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this Chapter
2018 Connecticut General Statutes
Title 45a - Probate Courts and Procedure
Chapter 802h* - Protected Persons and Their Property
- Section 45a-591 and 45a-592 - Reserved for future use.
- Section 45a-593 - (Formerly Sec. 45-58). Administrator of Veterans' Affairs or successor to be a party in interest. Notice.
- Section 45a-594 - (Formerly Sec. 45-60). Compensation of guardian or conservator of social services beneficiary or veteran.
- Section 45a-595 - (Formerly Sec. 45-59). Investment of funds in insurance and annuity contracts by conservator or guardian of estate.
- Section 45a-596 - (Formerly Sec. 45-51). Parental appointment of guardian or coguardian of minor upon death of parents.
- Section 45a-597 - (Formerly Sec. 45-60a). Payment by guardian or conservator of administration expenses of deceased protected person.
- Section 45a-598 - Parental visitation of protected adult.
- Section 45a-599 - Transfer of guardianship file to other probate district when minor becomes resident of town in other probate district.
- Section 45a-600 to 45a-602 - Reserved for future use.
- Section 45a-603 - (Formerly Sec. 45-42). Residence of minor defined.
- Section 45a-604 - (Formerly Sec. 45-42a). Definitions.
- Section 45a-605 - (Formerly Sec. 45-42b). Provisions construed in best interest of minor child.
- Section 45a-606 - (Formerly Sec. 45-43). Father and mother joint guardians.
- Section 45a-607 - (Formerly Sec. 45-44). Temporary custody of minor pending application to probate court for removal of guardian or termination of parental rights.
- Section 45a-608 - (Formerly Sec. 45-44a). Temporary custody of minor. Rights and duties.
- Section 45a-608a to 45a-608m - Reserved for future use.
- Section 45a-608n - Designation of minor child as having special immigrant juvenile status pursuant to pending petition for removal or appointment of guardian.
- Section 45a-608o - Designation of minor child as having special immigrant juvenile status pursuant to pending petition to terminate parental rights or approve adoption.
- Section 45a-609 - (Formerly Sec. 45-44b). Application for removal of parent as guardian. Hearing. Notice. Examination.
- Section 45a-610 - (Formerly Sec. 45-44c). Removal of parent as guardian.
- Section 45a-611 - (Formerly Sec. 45-44d). Reinstatement of parent as guardian of the person of minor.
- Section 45a-612 - (Formerly Sec. 45-44e). Visitation with minor when proceeding for removal of guardian, appointment of guardian or termination of parental rights is pending.
- Section 45a-613 - (Formerly Sec. 45-45a). Removal of guardian, coguardian or permanent guardian of the person of a minor.
- Section 45a-614 - (Formerly Sec. 45-43a). Removal of parent as guardian of minor. Parent may not petition for removal of permanent guardian.
- Section 45a-615 - (Formerly Sec. 45-43b). False or malicious application for removal of guardian. Penalty.
- Section 45a-616 - (Formerly Sec. 45-45). Appointment of guardian or coguardians for minor; rights same as of sole surviving parent.
- Section 45a-616a - Appointment of permanent guardian for minor. Reinstatement of parent as guardian or appointment of successor guardian or permanent guardian.
- Section 45a-617 - (Formerly Sec. 45-45b). Appointment of guardian, coguardians or permanent guardian of the person of a minor.
- Section 45a-618 - (Formerly Sec. 45-45c). Enforcement of decree and award of custody by warrant.
- Section 45a-619 - (Formerly Sec. 45-45d). Investigation by Commissioner of Children and Families.
- Section 45a-620 - (Formerly Sec. 45-45e). Appointment of counsel. Appointment of guardian ad litem to speak on behalf of best interests of minor.
- Section 45a-621 - (Formerly Sec. 45-45f). Appointment of guardian ad litem.
- Section 45a-622 - (Formerly Sec. 45-45g). Appointment of temporary guardian. Application. Rights and obligations.
- Section 45a-623 - Transfer of proceeding to Superior Court or Regional Children’s Probate Court.
- Section 45a-624 - Designation of standby guardian of minor.
- Section 45a-624a - Consent of parents required for designation of standby guardian.
- Section 45a-624b - Form for designation of standby guardian.
- Section 45a-624c - Written statement that designation of standby guardian in full force and effect.
- Section 45a-624d - Authority of standby guardian.
- Section 45a-624e - Authority of standby guardian after death of principal.
- Section 45a-624f - Revocation of designation of standby guardian.
- Section 45a-624g - Probate Court to resolve disputes concerning designation of standby guardian.
- Section 45a-625 - Guardian of person of minor to report to probate court re condition of minor.
- Section 45a-626 and 45a-627 - Reserved for future use.
- Section 45a-628 - Reserved for future use.
- Section 45a-629 - (Formerly Sec. 45-47). Appointment of guardian for minor's estate.
- Section 45a-630 - (Formerly Sec. 45-47a). Application for appointment of guardian of the estate of a minor.
