2024 Delaware Code
Title 11 - Crimes and Criminal Procedure
Subchapter I. General Provisions
§ 8510. Information to be supplied by Department of Correction and Division of Youth Rehabilitative Services.
The Department of Correction and the Division of Youth Rehabilitative Services shall, within 48 hours, transmit to the Bureau:
(1) The names, fingerprints, photographs and other data prescribed by the Director, concerning all persons who are received or committed to such penal institution, or who are placed on parole or probation for any offense. Such photographs shall be of a recent date, and taken while such individuals are attired in civilian clothes;
(2) The names and photographs of all prisoners who are to be released or discharged from such institutions, after having been confined in such institutions. Such photographs shall be taken immediately before release of such persons, and the person shall be attired in civilian clothes;
(3) Notice of all paroles granted, revoked or completed, changes in release status, conditional releases, commutations of sentence, pardons and deaths of all persons described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this section.