2023 Delaware Code
Title 18 - Insurance Code
Subchapter II. Surplus Lines Insurance
§ 1915. Open lines for export.
(a) The Commissioner may by order declare eligible for export for a home state insured, generally and without compliance with the provisions of § 1912 of this title, any class or classes of insurance coverage or risk for which the Commissioner finds, after a hearing of which notice was given to each insurer authorized to transact such class or classes in this State, that there is not a reasonable or adequate market among authorized insurers either as to acceptance of the risk, contract terms, or premium rate. Any such order shall continue in effect during the existence of the conditions upon which predicated, but subject to earlier termination by the Commissioner.
(b) The broker shall file as directed by the Commissioner a memorandum as to each such coverage placed by him or her in a nonadmitted insurer for a home state insured, in such form and context as the Commissioner may reasonably require for the identification of the coverage and determination of the tax payable to the state relative thereto.
(c) The broker or a licensed Delaware producer of the authorized insurer may also place with authorized insurers any insurance coverage made eligible for export generally under subsection (a) of this section above, and without regard to rate or form filings which may otherwise be applicable as to the authorized insurer. As to coverage so placed in an authorized insurer, the premium tax thereon shall be reported and paid by the insurer as required generally under Chapter 7 of this title.
18 Del. C. 1953, § 1906; 56 Del. Laws, c. 380, § 1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1; 78 Del. Laws, c. 176, § 2;