2022 California Code
Welfare and Institutions Code - WIC
CHAPTER 2 - Involuntary Treatment
ARTICLE 6 - Postcertification Procedures for Imminently Dangerous Persons
Section 5308.
5308. Upon the filing of a request for revocation of outpatient status under Section 5306.5 or 5307 and pending the court’s decision on revocation, the person subject to revocation may be confined in a state hospital or other treatment facility by the county behavioral health director when it is the opinion of that director that the person will now be a danger to self or to another while on outpatient status and that to delay hospitalization until the revocation hearing would pose a demonstrated danger of harm to the person or to another. Upon the request of the county behavioral health director or a designee, a peace officer shall take, or cause to be taken, the person into custody and transport the person to a treatment facility for hospitalization under this section. The county behavioral health director shall notify the court in writing of the admission of the person to inpatient status and of the factual basis for the opinion that immediate return to inpatient treatment was necessary. The court shall supply a copy of these documents to the public officer, pursuant to Section 5114, and counsel of the person subject to revocation.
A person hospitalized under this section shall have the right to judicial review of the detention in the manner prescribed in Article 5 (commencing with Section 5275) of Chapter 2 and to an explanation of rights in the manner prescribed in Section 5252.1.
Nothing in this section shall prevent hospitalization pursuant to the provisions of Section 5150, 5250, 5350, or 5353.
A person whose confinement in a treatment facility under Section 5306.5 or 5307 is approved by the court shall not be released again to outpatient status unless court approval is obtained under Section 5305.
(Amended by Stats. 2015, Ch. 455, Sec. 25. (SB 804) Effective January 1, 2016.)