bus stop as designated by local school boards of education or by a private school.

(20) "Sexual offender" means any individual:

(A) Who has been convicted of a criminal offense against a victim who is a minor or any dangerous sexual offense;

(B) Who has been convicted under the laws of another state or territory, under the laws of the United States, under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, or in a tribal court of a criminal offense against a victim who is a minor or a dangerous sexual offense; or

(C) Who is required to register pursuant to subsection (e) of this Code section.

(21) "Sexually dangerous predator" means a sexual offender:

(A) Who was designated as a sexually violent predator between July 1, 1996, and June 30, 2006; or

(B) Who is determined by the Sexual Offender Registration Review Board to be at risk of perpetrating any future dangerous sexual offense.

(22) "Vocation" means any full-time, part-time, or volunteer employment with or without compensation exceeding 14 consecutive days or for an aggregate period of time exceeding 30 days during any calendar year.

(b) Before a sexual offender who is required to register under this Code section is released from prison or placed on parole, supervised release, or probation, the appropriate official shall:

(1) Inform the sexual offender of the obligation to register, the amount of the registration fee, and how to maintain registration;

(2) Obtain the information necessary for the required registration information;

(3) Inform the sexual offender that, if the sexual offender changes any of the required registration information, other than residence address, the sexual offender shall give the new information to the sheriff of the county with whom the sexual offender is registered within 72 hours of the change of information; if the information is the sexual offender's new residence address, the sexual offender shall give the information to the sheriff of the county with whom the sexual offender last registered within 72 hours prior to moving and to the sheriff of the county to which the sexual offender is moving within 72 hours prior to moving;

(4) Inform the sexual offender that he or she shall also register in any state where he or she is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a student;

(5) Inform the sexual offender that, if he or she changes residence to another state, the sexual offender shall register the new address with the sheriff of the county with whom the sexual offender last registered and that the sexual offender shall also register with a designated law enforcement agency in the new state within 72 hours after establishing residence in the new state;

(6) Obtain fingerprints and a current photograph of the sexual offender;

(7) Require the sexual offender to read and sign a form stating that the obligations of the sexual offender have been explained;

(8) Obtain and forward any information obtained from the clerk of court pursuant to Code Section 42-5-50 to the sheriff's office of the county in which the sexual offender will reside; and

(9) If required by Code Section 42-1-14, place any required electronic monitoring system on the sexually dangerous predator and explain its operation and cost.

(c) The Department of Corrections shall:

(1) Forward to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation a copy of the form stating that the obligations of the sexual offender have been explained;

(2) Forward any required registration information to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation;

(3) Forward the sexual offender's fingerprints and photograph to the sheriff's office of the county where the sexual offender is going to reside;

(4) Inform the board and the prosecuting attorney for the jurisdiction in which a sexual offender was convicted of the impending release of a sexual offender at least eight months prior to such release so as to facilitate compliance with Code Section 42-1-14; and

(5) Keep all records of sexual offenders in a secure facility in accordance with Code Sections 15-1-10, 15-6-62, and 15-6-62.1 until official proof of death of a registered sexual offender; thereafter, the records shall be destroyed.

(c.1) The Department of Community Supervision shall keep all records of sexual offenders in a secure facility in accordance with Code Sections 15-1-10, 15-6-62, and 15-6-62.1 until official proof of death of a registered sexual offender; thereafter, the records shall be destroyed.

(d) No sexual offender shall be released from prison or placed on parole, supervised release, or probation until:

(1) The appropriate official has provided the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the sheriff's office in the county where the sexual offender will be residing with the sexual offender's required registration information and risk assessment classification level; and

(2) The sexual offender's name has been added to the list of sexual offenders maintained by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the sheriff's office as required by this Code section.

(e) Registration pursuant to this Code section shall be required by any individual who:

(1) Is convicted on or after July 1, 1996, of a criminal offense against a victim who is a minor;

(2) Is convicted on or after July 1, 1996, of a dangerous sexual offense;

(3) Has previously been convicted of a criminal offense against a victim who is a minor and may be released from prison or placed on parole, supervised release, or probation on or after July 1, 1996;

(4) Has previously been convicted of a sexually violent offense or dangerous sexual offense and may be released from prison or placed on parole, supervised release, or probation on or after July 1, 1996;

(5) Is a resident of Georgia who intends to reside in this state and who is convicted under the laws of another state or the United States, under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, or in a tribal court of a sexually violent offense, a criminal offense against a victim who is a minor on or after July 1, 1999, or a dangerous sexual offense on or after July 1, 1996;

(6) Is a nonresident who changes residence from another state or territory of the United States or any other place to Georgia who is required to register as a sexual offender under federal law, military law, tribal law, or the laws of another state or territory or who has been convicted in this state of a criminal offense against a victim who is a minor or any dangerous sexual offense;

(7) Is a nonresident sexual offender who enters this state for the purpose of employment or any other reason for a period exceeding 14 consecutive days or for an aggregate period of time exceeding 30 days during any calendar year regardless of whether such sexual offender is required to register under federal law, military law, tribal law, or the laws of another state or territory; or

(8) Is a nonresident sexual offender who enters this state for the purpose of attending school as a full-time or part-time student regardless of whether such sexual offender is required to register under federal law, military law, tribal law, or the laws of another state or territory.

