2020 Arkansas Code
Title 18 - Property
Subtitle 4 - Mortgages And Liens
Chapter 50 - Statutory Foreclosures
§ 18-50-116. Miscellaneous provisions
(a) The procedures set forth in this chapter for the foreclosure of a mortgage or deed of trust shall not impair or otherwise affect the right to bring a judicial action to foreclose a mortgage or deed of trust.
(b) A notice of default and intention to sell shall be filed within the time the foreclosure of the mortgage or deed of trust by judicial action could have been commenced.
(c) The procedures set forth in this chapter shall apply only if the mortgagee or beneficiary is a mortgage company as defined in § 18-50-101 or is a bank or savings and loan. This chapter shall not apply to a mortgage or a deed of trust encumbering trust property used primarily for agricultural purposes.
(d) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to:
(1) Create an implied right of redemption in favor of any person; or
(A) Impair the right of any person or entity to assert his or her legal and equitable rights in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(B) However, a claim or defense of a person or entity asserting his or her or its legal and equitable rights shall be asserted before the sale or it is forever barred and terminated, except that the mortgagor may assert the following against either the mortgagee or trustee:
(i) Fraud; or
(ii) Failure to strictly comply with the provisions of this chapter, including without limitation subsection (c) of this section.
(i) The claims or defenses described in subdivision (d)(2)(B) of this section may not be asserted against a subsequent purchaser for value of the property.
(ii) For purposes of this section, “purchaser for value” does not include the mortgagee or the trustee.
(1) At any time prior to the delivery of the trustee's or mortgagee's deed, the trustee or mortgagee shall be authorized to set aside a sale conducted pursuant to this chapter by declaring the sale null and void and returning the purchase price to the highest bidder without any further liability to the bidder.
(2) In this event, the trustee or mortgagee shall file an affidavit declaring the sale null and void with the recorder of the county in which the trust property is located, and all terms and provisions of the mortgage or deed of trust shall be revived and reinstated as if no sale had occurred.