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2005 California Food and Agricultural Code Sections 591-600 Demonstration Projects

SECTION 591-600

591.  (a) The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:
   (1) Successful farmers and ranchers adapt to changing
circumstances through innovation and the incorporation of new
information and practices, in order to improve their economic
productivity and maintain the long-term sustainability of farmland
and other natural resources.
   (2) California's farmers and ranchers face increasing pressure to
modify their use of water and agricultural chemicals, resulting from,
among other things, implementation of the federal Food Quality
Protection Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-170), the federal Central
Valley Project Improvement Act (Public Law 102-575), the California
Endangered Species Act (Chapter 1.5 (commencing with Section 2050) of
Division 3 of the Fish and Game Code), and other state and federal
   (3) In 1995, the University of California established, pursuant to
Chapter 1059 of the Statutes of 1994, a program of pilot
demonstration projects called Biologically Integrated Farming Systems
(BIFS), to demonstrate and expand the use of integrated farming
systems as a means of building soil fertility while attempting to
modify or reduce the use of agricultural chemicals.
   (4) Biologically integrated farming systems provide some pollution
prevention results, including reductions in surface water and
groundwater contamination, air contaminant emissions, and particulate
matter; and also promote practices that decrease erosion and improve
habitat for wildlife.
   (5) Farmers and ranchers who are accomplished in managing
biologically integrated farming systems are often willing and able to
act as mentors for other farmers.
   (b) It is the intent of the Legislature to expand and improve the
BIFS program so that integrated farming systems can be applied to a
greater number of crops and regions and to more widely disseminate
information on how to implement integrated farming systems through
science-based technical assistance and farmer-to-farmer information
591.5.  (a) For the purposes of this article, biologically
integrated farming systems help provide soil fertility, pest control,
pollution prevention, and environmental improvements through
integration of some or all of the following elements:
   (1) Relying on biological and cultural controls to protect crops
from pest outbreaks and increase beneficial insect populations.
   (2) Creating on-farm habitats and restoring riparian zones to
harbor beneficial insect populations, reduce movement of pests to
susceptible crops, and improve habitat for migrant birds and upland
game species.
   (3) Using cover crops to provide some or all of the nitrogen
needed by crop plants, increase water infiltration of the soil, and
decrease erosion and flooding.
   (4) Directing overall attention to soil building practices, to
improve crop nutrition, reduce soilborne pests, reduce reliance on
chemical pesticides and fertilizers, and to provide additional
scientific research and information on pest management and soil
   (5) Using pest monitoring and decision thresholds for chemical
applications, to avoid uneconomic applications of pesticides and
   (6) Improving livestock management, reducing erosion, restoring
native bunch grasses and other native plants, protecting riparian
zones, and improving fish and wildlife habitat.
   (b) For the purposes of this act, "program" means the Biologically
Integrated Farming Systems (BIFS) program.
592.  There is established within the University of California a
program of pilot demonstration projects designed to provide extension
services, training, and financial incentives for participating
farmers to implement biologically integrated farming systems.  In
implementing the program, it is the intent of the Legislature that
all of the following occur:
   (a) The program should be designed to extend integrated farming
systems through the proven technique of farmer-to-farmer
communication, with technical support provided by farm advisers,
scientists, pest control advisers, and certified crop advisers.
   (b) The structure of each pilot demonstration project should be
patterned, to the degree feasible, after the successful collaboration
between the University of California and the Biologically Integrated
Orchard Systems (BIOS) Program coordinated by the Community Alliance
with Family Farmers in Merced, Stanislaus, Colusa, Madera, San
Joaquin, Solano, and Yolo Counties.
   (c) Pilot demonstration projects should be selected through a
competitive process that supports the goals specified in Section
591.5.  The proposals for the projects selected should include a
description of the project's objectives, a workplan for the project's
implementation, and a component for monitoring and evaluating the
project's findings and results.  The proposals should demonstrate the
applicant's experience in the farming systems described in
subdivision (a) of Section 591.5, should contain documented financial
and technical support, and should provide for a breadth of private
sector cost sharing.
   (d) The program should make all feasible efforts to select
