2019 Arkansas Code
Title 6 - Education
Subtitle 2 - Elementary and Secondary Education Generally
Chapter 13 - School Districts
Subchapter 6 - School District Boards of Directors Generally
§ 6-13-617. Oath
(1) Each director elected for an initial or nonconsecutive term of office shall, within ten (10) days after receiving notice from the county clerk or his or her designee of his or her election or within ten (10) days after receiving notice from the county clerk or his or her designee of his or her appointment, subscribe to the following oath before an individual authorized to administer oaths under § 21-2-105:
“I, ________, do hereby solemnly swear or affirm, that I will support the United States Constitution and the Arkansas Constitution, and that I will not be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract made by the district of which I am a director, except as permitted by state law and that I will faithfully discharge the duties as school director in ________ School District upon which I am about to enter. ____ Director's Signature ____ Administrator's Signature ____ Date”.(2)
(A) After the oath is administered, the director shall submit a certification of the administration of the oath to the county clerk or his or her designee.
(B) The certification of the administration of the oath shall contain:
(i) A copy of the oath;
(ii) The director's signature;
(iii) The administrator's signature; and
(iv) The date.
(1) The county clerk, upon receipt of the certification of the administration of the oath prescribed for a director, shall immediately commission such persons, and they shall enter at once upon their duties as directors.
(2) By the close of business of the day following the receipt of the certification of the administration of the oath, the county clerk or his or her designee shall notify the superintendent of the school district by phone that the individual has subscribed to the director's oath and shall send a copy of the certificate of the administration of the oath to the school district’s central office within five (5) days.
(c) The failure of an elected director to have the oath administered as required under subsection (a) of this section will result in:
(1) The individual’s not being qualified to serve for the purpose of Arkansas Constitution, Article 19, § 5; and
(2) A holdover.