2019 California Code
Food and Agricultural Code - FAC
CHAPTER 4.1 - California Meat and Poultry Supplemental Inspection Act
ARTICLE 4 - Inspection Granting and Withdrawal
Section 18973.
(a) Licensed livestock meat inspectors, licensed processing inspectors, and department inspectors are authorized to supervise the operations of licensed establishments, to order the establishments not to operate until required standards are met, and to cease operations when the standards are violated. These persons are also authorized to require withholding from movement, sale, or the delivery of products that may be unfit, because the products were derived from unfit animals or processed in unsanitary conditions and to require denaturing and condemnation of the unfit products.
(b) The department may immediately withdraw or refuse to provide inspection services to any establishment under this chapter that fails to cease operations, hold any retained product, or destroy any condemned product in accordance with the order of a department inspector or licensed livestock meat inspector or licensed processing inspector. It is unlawful to violate any such order.
(Amended by Stats. 1998, Ch. 680, Sec. 7. Effective January 1, 1999.)