2020 Arkansas Code
Title 9 - Family Law
Subtitle 2 - Domestic Relations
Chapter 10 - Paternity
Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 9-10-120. Effect of acknowledgment of paternity
(a) A man is the father of a child for all intents and purposes if he and the mother execute an acknowledgment of paternity of the child pursuant to § 20-18-408 or § 20-18-409, or a similar acknowledgment executed during the child's minority.
(1) Acknowledgments of paternity shall by operation of law constitute a conclusive finding of paternity, subject to the modification of orders or judgments under § 9-10-115, and shall be recognized by the circuit courts and juvenile divisions thereof as creating a parent and child relationship between father and child.
(2) Such acknowledgments of paternity shall also be recognized as forming the basis for establishment and enforcement of a child support or visitation order without a further proceeding to establish paternity.
(c) The Department of Health shall offer voluntary paternity establishment services in all of its offices throughout the state. The Department of Health shall coordinate such services with the Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration.
(d) Upon submission of the acknowledgment of paternity to the Division of Vital Records, the State Registrar of Vital Records shall accordingly establish a new or amended certificate of birth reflecting the name of the father as recited in the acknowledgment of paternity.
(e) The Administrator of the Office of Child Support Enforcement of the Revenue Division of the Department of Finance and Administration and the hospital, birthing center, certified nurse practitioner, or licensed midwife delivering the child shall enter into cooperative agreements to compensate at a rate not to exceed twenty dollars ($20.00) for each acknowledgment of paternity forwarded by the hospital, birthing center, certified nurse practitioner, or licensed midwife to the office.