2021 California Code
Health and Safety Code - HSC
CHAPTER 2.2 - Health Care Service Plans
ARTICLE 3.16 - Nongrandfathered Small Employer Plans
Section 1357.515.
(a) At least 20 business days prior to renewing or amending a plan contract subject to this article which will be in force on the operative date of this article, a plan shall file a notice of material modification with the director in accordance with the provisions of Section 1352. The notice of material modification shall include a statement certifying that the plan is in compliance with Section 1357.512. Any action by the director, as permitted under Section 1352, to disapprove, suspend, or postpone the plan’s use of a plan contract shall be in writing, specifying the reasons that the plan contract does not comply with the requirements of this chapter.
(b) At least 20 business days prior to offering a plan contract subject to this article, all plans shall file a notice of material modification with the director in accordance with the provisions of Section 1352. The notice of material modification shall include a statement certifying that the plan is in compliance with Section 1357.512. Plans that will be offering to a small employer plan contracts approved by the director prior to the effective date of this article shall file a notice of material modification in accordance with this subdivision. Any action by the director, as permitted under Section 1352, to disapprove, suspend, or postpone the plan’s use of a plan contract shall be in writing, specifying the reasons that the plan contract does not comply with the requirements of this chapter.
(c) Each plan shall maintain at its principal place of business all of the information required to be filed with the director pursuant to this section.
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the director’s authority to enforce the rating practices set forth in this article.
(Added by Stats. 2012, Ch. 852, Sec. 3. (AB 1083) Effective January 1, 2013.)