2020 Arkansas Code
Title 6 - Education
Subtitle 2 - Elementary and Secondary Education Generally
Chapter 13 - School Districts
Subchapter 10 - The Education Service Cooperative Act of 1985
§ 6-13-1023. Technology training center — Technology coordinator
(a) Consistent with funds available and upon a majority vote of the members present and voting, the board of directors of each education service cooperative established under this subchapter is authorized to establish a technology training center and employ a technology coordinator who has demonstrated expertise in computer technology and staff development.
(b) The duties of the technology coordinator at such technology training center shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) To provide staff development for personnel of member schools;
(2) To assist member schools with determining technology needs and types of computer hardware and software necessary to meet those needs;
(3) To assist with technology system analysis and local network design;
(4) To provide member schools with information on technology standards and specifications;
(5) To develop and coordinate a technology training center located at the education service cooperative;
(6) To coordinate information with the Arkansas Public School Computer Network, the Instructional Microcomputer Project for Arkansas Classrooms, and the Governor's Technology Task Force so that member schools will be informed on technological activity in the state; and
(7) To assist with requests for proposal development and bid analysis so that member schools will be better able to spend funds for technology.