2020 Delaware Code
Title 11 - Crimes and Criminal Procedure
Chapter 85. State Bureau of Identification
Subchapter IV. Child Sex Abuse Information Repository
§ 8553 Duties.
The Director of the State Bureau of Identification shall ensure that:
(1) Reports of all convictions under the criminal child sex abuse laws of this State are maintained by the Child Sex Abuse Information Repository;
(2) The Child Sex Abuse Information Repository works closely with schools, daycare centers and the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families in providing child sex abuser information;
(3) The Child Sex Abuse Information Repository reports child sex abuser information to the National Crime Information Center; and
(4) The Child Sex Abuse Information Repository maintains close liaison with the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children for exchange of information.