2022 Delaware Code
Title 14 - Education
Subchapter I. School Attendance Requirements
§ 2703A. Homeschools defined.
(a) For purposes of this chapter, a “homeschool” is considered a nonpublic school, except that students enrolled in homeschools are deemed to be parentally-placed private school children for purposes of providing equitable services using proportionate share funds under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1400, et. seq.
(b) The 3 types of homeschools are defined as follows:
(1) “Multi-family homeschool” means the education of children, primarily by the parents or legal guardians of the children mainly in 1 or more residences, or other facilities, when the children are not all related to each other as brother or sister. A person shall act as a liaison to the Department of Education for reporting enrollment and attendance information for all families involved.
(2) “Single-family homeschool” means the education of an individual's own child, primarily by the parent or legal guardian of the child, mainly in their own residence.
(3) “Single-family homeschool coordinated with the local school district” means the education of a child primarily by the parent or legal guardian of the child, mainly in their own residence, using a curriculum approved by the local superintendent or the local superintendent's designee. The local superintendent shall determine in writing that the student is or will be provided with regular and thorough instruction by the student's parent or legal guardian in the subjects prescribed for the public schools of the State and in a manner suitable to children of the same age and stage of advancement.