(f) Any sexual offender required to register under this Code section shall:

(1) Provide the required registration information to the appropriate official before being released from prison or placed on parole, supervised release, or probation;

(2) Register in person with the sheriff of the county in which the sexual offender resides within 72 hours after the sexual offender's release from prison or placement on parole, supervised release, probation, or entry into this state;

(2.1) In the case of a sexual offender whose place of residence is the status of homelessness, in lieu of the requirements of paragraph (2) of this subsection, register in person with the sheriff of the county in which the sexual offender sleeps within 72 hours after the sexual offender's release from prison or placement on parole, supervised release, probation, or entry into this state and provide the location where he or she sleeps;

(3) Maintain the required registration information with the sheriff of each county in which the sexual offender resides or sleeps;

(4) Renew the required registration information with the sheriff of the county in which the sexual offender resides or sleeps by reporting in person to the sheriff within 72 hours prior to such offender's birthday each year to be photographed and fingerprinted;

(5) Update the required registration information with the sheriff of the county in which the sexual offender resides within 72 hours of any change to the required registration information, other than where he or she resides or sleeps if such person is homeless. If the information is the sexual offender's new address, the sexual offender shall give the information regarding the sexual offender's new address to the sheriff of the county in which the sexual offender last registered within 72 hours prior to any change of address and to the sheriff of the county to which the sexual offender is moving within 72 hours prior to establishing such new address. If the sexual offender is homeless and the information is the sexual offender's new sleeping location, within 72 hours of changing sleeping locations, the sexual offender shall give the information regarding the sexual offender's new sleeping location to the sheriff of the county in which the sexual offender last registered, and if the county has changed, to the sheriff of the county to which the sexual offender has moved; and

(6) Continue to comply with the registration requirements of this Code section for the entire life of the sexual offender, excluding ensuing periods of incarceration.

(g) A sexual offender required to register under this Code section may petition to be released from the registration requirements and from the residency or employment restrictions of this Code section in accordance with the provisions of Code Section 42-1-19.

(h) (1) The appropriate official or sheriff shall, within 72 hours after receipt of the required registration information, forward such information to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Once the data is entered into the Criminal Justice Information System by the appropriate official or sheriff, the Georgia Crime Information Center shall notify the sheriff of the sexual offender's county of residence, either permanent or temporary, the sheriff of the county of employment, and the sheriff of the county where the sexual offender attends an institution of higher education within 24 hours of entering the data or any change to the data.

(2) The Georgia Bureau of Investigation shall:

(A) Transmit all information, including the conviction data and fingerprints, to the Federal Bureau of Investigation within 24 hours of entering the data;

(B) Establish operating policies and procedures concerning record ownership, quality, verification, modification, and cancellation; and

(C) Perform mail out and verification duties as follows:

(i) Send each month Criminal Justice Information System network messages to sheriffs listing sexual offenders due for verification;

(ii) Create a photo image file from original entries and provide such entries to sheriffs to assist in sexual offender identification and verification;

(iii) Mail a nonforwardable verification form to the last reported address of the sexual offender within ten days prior to the sexual offender's birthday;

(iv) If the sexual offender changes residence to another state, notify the law enforcement agency with which the sexual offender shall register in the new state; and

(v) Maintain records required under this Code section.

(i) The sheriff's office in each county shall:

(1) Prepare and maintain a list of all sexual offenders and sexually dangerous predators residing in each county. Such list shall include the sexual offender's name; age; physical description; address; crime of conviction, including conviction date and the jurisdiction of the conviction; photograph; and the risk assessment classification level provided by the board, and an explanation of how the board classifies sexual offenders and sexually dangerous predators;

(2) Electronically submit and update all information provided by the sexual offender within two business days to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation in a manner prescribed by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation;

(3) Maintain and provide a list, manually or electronically, of every sexual offender residing in each county so that it may be available for inspection:

(A) In the sheriff's office;

(B) In any county administrative building;

(C) In the main administrative building for any municipal corporation;

(D) In the office of the clerk of the superior court so that such list is available to the public; and

(E) On a website maintained by the sheriff of the county for the posting of general information;

(4) Update the public notices required by paragraph (3) of this subsection within two business days of the receipt of such information;

(5) Inform the public of the presence of sexual offenders in each community;