- Section 45a-631 - (Formerly Sec. 45-49). Limitation on receipt or use of minor's property by parent, guardian or spouse. Release.
- Section 45a-632 - (Formerly Sec. 45-50). Appointment of guardian of estate of nonresident minor.
- Section 45a-633 - (Formerly Sec. 45-52). Lease of minor's real estate by guardian or coguardians of estate.
- Section 45a-634 - (Formerly Sec. 45-53). Inventory of ward's property by guardian of estate.
- Section 45a-635 - (Formerly Sec. 45-55). Removal by foreign guardian of ward's personal property.
- Section 45a-636 - (Formerly Sec. 45-56). Removal by foreign guardian of proceeds of sale of ward's real estate.
- Section 45a-637 - (Formerly Sec. 45-57). Guardians of estate of minors may make partition.
- Section 45a-638 - (Formerly Sec. 45-57a). Court may order guardian to convey real property.
- Section 45a-639 to 45a-643 - Reserved for future use.
- Section 45a-644 - (Formerly Sec. 45-70a). Definitions.
- Section 45a-645 - (Formerly Sec. 45-70). Naming of own conservator for future incapacity.
- Section 45a-645a - Recording of proceedings required.
- Section 45a-645b - Rules of evidence re hearings. Testimony.
- Section 45a-645c - Probate Court to schedule hearing to facilitate attendance by conserved person.
- Section 45a-645d - Appointment of successor conservator.
- Section 45a-646 - (Formerly Sec. 45-70e). Petition for voluntary representation.
- Section 45a-647 - (Formerly Sec. 45-70f). Release from voluntary representation.
- Section 45a-648 - (Formerly Sec. 45-70b). Application for involuntary representation of resident or nondomiciliary. Fraudulent or malicious application or false testimony: Class D felony.
- Section 45a-649 - (Formerly Sec. 45-70c). Notice re application for involuntary representation, determination of jurisdiction or transfer of conservatorship to another state. Form of notice. Appointment of counsel.
- Section 45a-649a - Right to an attorney re involuntary representation. Fees. Indigency. Attorney duties and access to information.
- Section 45a-650 - (Formerly Sec. 45-70d). Hearing on application for involuntary representation. Evidence. Appointment of conservator. Limitation re powers and duties. Probate bond.
- Section 45a-651 - (Formerly Sec. 45-70g). Appointment of Commissioner of Social Services as conservator for certain persons with limited resources. Legal representation.
- Section 45a-652 - (Formerly Sec. 45-71a). Application for appointment of conservator of the estate.
- Section 45a-653 - (Formerly Sec. 45-73). Conveyances, contracts and funds of allegedly incapable person pending application for appointment of conservator. Recording or lodging of notice of application.
- Section 45a-654 - (Formerly Sec. 45-72). Appointment of temporary conservator. Duties.
- Section 45a-655 - (Formerly Sec. 45-75). *(See end of section for amended version and effective date.) Duties of conservator of the estate. Application for distribution of gifts of income and principal from the estate.
- Section 45a-656 - (Formerly Sec. 45-75a). *(See end of section for amended version and effective date.) Duties of conservator of the person.
- Section 45a-656a - Duty of conservator of estate of resident of licensed residential care home re payment of room and board.
- Section 45a-656b - Duties of conservator re real and personal property and placement of person under conservatorship.
- Section 45a-657 - (Formerly Sec. 45-75b). Court to resolve conflicts between conservators.
- Section 45a-658 - (Formerly Sec. 45-74). Appointment or removal of conservator to be recorded on land records.
- Section 45a-659 - (Formerly Sec. 45-76). Conservator of nonresident's property.
- Section 45a-660 - (Formerly Sec. 45-77). Termination of conservatorship. Review of conservatorship by court.
- Section 45a-661 - (Formerly Sec. 45-77a). Transfer of records upon relocation of person under representation.
- Section 45a-662 - (Formerly Sec. 45-77b). Conveyance of property by order of court.
- Section 45a-663 - Compensation of conservator if conserved person is unable to pay.
- Section 45a-664 to 45a-666 - Reserved for future use.
- Section 45a-667 - Short title: Connecticut Uniform Adult Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act.
- Section 45a-667a - Definitions.
- Section 45a-667b - Applicability.
- Section 45a-667c - Treatment of foreign country.
- Section 45a-667d - Communication with court in another state. Recording of communication.
- Section 45a-667e - Request for assistance made to or received from a court of another state.
- Section 45a-667f - Testimony taken in another state. Evidence transmitted by technological means.
- Section 45a-667g - Jurisdiction: Definitions; significant connection factors.
- Section 45a-667h - Involuntary representation: Determination of jurisdiction. Hearing required.
- Section 45a-667i - Determination of jurisdiction re appointment of conservator.
- Section 45a-667j - Temporary conservators. Special jurisdiction.
- Section 45a-667k - Exclusive and continuing jurisdiction. Exceptions.
