2020 Arkansas Code
Title 19 - Public Finance
Chapter 4 - State Accounting and Budgetary Procedures
Subchapter 14 - Construction of Buildings and Facilities
§ 19-4-1412. Fund balances
(a) If, after the expiration date of the second biennial period for which funds have been appropriated for the benefit of any specific capital improvement project, there remains a balance of funds or appropriations, then such fund balances as may remain in the General Improvement Fund or its successor fund or fund accounts, including the Development and Enhancement Fund, for the benefit of the capital improvement project shall be reallocated for the benefit of proposed new or existing capital improvement projects of the various state agencies as may be enacted.
(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed as to limit the authority of the General Assembly to appropriate funds for the benefit of any proposed new or existing capital improvement project of the various state agencies.