2019 Arkansas Code
Title 6 - Education
Subtitle 5 - Postsecondary and Higher Education Generally
Chapter 61 - Postsecondary Institutions Generally
Subchapter 7 - Rich Mountain Community College
§ 6-61-704. Transfer of Title to Certain Land
Title to the following-described lands in Polk County, State of Arkansas, belonging to the State Board of Career Education and Career Opportunities and used for the operation of the Rich Mountain Vocational-Technical School, is transferred to and shall become the property of the board of trustees of the community college district established in Polk County, to be used in connection with the vocational-technical programs and educational programs of such community college: “The Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW ¼ of SE ¼) of Section Eight (8), Township Two (2) South, of Range Thirty (30) West, containing forty (40) acres, more or less, in Polk County, Arkansas, subject to the reservation of a twenty-five foot (25′) strip of land off of the north side of the tract, for roadway purposes.”