(6) Update the list of sexual offenders residing in the county upon receipt of new information affecting the residence address of a sexual offender or upon the registration of a sexual offender moving into the county by virtue of release from prison, relocation from another county, conviction in another state, federal court, military tribunal, or tribal court. Such list, and any additions to such list, shall be delivered, within 72 hours of updating the list of sexual offenders residing in the county, to all schools or institutions of higher education located in the county;

(7) Within 72 hours of the receipt of changed required registration information, notify the Georgia Bureau of Investigation through the Criminal Justice Information System of each change of information;

(8) Retain the verification form stating that the sexual offender still resides at the address last reported;

(9) Enforce the criminal provisions of this Code section. The sheriff may request the assistance of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to enforce the provisions of this Code section;

(10) Cooperate and communicate with other sheriffs' offices in this state and in the United States to maintain current data on the location of sexual offenders;

(11) Determine the appropriate time of day for reporting by sexual offenders, which shall be consistent with the reporting requirements of this Code section;

(12) If required by Code Section 42-1-14, place any electronic monitoring system on the sexually dangerous predator and explain its operation and cost;

(13) Provide current information on names and addresses of all registered sexual offenders to campus police with jurisdiction for the campus of an institution of higher education if the campus is within the sheriff's jurisdiction; and

(14) Collect the annual $250.00 registration fee from the sexual offender and transmit such fees to the state for deposit into the general fund.

(j) (1) The sheriff of the county where the sexual offender resides or last registered shall be the primary law enforcement official charged with communicating the whereabouts of the sexual offender and any changes in required registration information to the sheriff's office of the county or counties where the sexual offender is employed, volunteers, attends an institution of higher education, or moves.

(2) The sheriff's office may post the list of sexual offenders in any public building in addition to those locations enumerated in subsection (h) of this Code section.

(k) The Georgia Crime Information Center shall create the Criminal Justice Information System network transaction screens by which appropriate officials shall enter original data required by this Code section. Screens shall also be created for sheriffs' offices for the entry of record confirmation data; employment; changes of residence, institutions of higher education, or employment; or other pertinent data to assist in sexual offender identification.

(l) (1) On at least an annual basis, the Department of Education shall obtain from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation a complete list of the names and addresses of all registered sexual offenders and shall provide access to such information, accompanied by a hold harmless provision, to each school in this state. In addition, the Department of Education shall provide information to each school in this state on accessing and retrieving from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation's website a list of the names and addresses of all registered sexual offenders.

(2) On at least an annual basis, the Department of Early Care and Learning shall provide current information to all child care programs regulated pursuant to Code Section 20-1A-10 and to all child care learning centers, day-care, group day-care, and family day-care programs regulated pursuant to Code Section 49-5-12 on accessing and retrieving from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation's website a list of the names and addresses of all registered sexual offenders and shall include, on a continuing basis, such information with each application for licensure, commissioning, or registration for early care and education programs.

(3) On at least an annual basis, the Department of Human Services shall provide current information to all long-term care facilities for children on accessing and retrieving from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation's website a list of the names and addresses of all registered sexual offenders.

(m) Within ten days of the filing of a defendant's discharge and exoneration of guilt pursuant to Article 3 of Chapter 8 of this title, the clerk of court shall transmit the order of discharge and exoneration to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and any sheriff maintaining records required under this Code section.

(n) Any individual who:

(1) Is required to register under this Code section and who fails to comply with the requirements of this Code section;

(2) Provides false information; or

(3) Fails to respond directly to the sheriff of the county where he or she resides or sleeps within 72 hours prior to such individual's birthday

shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 30 years; provided, however, that upon the conviction of the second offense under this subsection, the defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 30 years.

(o) The information collected pursuant to this Code section shall be treated as private data except that:

(1) Such information may be disclosed to law enforcement agencies for law enforcement purposes;

(2) Such information may be disclosed to government agencies conducting confidential background checks; and

(3) The Georgia Bureau of Investigation or any sheriff maintaining records required under this Code section shall, in addition to the requirements of this Code section to inform the public of the presence of sexual offenders in each community, release such other relevant information collected under this Code section that is necessary to protect the public concerning sexual offenders required to register under this Code section, except that the identity of a victim of an offense that requires registration under this Code section shall not be released.

(p) The Board of Public Safety is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the Georgia Crime Information Center to implement and carry out the provisions of this Code section.

(q) Law enforcement agencies, employees of law enforcement agencies, and state officials shall be immune from liability for good faith conduct under this article.

(r) Any violation of this Code section is declared to be a continuous offense, and venue for such offense shall be considered to have been committed in any county where:

(1) A sexual offender is required to register;

(2) An accused fails to comply with the requirements of this Code section; or

(3) An accused provides false information.

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