2021 California Code
Education Code - EDC
CHAPTER 4 - Compensatory Education Programs for Disadvantaged Children
ARTICLE 3 - Migrant Children
Section 54443.1.
Migrant education programs shall include all of the following:
(a) An individual assessment of the educational and relevant health needs of each participating pupil within 30 days of enrollment. This assessment shall include assessments concurrently provided pursuant to compensatory education, bilingual-crosscultural education, school improvement programs, and other programs serving the pupil.
(b) A general needs assessment developed in compliance with federal requirements summarizing the needs of the population to be served.
(c) A comprehensive program to meet the educational, health, and related needs of participating pupils which is supplemental to the program the operating agency is otherwise required to provide. The program shall include, but need not be limited to, the following:
(1) Academic instruction.
(2) Remedial and compensatory instruction.
(3) Bilingual and crosscultural instruction.
(4) Career technical instruction.
(5) Counseling and career education services.
(6) Preschool services in accordance with Section 54443.
(7) Other educational services that are not available in sufficient quantity or quality to eligible migratory children.
(8) The acquisition of instructional materials and equipment necessary to adequately provide the appropriate services.
(9) Other related services to meet the special needs of eligible migratory children that are necessary to enable these children to effectively participate in instructional services.
(10) The coordination and teaming of existing resources serving migrant pupils, such as bilingual-crosscultural education, health screening, and compensatory education.
(d) A brief individual learning plan listing the services to be provided to each pupil shall be provided in writing or at a parent conference to the parent or guardian of each participating pupil, annually and each time the pupil moves to a new district.
(e) Staffing and staff development plans and practices to meet the needs of pupils and implement the program.
(f) Parent and community involvement as specified in Section 54444.2.
(g) Evaluations that shall include annual pupil progress and overall program effectiveness and quality control reports.
(h) School districts and other education agencies shall be eligible to apply for funding to serve migrant pupils upon application to their respective region, or, if they meet the criteria established in subdivision (b) of Section 54444.1, to the department. Operating agencies shall include in their application a description of how the entities will coordinate the planning, budgeting, and operation of the migrant education programs with the planning, budgeting, and operation of other federal and state education programs addressing the needs of the same or similar pupils of the operating agency. The description shall include time lines and cover services provided through school improvement, nonmigrant Title I, state compensatory and limited- and non-English proficient, Title VII, and other funds. If the application meets state and federal requirements, negotiations for an appropriate service agreement shall begin involving the parties listed in subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 54444.1.
(Amended by Stats. 2010, Ch. 274, Sec. 4. (SB 331) Effective January 1, 2011.)