2019 Arkansas Code
Title 6 - Education
Subtitle 2 - Elementary and Secondary Education Generally
Chapter 13 - School Districts
Subchapter 10 - the Education Service Cooperative Act of 1985
§ 6-13-1025. Mathematics and Science Resource Center - Mathematics and Science Coordinator
(a) Consistent with funds available and upon a majority vote of the members present and voting, the board of directors of each education service cooperative established under this subchapter is authorized to establish a mathematics and science resource center and to employ a mathematics and science coordinator who has demonstrated expertise in mathematics and science content, in pedagogy, and in staff development.
(b) The duties of the mathematics and science coordinator at the mathematics and science resource center shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) Providing mathematics and science staff development for and individual technical assistance to personnel of member schools;
(2) Assisting member schools with determining mathematics and science curricula, with instruction, and with assessment of needs and resources necessary to meet those needs;
(3) Enhancing curricula and instruction using technology;
(4) Providing member schools with information for curriculum alignment with mathematics and science standards and state frameworks;
(5) Developing and coordinating a mathematics and science resource center located at the education service cooperative; and
(6) Assisting with the development of requests for proposals for teacher enhancement in mathematics and science.