- Section 45a-667l - Declination of jurisdiction if court of another state is more appropriate forum.
- Section 45a-667m - Declination of jurisdiction due to unjustifiable conduct of a party. Assessment against party.
- Section 45a-667n - Notice re petition when this state is not respondent's home state.
- Section 45a-667o - Petitions for involuntary representation filed in more than one state.
- Section 45a-667p - Transfer of conservatorship to another state.
- Section 45a-667q - Acceptance of conservatorship transferred from another state.
- Section 45a-667r - Registration of conservator of the person order from another state.
- Section 45a-667s - Registration of conservator of the estate order from another state.
- Section 45a-667t - Effect of registration of conservatorship order from another state.
- Section 45a-667u - Uniformity of application and construction.
- Section 45a-667v - Relation of act to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.
- Section 45a-668 - (Formerly Sec. 45-320). Continuation of service of persons appointed prior to October 1, 1982, as guardians or limited guardians of persons with mental retardation.
- Section 45a-669 - (Formerly Sec. 45-321). Definitions.
- Section 45a-670 - (Formerly Sec. 45-322). Petition for guardianship.
- Section 45a-671 - (Formerly Sec. 45-323). Hearing on petition for guardianship. Notice.
- Section 45a-672 - (Formerly Sec. 45-324). Notice of hearing.
- Section 45a-673 - (Formerly Sec. 45-325). Appointment of counsel. Payment of cost for indigent persons.
- Section 45a-674 - (Formerly Sec. 45-326). Hearing for appointment of guardian. Evidence. Report by assessment team. Cross-examination of witnesses. Payment of fees for assessment team.
- Section 45a-675 - (Formerly Sec. 45-327). Right of respondent to be at hearing.
- Section 45a-676 - (Formerly Sec. 45-328). Appointment of plenary guardian or limited guardian.
- Section 45a-677 - (Formerly Sec. 45-329). Powers and duties of plenary or limited guardian. Report. Transfer of file.
- Section 45a-678 - (Formerly Sec. 45-330). Removal of plenary or limited guardian.
- Section 45a-679 - (Formerly Sec. 45-331). Conflicts between plenary guardian, limited guardian, conservator of the estate or person and temporary conservator to be resolved by Probate Court.
- Section 45a-680 - (Formerly Sec. 45-332). Appointment of standby plenary guardian or standby limited guardian. Probate bond. Duties. Confirmation by court.
- Section 45a-681 - (Formerly Sec. 45-333). Review of guardianship by court.
- Section 45a-682 - (Formerly Sec. 45-334). Petition for temporary limited guardian. Notice and hearing. Appointment.
- Section 45a-683 - (Formerly Sec. 45-335). Immunity from civil liability of plenary guardian, temporary limited guardian or limited guardian.
- Section 45a-684 - (Formerly Sec. 45-336). Payment of expenses and fees of proceeding for appointment of guardian of person with intellectual disability.
- Section 45a-685 to 45a-689 - Reserved for future use.
- Section 45a-690 - (Formerly Sec. 45-78p). Definitions.
- Section 45a-691 - (Formerly Sec. 45-78q). Sterilization. Requirements. Determination of ability to give informed consent.
- Section 45a-692 - (Formerly Sec. 45-78r). Application for determination of ability to give informed consent to sterilization.
- Section 45a-693 - (Formerly Sec. 45-78s). Hearing. Notice.
- Section 45a-694 - (Formerly Sec. 45-78t). Appointment of counsel to represent respondent. Compensation.
- Section 45a-695 - (Formerly Sec. 45-78u). Evidence re ability of respondent to give informed consent. Reports by panel members appointed by court. Right of respondent to present evidence and cross-examine witnesses.
- Section 45a-696 - (Formerly Sec. 45-78v). Respondent to be present at hearing on ability to give informed consent to sterilization.
- Section 45a-697 - (Formerly Sec. 45-78w). Informed consent. Refusal of sterilization.
- Section 45a-698 - (Formerly Sec. 45-78x). Application by guardian or conservator for consent to sterilization.
- Section 45a-699 - (Formerly Sec. 45-78y). Hearing. Evidence. Grounds for sterilization.
- Section 45a-699a - Stay of order or decree permitting sterilization.
- Section 45a-700 - (Formerly Sec. 45-78z). Surgical or other medical procedures which may result in sterilization.
- Section 45a-701 and 45a-702 - Reserved for future use.
- Section 45a-703 - Application for determination of competency to vote.
- Section 45a-704 and 45a-705 - Reserved for future use.
*See Sec. 46b-224 re operation of Probate Court order changing or transferring guardianship of child who is subject of preexisting support order.
Annotations to former chapter 777:
Probate Court has full jurisdiction of persons and estates of minors; jurisdiction of Superior Court limited to appeals from probate, proceedings incidental to divorce actions and writs of habeas corpus. 97 C. 442; 99 C. 156.
Annotations to present chapter:
Cited. 24 CA 402.
Cited. 44 CS 169.
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