2021 California Code
Food and Agricultural Code - FAC
CHAPTER 4.1 - California Meat and Poultry Supplemental Inspection Act
ARTICLE 2 - General Provisions
Section 18950.
The Legislature finds and declares that:
(a) Sausage products and cured and smoked meat products which are processed and sold at retail meat processing establishments and custom slaughtered carcasses are an important source of the food supply in California; and it is essential and in the public interest that the health and welfare of consumers of these products are protected by ensuring that meat, both slaughtered and processed, is wholesome and not adulterated.
(b) Meat processing establishments and custom slaughter establishments exempt from federal inspection have been required to be inspected in California.
(c) There is a public demand for specialty meat food products and there has been an increase in the number of meat processing establishments manufacturing these products.
(d) Specialty meat food products are sold and displayed in meat markets and are difficult to distinguish from United States Department of Agriculture inspected and passed products.
(Amended by Stats. 1983, Ch. 417, Sec. 1.)