2024 Delaware Code
Title 14 - Education
§ 9003. Crime statistics.
(a) Each participating institution shall prepare a report, on at least a monthly basis, of the numbers and types of reported criminal offenses occurring on property owned or controlled by the institution within the same contiguous geographic area and used by the institution in direct support of, or related to its educational purposes; or any building or property owned or controlled by student organizations recognized by the institution. Such report shall be public record and shall be provided to any person upon request. Reports prepared pursuant to this subsection shall be consistent with the crime reporting format mandated by 34 C.F.R. Part 668, Section 668.48 “Institutional Security Policies and Crime Statistics.”
(b) The crime statistics as reported under subsection (a) of this section shall also be published on an annual basis for the most recent 3-year period, where available, in a campus newspaper or other suitable ways prescribed by the institution's chief executive officer for the information of all students and employees. Institutions with more than 1 campus shall provide the required information on a campus-by-campus basis.
67 Del. Laws, c. 329, § 1; 69 Del. Laws, c. 90, § 1;