2024 Delaware Code
Title 11 - Crimes and Criminal Procedure
Subchapter II. Missing Persons
§ 8531. Definitions.
For purposes of this subchapter:
(1) “Complaint” means a report, notification, or information given to a law-enforcement officer that a person is missing or cannot, with reasonable care, be located.
(2) “Missing person” means a person who is missing, and who also meets 1 of the following characteristics:
a. The person is physically or mentally disabled.
b. The person was, or is, in the company of another person under circumstances indicating that the missing person's safety may be in danger.
c. The person is missing under circumstances indicating that the disappearance was not voluntary.
d. The person is a child.
(3) “Verified location” means the location where it has been confirmed that the missing person was last seen. For purposes of this paragraph (3), “confirmed” includes credible witness identification and verification by video surveillance or similar technology.