2022 Colorado Code
Title 30 - Government - County
Article 10 - County Officers
Part 4 - County Clerk and Recorder
§ 30-10-403. Deputy Clerk - Duties
Every county clerk shall appoint a deputy, in writing, under the county clerk's hand, and shall file such appointment in the office of the county clerk; and such deputy, in case of the absence or disability of the county clerk, or in case of a vacancy in the office thereof, shall perform all the duties of the county clerk during such absence or until such vacancy is filled. Every county clerk may appoint other deputies and, if the county clerk has executed a bond pursuant to section 30-10-401 (1), the county clerk's sureties shall be responsible under the bond for the acts of all such deputies.
Source: G.L. § 480. G.S. § 575. R.S. 08: § 1258. C.L. § 8733. CSA: C. 45, § 80. CRS 53: § 35-4-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 35-4-3. L. 2010: Entire section amended, (HB 10-1062), ch. 161, p. 560, § 14, effective August 11.