2024 California Code
Harbors and Navigation Code - HNC
CHAPTER 3 - Boating and Waterways Commission
Section 82.3.
82.3. The commission shall have the following particular duties and responsibilities:
(a) To be fully informed regarding all governmental activities affecting programs administered by the division.
(b) To meet at least four times per year at various locations throughout the state to receive comments on the implementation of the programs administered by the division and establish an annual calendar of proposed meetings at the beginning of each calendar year. The meetings shall include a public meeting, before the beginning of each funding cycle of a loan and grant program funded from the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund, to collect public input concerning the program, recommendations for program improvements, and specific project needs for the system.
(c) To hold a public hearing to receive public comment regarding any proposed project subject to subdivision (c) of Section 82 at a location in close geographic proximity to the proposed project, unless a hearing consistent with federal law or regulation has already been held regarding the project.
(d) To consider, upon the request of any owner or tenant whose property is in the vicinity of any proposed project subject to subdivision (c) of Section 82, any alleged adverse impacts occurring on that person’s property from activities undertaken pursuant to this code, and recommend to the division suitable measures for the prevention of any adverse impacts determined by the commission to be occurring, and suitable measures for the restoration of adversely impacted property.
(e) To review and comment annually to the division on the proposed budget of expenditures from the revolving fund.
(f) To review all proposals for local and regional waterways, piers, harbors, docks, or other recreational areas that have applied for grant or loan funds from the division prior to a final determination of eligibility by the division.
(g) (1) With support and assistance from the division, to prepare and submit a program report to the Governor, the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife, the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water, the Senate Committee on Appropriations, and the Assembly Committee on Appropriations on or before January 1, 2013, and every three years thereafter. The report shall be adopted by the commission after discussing the contents during two or more public meetings. The report shall address the status of any regulations adopted or being considered by the division and any loan or grant that has been or is being considered for a determination of eligibility by the division pending the previous report.
(2) A report required to be submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.
(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 353, Sec. 117. (SB 820) Effective September 26, 2013. Operative July 1, 2013, by Sec. 129 of Ch. 353.)