projects involving a variety of commodities and cropping systems
located in different counties.
   (e) Funding for the program should consist of a combination of
federal, state, and private sector funds.  The Department of
Pesticide Regulation shall provide fiscal oversight and shall
allocate all program funds received, less 2 percent for
administrative costs, to the University of California for purposes of
implementing the pilot demonstration projects.  The program may
allocate up to 10 percent of program funds to support research
related to biologically integrated farming systems.
593.  (a) There is established at the University of California a
program advisory review board consisting of 13 members, appointed by
the President of the University of California, or his or her
designee, as follows:
   (1) Ten members who are knowledgeable regarding the farming
systems described in subdivision (b) of Section 591, as follows:
   (A) Two representatives from the University of California.
   (B) Two representatives from relevant federal agencies.
   (C) Three growers.
   (D) Two representatives of nonprofit organizations.
   (E) One licensed pest control adviser.
   (2) One member from each of the following:
   (A) The Department of Pesticide Regulation.
   (B) The Department of Food and Agriculture.
   (C) The Pest Management Advisory Committee.  This member shall be
a public member who is not a government employee.
   (b) The members of the review board shall serve without
compensation but shall be paid necessary and proper expenses incurred
in the performance of official duties.
594.  In order to administer and implement the program, the
University of California, in consultation with the program advisory
review board, shall perform the following duties:
   (a) Develop policies and procedures to guide the implementation of
the pilot demonstration projects.  These policies and procedures
shall include, but shall not be limited to, a mechanism for
monitoring and summarizing pesticide and fertilizer use for each
project with an assessment of overall environmental impacts,
including improvements in environmental quality on each project.
   (b) Develop and issue requests for proposals for the pilot
demonstration projects.
   (c) Review and select the proposals to be funded.
   (d) Annually review pilot demonstration projects and determine
which projects shall be renewed.
595.  The Pest Management Advisory Committee of the Department of
Pesticide Regulation and the Department of Food and Agriculture shall
provide the program advisory review board with a list of cropping
systems that would benefit from the pilot demonstration projects.
The board shall consider this list when it deliberates regarding
which proposals to recommend for funding.
596.  The contract for a pilot demonstration project shall be for a
period of up to five years and shall be evaluated annually by the
director of the program and the program advisory review board.  The
evaluation shall be based on an annual report submitted by the pilot
project supervisor that documents changes in agricultural practices,
agrichemical and water use, crop yields, environmental impacts, and
monitoring data resulting from the pilot project.  Funding for
subsequent years of the contract shall be contingent upon adequate
progress in those documented criteria, as determined by the director
with the advice of the board, and continued grower participation in
the pilot project.
597.  Not later than January 1, 2001, and biennially thereafter, the
University of California shall report to the Pest Management
Advisory Committee, appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the
Legislature, and, upon request, any Members of the Legislature on the
status of each of the pilot demonstration projects.  The report
shall include, but shall not be limited to, an analysis of the
monitoring activities, summary and assessment data on pesticide,
fertilizer, and water use on each pilot demonstration project, and an
analysis of the success of each project in meeting the standards for
integrated farming systems set forth in this article.
598.  All moneys allocated by the Department of Pesticide Regulation
to the University of California for facilitating this program shall
be used for the following purposes:
   (a) Contracting with pilot demonstration project supervisors.  No
member of the program advisory review board shall participate in such
a project.
   (b) Rebates to project participants for materials used to
implement the alternative systems composing the pilot demonstration
projects, and assistance with purchasing or leasing equipment.
   (c) The University of California's administrative costs, which
shall not exceed 10 percent of the total costs of the pilot
demonstration projects.
599.  New pilot demonstration projects may not be commenced on or
after December 31, 2010.  Until all funds available for the projects
are encumbered, the University of California may continue to use
available funds for projects that it commenced prior to December 31,
600.  No provision of this article applies to the University of
California unless the Regents of the University of California, by
resolution, make that provision applicable.

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