2021 California Code
Health and Safety Code - HSC
CHAPTER 6 - Other
ARTICLE 2 - Public Meetings
Section 101865.
(a) Prior to holding any closed session, the agenda item or items to be discussed in the closed session shall be publicly identified. An item may be identified by reference to the item or items as they are listed by number or letter on the agenda. In a closed session, only those matters covered in the statement may be considered. Nothing in this article shall require or authorize a disclosure of information prohibited by state or federal law.
(b) The corporation shall designate an officer or officers who shall attend each closed session of the board or a committee and keep a minute book of the session. The minute book may, but need not, consist of a recording of the closed session. The minute book is not a record subject to Section 101871 and shall be kept confidential. The minute book shall be available only to members of the board or committee or, if a violation of this chapter is alleged to have occurred at a closed session, to a court of general jurisdiction wherein the corporation lies.
(c) After any closed session, the board or committee shall reconvene into open session prior to adjournment and shall make any disclosures required by subdivision (d) of action in the closed session. Announcements required to be made in open session pursuant to this article shall be made at the location announced in the agenda for the closed session.
(d) Any action taken during a closed session of a meeting shall be announced publicly, including the vote or abstention of every director present, as follows:
(1) Approval of an agreement concluding property negotiations pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 101864 shall be reported after the agreement is final, as specified below:
(A) If its own approval renders the agreement final, the corporation shall report that approval and the substance of the agreement in open session at the meeting during which the closed session is held.
(B) If final approval rests with the other party to the negotiations, the corporation shall disclose the fact of that approval and the substance of the agreement upon inquiry by any person, as soon as the other party or its agent has informed the corporation of its approval.
(2) Approval given to its legal counsel of a settlement of pending litigation, as described in subdivision (g) of Section 101864, at any stage prior to or during a judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding shall be reported after the settlement is final, as specified below:
(A) If the corporation accepts a settlement offer signed by the opposing party, the body shall report its acceptance and identify the substance of the agreement in open session at the meeting during which the closed session is held.
(B) If final approval rests with some other party to the litigation or with the court, then as soon as the settlement becomes final, and upon inquiry by any person, the corporation shall disclose the fact of that approval, and identify the substance of the agreement.
(3) Approval of an agreement concluding collective bargaining or contract negotiations with represented or unrepresented employees pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 101864 shall be reported after the agreement is final and has been accepted or ratified by the other party. The report shall identify the item approved and the other party or parties to the negotiation.
(Added by Stats. 1997, Ch. 927, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 1998.)