2024 Delaware Code
Title 18 - Insurance Code
§ 4708. Grant, denial of permit.
(a) The Commissioner shall expeditiously examine an application for a solicitation permit as soon as it is completed and complete the investigation as called for. Subject to subsection (b) of this section below, if the Commissioner finds on such examination and investigation that:
(1) The application is complete; and
(2) The documents therewith filed are proper in form; and
(3) That the proposed finances are reasonable and adequate in amount for the purposes intended, the Commissioner shall give notice to the applicant that he or she will issue the permit upon the filing of any bond required by § 4713 of this title or deposit required by § 4906 of this title and the filing of an executed copy of any escrow agreement required in connection therewith.
(b) If the Commissioner does not so find or finds that:
(1) The proposed sale of securities would be or tend to be unfair or inequitable as to present or proposed security holders or investors; or
(2) Any of the individuals associated or to be associated in the insurer, corporation, syndicate, association, firm, organization or financing are not of good reputation as to business affairs; or
(3) The insurer or proposed insurer would not be able to qualify for a certificate of authority in this State by virtue of the provisions of § 508(b) of this title,
the Commissioner shall give notice to the applicant that a permit will not be granted, stating the particulars of the grounds therefor, and refund to the applicant all sums deposited in connection with the application except the fee for filing the application for a permit.
18 Del. C. 1953, § 4708; 56 Del. Laws, c. 380, § 1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1;