2022 California Code
Welfare and Institutions Code - WIC
CHAPTER 2 - Involuntary Treatment
ARTICLE 6 - Postcertification Procedures for Imminently Dangerous Persons
Section 5301.
5301. (a) At any time during the 14-day intensive treatment period the professional person in charge of the licensed health facility, or his or her designee, may ask the public officer required by Section 5114 to present evidence at proceedings under this article to petition the superior court in the county in which the licensed health facility providing treatment is located for an order requiring the person to undergo an additional period of treatment on the grounds set forth in Section 5300. This petition shall summarize the facts that support the contention that the person falls within the standard set forth in Section 5300. The petition shall be supported by affidavits describing in detail the behavior that indicates that the person falls within the standard set forth in Section 5300.
(b) Copies of the petition for postcertification treatment and the affidavits in support thereof shall be served upon the person named in the petition on the same day as they are filed with the clerk of the superior court.
(c) The petition shall be in the following form:
Petition for Postcertification Treatment of a Dangerous Person
I, ____, (the professional person in charge of the ____ intensive treatment facility) (the designee of ____ the professional person in charge of the ____, treatment facility) in which ____ has been under treatment pursuant to the certification by ____ and ____, hereby petition the court for an order requiring ____ to undergo an additional period of treatment, not to exceed 180 days, pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 (commencing with Section 5300) of Chapter 2 of Part 1 of Division 5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. This petition is based upon my allegation that (a) ____ has attempted, inflicted, or made a serious threat of substantial physical harm upon the person of another after having been taken into custody, and while in custody, for evaluation, and that, by reason of mental health disorder, presents a demonstrated danger of inflicting substantial physical harm upon others, or that (b) ____ had attempted or inflicted physical harm upon the person of another, that act having resulted in his or her being taken into custody, and that he or she presents, as a result of mental health disorder, a demonstrated danger of inflicting substantial physical harm upon others, or that (c) ____ had made a serious threat of substantial physical harm upon the person of another within seven days of being taken into custody, that threat having at least in part resulted in his or her being taken into custody, and that he or she presents, as a result of mental health disorder, a demonstrated danger of inflicting substantial physical harm upon others.
My allegation is based upon the following facts:
This allegation is supported by the accompanying affidavits signed by ____________.
Signed |
(d) The courts may receive the affidavits in evidence and may allow the affidavits to be read to the jury and the contents thereof considered in rendering a verdict, unless counsel for the person named in the petition subpoenas the treating professional person. If the treating professional person is subpoenaed to testify, the public officer, pursuant to Section 5114, shall be entitled to a continuance of the hearing or trial.
(Amended by Stats. 2014, Ch. 144, Sec. 90. (AB 1847) Effective January 1, 2015.)