2017 Colorado Revised Statutes
Title 6 - Consumer and Commercial Affairs
Records Retention
Article 17 - Uniform Records Retention Act
§ 6-17-103. Definitions
As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Business record" means books of account; vouchers; documents; cancelled checks; payrolls; correspondence; records of sales, personnel, equipment, and production; reports relating to any or all of such records; and other business papers.
(2) "Record" means any letter, word, sound, number, or its equivalent, set down by handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostating, photographing, magnetic impulse, mechanical, or electronic recording of other forms of data compilation. Unless otherwise specified, reproductions are records for purposes of this article.
(3) "Reproduction" means any counterpart produced by the same impression as the original or from the same matrix, or by means of photography, including enlargements and miniatures, or by mechanical or electronic rerecording or by chemical reproduction or by any equivalent technique which accurately reproduces the original.